R.vaughn English SBA
R.vaughn English SBA
R.vaughn English SBA
SONG: Go Na Granga
Reflection (Entry1)
The media is the main source of communication. It influences society
greatly in terms of how people think. The artifacts chosen by the
researcher revealed how the media conveys propaganda that could
potentially result in protests and riots. The print read by the researcher
entails a vivid comprehension of the negativity and biases that
influences the citizens in the country. The audio selected by the
researcher was unpleasant because it highlighted to the researcher, the
personal opinions of the artist as it relates to the elections which could
result in a revolt to some who found it offensive. The video disturbed
the researcher because it showcased how the media selects violent
footage to broadcast on live television and social media platforms for
their viewers which would inflict greater negative influences to the
country. The researcher believes the media should be used to spread
positivity along with awareness to the issue.
Reflection (Entry2)
The first piece of source which was a song done by Mahendra
Ramkellawan. The artist used an elevated level of Creole, to get the
attention to people of his kind and not to people that’s not his kind. The
artist song was very disturbing to people and young children of today
and showed effects of political unrest.
The second piece of source was a video which the researcher took from
YouTube. The video showed the unethical behavior of the people and
also illustrated the device of onomatopoeia which gives more
information that they are protest and showing that they don’t want
elections to rest until their parties win.
The third piece of source was a print which was done by chronicles
newspaper. This artifact give insight on how it all started and show the
device of flashback. The article stated why people were protesting and
encouraging effects of political unrest.
Reflection (ENTRY 3)
Facebook misleads us
They run with any interesting story they have
WhatsApp is definitely no better
News spreads like a wild fire
Oral Plan
The researcher’s creative piece took the form of a poem. Its title, ‘The misuse of media’ was
given based on the content of the poem. No research was conducted; it was written off of
previous knowledge of the researcher and pondering on the topic. It was told from a first
person perspective and it entailed the expectations of using the media to convey news versus
the the reality of the issue. It also showed how it is a critical medium from transferring
propaganda to the public and the potential chaos it can result in.