Cement Brochure
Cement Brochure
Cement Brochure
Lechler is Europe’s No. 1 choice and is one of the leading nozzle and systems providers world-
wide. For over 135 years, we have pioneered numerous groundbreaking developments in this
field. We combine comprehensive nozzle engineering expertise with a deep understanding
of application-specific requirements to create products that offer outstanding performance
and reliability.
Innovative solutions
for a trending market
Company founded Patent for Sales offices set up Expansion into the USA,
by Paul Lechler liquid atomization in Germany followed by further countries
Competence –
the advantage of multiple perspectives
Contents Page
Applications 4-5
advantages Gas cooling applications
Evaporative and bypass cooler 6-7
Downcomer duct 8
Wide product
range Cyclone preheater 9
Process- Clinker cooler 10
Ball and roller mill 11
For many years now, nozzles Our constant exchange of Costs under control VarioClean®-NOx 29-30
and spray systems for indus experiences with operators of CFD 31
trial gas conditioning has cement plants means we are In the production of cement in
Engineering and service 32
been an integral part of our always in tune with the latest particular, extreme environ
Environmental Technologies developments. mental conditions prevail. We Measuring technology 33-35
portfolio. An international manufacture our nozzles from
team of outstanding engi To provide you with local highly resistant materials with
neers and process engineers support, we are represented minimal wear.
continuously develop new all around the globe – with
solutions and adapt them to locations in the USA, Great The long service life of our
new challenges. Britain, India, China, ASEAN, high-quality components for Twin-fluid nozzles allow for
France, Belgium, Italy, Finland, valve skid units and systems an application-optimized fine
Through the use of global Hungary, Spain and Sweden, does not just reduce the pure droplet spectrum, whereas
databases and close as well as sales partners in costs of spare parts, but spillback systems do away
cooperation with external almost every country. also decreases downtimes with compressed air alto
specialized institutes and re and maintenance costs. In gether to reduce the energy
nowned plant manufacturers, addition, customer-specific consumption.
we have built up an interdi systems lower the operating
sciplinary knowledge base – costs to a minimum. Our job is to identify the
and with it optimal process appropriate solution in
integration. each case and then adapt
it perfectly to the on-site
Environmental Technologies Production, sales Opening of the new 13,000 m2 Opening of the new Development
division founded and administration in Metzingen production hall in Metzingen and Technology Center in Metzingen
An overview of Lechler applications
Downcomer duct
Roller mill
Cyclone preheater
SNCR process for the reduction of
Injection for compensation of nitrogen oxides and compliance with
temperature peaks or additional the legal limit values through power
cooling before the downcomer ful denitrification systems in various
duct. configurations.
Chlorine bypass
Clinker cooler
Our solution
For safe cooler operation and CFD simulations so as to reliability of operation and able to assist you in calculat
short evaporation distances, ensure an optimal and holistic plant availability. ing the amount of water and
homogeneous and swirl-free solution. dimensioning the evaporation
gas distribution over the In order to obtain an optimal distance.
entire duct cross-section The outlet temperature and and comprehensive design
is required. Using fixtures the required distance for the of the cooler and of the For implementation, we offer
(perforated plates, flow evaporation of the water are associated injection system, both twin-fluid or spillback
straighteners etc.) in the gas controlled via the amount of a large number of interacting systems. We configure your
inlet, the gas distribution can water injected and the droplet variables and different system in line with the pro
be optimized in a targeted size. Complete evaporation is operating conditions there cess data and the cooler size,
manner. We gladly support essential to prevent material fore need to be taken into thus giving you an optimum
our customers in the design buildup and damp material in account. Thanks to our many solution.
of these fixtures with detailed the discharge and to ensure years of experience, we are
At a glance
Typical operating values Advantages compared to false air
Inlet temperature: 250 – 500 °C and heat exchangers
Outlet temperature: 120 – 300 °C Large turn-down ratio
Short response times
Objectives Retrofitting in existing plants
Protection of downstream plant components Low investment costs
(e.g. hose filter) Positive process effects (e.g. higher dust moisture
Higher separation efficiency of electric filters leading to improved separation in the electric static filter)
Reduced operating gas volumes lower investment No clogging of the heat exchanger
and operating costs No increase of the operating gas quantity
Process optimization
Hg separation
Prevention of material build-up
Prevention of corrosion at dew-point temperature
Gas cooling applications
Downcomer duct
As an alternative or addition
to the gas cooling tower, the
gas can also be cooled down
after the preheating tower in
the downcomer duct. This
option is often used in new
plants and plants with a long
and straight duct.
Our solution
Gas cooling applications
Cyclone preheater
Our solution
Side effects
Reduced heat recovery in the top cyclone
Increase of production output
Gas cooling applications
Clinker cooler
Our solution
Gas cooling applications
Ball and roller mill
Only if overtemperatures
can be reliably avoided can
the ground raw material or
the ground cement be safely
and efficiently conveyed and
Our solution
Choosing the right nozzle
Best results are achieved in gas cooling and conditioning processes only
when detailed knowledge of process-specific requirements is available to
assist in the choice of nozzles.
Spillback nozzles
Atomization without compressed air
number of lances. . . .
V3= V1 – V2
V3 min: min. atomized liquid
(return line
. open)
. .
V3 max V3 max: max. atomized liquid
(return line
V3 p1: constant feed pressure
Gas cooling in medium- Spray angle of the Low operating Execution
sized and large gas individual nozzles costs as no as single or cluster
cooling towers 90° hollow cone atomizing air nozzle lances pos
required sible
VarioJet® nozzles
Twin-fluid nozzles with low air consumption
despite large outlet angle
air and liquid is, the finer the 60μm atomizer air
70μm volume flow
droplet spectrum. d32=
90μm 1 2C
The large free cross-sections 2A d32= 0μm Constant
=1 0
in the nozzle keep the risk d32 1 10μm droplet diameter
of clogging and the mainte d3
2=120μm μm
d3 130 m
nance effort to a minimum. 2B 1 d32= 32=140μ 50μm
d 1 m
d32= 160μ
p(air)= 6 bar
p(air)= 5 bar
p(air)= 1 bar p(air)= 4 bar
p(air)= 2 bar p(air)= 3 bar
Gas cooling in gas Large spray angle Adjustment of Clog-resistant
cooling towers as well (60°, 90°) for the droplet thanks to large
as gas-bearing pipes good coverage of the spectrum by free cross-sections
(ducts) cross-section of the changing the air/ without internal
duct fluid ratio fittings
Laval nozzles
Twin-fluid nozzles for a wide droplet
spectrum in special applications
d32= p(air)= 2 bar
p(air)= 1 bar .
d3 VWater
Air flow rate [m³/h STD]
p(air)= 4 bar
p(air)= 3 bar
p(air)= 2 bar
d32= 150µm
Use: p(air)= 1 bar
d32= 130µm
d32= 130µm d32= 150µm
Gas cooling in gas-
bearing pipes (ducts) Water flow rate [l/min]
and medium-sized and
small gas cooling towers
Injection of solids-laden Properties
Introduction of lime Small spray angle Adjustment of Clog-resistant
water in the desulfuri (15°), suitable for the droplet thanks to large
sation process small cross-sections spectrum by free cross-sections
Injection of aqueous and horizontal changing the air/ without internal
ammonia or urea ducts fluid ratio fittings
solution for the DeNOx
process (SNCR/SCR) Very large Very fine Typical
Chemical process V2 turn down ratio droplet spectrum bar
pressure range
engineering (spray of 20:1 (in some Liquid 1-6 bar, g
dryers etc.). cases up to 40:1) Atomizing air 1-6 bar, g
Lechler nozzle lances -
Highest spraying accuracy in the flue gas duct
Connection options
Spillback nozzles
Flange connections
Option 1: Wedge
Option 2: Standard flange e.g. DIN, ANSI etc.
Option 3: Special flange according to customer
VarioJet nozzle
1 2 3
Option 1: without protection tube
and without protection cap
Option 2: with protection tube
and with protection cap
... !
VarioCool ® gas cooling system -
for a perfectly tailored solution
Our valve skid units for regulating the flow rates of water and atomizing air are individual customer-specific
solutions. Based on the requirements in each case, our first step is to design an overall concept and select the
best components in order to create a perfectly tailored solution.
First-class engineering
To perform our engineering, we determine all relevant parameters and define the plant’s design. This includes determining
the nominal widths and pressure levels as well as designing the pumps and control valves. We draw up the P&I diagram
and make detailed equipment and signal lists as an option. Of course, the project is fully documented to ensure that
technology and processes can be quickly traced even after years of use.
High-quality components
An exact knowledge of of the characteristic properties of our nozzles is key here. For only a complete system that is
coordinated to how the nozzles function and operate will ensure smooth and economical operation of the gas cooling
system. The service life of the products used is key to a cement plant’s profitability. Unexpected failures can quickly
lead to plant stoppages and costly production outages. Which is why we fit our valve skid units with high-quality
components from well-known manufacturers as standard and the most important functional components are even
realized in redundant design.
The components are interconnected with pipes and mounted on a stable base frame with eyelets for crane transportation,
at the same time ensuring that all components for operation and maintenance are arranged in an easily accessible manner.
Tested quality
The design (e.g. dimensioning of nominal widths) and production are in line with the latest state of the art and comply with
all relevant standards. They are equally subject to the Lechler quality management system certified to DIN EN ISO 9001,
as is the final acceptance. Before delivery, the valve skid unit undergoes a pressure and tightness test and is checked by
our experienced engineers. This will avoid any problems during commissioning.
Option packages for our VarioCool® valve skid units
This assures that the customer has a The control has several modes of operation such
central connection point for all as automatic mode and manual mode for tests
electrical components and measuring during plant downtimes. In the event of faults, our
devices for further processing in the engineers can quickly perform a remote diagnosis
higher-level control. via the installed modem without the need for an
on-site visit.
VarioCool ® gas cooling system -
for a perfectly tailored solution
Ring mains are usually used to supply the In order to increase the injection
lances. Lechler supplies ring mains and turn-down ratio, individual lances or
headers together with the corresponding lance groups can be connected or
brackets for welding onto the flue gas disconnected. If the disconnected
duct. Accessories such as pressure lances are in the flue gas duct, the
transmitters and manometers plus the rest of the fluid should be purged.
appropriate connections for the lances Vaporization and deposits in the lance
and supply lines are also included in the can be prevented in this way.
scope of delivery.
Water tank
Temperature measurement
Gas conditioning
Denitrification (DeNOx)
In DeNOx applications, twin-fluid nozzles are used as a the different response characteristics of the injected media, it
general rule, whereby the reagent (typically aqueous ammonia must be possible to control the droplet size and thus the depth
or urea solution) is atomized with compressed air. The ad of penetration.
vantage that twin-fluid nozzles have compared to single-fluid
nozzles lies in the controllability of the droplet size and in the In DeNOx applications with SNCR processes, small Laval
realization of a large flow-rate control range. Due to the varying nozzles are usually used. For SCR processes and special SNCR
local conditions (duct size, gas velocity, temperature etc.) and applications there are special nozzles available.
Drop Drop
H2O temperature temperature
NH3 Urea
Time Time
When injecting aqueous ammonia, the evaporation process of In the case of urea solution, the water must evaporate
ammonia and water starts immediately after leaving the nozzle. completely first before the urea can split into its components
and the NH3 can react with the NOx.
Gas conditioning
Denitrification (DeNOx) SNCR
Our solution
Lechler nozzle lances for and manufactured in ac In addition to the SmartNOx® reduction levels and slip val
DeNOx applications are fitted cordance with the process starter system, Lechler has ues, but also lower reducing
with special nozzles. The requirements and meet the joined forces with STEAG to agent consumption by 30%
lances can be realized with specifications for DeNOx provide a modular SNCR sys and more. Depending on
all options such as protec applications. tem that can also be extend the price of the reagent, this
tion tube, shifting device and ed at a later time in line with leads to a significantly quicker
expansion compensator. The Our range of solutions requirements. The different ROI for the injection system.
nozzle lances are designed includes DeNOx systems for configurations help you to not
different specified limits. only adhere to the specified
Gas conditioning
Denitrification (DeNOx) SCR
With the selective catalytic to keep the efficiency high Lechler provides the
reaction (SCR), achieving a and catalyst waste low. The appropriate nozzle lances
high separation efficiency reagent is added immediately and where necessary, the
is possible only with the before the catalyst using the injection system as well.
aid of a catalyst. Due to nozzle lance in a temperature
the high concentration of window appropriate for the
dust, such a solution re reaction. Depending on the
quires special precautions customer’s process design,
Our solution
Gas conditioning
Denitrification (DeNOx) in long kiln
Special twin-fluid nozzles for DeNOx applications
For SCR processes and special SNCR processes there are special nozzles which have been developed to meet the
specific requirements. The same principles regarding control and operation apply for all twin-fluid nozzles, irrespec-
tively of the type.
Laval flat fan nozzle The droplet spectrum and the Special properties
pulse of the droplets can be
The Lechler Laval flat fan adapted by changing the air/ Wide and flat jet, Spray alignment
nozzle atomizes according to fluid ratio. spray angle possible
the principle of inside mixing. 60°
The air/fluid mixture exits via
three outlet holes creating a Turn-down ratio Adjustment of the
wide and flat spray with an V2 of over 10:1 droplet spectrum
even better surface coverage. by changing the air/
fluid ratio
pressure range
Liquid 1-5 bar, g
Atomizing air 1-5 bar, g
MasterNOx® for DeNOx possible into the boiler. The Special properties
processes nozzle specially developed
for the retrofitting of existing Spray angle Typical
The Lechler MasterNOx® noz power plants is characterized 15°, 30°, 60° bar
pressure range
zles are usually used in the by a small outer diameter, Liquid 1-10 bar, g
non-catalytic denitrification of so that it can fit between the Atomizing air 1-6 bar, g
flue gases (SNCR process). pipes of the boiler wall. It can Turn-down ratio
They are usually designed as also have a protective flow of V2 of over 50:1 Adjustment of
flat fan nozzles and achieve a barrier air around it without the droplet
high spraying range to make the need for the pipes to be spectrum by
the liquid penetrate as far as bent aside. changing the air/
water ratio
VarioClean®- NOx
The denitrification solution that grows with you
Three steps
for any requirement
Level 1
Depending on (what is re
quired by) the legal situation, Level 2
the modular system Level 3
VarioClean®-NOx can be
flexibly upgraded across the
three configuration levels
Basic, Efficiency and High
Efficiency SNCR. The base BasicSNCR Efficiency SNCR High Efficiency SNCR
frame and the base mod
ules are identical for all three The control of flue gas In the case of higher require The "high efficiency SNCR”
configurations. The difference denitrification is based on ments in terms of the limit (heSNCR) meets the highest
lies in the number of lances a NOx measurement at the values to be complied with NOx reduction demands
and injection levels, as well flue. Both aqueous ammonia and less stable temperature while at the same time
as in the software and sensor and urea can be used as a conditions, the "efficiency keeping reagent consumption
packages for the successful reagent for the denitrification. SNCR” (eSNCR) with a larger to a minimum. It has further
control of all necessary influ All existing lances are con number of lances is ideal. The lances, which are normally
encing factors. trolled by the conventional lances are installed on at least installed on at least three
control – depending on the two levels and each lance is different levels. The control
NOx concentration measured. individually supplied with the is extended to include online
The Basic SNCR is primarily reagent. CFD simulating the tempera
used where comparatively ture and flow conditions in the
high NOx limit values or no In addition, a software-based injection area. Together with
limit values must be observed "intelligent controller” is the estimated amount of NOx
for the NH3 slip and there connected with the PCS via in the raw gas and the NOx
are very stable temperature an interface and supplied with concentration measured in
conditions. current process signals. This the clean gas at the flue, the
allows the NOx concentration spray behavior of each lance
The base frame of the valve in the raw gas to be estimat can be individually controlled
skid unit and the installed ed and thus enables a more for an optimal use of the
fittings are designed for later accurate and more economi reagent.
upgrading. Further lances can cal dosing of the reagent.
be integrated using addition
al distributor pieces. Since
individually controllable lances
can be used from the start, a
basic SNCR system can be
extended to both of the next
configurations without any
The scopes of delivery for the 3-level SNCR are as follows:
Systems grow with the legal requirements
No unnecessary investments
Modular design in three upgradable configuration levels
Optimal reagent use resulting in reduction of
operating costs
High NOx reduction (suitable solutions for
requirements of differing complexity)
Low NH3 slip (adapted solutions for reduction
of NH3 slip)
Flow optimization with computational fluid dynamics
Engineering and service
Measuring technology –
The Lechler Development and Technology Center
There are many good rea Advanced technology be reliably derived for particle International cooperation
sons for the success of our size distributions and veloc
products. One very important We have further expanded ities. Measurements range We at Lechler value the
factor is that we know what our research capacities by from tiny water droplets in importance of international
we are doing before we do it. opening our own Develop the micrometer region to very cooperation. For this is often
ment and Technology Center. large droplets of around 8 mil what opens up new perspec
At Lechler, exact measure limeters. These are performed tives on a problem. In addi
ments have long been the A highlight here is a laser- with a high temporal and tion, cooperation offers us the
basis for clearly defined spray assisted phase doppler spatial resolution. possibility of testing nozzles in
characteristics. The data anemometer. very special test environments
obtained in our laboratories As one of the most modern Individual positions in and of discovering new use
form the foundation for any optical measuring procedures, the spray can be automati scenarios in this way.
it measures the velocity and cally approached and
the diameter of spherical measured with extremely
droplets simultaneously and high accuracy – in x, y and
without contact. Using the z directions.
data obtained, spectra can
Our USP: Practice-based knowledge
Since it was founded, Lechler has stood out for its development of new technologies. In more than a century we have
successfully filed a large number of patents. Starting with the "Centrifugal Sprayer" from 1893 and going up to state-of-
the-art technologies of the 21st Century. We will continue this proud tradition into the future, and our new technical center
will be key to doing so. After seven years of construction, the Lechler Development and Technology Center was opened
in the summer of 2016. Since then it has offered everything nozzle developers dream of on a surface of over 600 m².
In addition to extensive measuring facilities, state-of-the-art test benches with a wide range of pump performances are
available to measure and investigate sprays, from microfine mist to fuller sprays with varying jetting characteristics.
Measuring technology –
The Lechler Development and Technology Center
Lechler world-wide
Belgium: Lechler S.A./N.V. · Avenue Mercatorlaan, 6 · 1300 Wavre · Phone: +32 10 225022 · Fax: +32 10 243901 · [email protected]
China: Lechler Intl. Trad. Co. Ltd. · Beijing · Rm. 418 Landmark Tower · No. 8 Dong San Huan Bei Lu · Phone: +86 10 84537968, Fax: +86 10 84537458 · [email protected]
Finland: Lechler Oy · Jäspilänkatu 18 · 04250 Kerava · Phone: +358 207 856880 · Fax: +358 207 856881 · [email protected]
France: Lechler France, S.A. · Bât. CAP2 · 66-72, Rue Marceau · 93558 Montreuil cedex · Phone: +33 1 49882600 · Fax: +33 1 49882609 · [email protected]
Germany: Lechler GmbH · PO Box 13 23 · 72544 Metzingen · Phone: +49 7123 962-0 · Fax: (49) 7123 962-444 · [email protected]
Great Britain: Lechler Ltd. · 1 Fell Street, Newhall · Sheffield, S9 2TP · Phone: +44 114 2492020 · Fax: +44 114 2493600 · [email protected]
India: Lechler (India) Pvt. Ltd. · Plot B-2 · Main Road · Wagle Industrial Estate · Thane (W) - 400604 · Phone: +91 22 40634444 · Fax: +91 22 40634497 · [email protected]
Italy: Lechler Spray Technology S.r.l. · Via Don Dossetti, 2 · 20080 Carpiano (Mi) · Phone: +39 02 98859027 · Fax: +39 02 9815647 · [email protected]
Malaysia: Lechler Spray Technology Sdn. Bhd. · No. 23, Jalan Teknologi 3/3A · Taman Sains Selangor 1 · Kota Damansara, PJU 5 · 47810 Petaling Jaya · Malaysia · [email protected]
Sweden: Lechler AB · Kungsängsvägen 31 B · 753 23 Uppsala · Phone: +46 54 137030 · Fax: +46 54 137031 · [email protected]
Spain: Lechler S.A. · Avda. Pirineos 7 · Oficina B7, Edificio Inbisa I · 28700 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid · Phone: +34 91 6586346 · Fax: +34 91 6586347 · [email protected]