C. Compare and Contrast The Presentations of The Same Issues in Different Multimodals Texts. Then, Write Your Answers On The Space Provided

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C. Compare and Contrast the presentations of the same issues in different multimodals texts.

Then, write your answers on the space provided.

Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3


All three presentations deal with hand hygiene. It tells us the knowledge to understand the importance of hand hygiene to protect us
from COVID-19. It also discusses both how to hand wash and use hand rub to prevent the spread of germs during the COVID-19
pandemic, which is currently underway.

Differences Differences Differences

As we can see in For the paper-based For the live multimodal
presentation one as digital multimodal text in text, as an example in
multimodal text, it uses presentation two, it presentation three
linguistics, visual, and uses only linguistics. regarding hand
spatial. Choices of words, hygiene, all the
phrases, and sentences elements of the
are organized through multimodal text are
linguistics grammar present: linguistics,
conventions, register, visual, audio, gestural,
and genre. and spatial.
D. Look for an issue with multimodal texts from a magazine, advertisement, or any of your choices with atleast 2 combined modes and any type of
multimodal text. Paste them in each box. Then write the comparison and contrast of the 2 issues/texts you have chosen.
As we can see in issue one Both issues concern As an example in issue
that I have chosen, the seafarers’ ability to cope two that I have chosen
digital multimodal text is with stress during regarding coping with
conveyed to the reader COVID-19. It advises us stress during COVID-19,
through varying to speak with our only linguistics is
combinations of visual families or friends if we conveyed to the reader
(image), linguistics, and feel down or stressed for the paper-based
spatial modes. while on board. multimodal text.

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