Muscovite in Schist

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Mineral structure: Sheet silicate Common mineral in Pelites (Slates, Schists, Gneisses), Granites Rock-forming minerals associated with Muscovite: Quartz, Biotite

Muscovite in Schist
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Key optical features of muscovite in thin section: Colourless Single cleavage Moderate Relief High order interference colours Straight extinction Common minerals that might be confused with muscovite and occur in similar rocks: Not many! Biotite (strongly coloured), Common alteration product: None

Muscovite shape and interference colours

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Note: Muscovite has good crystal shape forming sheets elongate parallel to the mineral cleavage. Interference colours are high order, often slightly dusty or crinkled appearance due to irregularities in the polished surface (i.e. thickness of the section)

Aligned muscovite in schist

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Note: Most muscovite grains in extinction position Stage rotated by 45o Analyser out Analyser in

Note: Regional metamorphism causes muscovite sheets to align in similar orientation, rotation of the microscope stage results in muscovite grains going into extinction in similar position. Also note higher relief than adjacent low order interference quartz.

Folded muscovite-rich fabric

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Note: Cleavage domains of muscovite and chlorite in similar orientation, Extinction is typically wavy in bent mica plates

Muscovite in albite (plagioclase) porphyroblast schist

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Note: Anastomosing fabric defined by muscovite sheets with high order interference colours

Muscovite in slate (fine grained) with pale green chlorite, quartz and plagioclase
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Note: Small colourless muscovite in low grade rocks is typically thinner than 30 m section and so have lower order interference colours, or colours that are higher order in the thicker centre of grains Analyser out Analyser in




Note: Aligned muscovite showing higher order interference colours than matrix quartz.

Muscovite in biotite- quartz schist

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Note: Higher relief than adjacent quartz and high order interference colours Take the Muscovite test Return to top Return to introduction


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