Social Studies Sba KD

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(YEAR 2022)

Name of Candidate: Kemanie Douglas

Centre name: Pure Masters Academy

Centre #:

Candidate #:

Teacher: Ms Rogers

Title: An investigation on measures that can be implemented to reduce the increase in the crime rate in
Diamond housing Scheme.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement page 3

Introduction page 4

Statement of problem page 5

Reason for selecting the area of research page 6

Method of investigation page 7

Instrument used to collect data page 8

Procedures used to collect data page 11

Presentation of data page 12

Analysis and interpretation of data page 15

Statement of findings page 16

Recommendation and implementation page 17

Conclusion page 18

Appendix page 19

The researcher would like to express gratitude of thanks as the completion of this school
based assessment would not have been possible without the assistance and cooperation of a
variety of persons. The researcher genuinely thanks the residents of the community with
answering the questionnaires distributed.

Family members who served as an important source for providing information. The
researcher thanks his parents for providing him with the essentials needed to complete this

At last the researcher thanks the teacher and God for guiding him through to get this
study completed.


Diamond housing scheme, is a community that is situated on the east bank of Demerara. It is
located in the country of Guyana that is about 214,969 km2. The country has approximately
776,899 persons. The council of diamond housing scheme has the responsibility of providing
protection services for the village which consist of 350 households and more.

Map of Diamond, East Bank Demerara, Guyana

For the past seven years the researcher has been residing in this community. It was observed that
during these times there were multiple crime activities that took place as illegal drug acts, murder
and robbery. Having such criminal acts in the community mad residents had massive fears about
leaving home at certain times and trusting persons.

It was also observed that the police patrol services do not perform their job which made the
researcher had an interest in doing the topic. In doing so the researcher conducted an
investigation in what measures can be implemented to reduce the increase in the crime rate in

Task One

Statement Of The Problem

What measures can be implemented to reduce the increase in the crime rate in Diamond?

The aims of this case it to investigate the:

1. Causes for the increase in the crime rate in Diamond Housing scheme
2. Effects crime rate has on the people of this area.
3. Measures that can be implemented to reduce the increase in the crime rate of this

Task Two
Reason for Selecting The Area Of Research

The topic was selected by the researcher because of the rapid crime rate in Diamond
Housing Scheme and how it affects the residents living in the area. The researcher’s aim
is to find a solution to reduce such conflict.

The researcher chose ‘Diamond Housing Scheme’ due to the amount of persons residing
in the population and the fact that the community will assist in identifying the issues and
solutions relating to the topic.

Task Three
Method Of Investigation

A questionnaire is printed research equipment used to gather information for the purpose
of a study. It was selected by the researcher as a method. It is beneficial to the researcher
in ways such as:

1. It is served as an economical purpose for both the researcher and the respondent as it is
concerned with the effort and cost.
2. It is considered as a very simple method since it is easy to construct.
3. It generates quick results due to the fact that you don’t have to wait for the data since it is
easily acquired.

Task Four

Instrument Used To Collect Data

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

School Based Assessment (SBA)

Social- Studies

Title: what measures can be implemented to reduce the increase in the crime rate in Diamond
Housing Scheme

Dear Respondent,

The researcher prepared a questionnaire which is being conducted in the

community diamond housing scheme to investigate what measures can be implemented to reduce
the increase in crime rate it is coordinated as an assignment for social-studies at this time. It is
noted that the questions are answered in your opinion which are not wrong in any way. You are
required to read the given instructions.

Your honesty, cooperation and effort are highly appreciated.

Expressing gratitude of thanks

Yours sincerely,

Kemanie Douglas


1. What is your gender?

o Male
o Female
2. What ethnic group describes you?
a. African descent
b. East Indian descent
c. Amerindian descent
d. Mixed descent
3. What age range describes you?
a. 10-20 yrs.
b. 21-25 yrs.
c. 26-30 yrs.
d. Over 30 yrs.
4. How long have you been residing in this community?
a. 1-3 yrs.
b. 4-6 yrs.
c. 7-10 yrs.
d. Over 10 yrs.
5. Do you think that your community will be a better place next year or will it remain the same?
a. I think it will improve
b. It will remain the same
c. It will get worse
d. I cannot say
6. In diamond housing scheme what do you think is a main factor that influence an increase in
the crime rate?
a. Poverty
b. Parental Neglect
c. Social Level of mortality
d. Unemployment
7. In your community which crime occur the most?
a. Robbery
b. Murder
c. Theft
d. Use of illegal drugs
8. How often do you see police patrolling in diamond housing scheme?
a. Once a week
b. Twice a week
c. Monthly

d. Barely
9. What are the effects of crime on victims?
a. The physical effects of injury through violent crime
b. Inconvenience and expenses due to theft
c. Self-blame
d. Psychological effects such as anger or fear; flashback to offences
10. Are you a victim of crime?
 Yes
 No
11. Who do you think is most targetable by the perpetrator of crime?
a. Young Adults
b. Elders
c. Teenagers
d. Middle aged persons
12. Do you think crime rate are best dealt by the police or community residents?
a. It depends on the type of crime
b. Crimes are best dealt by residents of the area
c. Crime are best dealt by the police of the area
d. Can be dealt with both police and residents of the area
13. How can individuals safe guard themselves against crime?
a. Avoid walking on the streets on the night
b. Avoid using ATM machine late at nights
c. If you are a victim report the crime
d. Even if you are out for a few minutes lock everywhere

14. Which weapon is commonly used to commit a crime in your area?

a. Knives
b. Guns
c. Daggers
d. Axes
15. What measures can be used to reduce an increase in crime rate in Diamond Housing School?
a. Create well targeted programmes
b. Have surveillance cameras
c. Have law enforcement facilities
d. Keep track on crime and spread the word

10 | P a g e
Task Five
Procedures Used To Collect Data
In the village, Diamond Housing Scheme there is approximately 300 households. However, the
researcher choose to conduct the investigation in 1st to 5th avenue which consist of 150
households It was evaluated that a sample of 20% was mandatory in order to gather precise
conclusions on what measures can be implemented to reduce the crime rate in diamond housing

A total of 30 questionnaires were prepared for the residents. The researcher anticipated that at
least 25 questionnaires will be returned.

The researcher randomly selected households that can cover for the listed requirements. The
names of respondents were obtained from the school. The lot number of each household was
written on pieces of paper that was placed in a paper bag; the bag was shaken so that the
numbers will be mixed. An amount of 30 slips were pulled from the bag while shaking. The
selected 30 households were given questionnaires.

The questionnaires were distributed on 19th November, 2018 at 17:30 hours because respondents
normally reaches home at this particular time after work and was collected on 15th December,

11 | P a g e
Task six

Presentation of data
Figure one

Causes For The Increase In The Crime Rate In Di-

amond Housing Scheme


Social level of mortality


Parental Neglect


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of Respondents

12 | P a g e
Figure two

Effect Crime
Rate Has On The People Of The Area

20% the physical effects of injury

through violent crime
inconvenience and expanses due
to theft
self blame
50% psychological effects such as
anger or fear; flashback offences


13 | P a g e
Figure three

Measures That Can Be Implemented To Re-

duce The Increase In The Crime Rate Of The
es as es d
m er ic liti wor
am m
r ca tf
og ce n ad
pr lan
veil r ce sp
ge r fo
r su en nd
ta ve ea
ell ha law im
ve cr
ha n
ea o
cr ack
to tr

14 | P a g e
Task seven

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

In figure one, the bar graph is showing the causes for an increase in the rate in Diamond
Housing Scheme. It can be clearly indicated that 33.3% of respondents believed that the cause
for an increase in the crime rate in this village is unemployment. Another 26.6% believed that it
is caused by poverty, parental neglect also account for the same figure. At last social level of
mortality accounts for 13.3%.

Figure two is a pie chart showing the effect crime rate has on people in the area. It can be
clearly seen to indicate that 50% of respondents believed that the effect crime rate has on the
people of the area is the physical effects of injury through violent crime while another 20%
believed that another effect would be self- blame, psychological effects such as anger or fear;
flashback offences also account for the same figure. At last, Inconvenience and expenses due to
theft accounts for 10%.

In figure three, is a histogram showing what measures can be implemented to reduce the
increase in the crime rate of the community. 50% residents of the community select surveillances
a measure that can be implemented to reduce the increase in the crime rate of the community.
Another 20% accounts for have law enforcement facilities, keep track on crime and spread the
word also accounts for the same figure. To create well targeted programmes accounts for 10%.

Task eight
15 | P a g e
Statement of Findings
After completing this school based assessment based on the topic what measures can be
implemented to reduce the increase in the crime rate of in diamond housing scheme it was
revealed that:

 Unemployment is the main reason for an increase in crime rate because there aren’t
sufficient resources available since it can be clearly seen in the bar graph since this factor
accounts for 33.3%.
 The physical effects of injury through violent crime is the main effect for an effect crime
rate has on the residents of the area, it can be clearly seen on the pie chart since this effect
accounts for 50%
 Have surveillance cameras is the main solution for a measure that can be implemented to
reduce an increase in the crime rate of the village. It can be clearly seen on the doughnut
chart since, this factors accounts for 50%

16 | P a g e
Task nine

Recommendations and implementation

It is important for the residents of the community to be aware of what may cause an
increase in the crime. In order to reduce an increase in the crime rate, persons of the community
should cooperate as they all have the same aim.

One of the most important recommendations that are needed to reduce an increase in the
crime rate would be to create more security services since it is one of the safest and secure ways.
Additionally, it will not only benefit the residents of the community but also there are more jobs
available for persons in general.

Residents of the community can further install surveillance cameras in their home as a
way of protecting themselves especially if the owners are not at home and will serve as evidence
if any act of crime took place.

 Security services
1. Provide more training for the persons so that they can specialized in the different
2. Provide better armed weapons that will be more beneficial and helpful.
 Surveillance cameras
3. Provide more developed equipment that can get the task done faster.

17 | P a g e
In conclusion, from the gathered data the researcher observed that the increase in crime rate can
be caused mostly by unemployment as there aren’t sufficient resources for creating job
opportunities. The researcher also observed that the best solution that can be implemented that
would be used to reduce an increase in the crime rate would be to have law enforcement facilities
as it is safer and it will not only benefit the persons that need protection but will also create jobs
for persons that are in need.

18 | P a g e

19 | P a g e
Tally chart
Questions Options No. of Tallies
1. What is your Male 15 //// //// ////
gender? Female 15 //// //// ////
2. What ethnic a. African descent 11 //// //// /
group are you b. East Indian descent 8 //// ///
from? c. Amerindian descent 5 ////
d. Mixed descent 6 //// /
3. What age range A 10-20 yrs. 8 //// ///
describes you? b 21-25 yrs. 7 //// //
c. 26-30 yrs. 9 //// ////
d. Over 30 yrs 6 //// /
4. How long have a. 1-3 yrs. 8 //// ///
you been residing b. 4-6 yrs. 9 //// ////
in the c. 7-10 yrs. 5 ////
community? d. Over 10 yrs 8 //// ///

5. Do you think that 12 //// //// //

your community a. I think it will improve 10 //// ////
will be a better b. It will remain the same - -
place next year or c. It will get worse 8 //// ///
will it remain the d. I cannot say
6. In diamond a. Robbery 8 //// ///
housing scheme b. Murder 8 //// ///
what do you think c. Theft 4 ////
is a main factor d. Use of illegal drugs 10 //// ////
that influence an
increase in the
crime rate?
7. In your a. Once a week 9 //// ////
community which b. Twice a week 5 ////
crime occur the c. Monthly 10 //// ////
most? d. Barely 6 //// /
8. How often do you 7 //// //
see police a. The physical effects of injury 4 ////
patrolling in through violent crime 9 //// ////
diamond housing b. Inconvenience and expanses due 10 //// ////
scheme? to theft
c. Self-blame
d. Psychological effects such as
anger or fear; flashback to offences
9. What are the 15 //// //// ////
effects of crime a. The physical effects of injury 3 ///

20 | P a g e
on victims? through violent crime 6 //// /
b. Inconvenience and expanses due 6 //// /
to theft
c. Self-blame
d. Psychological effects such as
anger or fear; flashback to offences
10. Are you a victim Yes 10 //// ////
of crime? No 20 //// //// //// ////
11. Who do you think a. Young Adults 8 //// ///
is most targetable b. Elders 6 //// /
by the perpetrator c. Teenagers 7 //// //
of crime? d. Middle aged persons 9 ///// ////
12. Do you think a. It depends on the type of crime 9 //// ////
crime rate are b. Crimes are best dealt by 7 //// //
best dealt by the residents of the area 8 //// ///
police or c. Crime are best dealt by the 6 //// /
community police of the area
residents? d. Can be dealt with both police
and residents of the area
13. What measures a. Create well targeted 3 ///
can be used to programmes 15 //// //// ////
reduce an b. Have surveillance cameras 6 //// /
increase in crime c. Have law enforcement facilities 6 //// /
rate in Diamond d. Keep track on crime and spread
Housing Scheme? the word
14. Which weapon is 3 ///
commonly used a. Knives 14 \\\\ \\\\ ////
to commit a b. Guns 7 //// //
crime in your c. Daggers 6 //// /
area? d. Axes
15. How can a. Avoid walking on the streets on 10 //// //// ////
individuals safe the night 5 ////
guard themselves b. Avoid using ATM machine late 10 //// //// ////
against crime? at nights 5 ////
c. If you are a victim report the
d. Even if you are out for a few
minutes lock everywhere

21 | P a g e

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