Social Studies SBA

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Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)

School Based Assessment (SBA)



Candidate #:

Centre #:





The completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance and
cooperation of my family members and friends, as a result, I’d like to convey my heartfelt
appreciation to my sister, Stacia McDonald whom has given me reinsurance in terms of
information and also motivation in order for me to complete this assignment. I would like to also
thank God for the good health and strength that was necessary to complete this study.
Table of Contents Page Number

Task 1 Statement of problem

Task 2 Reason for selecting area of research

Task 3 Method of investigation

Task 4 Instrument used to collect data

Task 5 Procedures used to collect data

Task 6 Presentation of data

Task 7 Analysis and Interpretation of data

Task 8 Findings

Task 9 Recommendations and suggestions


Topic: preparing offspring for parenthood

1. How do parents prepare offspring for parenthood?

2. How does preparing offspring for parenthood benefit them?
3. What are some problems faced with preparing offspring for parenthood?

I chose this topic the extent to which families in my village prepare their offspring for
parenthood because I want to investigate how parents prepare their offspring for parenthood in
my community. I would like to observe how it can benefit them, both mentally and physically. I
would mainly be focusing on how parents can be role models towards their offspring by giving
them physical attention, advice on how to be responsible and what is right from wrong.
Preparing for parenthood is necessary because becoming a parent brings changes to a person
which includes their life roles. Therefore, they have to take steps to manage changes by
considering skills, tasks, and experiences. It has been said that parenting is the hardest job in the
universe as well as the least prepared. Digging into this topic would show how one can prepare
for parenthood with the help of human resources, that being families in my community. It would
also show how offspring can prepare for mental and emotional changes. 

In order to conduct research on my topic “the extent to which families in my village prepare their
offspring for parenthood.” I decided to conduct a survey using printed questionnaires, in order to
gather information for the survey.

Using a questionnaire allows me to:

 Collect a large amount of data in a short space of time.

 Collect numerical data which can generally be used to produce diagrams.

 Printed questionnaires are affordable for me as a student to generate.



DATE: Friday 30th August, 2019

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am inviting you to take part in this questionnaire to gain the views of parents and families as to
how they prepare their offspring for parenthood.

Your views will be greatly appreciated. This questionnaire should take approximately 5 to 10
minutes to complete. Answers are strictly confidential and it does not require an individual
address either household.

Thank you for your time.

Yours respectfully,
Breanna Mc Donald

1. Sex

Male Female

2. To what ethnic group do you belong?

African descent

Chinese descent

Indian descent

Mixed descent

3. At what age do you think you should start to prepare offspring for parenthood?

16-18 18-19 20-25

4. Do you think parents can take corrective actions when the offspring falls out of line?

Yes No

If yes, state why?


5. Do you think offspring should be taught how to take care of their belongings?

Yes No
6. Do you think preparing offspring for parenthood is necessary?

Yes No

If your answer is yes, please state your reason.


7. How do you think parents should discipline their offspring?

Setting rules and regulations


All of the above

8. What are the positive effects of preparing offspring for parenthood?

The offspring will know how to be a good parent

The offspring will have disciplinary skills so they can discipline when they go through

All of the above

9. How can parents teach offspring about money management?

Giving them a fixed amount of money to go to the supermarket/grocery then discussing

whether the money was wisely spent

Discussing with them the amount of their weekly/monthly allowances and how these
should be managed

All off the above

10. How can parents help their offspring’s break out unhealthy eating habits?

Involve offspring in backyard garden

Help offspring to develop taste for healthy foods

All of the above

11. Do you judge other parents parenting skills?

Yes No

12. How would you see yourself as a parent?

Average The greatest parent

13. What do you think are characteristics of good parenting?


Ability to express love

All of the above

14. How do you think parents can portray demonstration of love to their offspring’s?

Spending quality time with offspring by playing games with them (football, cricket etc.)

Providing offspring with emotional support in times of crisis

All of the above

15. What do you think good parenting requires?



All of the above


Book: Ramsawak, R, and Ralph Umraw, 2009. Modules

In social studies: with SBA Guide.
Caribbean Educational Publishers: Trinidad

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