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3. Sources of Obligations
Art. 1157, CC. Obligations arise from:
1. Law;
1. Definition 2. Contracts;
3. Quasi-contracts;
Art. 1156, CC. An obligation is a juridical 4. Acts or omissions punished by law;
necessity to give, to do or not to do. and
5. Quasi-delicts.
It is established by:
1. law
2. bilateral acts (e.g. contracts giving rise
to obligations stipulated therein)
3. unilateral acts (e.g. crimes and quasi-
• the deviation from the obligation must When demand is not necessary in order
be slight, and the omission or defect that delay may exist [par. 2, Art. 1169, CC]
must be technical and unimportant, 1. When demand would be useless, as
and must not pervade the whole or be when the obligor has rendered it beyond
so material that the object which the his power to perform; such as:
parties intended to accomplish in a a. When the impossibility is caused by
particular manner is not attained. some act or fault of the debtor (e.g.
[International Hotel Corp v. Joaquin, debtor absconded or has destroyed the
G.R. No. 158361 (2013)] thing to be delivered);
b. When the impossibility is caused by a
The question of whether a breach of contract is fortuitous event, but the debtor has
substantial depends upon the attending bound himself to be liable in case of
circumstances and not merely on the such event. [Tolentino]
percentage of the amount not paid. [Cannu v. 2. When from the nature and the
Galang, G.R. No. 139523 (2005)] circumstances of the obligation it appears
that the designation of the time when the
b. Default, Delay, or Mora thing is to be delivered or the service is
to be rendered was a controlling motive
Definition: Failure to perform an obligation for the establishment of the contract (time
on time which constitutes a breach of the is of the essence);
obligation. [de Leon] 3. When the law so provides; or
4. When the obligation expressly so
Rules on Default, Delay, or Mora declares.
Unilateral Obligations Reciprocal Note: It is insufficient that the law or obligation
Obligations fixes a date for performance. It must further
state expressly that after the period lapses,
General Rule: “No Neither party
default will commence.
demand, No delay.” incurs in delay if
the other does not
The mere expiration of comply or is not
1. Moral Solvendi;
the period fixed by the ready to comply in
2. Mora Accipiendi;
parties is not enough in a proper manner
3. Compensatio Morae
order that the debtor with what is
may incur in delay. incumbent upon
him. From the
Delay on the part of the debtor to fulfil his
Those obliged to deliver moment one of the
obligation either to give (ex re) or to do (ex
or to do something parties fulfills his
incur in delay from obligation, delay
the time the obligee by the other
judicially or begins. [Art. 1169
1. Obligation must be liquidated, due and
extrajudicially par. 3, CC]
demands from them
2. Non-performance by the debtor within the
the fulfillment of their No delay if neither
period agreed upon
obligation. [Art. 1169 performs.
3. Demand, judicial or extra-judicial, by the
par. 1, CC]
creditor, unless demand is not necessary
under the circumstances enumerated in Art
1169 par (2).
1. Delay of the obligor cancels delay of Definition: Fraud (dolo) is the deliberate or
obligee (and vice versa) hence it is as if intentional evasion of the normal fulfilment of
there is no default. an obligation. [de Leon]
2. The liability of the first infractor shall be
equitably tempered by the courts. If it
cannot be determined which of the parties
first violated the contract, the same shall be
deemed extinguished, and each shall bear
his own damages. [Art. 1192, CC]
Right to Rescind
The rescission on account of breach of
stipulations is not predicated on injury to
economic interests of the party plaintiff but
on the breach of faith by the defendant, that
violates the reciprocity between the parties.
Distinguished from Rescission under Art. Right of the creditor to exercise all of the rights
1380 and bring all the actions which his debtor may
have against third persons.
Rescission / Rescission [Art.
Resolution [Art. 1380, CC] In order to satisfy their claims against the
1191, CC] debtor, creditors have the ff. successive rights:
1. To levy by attachment and execution upon
Based on non- Based on lesion or all the property of the debtor, except those
performance or fraud upon creditors. exempt from execution;
non-fulfillment of 2. To exercise all the rights and actions of the
obligation. debtor, except such as are inherently
personal to him; and
Action is instituted Action is instituted by 3. To ask for rescission of the contracts made
only by the injured either party or by a by the debtor in fraud of their rights.
party. third person.
Principal action, Subsidiary action, in
1. The person to whom the right of action
retaliatory in the absence of any
pertains must be indebted to the creditor
character. other legal means to 2. The debt is due and demandable
obtain reparation.
3. The creditor must be prejudiced by the
Applies only to Applies to either failure of the debtor to collect his debts due
reciprocal unilateral or reciprocal him from third persons, either through
obligations where obligations even when malice or negligence
one party is guilty the contract has been 4. The debtors assets are insufficient (debtor
of non-fulfillment fully fulfilled. is insolvent)
5. The right of action is not purely personal to
In some cases, Court cannot grant a the debtor
court may grant a period or term within
term for which one must Previous approval of the court is not necessary
performance. comply. to exercise the accion subrogatoria.
A fortuitous event does not interrupt the Trigger: (1) Something has been paid or
running of the period. It only relieves the delivered before the arrival of the period, (2) the
contracting parties from the fulfillment of their obligor being unaware of the period or
respective obligations during the period. believing that the obligation has become due
[Victoria’s Planters v. Victoria Milling Co., G.R. and demandable
No. L-6648 ] Effect: That thing paid or delivered may be
recovered with fruits and interests
Term/Period and Condition Distinguished
Loss, Deterioration, or Improvement of the
Term/Period Condition Thing Before Period Expires [Art. 1194, CC]
Interval of time which Fact or event which
Trigger: In case of loss, deterioration or
is future and certain is future and
improvement of the thing before the arrival of
the day certain
Must necessarily May or may not Effect: The rules in Art. 1189 shall apply
come, although it happen
may not be known Benefit of the Period [Art. 1196, CC]
Trigger: Whenever in an obligation a period is
Period for the benefit of either creditor or Exceptions: If the Court determines that one
debtor of the 3 circumstances [below] are present, it
must decide the period “probably contemplated
Creditor Debtor
by the parties” [Araneta v. Phil. Sugar Estates,
Creditor may Debtor may oppose any G.R. No. L-22558 (1967)]
demand the premature demand on 1. obligation does not fix a period, but from its
fulfillment or the part of the obligee for nature and circumstances, it can be
performance of the performance of the inferred that a period was intended
the obligation at obligation, or if he so 2. the period is void, such as when it depends
any time but the desires, he may upon the will of the debtor
obligor cannot renounce the benefit of 3. If the debtor binds himself when his means
compel him to the period by performing permit him to do so.
accept payment his obligation in advance.
before the Courts shall determine such period as may
expiration of the have been probably contemplated by the
period. parties [Art. 1197, CC]
Application: When a period was intended by
the parties [Macasaet v. Macasaet, G.R. Nos.
If the period is for the benefit of the debtor 154391-92 (2004)]
alone, he shall lose every right to make use General Rule: Once fixed by the courts, the
of it: period cannot be changed by them.
(a) When after the obligation has been Exception: The rule does not apply to contract
contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless of services and to pure obligations. [Tolentino]
he gives a guaranty or security for the debt;
(b) When he does not furnish to the creditor
the guaranties or securities which he has
4. Alternative or facultative
(c) When by his own acts he has impaired said Alternative and Facultative Conditions
guaranties or securities after their Distinguished
establishment, and when through a Alternative Facultative
fortuitous event they disappear, unless he Obligations Obligations
immediately gives new ones equally
satisfactory; Of the two or more Of the two or more
(d) When the debtor violates any undertaking, prestations, several prestations, only
in consideration of which the creditor are due. one is due, while the
agreed to the period; other/s may be
(e) When the debtor attempts to abscond [Art. performed in
1198, CC] substitution of the
(f) When required by law or stipulation; one due.
(g) If parties stipulated an acceleration clause
Effect of breach: Effect of breach: Art. 1214, CC. The debtor may pay any one
Solidarity remains Obligation is of the solidary creditors; but if any demand,
converted to judicial or extrajudicial, has been made by
indemnity for one of them, payment should be made to
damages him.
not anything which may be prejudicial to can recover from the co-debtors their
the latter. [Art. 1212, CC] respective shares
4. One creditor does NOT represent all others 2. Each debtor may set up his own claims
in acts such as novation (even if against the creditor as payment of the
advantageous), compensation and obligation
remission. In this case, even if the debtor is 3. Remission of the entire debt affects all
released, the other creditors can still debtors, but when remission is limited
enforce their rights against the creditor who to the share of one debtor, the other
made the novation, compensation or debtors are still liable for the balance of
remission [par. 2, Art. 1215, CC] the obligation
5. The creditor who collects the debt, shall be a. The remission of the whole obligation,
liable to the others for the share in the obtained by one of the solidary debtors,
obligation corresponding to them. [par. 2, does not entitle him to reimbursement
Art. 1215, CC] from his co-debtors. [Art. 1220, CC]
6. The credit and its benefits are divided b. The remission made by the creditor of
equally among them, unless agreement to the share which affects one of the
the contrary. solidary debtors does not release the
7. Debtor may pay any one of the solidary latter from his responsibility towards
creditors; but if any demand, judicial or the co-debtors, in case the debt had
extrajudicial, has been made by one of been totally paid by any one of them
them, payment should be made to him who before the remission was effected. [Art.
demanded [Art. 1214, CC] 1219, CC]
4. All debtors are liable for the loss of the
PASSIVE SOLIDARY OBLIGATION thing due, even if only one of them is at
fault, or after incurring delay it is lost by
General Rules fortuitous event
1. The creditor may proceed against any 5. Interruption of prescription as to one
one of the solidary debtors or some or debtor affects all others, but
all of them long as renunciation of prescription already
the debt has not been fully collected had does not prejudice the others.
[Art. 1216, CC] (Reason: prescription extinguishes the
2. Payment made by one of the solidary mutual representation among solidary
debtors extinguishes the obligation. If debtors)
two or more solidary debtors offer to 6. Interests due by delay of one is borne
pay, the creditor may choose which by all of them
offer to accept. [Art. 1217, CC]
3. A solidary debtor may, in actions filed DEFENSES AVAILABLE TO A SOLIDARY
by the creditor, avail himself of all DEBTOR [Art. 1222, CC]
defenses which are derived from the
nature of the obligation and of those 1. Those derived from the nature of the
which are personal to him, or pertain to obligation
his own share. For defenses which Defenses inherent in an obligation include
personally belong to the others, such non-existence of the obligation because of
debtor may avail himself thereof only absolute simulation or illicit object, nullity
as regards that part of the debt for due to defect in capacity or consent of all
which the latter are responsible. [Art. debtors, unenforceability, non-
1222, CC] performance of suspension condition or
non-arrival of period, extinguishment of the
Effects of Passive Solidarity [Tolentino] obligation, res judicata, and prescription.
1. Each debtor can be required to pay the
entire obligation, but after payment he
4. Those personally belonging to other co- With fault All debtors shall be responsible to
debtors but only as regards that part of of any of the creditor, for the price and the
the debt for which the latter are the payment of damages and interest,
responsible. debtors without prejudice to their action
against the guilty or negligent
Comparing demand upon Solidary Debtor debtor.
and Payment by a Solidary Debtor
Through All debtors shall be responsible to
Demand Upon a Payment by a a the creditor, for the price and the
Solidary Debtor Solidary Debtor fortuitous payment of damages and interest,
event without prejudice to their action
The demand made Full payment made after one against the guilty or negligent
against one of them shall by one of the incurred debtor.
not be an obstacle to solidary debtors in delay
those which may extinguishes the
subsequently be directed obligation [Art.
against the others so 1217, CC]. 6. Obligations with a penal
long as the debt has not
been fully collected [Art. clause
1216, CC].
Penal Clause
The creditor may If two or more An accessory undertaking to assume greater
proceed against any one solidary debtors liability in case of breach. It is generally a sum
of the solidary debtors or offer to pay, the of money, but it can be any other thing like an
all simultaneously [Art. creditor may act or abstention. [Tolentino]
1216, CC]. choose which offer
to accept [Art. If the principal obligation is void, the penal
1217, CC]. clause shall also be void. However, the nullity
of the penal clause does not carry with it the
A creditor’s right to The solidary debtor
nullity of the principal obligation [Art.1230, CC].
proceed against the who made the
surety exists payment shall have
Rules on Penalty
independently of his right the right to claim
to proceed against the from his co-debtors
a. The penalty shall substitute the
principal. the share which indemnity for damages and payment of
corresponds to interest in case of non-compliance [Art.
them with interest, 1226, CC], unless:
UNLESS barred by i. There is an express provision
prescription or to that effect
illegality [Art. 1218, ii. The obligor refuses to pay the
CC]. penalty
iii. The obligor is guilty of fraud in
7. Rules on application of payment may not proceeds thereof, the latter may obtain
be invoked by a surety or solidary payment of their credits.
Exceptions 1. There is a plurality of debts
1. Rules on application of payment cannot be 2. There is a plurality of creditors
made applicable to a person whose 3. Partial or relative insolvency of debtor
obligation as a mere surety is both 4. Acceptance of the cession by the
contingent and singular. There must be full creditors [Art. 1255, CC]
and faithful compliance with the terms of 5. Debtor is released only for the net
the contract. [Reparations Commission v. proceeds unless there is a stipulation to the
Universal Deep Sea Fishing Corp, G.R. contrary.
Nos. L-21901 and L-21996 (1978)]
2. The debtor’s right to apply payment can be Cession and Dation Distinguished
waived and even granted to the creditor if
Cession Dacion en pago
the debtor so agrees [Premiere
Development v. Central Surety, G.R. No. Plurality of creditors One creditor
176246 (2009)]
Debtor must be Debtor not
Limitations partially or relatively necessarily in state
1. Right of creditor to refuse partial payment insolvent of financial difficulty
[Art. 1248, CC]
2. Rule on satisfaction of interest before the Universality of Thing delivered is
Principal. [Art. 1453, CC] property is ceded equivalent of
3. Debtor cannot apply payment to a debt performance
which is not yet liquidated
4. He cannot choose a debt with a period Merely releases Extinguishes
(established for the creditor’s benefit) debtor for the net obligation to the
before the period has arrived. proceeds of things extent of the value
5. Stipulation as to preference of payment. ceded or assigned, of the thing
[Tolentino] unless there is delivered, as
contrary intention agreed upon,
c. Dation in Payment proved or implied
from the conduct of
Delivery and transmission of ownership of the creditor
a thing by the debtor to the creditor as an
Involves all Does not involve all
accepted equivalent of the performance of the
properties of debtor properties of debtor
obligation (dacion en pago).
Creditor does not Creditor becomes
Requisites become owner of the owner
1. Existence of a money obligation ceded property
2. Alienation to the creditor of a property by
the debtor with the creditor’s consent
3. Satisfaction of the money obligation e. Tender of Payment and
d. Payment by Cession
Tender of payment
Special form of payment where the debtor Manifestation made by the debtor to the
assigns/abandons ALL his property for the creditor of his desire to comply with his
benefit of his creditors in order that from the obligation, with offer of immediate
performance. [Del Carmen v. Sps. Sabordo, Unless there is an unjust refusal by a creditor
G.R. No. 181723 (2014)] to accept payment from a debtor, Article 1256
cannot apply. [Llobrera v. Fernandez, G.R. No.
Tender of payment must be made in the lawful 142882 (2006)].
currency. The tender of a check to pay for an
obligation is not a valid tender of payment What constitutes valid consignation
thereof. [Soco v. Militante, G.R. No. L-58961, In order that the consignation of the thing due
(1983)] may release the obligor, it must first be
announced to the persons interested in the
Consignation fulfilment of the obligation. The consignation
Deposit of the object of obligation in a shall be ineffectual if it is not made strictly in
competent court in accordance with the rules consonance with the provisions which regulate
prescribed by law whenever the creditor payment. [Art. 1257, CC]
unjustly refuses payment or because of some
circumstances which render direct payment to How consignation is made
the creditor impossible or inadvisable. Consignation shall be made by depositing the
things due at the disposal of judicial
Requisites of consignation authority, before whom the tender of payment
1. There is a debt due shall be proved, in a proper case, and the
2. Consignation is made because of some announcement of the consignation in other
legal cause cases. The consignation having been made,
a. There was tender of payment and the interested parties shall also be notified
creditor refuses without just cause thereof.
to accept it
b. Instances when consignation alone Who bears the expenses
would suffice as provided under The expenses of consignation, when properly
Art. 1256 made, shall be charged against the creditor.
3. Previous notice of consignation was [Art. 1259, CC]
given to those persons interested in the
performance of the obligation. Previous Effects of Consignation
notice is essential to the validity of the If accepted by the creditor or declared properly
consignation and its lack invalidates the made by the Court:
same. [Soco v. Militante, G.R. No. L- 1. Debtor is released in same manner as if
58961, (1983)] (1st notice) he had performed the obligation at the time
4. Amount or thing due was placed at the of consignation
disposal of the court 2. Accrual of interest is suspended from
5. After the consignation has been made, the moment of consignation.
the persons interested were notified 3. Deterioration or loss of the thing or
thereof (2nd notice) amount consigned, occurring without the
fault of debtor, must be borne by creditor
When tender and refusal not required [Art. from the moment of deposit
1256, CC]
1. Creditor is absent or unknown, or does Withdrawal of Consigned Amount by the
not appear at the place of payment. Debtor
2. Creditor is incapacitated to receive the 1. Before approval of the court or acceptance
thing due at the time of payment. of the creditor- Obligation remains in force.
3. Without just cause, creditor refuses to [par. 2, Art. 1260, CC]
give receipt. 2. After approval of the court or acceptance
4. Two or more persons claim the same by the creditor, with the consent of the latter
right to collect (i.e. Interpleader) - Obligation remains in force, but
5. Title of the obligation has been lost. guarantors and co-debtors are liberated.
Preference of the creditor over the thing is When the legal excuse of fortuitous
lost. [Art. 1261, CC] event is not applicable, in cases of:
3. After approval of the court or acceptance 1. Delay or promise to deliver thing
by the creditor, and without creditor’s to two or more persons. [Art.
consent - debtor can no longer withdraw 1165 (3), CC]
the consigned amount since the obligation 2. Nature of the Obligation
has already been extinguished [Pabugais Requires Assumption of Risk
v. Sahijwani, G.R. No. 156846 (2004)] [Art. 1174, CC]
4. If the creditor authorizes the debtor to 3. Liability of a Bailee in fortuitous
withdraw, third persons who were events. [Art. 1942 , CC]
benefited by the consignation are not 4. Liability of a depositary in
prejudiced by the revival of the obligation. fortuitous events. [Art. 1979, CC]
5. Liability of the officious manager
2. Loss of determinate thing due in fortuitous events. [Art. 2147,
or impossibility or difficulty of
performance 2. Loss of Generic Things
It is formally: in accordance with forms of If the value of the personal property donated
ordinary donations. [Art. 1270, CC] exceeds five thousand pesos, the donation
and the acceptance shall be made in writing.
An express remission must be accepted in Otherwise, the donation shall be void. [Art. 748,
order to be effective. CC]
If the acceptance is made in a separate Trigger: The private document in which the
instrument, the donor shall be notified thereof debt appears is found in the possession of the
in an authentic form, and this step shall be debtor.
noted in both instruments. [Art. 749, CC]
Effect: There is a presumption that it has been
2. Implied Remission voluntarily delivered by the creditor.
Legal Subrogation
The stage to The stage to
Takes place by operation of law.
look at to look at to
determine the determine
Legal subrogation is not presumed, except
status of the whether
in the following circumstances:
contract (i.e., there has
a. When creditor pays another creditor
valid, voidable, been a
who is preferred, even without the
void, breach of
debtor’s knowledge
unenforceable) the contract
b. When a third person not interested in
the obligation pays with the express or
tacit approval of the debtor 2. Classification
c. When, even without the knowledge of
the debtor, a person interested in the a. To their subject matter
fulfillment of the obligation pays, • Things, e.g. sale, deposit, pledge
without prejudice to the effects of • Services, e.g. agency, lease of
confusion as to the latter’s share [Art. services
1302, CC]
b. To formation or perfection
• Consensual – consent is sufficient to
CONTRACTS perfect the contract [Art. 1315, CC]
• Real – delivery, actual or constructive,
is required in addition to consent [Art.
PROVISIONS • Solemn or formal – where special
formalities are required for perfection
[Art. 1356, CC]
merely constitute a counteroffer. [Insular Life v. d. Lapse of the time stated in the offer
Asset Builders Corp., G.R. No. 147410 (2004)] without acceptance being conveyed
e. Revocation of the offer before learning of
OFFER acceptance
A unilateral proposition which one party makes f. Supervening illegality before acceptance
to the other for the celebration of the contract. [Reyes and Puno]
Invitation to make offers (Advertisements) To produce a contract, the acceptance must
a. Business Advertisements of things for not qualify the terms of the offer. It is necessary
sale are NOT definite offers, just invitations that the acceptance be unequivocal and
to make an offer, UNLESS the contrary unconditional, and the acceptance and the
appears [Art. 1325, CC]. proposition shall be without any variation
b. Advertisement for bidders are invitations whatsoever; and any modification or variation
to make proposals, the advertiser is NOT from the terms of the offer annuls the latter and
bound to accept the lowest or highest frees the offeror. [Tolentino]
bid; UNLESS the contrary appears. The
bidder is the offeror [Art. 1326, CC]. Acceptance must be absolute, unconditional,
and without variance of any sort from the offer.
The Terms and Conditions of the bidding It must also be made known to the offeror.
disseminated… constitutes the An acceptance not made in the manner
"advertisement" to bid on the project. The prescribed is not effective but constitutes a
bid proposals or quotations submitted by counter-offer. [Malbarosa v. CA, G.R. No.
the prospective suppliers… are the offers. 125761 (2003)]
The reply… constitutes the acceptance or
rejection of the respective offers. [Jardine Requisites of Acceptance
Davies v. CA, G.R. No. 128066 (2000)] a. Unqualified and unconditional, i.e. it
c. Statements of intention: no contract must conform with all the terms of the offer,
results even if accepted. otherwise it is a counter-offer [Art. 1319,
In a letter informing another that the sender b. Directed and communicated to the offeror
was “in a position and is willing to entertain” and learned by him [Art. 1319, CC] If made
the purchase of a yacht under some terms, through an agent, the offer is accepted
the word “entertain” applied to an act does from the time the acceptance is
not mean the resolution to perform said act, communicated to such agent. [Art. 1322,
but simply a position to deliberate for CC]
deciding to perform or not to perform said c. Made within the proper time
act. It was merely a position to deliberate d. May be express/implied, but is not
whether or not he would purchase the presumed [Art 1320, CC]. Time, place and
yacht and invitation to a proposal being manner of acceptance may be fixed by
made to him, which might be accepted by offeror [Art 1321, CC].
him or not. [Rosenstock v. Burke, G.R. No.
20732 (1924)] Cognition Theory
Acceptance made by letter or telegram does
Termination of Offer not bind the offeror except from the time it
a. Rejection by the offeree came to his knowledge. The contract, in such a
b. Incapacity (death, civil interdiction, case, is presumed to have been entered into in
insanity, or insolvency) of the offeror or the place where the offer was made. [par. 2,
offeree before acceptance is conveyed Art. 1319, CC]
[Art. 1323, CC]
c. Submission of a counter-offer
b. That the person unduly influenced was 1. Usual exaggerations in trade, when the
suffering from mental weakness, ignorance other party had an opportunity to know
or in financial distress [Art.1337, CC] the facts [Art. 1340, CC]
2. A mere expression of an opinion
Note: By analogy, undue influence employed UNLESS made by an expert and the
by a third person may annul the contract. other party has relied on the former’s
special knowledge [Art. 1341, CC]
Test of Undue Influence: Whether or not the 3. Misrepresentation made in good faith
influence exerted has so overpowered or [Art. 1343, CC]
subjugates the mind of a contracting party
as to destroy his free agency, making him Note: Not fraudulent, but this may
express the will of another rather than his own. constitute error
[Coso-Fernandez v. Deza, G.R. No. L-16763
(1921)] b. Fraudulent
Failure to disclose facts, when there is a
duty to reveal them, as when the parties
Intimidation Undue Influence
are bound by confidential relations [Art.
Must be an unlawful act There need not 1339, CC]
or unjust act which is be an unjust or
threatened and which unlawful act. Dolo Causante vs. Dolo Incidente
causes the consent to Dolo Causante Dolo Incidente
be given (Causal Fraud) (Incidental Fraud)
What may be the object of a contract [JLT Agro v. Balansag, G.R. No. 141882
General Rule: All things or services may be (2005)]
the object of contracts, which includes future
things [Art. 1347, CC] c. Cause of Contracts
In order that a thing, right, or service may be The essential and impelling reason why a
the object of a contract, it should be in party assumes an obligation.
existence at the moment of the celebration
of the contract, or at least, it can exist Motive, on the other hand, is the particular
subsequently or in the future. reason for a contracting party which does not
affect the other. [Manresa]
A showing of mere inconvenience, unexpected
impediments, or increased expenses is not Requisites
enough to relieve a party of the obligation. [De a. Exists at the time the contract is entered
Castro v. Longa, G.R. No L-2152-53 (1951)] into [Par. 3, Art. 1409, CC]
b. Lawful [Art. 1352, CC]
A future thing may be the object of a contract. c. True or real [Art. 1353, CC]
Such contract may be interpreted as a:
a. Conditional contract, where its efficacy Cause vs. Object
should depend upon the future existence of
Cause Object
the thing.
b. Aleatory contract, where one of the As to Remuneration
contracting parties assumes the risk that
the thing will never come into existence, The service or The thing which is given
e.g. insurance. [Tolentino] benefit which is in remuneration
Except [Art. 1347-1349, CC]
a. Things which are outside the commerce of As to Donation
b. Intransmissible rights The liberality of The thing which is given
c. Future inheritance except in cases the donor or or donated
authorized by law benefactor
B. FORMALITY Otherwise, the
contract of partnership
is void. [Art. 1773, CC]
General rule: No form necessary for contracts
provided that all the essential requisites for Contract of The amount of the
their validity are present [Par. 1, Art. 1356, antichresis principal and the
CC] interest, if any, must
be specified in
Exception: writing; otherwise,
1. When the law requires that a contract be in the contract of
some form in order that it may be valid [par. antichresis shall be
2, Art. 1356, CC] void [Art. 2134, CC]
2. When the law requires that a contract be
proved in a certain way to be enforceable Agency to sell Authority of the agent
(Statute of Frauds) [par. 2, Art. 1356, CC] land or any interest must be in writing;
3. When the law requires a contract to be in therein otherwise, the sale
some form for convenience, or to be shall void [Art. 1874,
effective against third parties [Arts. 1357 CC]
and 1358, CC]
Stipulation to pay Must be expressly
interest on loans, made in writing [Art.
Kinds of Formalities Required by Law
interest for the use 1956, CC]
1. For the Validity of Contracts (Ad
of money
Essentia /Ad Solemnitatem/ Solemn
Contracts) Stipulation limiting Must be (1) in writing,
common carrier’s signed by the shipper
Formal or Solemn Special Form duty of or owner; (2)
Contract Required by Law extraordinary supported by a
diligence to valuable
Donation of Must be in a public ordinary diligence consideration; and
Immovables instrument, (3) reasonable, just,
specifying therein the and not contrary to
property donated and public policy [Art.
the value of the 1744, CC]
charges which the
donee must satisfy. Transfer of large Requires transfer of
[Art. 749, CC] cattle the certificate of
registration [Sec.
Donation of Must be in writing; 523, Administrative
movables when otherwise, the Code]
the value of the donation is void. [Art.
personal property 748, CC]
2. For the Purpose of Proving the
donated exceeds
Existence of the Contract (Ad
Probationem/ Statute of Frauds)
Partnerships An inventory of said
where immovable property must be The following contracts are
property is made, signed by the UNENFORCEABLE, UNLESS they are
contributed parties and attached ratified:
to the public
1. Those entered into in the name of on whose account the sale is made, it
another person by one who has is a sufficient memorandum;
been: 5. An agreement of the leasing for a
i. given no authority longer period than one year, or for
ii. or legal representation, the sale of real property or of an
iii. or who has acted beyond his interest therein;
powers; 6. A representation as to the credit of a
2. Those that do not comply with the third person
Statute of Frauds
3. Those where both parties are This article speaks of contracts that cannot be
incapable of giving consent to a proven except by written note or memorandum,
contract. [Art. 1403, CC] unless the party charged waives the objection.
[Rule 123, Sec. 21, Rules of Court]
Statute of Frauds
An agreement as to the following shall be This article applies to executory contracts
unenforceable UNLESS: only. [Almirol v. Monserrat, G.R. No. 23717
1. The agreement, or some note or (1925)]
memorandum, thereof, be in writing,
and 3. For the Effectivity of the Contract
2. Subscribed by the party charged, or by Against Third Persons
his agent; evidence, therefore, of the
agreement cannot be received without If the law requires a document or other
the writing, or a secondary evidence of special form (Art. 1357, CC)
its contents. [Art. 1403, CC] 1. The contracting parties may compel
each other to observe that form,
Agreements under the Statute of Frauds once the contract has been perfected.
[Art. 1403, CC]: 2. This right may be exercised
1. An agreement that by its terms is not simultaneously with the action upon the
to be performed within a year from contract.
the making thereof;
2. A special promise to answer for the Art. 1358, CC which requires the embodiment
debt, default, or miscarriage of of certain contacts in a public instrument, is
another; only for convenience, and registration of the
3. An agreement made in consideration instrument only adversely affects third parties.
of marriage, other than a mutual Formal requirements are, therefore, for the
promise to marry; benefit of third parties. Non-compliance
4. An agreement for the sale of goods, therewith does not adversely affect the validity
chattels or things in action, at a of the contract nor the contractual rights and
price not less than five hundred obligations of the parties thereunder. [Fule v.
pesos, unless the buyer accept and CA, G.R. No. 112212 (1998)
receive part of such goods and
chattels, or the evidences, or some of
Art. 1358, CC. The following must appear in
them, of such things in action or pay at
a public document:
the time some part of the purchase
1. Acts and contracts which have for their
money; but when a sale is made by
object the creation, transmission,
auction and entry is made by the
modification or extinguishment of real
auctioneer in his sales book, at the time
rights over immovable property; sales of
of the sale, of the amount and kind of real property or of an interest therein as
property sold, terms of sale, price,
governed by Articles 1403, No. 2, and
names of the purchasers and person 1405;
Actions under Art. 1357, CC may be exercised Note: If mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or
simultaneously with (i.e. need not be separate accident has prevented a meeting of the minds
nor need it precede) the action to enforce the of the parties, the proper remedy is not
contract, although questions of form must be reformation of the instrument but annulment of
decided first. the contract [par. 2, Art. 1359, CC]
b. Fraud
1. Burden of Proof Active
If one party was mistaken and the other
The presumption is that an instrument sets out acted fraudulently in such a way that the
the true agreement of the parties and that it instrument does not show their true
was executed for valuable consideration. Thus,
intention [Art. 1362, CC]
when there is some error or mistake in the
contract, the onus probandi is upon the party Passive
who insists that the contract should be When one party was mistaken and the
other knew or believed that the
While intentions involve a state of mind, instrument did not state their real
subsequent and contemporaneous acts of agreement [Art. 1363, CC]
the parties as well as the evidentiary facts as
proved and admitted can be reflective of one’s
intention. [Multi-Ventures Capital Management
c. Inequitable conduct
If one party was mistaken and the other
Corporation v Stalwart, G.R. No. 157439
acted fraudulently or inequitably in such a
way that the instrument does not show their
true intention [Art. 1362, CC]
2. Effect of Reformation
d. Accident
In granting reformation, the remedy in equity is When through the ignorance, lack of skill,
not making a new contract for the parties, but negligence or bad faith on the part of the
establishing and perpetuating the real person drafting the instrument or of the
contract between the parties which, under the clerk or typist, the instrument does not
technical rules of law, could not be enforced but express the true intention of the parties
for such reformation. [Quiros vs Arjona, G.R. [Art. 1364, CC]
No. 158901 (2004)]
However general the terms of a contract may Effect: They shall be understood in what is
be, they shall not be understood to most keeping with the contract’s nature and
comprehend things that are distinct and object.
cases that are different from those upon
which the parties intended to agree. [Art. g. Interpretation against Party
1372, CC] Causing Obscurity
Incapacity Incapacitated person is not The act or means by virtue of which efficacy is
obliged to make any given to a contract which suffers from a vice of
restitution except insofar as curable nullity [Arts. 1392-1396, CC].
he has been benefited by the Ratification is either express or tacit.
thing or price received by 1. EXPRESS or
him. [Art. 1399, CC] 2. TACIT
When the person who has the right to
invoke it, with the knowledge of the
d. Three Ways or Modes of reason which renders the contract
Convalidating a Voidable voidable and such reason having
Contract ceased, executes an act implying an
intention to waive his right [Art. 1393,
1. By prescription of the action for annulment CC]
[Art.1391, CC]
2. By ratification or confirmation [Art. 1392- Requisites of Ratification
1396, CC] 1. Contract is tainted with a vice
susceptible of being cured;
3. Unenforceable contracts
Unenforceable Contracts – contracts that by
reason of statutory defects do not confer any
action to enforce the same until and unless
they are ratified in the manner prescribed by
law [Reyes]
How to Not by direct action. Not by direct action. Not by direct action.
As a defense, by As a defense, by motion to As a defense, by motion to
motion to dismiss dismiss on the ground that the dismiss the complaint on
the complaint on the contract is unenforceable the ground that the contract
ground that the is unenforceable
contract is Objection to the presentation of
unenforceable oral evidence to prove an oral
contract [see Art. 1405]
Who can By the person By the party against whom the By the party against whom
assail - whose name the contract is being enforced; or the contract is being
cannot be contract was his privies enforced; or his privies; or
assailed by entered into / by parents or guardians, as it
third owner of property is a personal defense
[Art. 1408,
4. Void or inexistent contracts also those which are declared void by positive
provision of law or statute.
Those which, because of certain defects,
generally produce no effect at all. They are
considered as inexistent from its inception or
from the very beginning [de Leon].
General Rules
Void; no contract at Valid until annulled
all Nullity proceeds from the illegality of the
cause or object of the contract, and the act
May be assailed Must be assailed constitutes a criminal offense [Art.
indirectly through an action for 1411, CC]
that purpose by a
party to the contract, 1. Parties shall have no cause of
and never by a third action against each other
person (direct attack) 2. Both parties shall be prosecuted.
3. Things or price of the contract
Nullity may be set- Nullity may only be which are considered as effects or
up against anyone set-up against a party instruments of a crime are forfeited
who asserts a right thereto. in favor of the government.
arising from it.
The act in which the unlawful or forbidden
Not susceptible to May be validly ratified cause consists does not constitute a
ratification criminal offense
[Art. 1412, CC]
Action to declare Action for annulment
nullity does not prescribes When both When only one of the
prescribe [Art. parties are contracting parties is at fault
1410, CC] at fault
or non-
Rescission Resolution performance
[Art 1380 and [Art 1191,
1381, CC] CC] As to action Right to seek May be
by courts remedy is not denied if
As to Subsidiary Principal affected by court finds
Nature of Action Action, extension of that there is
Action involving retaliatory in time sufficient
partial nature reason to
resolution justify
As to Basis Economic Breach of
prejudice faith As to Four years Ten years
rendering the prescriptive [Art. 1389,
contract period CC]
[Congregation of the Religious Virgin Mary v.
Orola, G.R. No. 169790 (2008)]
Note: Not all
forms of
prejudice are
recognized by
law as a Art 1423, CC. Natural obligations, not being
ground to based on positive law but on equity and
rescind natural law, do not grant a right of action
to enforce their performance, but after
As to effect The cause of The voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, they
action is reparation of authorize the retention of what has been
subordinated damages for delivered or rendered by reason thereof.
to the the breach is
existence of purely General Rule: Do not grant a right of action to
an economic secondary. enforce their performance.
Hence, where Exception: After voluntary fulfillment, they
the defendant authorize the retention of what has been
makes good delivered/rendered by reason thereof.
the damages
caused, the In order that there may be a natural obligation
action cannot there must exist a juridical tie which is not
be maintained prohibited by law and which in itself could give
or continued. a cause of action but because of some special
circumstances is actually without legal sanction
As to Prejudiced Only party to or means of enforcing compliance by
parties- third party the contract intervention of courts. [Tolentino]
in- may also may seek
interest seek remedy remedy Two Conditions Necessary for Natural
As to Equity Non-
a. That there be a juridical tie between two
grounds compliance
persons; (this distinguishes it from moral
obligations) and