Domestic V International Arbitration Matrix
Domestic V International Arbitration Matrix
Domestic V International Arbitration Matrix
Arbitral agreement is treated like any other contract; Parties may constitute arbitration agreements, which by
RULES Binding effect submission to arbitration is valid, enforceable and definition are “those agreements of parties to submit to
irrevocable, except when there are valid grounds for arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or
Doctrine of forum revocation of contract which may arise between them in respect of a defined
non conveniens legal relationship, whether contractual or not”, and may
allows parties to The Philippine Arbitration Law enforces the binding either be “in the form of an arbitration clause in a
stipulate the law effect of an arbitration agreement when it mandates contract or in a separate agreement”
which governs courts to suspend actions filed by a party in disregard of
arbitration the arbitral agreement. The Philippine Arbitration Law Where an action is brought in a matter subject of an
proceedings. further mandates the court before which an action is arbitration agreement, the court must refer the parties to
brought in a matter, which is subject of an arbitration arbitration unless it finds that the agreement is “null and
The Model Law agreement to refer the parties to arbitration unless it is void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. Even
provides that parties proven that the arbitration agreement is null and void, where such action has been brought, arbitral
are free to stipulate inoperative, or incapable of being performed proceedings may nevertheless be commenced or
their choice of law continued, and an award may be made, while the issue
both as to rules is pending before the court.
applicable as to the
substance, as well
as with respect to Parties are free to stipulate which disputes and to what Competence competence doctrine (also under the
the rules of Scope/coverage issues may be referred to arbitration. However, the Model Law): arbitral tribunal may rule on its own
procedure. following cannot be referred to arbitration: jurisdiction, including any objections with respect to the
existence or validity of the arbitration agreement. If
a. labor disputes, which are covered by Presidential arbitral tribunal rules as a preliminary question that
Decree No. 442; it has jurisdiction, any party may request, within
thirty days after having received notice of that
b. disputes involving the civil status of persons; ruling, [a Philippine court] to decide the matter,
which decision shall be subject to no appeal.
c. disputes on the validity of marriage;
A court before which an action is brought in a matter
d. disputes concerning any ground for legal separation; which is the subject matter of an arbitration agreement
shall, if at least one party so request not later than the
e. disputes involving the jurisdiction of courts; pre-trial conference, or upon the request of both parties
thereafter, refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds
f. disputes on future legitime; that the arbitration agreement is null and void,
inoperative or incapable of being performed.
g. disputes involving criminal liability; and
h. those disputes, which by law cannot be compromised
After constituting the arbitral tribunal and during Arbitral tribunal is also empowered to order interim
Interim arbitration proceedings, a request for an interim measures of protection unless the parties agree
remedies measure of protection…may be made with the otherwise.
arbitral tribunal. Nevertheless, if the arbitral tribunal
has no power to act or is unable to act effectively, the If the arbitral tribunal has not been appointed or is
parties are not precluded from requesting the Court incapable of granting the interim relief, parties may
to grant an interim measure of protection. apply with the court for the appropriate relief.
Significantly, parties may also apply with a Philippine
court for assistance in enforcing an interim measure The type of relief that may be applied for and the
granted by the arbitral tribunal. manner by which the parties may apply for the relief is
the same as that provided by the ADR Act for domestic
Purpose of interim remedies: arbitration.
Within one month from the time an arbitral award is Within thirty days from receipt of the arbitral award, the
Finality of award rendered, any party may apply with the Philippine parties may request the arbitral tribunal to correct
court having jurisdiction over the same for an order typographical error or errors in computation (Model Law
confirming that award. Art. 33(1)(a)), and/or to make an additional award as to
claims presented in the arbitral proceedings but omitted
Upon the granting of an order confirming, modifying or from the award (Art. 33(3)). Within the same period and
correcting an award, judgment may be entered if the parties agree, a party may also request the arbitral
therewith in the court wherein said application was tribunal to interpret a specific point or part in the arbitral
filed. award.
Once the order confirming the arbitral award together Within three months from receipt of the arbitral award or
with the award itself is entered in the book of entries amended arbitral award, a party may petition the court
of judgment, the arbitral award becomes final and to set aside the award on grounds, which, among
executory. others, include incapacity of a party to the arbitration
agreement, invalidity of the arbitration agreement, no
Notes: notice given of the appointment of an arbitrator or of the
arbitral proceedings, dispute beyond the scope of the
terms of submission to arbitration, composition of the
tribunal or the arbitral procedure not in accordance with
-CIAC arbitral award is executory need not be the agreement of the parties, public policy.
confirmed by a Philippine court
a. Compel other Failure of a party to participate in a domestic arbitration Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, if, without
party to comply Ex-parte proceeding will not give rise to a dismissal or showing sufficient cause:
thru an action proceedings suspension of that proceeding. Hearings conducted by (a) the claimant fails to communicate his statement of
for specific the arbitral tribunal “may proceed in the absence of any claim in accordance with Article 23(1), the arbitral
performance; or party who, after due notice, fails to be present at such tribunal shall terminate the proceedings;
b. Proceed ex hearing or fails to obtain the adjournment thereof.”
parte with Nevertheless, “an award shall not be made solely on the (b) the respondent fails to communicate his statement of
default of a party” and the party that fails to appear may defense in accordance with Article 23(1), the arbitral
still be given an opportunity to submit evidence if it is tribunal shall continue the proceedings without treating
required by the arbitral tribunal for making the award. such failure in itself as an admission of the claimant’s
Nevertheless, parties allegations;
may later mutually
decide to refer (c) any party fails to appear at hearing or to produce
dispute to court documentary evidence, the arbitral tribunal may
without arbitration. continue the proceedings and make the award on the
Moreover, the evidence before it.
inaction of a party
who seeks to enforce If any of the parties to the arbitration proceedings brings
arbitration agreement an action before the court on a matter subject of the
may also constitute a arbitration agreement, the arbitral proceedings may
waiver on his part to proceed and an award may be issued even if the matter
arbitrate. brought before the court is still pending.
OF ARBITRAL Number of General Rule: according to arbitral agreement General Rule: according to arbitral agreement
TRIBUNAL Arbitrators
Exception: ‘any clause giving one of the parties the Exception: ‘any clause giving one of the parties the
power to choose more arbitrators than the other is power to choose more arbitrators than the other is
void and of no effect.” (Art. 2045, NCC ). void and of no effect.” (Art. 2045, NCC ).
In the absence of stipulation, number of arbitrators In the absence of stipulation, number of arbitrators
shall be three (Model Law, Art. 10, in rel to RA 9285, shall be three. (Model Law, Art. 10, in rel to RA 9285,
Sec. 33). Sec. 33)
Time Limits General Rule: parties are free to stipulate period to General Rule: parties are free to stipulate period to
constitute arbitral tribunal constitute arbitral tribunal
Exceptions: Exceptions:
a. When either of the parties fails or refuses to a. When either of the parties fails or refuses to
name his arbitrator within 30 days after name his arbitrator within 30 days after
receipt of demand of arbitration. (Sec. 8, RA receipt of demand of arbitration. (Sec. 8, RA
9285) 9285)
b. If the two arbitrators fail to agree on the third b. If the two arbitrators fail to agree on the third
arbitrator within the same period of time, the arbitrator within the same period of time, the
aggrieved party may request the Appointing aggrieved party may request the Appointing
Authority, or the court as the case may be to Authority, or the court as the case may be to
appoint the arbitrator. (Model Law, Article 11 appoint the arbitrator. (Model Law, Article 11
(3) in relation to Republic Act No. 9285, Section (3) in relation to Republic Act No. 9285, Section
33) 33)
Manner of General Rule: in accordance with the Submission Agreement/Arbitration Clause by the nomination of specific
Appointment person(s), nomination of ascertainable person(s), stipulation of a specific method, or reference to institutional
arbitration rules or arbitration laws.
a. the parties agree on the manner of appointment of an arbitrator but one of them fails to act in accordance
with the procedure or there is a failure to abide by the procedure; or
b. there is absence of an agreement on the manner of appointment of an arbitrator
Old rule: only lack of qualification of arbitrator may be An arbitrator may challenged not only for lack of the
challenged (Sec. 10, RA 876) qualifications provided by Section 10 of Republic Act
No. 876, but also if there are justifiable doubts as to
New Rule: arbitrator may challenged not only for lack of his impartiality and independence, or if he does not
the qualifications provided by Section 10 of Republic Act possess qualifications agreed to by the parties.
No. 876, but also if there are justifiable doubts as to
his impartiality and independence, or if he does not - However, grounds for challenge are limited to
possess qualifications agreed to by the parties. those which challenging party becomes aware
after the appointment has been made
- However, grounds for challenge are limited to
those which challenging party becomes aware Procedure for Challenge (Art. 13, Model Law)
after the appointment has been made
1. Parties are free to agree on procedure for
Procedure for Challenge challenge.
2. If there is no agreement on the challenge
1. Parties are free to agree on procedure for procedure, “a party who intends to challenge an
challenge. arbitrator shall, within fifteen days after
2. If there is no agreement on the challenge becoming aware of the constitution of the
procedure, “a party who intends to challenge an arbitral tribunal [or the circumstances that
arbitrator shall, within fifteen days after would give rise to a challenge], send a
becoming aware of the constitution of the written statement of the reasons for the
arbitral tribunal [or the circumstances that challenge to the arbitral tribunal.”
would give rise to a challenge], send a 3. The arbitral tribunal shall decide the
written statement of the reasons for the challenge.
challenge to the arbitral tribunal.” 4. If the challenge is rejected, any of the parties
3. The arbitral tribunal shall decide the may petition the Appointing Authority, or in its
challenge. default, the court, to decide on the
4. If the challenge is rejected, any of the parties challenge. That petition should be made
may petition the Appointing Authority, or in its within thirty days from receipt of the notice
default, the court, to decide on the of rejection. Any decision of the Appointing
challenge. That petition should be made Authority, or court, as the case may be, cannot
within thirty days from receipt of the notice be appealed.
of rejection. Any decision of the Appointing
Authority, or court, as the case may be, cannot *While the challenge is pending with the
be appealed. Appointing Authority or court, “the arbitral
tribunal, including the challenged arbitrator, may
*Old rule is that arbitration proceedings are continue the arbitral proceedings and make and
suspended while court decides on the challenge. award
The new rule is that, while the challenge is
pending with the Appointing Authority or court,
“the arbitral tribunal, including the challenged
arbitrator, may continue the arbitral proceedings
and make and award. (Republic Act No. 9285 in
relation to Article 13 (3) of the Model Law).
Fees Section 21 of Republic Act No. 876 states that the fees No fixed fee under Model Law, but in practice, parties
of the arbitrators shall be fifty pesos, or approximately and the arbitrator/s are free to agree on the fees.
U.S. $ 1.00, per day unless the parties agree otherwise
in writing prior to the arbitration. As such fee is quite
unreasonable for the arbitrator, the proposed Rules and
Regulation Implementing Republic Act No. 9285 include
guidelines in fixing the arbitrators fees and other
1. Submission for agreement
PROCEDURE OF Basic Pleadings - Proper when no arbitration agreement existed at 1. Submission for agreement
ARBITRATION the time that the dispute arose - Proper when no arbitration agreement existed at
Filing of a - Through a submission agreement, parties a) the time that the dispute arose
submission agree to submit to arbitration an already existing - Through a submission agreement, parties a)
agreement, as dispute in case there is no arbitration agree to submit to arbitration an already existing
well as the agreement; or b) agree to have a matter beyond dispute in case there is no arbitration
making of an agreement; or b) agree to have a matter beyond
the scope of an arbitration agreement in case
arbitration award
they find such agreement restrictive. the scope of an arbitration agreement in case
submission of - Filed with the clerk of court of RTC of the place they find such agreement restrictive.
the parties to having jurisdiction over place where:
the jurisdiction a. One of the parties resides; - Filed with the clerk of court of RTC of the place
of the RTC to b. One of the parties is doing business; or having jurisdiction over place where:
enforce the c. Arbitration took place (Sec. 22, RA 876) d. One of the parties resides;
agreement (Sec. e. One of the parties is doing business; or
4, 2nd par., RA 2. Demand/request for arbitration f. Arbitration took place (Sec. 22, RA 876)
876) - Presupposes that an arbitration agreement
existed at the time dispute arose; the right of a 2. Demand/request for arbitration
party to demand arbitration arises from the a - Presupposes that an arbitration agreement
arbitration agreement itself existed at the time dispute arose; the right of a
- Treated as complaint/petition, wherein party to demand arbitration arises from the a
ultimate facts, causes of action and relief arbitration agreement itself
demanded are already asserted. Hence, it is - NOT A STATMENT OF CLAIMS. It only sets
statement of claim of claimant. forth the basis of claimant’s right to arbitrate, as
- Served upon other party well as the outline of issues to be arbitrated.
Statement of claims made during arbitral
- Served upon other party
1. Submission Agreement
Form of basic - In writing, signed by party against whom 1. Submission agreement
pleadings arbitration is sought, or by his lawful agent - In writing; considering that an arbitration
agreement is a pre-causal agreement, must
2. Demand/request for arbitration follow the formalities of an arbitration
- Writing, served upon other party either agreement.
personally or by registered mail - Considered in writing if “contained in a
document signed by the parties or in an
exchange of letters, telex, telegrams or other
means of telecommunications which provide a
record of the agreement.” (Art. 7(1), Model Law)
arbitration, the arbitration procedure, and such arbitration, the arbitration procedure, and such
other matters as the parties require to give other matters as the parties require to give
effect to arbitration. effect to arbitration.
- Not mandatory - Period depends on agreement of parties, or
NOTE: - Period depends on agreement of parties; in the determination by the Arbitral Tribunal.
Applicable only to absence of agreement, no period provided for - In case of failure to answer within period agreed
demand/request by law, but must be within reasonable time upon/determined, Arbitral Tribunal shall
for arbitration, *remember: period is only for appointment of continue the proceedings without treating such
since submission arbitrator by party upon whom demand is failure itself as an admission of the claimant’s
agreement is served. allegation
made by mutual
- No legal sanction for failure to answer, but it - Either party may amend or supplement his claim
consent of parties
may have practical consequences. The or defense during the course of the arbitral
arbitrator(s) will not only have a one-sided view proceedings unless there is an agreement to the
of the dispute, i.e., the claimant's side, worse, contrary
the arbitrator(s) may likely misinterpret and draw
negative conclusions from 2. Counterclaim to demand/request for
defendant/respondent's failure/ neglect to arbitration
answer. If only for practical considerations, it is - Same as domestic
certainly worthwhile to file an answer.
- The Answer becomes essential when the
defendant/respondent has affirmative defenses
which he desires to prove.
Reply and its Reply is an answer to a counterclaim. Not mandatory nor essential
THE AWARD Time to render General Rule: Period stipulated/agreed upon General Rule: Period stipulated/agreed upon
In the absence thereof: Arbitral tribunal must render a In the absence thereof: Arbitral tribunal must render an
written award within 30 days after closing of the hearing award within a reasonable period
(Sec. 30, RA 876)
Such period may be extended by mutual consent of the
Form and The award in a domestic arbitration must be in writing and signed by the arbitrator or arbitrators. “In arbitral
Content proceedings with more than one arbitrator, the signature of the majority of all members of the arbitral
tribunal shall suffice, provided that the reason for any omitted signature is stated.” Unless the parties agree
otherwise, the award should state the reasons upon which it is based. The award should also state the date and
place of arbitration.
which the parties cannot derogate, or failing
such agreement, was not in accordance
with the ADR Act;
*note: limitation of forum non conveniens is
that stipulation as to procedure of arbitration
must not be in conflict with the provisions of
- Resolutions of arbitrators/arbitral award itself is not reviewable by petrev/certiorari, because arbitral tribunals are neither judicial nor quasi-judicial bodies
created by law. They are created by agreement of private persons.
- However, decision of RTC confirming, vacating, setting aside, modifying, or correcting a domestic or international arbitral award may be
appealed to the Court of Appeals.
- The losing party who appeals from the judgment of the court recognizing and enforcing an arbitral award shall be required by the appellate court to post a
counter-bond executed in favor of the prevailing party equal to the amount of the award in accordance with the rules to be promulgated by the Supreme
a. in the determination of the validity and enforceability of the arbitration agreement and its provisions by the Arbitral Tribunal;
b. in the determination of whether a particular dispute comes within the ambit of the arbitration agreement by the Arbitral Tribunal;
d. interim remedies to conserve the subject matter of arbitration pending appointment of the arbitrators;
g. in the appointment or challenge of an arbitration in the event default of the Appointing Authority; and