LDFO SiP For Wearables IoT With Hetrogeneous Integration
LDFO SiP For Wearables IoT With Hetrogeneous Integration
LDFO SiP For Wearables IoT With Hetrogeneous Integration
Typical RDL stack-up for the front side of this type of package
UBM 10µm
DL3 10µm
RD2 5µm
DL2 10µm
RD1 5µm
Figure 5. PCM structures
DL1 10µm
Final Test
The hardware used at final test, both for automatic and manual
handling, includes an in-house design test load-board (Figure Figure 11. 1st-level reliability flow.
9), rack and stack instruments for contact, leakage and DC
tests, bench test instruments for RF tests and a computer for All the assessments were based on the electrical functional
SiP firmware flash and test sequence control. tests. A detailed summary of the 1st-level reliability results is
The previously explained electrical tests with full coverage of presented in Table 3. After the TC 1000x electrical assessment,
all SiP elements were the primary readout method for all the units were returned to test to complete 1500 cycles.
reliability testing performed on the test vehicle.
Application Test
The work done is part of the collaborative COMPETE2020-
PT2020-FEDER funding program under “IoTiP- Internet of
Thing in Package” project nº 017763, Projetos de I&DT
Empresas em CoPromoção.