Application Note: PIC Enabled Lidar
Application Note: PIC Enabled Lidar
Application Note: PIC Enabled Lidar
Lidar, short for light detection and ranging or “light another order of magnitude. Moreover, these Lidars
radar”, is used to measure distances with high are more robust, with no moving parts, and compact.
resolution and precision. This is achieved by The opportunity for photonic integration
illuminating the object with a scanning laser beam, PICs offer some very concrete opportunities for
and consequently measuring the reflections. Lidar. In solid-state Lidars, PICs can be used as the
Complete three-dimensional mappings can be made. laser source. When combined with the on-chip
Various techniques are used, such as pulsed, flash components typically used in communications
and frequency-modulated Lidar. technology, pulsed lasers and frequency-modulated
The opportunities for using Lidar are plenty, most lasers can be realized. As an example, Blackmore 1
notably in automotive, where it is used in advanced is bringing a frequency-modulated continuous-wave
driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and in (FMCW) Lidar to the market, based on PICs. Such a
autonomous driving, providing a better resolution Lidar provides both range and velocity
than radar. It is furthermore used in wind farms, to measurements, through the Doppler effect. Coherent
monitor wind speeds, and in remote sensing, detection allows for highly-sensitive measurements,
mapping the environment and atmosphere. with high dynamic range. An added advantage is that
A Lidar consists of a laser source, a laser beam PICs are designed for operation around wavelengths
scanner, and the detection optics. Traditionally, such of 1550 nm, which is a sweet spot for Lidar due to
systems were bulky and costly (see figure below). eye-safety requirements. This allows the range to be
Over the last decade, pushed by the automotive extended significantly, to over 200 m, as argued by,
market, the price of Lidar systems has come down e.g., Luminar 2.
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Updated: 2021-02-28 Joint European Platform for Photonic Integrated Components and Circuits
Figure 1: Evolution of the Lidar cost, including forecast. Figure 2: Schematic of an optical phased array, using
Source data: Velodyne, Quanergy and Massachusetts optical phase control (left) and wavelength control (right)
Institute of Technology. for beam steering3.
PICs can also be used to replace the beam-steering require a different design approach, but the basic
part of the Lidar, through the use of optical phased building blacks are available through our
arrays, as shown in the figure to the right. Much like manufacturing-grade process design kits (PDKs).
phased-array antennas in wireless communications, There are application-specific operational
such optical phased arrays can shape the laser parameters that are different from the
beam and steer it fast for video-rate three- communications field. For example, for automotive
dimensional imaging 3. The system has no moving applications, a target operating temperature range of
components, as compared to using mechanical and −40 °C to 125 °C is often required. The PICs need to
micro-mechanical (MEMS) scanning devices, be designed for that, with adequate on-chip controls.
making it robust, and is lens-free. Laboratory-based Packaging of the PIC with electronics and,
implementations have already shown the feasibility, potentially, with fiber or free-space coupling, is
and the technology is now moving to the market, eased by the availability of the packaging Pilot Line
Analog Photonics 4 is pushing a silicon photonics PIXapp. 5. Specifically for optical phased arrays, the
approach, but such implementations can also be electronics for fast beam-steering into the 10s of
achieved in InP based PICs. Sources and detectors MHz range, with many closely-integrated channels,
can be integrated on the PIC, with the potential of require specific attention. Side-lobe suppression and
realizing a fully integrated, single-chip Lidar, and beam width are design trade-offs for optical phased
allowing unprecedented high volumes at low cost. arrays 3.
Moreover, this technology allows for close Discuss your application with us
integration with electronics. If you are interested in knowing more about the
Current technical developments capabilities and use of InP PIC technology for AI
The PIC and overall system need to be carefully applications, contact JePPIX. The JePPIX Pilot Line
designed for the target application. The PIC provides low entrance-threshold to mature-
technology platforms are mature now, accessible, for manufacturing, enabling high-TRL development in a
example, through our Pilot Line at high technology scalable design kit driven process, taking open
readiness level, but they have been developed access InP PICs from proof of concept to industrial
mostly for telecom and datacom applications. Lidars prototyping levels.
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Updated: 2021-02-28 Joint European Platform for Photonic Integrated Components and Circuits