Clean Up Drive Project
Clean Up Drive Project
Clean Up Drive Project
keeping things clean. One of the first commandment for health is cleanliness. Cleanliness is
essential physically, mentally, spiritually and even environmentally.
We used to have fresh air to breath, greenish surroundings and taste clear and clean water.
Nowadays, tables have turned and we can see a big difference from a clean into a polluted
environment. As we all know, we are facing a lot of environmental issues such as floods, climate
change, melting of the polar ice caps and pollution. May it be from air, water or land. The main
cause of these problems are the wastes that are improperly thrown.
Environmental sustainability helps prevent global warming and climate change. Environmental
sustainability is making decisions and taking actions in the interest of protecting the natural
world, preserving the capability of the environment to support human life and ensuring that
humans use the environment in a way that does not harm the environment. One example of
environmental sustainability is simply through cleaning. Cleanliness in the environment
contributes a lot in maintaining a clean and green surrounding. Cleaning is a simple but helpful
way of improving a healthy environment. Cleanliness is one of the keys to maintain the beauty of
our environments. Restore what we lost, we aim for the surrounding that’s greenish and full of
grasses and tall trees. Those that are placed on such a beautiful area have turned into enormous
A cleanup drive is a project that can help and will be benefited the community. As stewards, we
are obliged to take care of the things that God gave us. The project aims to motivates the
community to initiate a sustainable waste management system. This project will also benefit to
both residents and community in long terms. This project also aims to have a ger-free and a clean
facility to provide and environment where everyone can work with energy and enthusiasm. The
goal of this project is to remind people that keeping their place and neighbourhood clean is also a
way to fight against viruses. Having well-kept surroundings from dirt and viruses to reduce
mishaps, this will lead to a clean environment which is safe place to work and improves the
efficiency of the residents. It will also serve as an inspiration in other communities to come up
with the same activity in order to maintain a clean and green environment. Hopefully that in the
future many more people in our area realize the value of living in a clean environment.
The purpose of this project is to help reduce waste in our surroundings and to help each other in
our barangay to stay clean and have a surrounding that is beneficial to each and every person that
resides in our barangay, since we all want an environment free from liters and an environment
full oof trees. This aims to provide awareness of how much we are wasting everyday. This is for
everyone of us to teach ourselves and make it as “persuasive” as possible for every to participate.
I found it interesting to clean the streets there because I know is very significant issue of today’s
major concern is the garbage every where and our government, non government organizations,
together with the international organizations work hand in hand to face our problem on solid
waste. We say we can not help but actually we can act in our own simple little way.
Residents would benefit a lot, mainly because these programs are implemented directly towards
their benefits. They would learn how to recycle and segregate waste properly since not all of
them are aware of it, especially the children at their young age, it is better for them to learn these
things and of course be more aware of our nature, on how to take good care of it. They would
also learn how to plant seedling, they will appreciate how difficult it is to plant, protect and
watch over their seeds as they grow. Encourage everyone to do the same. Dispose the garbage
properly and don’t throw them on the roads, into neighbor’s compound. Proper segregation will
be acknowledge. Every family members are ask to join this project. This would serve as an
alternative solution for those destructions brought by the uneducated people who keep on doing
things specifically throwing garbage anywhere, from which it destroys the beauty of our
Furthermore, this project is very essential in this time wherein we experiencing pandemic.
Cleanliness is very important. We serve as a guide to a better community, a turning point to a
blind mind to see that we can do something to make a change with a little step we take. A clean
and healthy environment will definitely result in a workforce with improved health. This will
certainly minimize the average number of sick. Additionally, we envision that everyone should
feel as though it is their responsibility to keep themselves educated to the thinfs around them,
and being aware at the real situation, also to learn easy adaptation on things in rapid change.
Although we’ve covered the importance of cleanliness in many different ways, the final point to
make is that this is everyone’s responsibility. Good hygienic practices start at a young age.
Regardless of your environment, age, or position, it is never too late to start working on this area.
The cleanup drive project will pay attention to this, it promote good helath and overall wellness
in our own lives as well as the community so make sure that you do your part.
To gain inner satisfaction, we have to be self responsible on the individual basis and contribute
for the maintenance of clean and healthy environment by adopting nature-friendly activities
whether growing trees or keeping our streets, public places, cities and eventually the country and
globe clean. If everybody adopts this approach, achieving the human friendly clean and healthy
atmosphere will be no more an issue. And, our well being is delicate flower of many colours; it
deserves our attention. Keep our environment always clean and tidy, and enjoy life to the fullest.
“Cleanliness isn’t a matter of products and things; cleanliness is a matter of diligence and effort
by people. Keeping public places as clean as possible on an individual basis, a public willing to
pay for what individuals can’t keep clean or clean up, public education for what are or aren’t
good practices, and to help keep the public informed when and where specific problems need to
be addressed.” This project had given me an opportunity to become a more productive
individual, concerning on how to care and how to be responsible in our community and
environment. Presenting and engaging such activities is indeed of great help to our community if
we only know how important every action we do. Through this project, we can now share our
little contribution and part in more meaningful and significant way. With this concern, we could
create an outlet to everyone who share the same views and passion in sharing their own effort
and own little way to protect and maintain the natural environment through clean up drive.
Missionaries give with their servant’s heart. As a student missionary, this clean up drive project
go to assist others in the community without expecting anythings in return. While we may lead
busy lives, helping the community is something that we should always make time for. As we
gone through this project, I can say it is more than enough that you could share and made a
history to our community. Not only does giving back help you feel good, but there are
surprisingly many benefits to uplifting those around you. This project provide services in
appreciation and gratitude from the blessings God gives us. And I will promise to myself that, it
is not just an activity given by our professor that to accomplish but it will be a part of my daily
life that in my own simple way I can contribute somethings that can maintain the beauty of our
nature. I learned a lot of things through this course, especially on how be part of our community.
By picking trash and doing some yard work, you can make your area a more pleasant place to
live. This type of outreach is proof that even small acts of kindness can make a huge difference. I
was very happy and enjoyed of what I am doing for the community. I can see the happiness and
wiliness to their face to maintain the cleanliness of environment. Cleanliness is next to
Godliness. Along with community it is the duty of every citizen to ensure a clean home and clean
street to enable a peaceful living. After the clean up drive project, we decided to go to Holy
Cross Chapel to give gratitude to our God for His protection.