In Organic Chemistry Syllabus

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Syllabus for Bachelor of Science


Subject Code: 02CY0301

Subject Name: Inorganic and Industrial Chemistry

B.Sc. Sem - V


 To study the introduction of coordination chemistry.

 To make students capable of understanding the basics of wave mechanics.
 To study the introduction, properties, manufacture of cement.
 To study the introduction of ceramics, glass and refractory’s.
 To study pesticides and Insecticides.

Credits Earned: 6 Credits

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course, student will be able to

 Understand the concepts of coordination chemistry.

 Be aware of the basics of wave mechanics
 Obtain the information regarding cement.
 Understand the basic of ceramic, glass and refractory’s.
 Will know more about pesticides and insecticides.

Pre-requisite of course: To understand this course general knowledge and basics of

chemistry needed .

Teaching and Examination Scheme

Tutorial/ Practical
Teaching Scheme (Hours) Theory Marks
Credits Term
ESE Viva Marks
Theory Tutorial Practical IA CSE Work
(E) (V)
5 - 2 6 50 30 20 25 25 150
Syllabus for Bachelor of Science



Unit Topics Contact


1 Coordination Chemistry:
Introduction, Double salts, coordination compounds, coordination
complexes and complexes ions, coordination number, classification of
ligands, valance bond theory, crystal field theory, crystal field splitting of
energy levels, magnetic properties of metal complexes and crystal field
theory, ligand field theory, Jahn Teller effect, multi electron system.
2 Wave mechanics:
Introduction, operators, Algebra of operators, multiplication of operators,
commutative property, linear operator, commutator of operator, operator 
and 2, momentum operator, Hamiltonian operator, particle in a one-
dimensional box, Wave function and energy of a particle in one dimensional
3 Cement
Introduction, types of cement, raw materials, cement rock benefication,
Manufacturing process of cement, Setting and hardening of Portland cement, 15
Properties of cement, Indian standards institute (ISI) specification of cement,
Mortars and concrete, Curing and decay of concrete, Uses of cement.
4 Ceramic, Glass and Refractories
Introduction to ceramics, raw materials, classification based on reduction in
porosity, manufacturing, body preparation using clay slip.
Introduction to glass, physical and chemical properties of glass, raw
materials, methods of manufacturing, special types of glasses.
Introduction to refractories, classification of refractories, properties of
refractories, manufacturing, fire clay bricks manufacture, properties and

Total Hours 60

1. A Textbook of Physical Chemistry;K. L. Kapoor
2. An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics; R. P. Rastogi, R. R. Misra, 6thEdition, Vikas
Pub. Pvt. Ltd.
3. Physical Chemistry; G. W. Castellan, 3rdEdition,Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi.
4. Physical Chemistry; ArunBahl& J. D. Tuli, S. Chand Publishing.
5. Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms; P. S. Kalsi, New Age International Publishers.
6. Organic Chemistry; R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, 6thEdition, PrenticeHall of India.
8. Concise Inorganic Chemistry; J. D. Lee, 5thEdition, Blackwell Science, London.
Syllabus for Bachelor of Science


9. Basic Inorganic Chemistry; F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson

10. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry; B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, K. C. Kalia,Vallabh Publications,
11. Organic Chemistry; Morrison and Boyd
12. Organic Chemistry (Volume I, II & III); S. M. Mukherji, S. P. Singh,
R. P. Kapoor.
13. Principles of physical chemistry; B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma, M.S. Pathania.

Suggested Theory distribution:

The suggested theory distribution as per Bloom’s taxonomy is as per follows. This
distribution serves as guidelines for teachers and students to achieve effective
teaching-learning process

Distribution of Theory for course delivery and evaluation

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
20% 30% 25% 15% 10% -

Inorganic Qualitative Analysis:

1. Aim: Qualitative analysis of given unknown inorganic salt.[Six radicals,
mixture 1]
2. Aim: Qualitative analysis of given unknown inorganic salt.[Six radicals,
mixture 2]
3. Aim: Qualitative analysis of given unknown inorganic salt.[Six radicals,
mixture 3]
4. Aim: Qualitative analysis of given unknown inorganic salt.[Six radicals,
mixture 4]
5. Aim: Qualitative analysis of given unknown inorganic salt.[Six radicals,
mixture 5]
6. Aim: Qualitative analysis of given unknown inorganic salt.[Six radicals,
mixture 6]

Inorganic Volumetric Analysis:

7. To determine the amount of Ni+2 in the given NiSO4.7H2O solution using 0.01
M EDTA solution. (Direct and Back titration method)
8. To determine the amount of Mg+2 and Pb+2 in the given solution containing a
mixture of Mg+2 and Pb+2 using 0.01 M EDTA solution.

Reference Books
1. An Advanced Course in Practical Chemistry, A. K. Nad, B. Mahapatra and A.
Ghoshal, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
Syllabus for Bachelor of Science


2. Practicals in Physical Chemistry, P S Sindhu, Macmillan.

3. Experimental Physical Chemistry: A Laboratory Textbook, Arthur Halpern, George
McBane, W. H. Freeman.

Instructional Method:
1. The course delivery method will depend upon the requirement of content and
need of students. The teacher in addition to conventional teaching method by
black board, may also use any of tools such as demonstration, role play, Quiz,
brainstorming, MOOCs etc.
2. The internal evaluation will be done on the basis of continuous evaluation of
students in the laboratory and class-room.
3. Practical examination will be conducted at the end of semester for evaluation of
performance of students in laboratory.
4. Students will use supplementary resources such as online videos, NPTEL videos,
e-courses, Virtual Laboratory
5. Use of hazardous/toxic chemicals should be avoided as far as possible in
6. All students in the laboratory must wear safety goggles and lab coats during lab

Supplementary Resources:

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