For The Full Essay Please WHATSAPP 010-2504287: Assignment
For The Full Essay Please WHATSAPP 010-2504287: Assignment
For The Full Essay Please WHATSAPP 010-2504287: Assignment
WHATSAPP 010-2504287
1. Answer in English.
4. Submission date : 13rd March 2022
5. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.
Part I (50%)
The writing process is not an option for your students but a necessity for predicting
academic success and for participation in the wider community. Process writing involves
many interwoven activities, including:
Design a lesson plan for a process-writing lesson, which incorporates the aspects,
mentioned above.
For further information on how to write lesson plans, refer to your course module, Topic 6,
Lesson Plans for Writing, page 91.
(30 marks)
Read the article ‘Teacher Written Feedback on L2 Student Writings” (Wen, 2013). In the
article, the author states that teachers can provide effective feedback on student writing by
adhering to the following four principles.
Discuss, in relation to the local ESL classroom, the issues in applying these principles.
Provide appropriate examples to support your discussion.
(20 marks)
Note: Use the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieve cohesion and coherence.
[Total: 50 Marks]
Part II
Discuss the following topic in the myINSPIRE forum and submit proof of your participation in
the online discussions:
What do you think are the theoretical perspectives behind the teaching of writing? Discuss
the issue with your tutor and peers.
[Total: 10 marks]
WHATSAPP 010-2504287
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Learning/ Lesson plan identifies Lesson plan identifies Lesson plan identifies Lesson plan fails to Learning/
Instructional specific performance-based specific specific performance- contain specific instructional
Objectives objectives, written performance-based based objectives, performance-based objectives not
with three components objectives, written with written with two of the objectives and/or provided.
(condition, performance, three components three objectives are not
criterion/criteria). (condition, performance, components written with required
Objectives are distinct from criterion/criteria). One (condition/ performance/ components
one another and function as of the components is not Criterion or criteria). One (condition,
Lesson 2 1.25 5
the clear purpose and focus very clearly explained. of the components is performance,
of instruction and Objectives are distinct inappropriate. The criterion/criteria).
assessment. from one another and objectives function as a Objectives are so
function as the clear partial focus for broad and vague that
purpose and focus of instruction and the focus for
instruction and assessment. Few, if any, instruction and
assessment. differentiated objectives. assessment is
TASK 2 Teaching 1.25 Lesson plan contains all Lesson plan contains Lesson plan contains Lesson plan elements Fails to address 5
1 Procedures elements. all elements. Learning all elements. Learning are absent or lesson plan
Learning activities support activities support activities support incomplete; learning elements.
objectives and provide for objectives and progress objectives and progress in activities do not
optimal instruction; in a logical order; and support objectives
transitions between assessment practices are a logical order. Planning and/or lack logical
activities are seamless; and evident. Planning for for stages of process progression. Planning
assessment practices stages of process writing writing is quite evident. for stages of process
are integrated within the is evident. writing is not
lesson to measure progress. evident.
Planning for stages of
process writing is very
Introduction Engaging process for lesson Lesson introduction is The lesson was introduced Process for lesson No lesson
introduction described, with specifically described only by stating the introduction is not introduction
TASK attention getting strategy including attention learning/instructional appropriate for the provided.
2 1.0 4
1 and connects to prior getting strategy and objectives. intended lesson.
learning. connects to prior
TASK 2 Conclusion 1.0 Engaging process for closure Lesson closure is Lesson is closed by Process for lesson No lesson closure 4
is described, including a specifically described, restating only the closure is not provided.
review of lesson concepts including a review of instructional/learning appropriate for the
and/or essential questions, lesson concepts and/or objectives. intended lesson.
1 preview of next lesson and essential questions,
application of lesson. preview of next lesson
and application of
Instructional A range of resources, Resources, materials and Resources, materials Use of resources, Resources,
Resources, materials and technology technology are utilized, and technology are materials and materials, and
Materials & are effectively integrated appropriate for the utilized to support technology is limited technology are not
Technology into the context of the learners and provide for or absent. Materials provided.
TASK lesson, engaging to learners optimal student learning. fail to fully fit the
3 1.0 4
1 and provide for optimal context of the lesson
student learning. Additional and the needs of the
resources are listed for students.
extended instruction.
learning activities.
Coherence Details are placed in a There are clear attempts There are attempts to use Writing contains Writing is confusing
logical order and the way to use cohesive devices cohesive devices but major mistakes in the and has many gaps.
they are presented to link details but in one writing lacks direction that use of cohesive No or limited
2 1.0 effectively keeps the or two places, writing affected reader’s devices that affected number of cohesive 4
interest of the reader. appears incoherent. comprehension. general devices used to
understanding. assist
Language/ Writer makes no errors in Writer makes minimal Writer makes some errors Writer makes many Writing is generally
Grammar grammar or spelling that errors in grammar, in grammar, structure, or errors in grammar, incomprehensible
2 1.0 distracts the reader from structure and spelling spelling that affect structure or spelling due to grammar, 4
the content. that does not affect reader’s understanding. that affect reader’s structures and
reader’s understanding. comprehension. spelling mistakes.
Total 7.5 30
QN = Question Number
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
TASK 2 2 Knowledge and 2.0 Shows considerable Shows some Shows limited Demonstrates very Demonstrate no 8
understanding understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the limited understanding of knowledge/
of issues issues. issues. issues. the issues. understanding of
Communicates Communicates arguments Communicates Communicates issues.
arguments with with some effectiveness; arguments with limited arguments with very
considerable sections unclear to the effectiveness; confusing limited clarity and
effectiveness; clear to reader. for the reader. accuracy.
the reader.
TASK 2 1 Organisation 1.25 The introduction is The introduction states The introduction states There is no clear No visible 5
inviting, states the main the main topic and the main topic. A introduction, structure, organization of
topic, and provides an provides an overview conclusion is included. or conclusion. information.
overview of the paper. of the paper. A conclusion
Information is relevant is included.
and presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
Sentence The author makes no The author makes a few The author makes The author makes Sentence
Structure, errors in grammar, errors in grammar, several errors in numerous errors structure not
Grammar, mechanics, mechanics, and/or grammar, mechanics, in grammar, mechanics, comprehensible.
Mechanics, & and/or spelling. Almost spelling, but they do not and/or and/or spelling that
Spelling all sentences are interfere the spelling that interfere interfere the
TASK 2 2 1.75 well-constructed and understanding. Most the understanding. understanding. 7
have varied structure sentences are well Sentences sound
and length. constructed, but they have awkward, are
a similar structure and/or distractingly repetitive,
length. or are difficult to
Total 5 20
QN = Question Number
Part CLO Criteria Weightage Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
4 3 2 1 0 marks
2 3 Participation in 1.0 Participates actively Participates actively Comments are The student does not No postings 4
e- forum and constructively in in discussions. generally vague or initiate contribution submitted. No
discussions Four of the taken from sources and lacks of interest in postings given as
(ongoing). comments are good, outside of the participation. proof of participation
All five comments are appropriate, discussion. None of the comments in discussion.
good, appropriate, relevant, meaningful, Three of the are good and
relevant, meaningful, and comments are relevant/Comments
and respectful. somewhat good, are short responses
respectful. appropriate, that are not substantial
meaningful, and nor meaningful.
respectful. Minimum effort (e.g. “I
agree with Tina”)
Quality of Comments are Comments are Comments are Comments are No postings
comments always insightful and mostly insightful and sometimes uninformative, lacking submitted.
constructive. Uses constructive. Mostly constructive, with in appropriate
appropriate uses appropriate occasional signs of terminology.
terminology. terminology. insight. The student
1.5 Comments balanced Occasionally does not use 6
between general comments are too appropriate
impressions, opinions general or not terminology;
& specific, thoughtful relevant to the comments not
criticisms or discussion. always relevant to
contributions. the discussion.