Admit Card Template

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Karmasangsthan Bank

Personnel Management, Training & Human Resource Department KB/HO/PMTHRD-01(PART-19)/2014-2015/2293

Head Office, 1, Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka-1000

Admit Card for Assistant Officer (General)

Roll No 74114
Exam Date/Time 05 June 2015, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Venue Mirpur University College, Section 2, Mirpur, Dhaka 1216

Applicant's Signature

Date: 2015-05-22 05:23:28 User ID: MKXAER | System ID: A418576417C6F5194D7A191FE8A75A41

General instructions for applicants

01 Candidates must bring the ‘Admit Card’ and show it to the Invigilators on duty and should preserve it for future requirements.

02 Photograph contained in this Admit Card will be matched with the photograph submitted with original application.
03 Candidates should bring two Black Ballpoint Pens. Use of pencil is PROHIBITTED.

04 Mobile phone, Calculator, Digital Watch or any Electronic Device is NOT ALLOWED.

05 Candidates involved in unfair means/misconduct in examination hall, will be silently expelled.

06 Candidates will have to report at the examination hall 15 minutes before the examination starts.

07 Attendance sheets have been prepared with candidate’s photograph and specimen signature. Invigilator will check the candidate physically with both the
photographs of admit card and attendance sheet. Candidate’s signature will also be checked by the invigilator in the same way.

08 Question papers along with the answer scripts must be returned to the invigilator by the candidates at the time of leaving the examination hall.

09 TA/DA will not be admissible in this connection.

Marks distribution for the MCQ & Written Examination as follows

MCQ Written Exam

Bengali 10 Bengali 25

English 10 English 25

Mathematics 10 Mathematics 25

General Knowledge 10 General Knowledge 25

Computer Knowledge 10

Total Marks 50 Total Marks 100

M. H. M Ali Karim
Deputy General Manager
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