Design and Implementation of Four Quadrant DC Drive Using Class E Chopper
Design and Implementation of Four Quadrant DC Drive Using Class E Chopper
Design and Implementation of Four Quadrant DC Drive Using Class E Chopper
Abstract:- The speed control of separately excited DC Various techniques were applied aiming at regulating
motor can be done by using choppers from 0 to rated chopper's duty cycle 'd' for reducing voltage ripple's and
speed .The chopper responds by providing variable to maintain voltage at minimum switching losses. PWM
voltage to the armature for receiving desired speed in converters are required to operate at high frequency
accordance with the signal received from controller via due to demand high power density with reduced
firing circuit. There are two controlling loops one for switching losses by using soft switching techniques. In
controlling current and one for controlling speed. In this order to achieve this aim zero-voltage switching method
way modeling of separately excited DC motor is done. is employed in the main circuit with an auxiliary circuit
The model is simulated using matlab after obtaining the that is activated just before the main circuit is to be
complete model of the system. Simulation is done for turned on and id deactivated after sometime. Auxiliary
analyzing various speeds and load torque conditions circuit consist of IGBT((active switch) and passive
.The above simulated model can be implemented as elements (inductances and capacitances) that have
applicable to be used in HEV'S in open loop working in lower ratings than the main circuit as auxiliary circuit is
the entire four quadrants as per voltage v/s current only activated for the fraction of switching cycle. PWM
plot. The IGBT'S are triggered by using pulse width with such circuits are referred as zero-voltage
modulation technique .Recent HEV employs a complex transitions .The auxiliary circuits can be a non-resonant
control system that involves vehicle to work on electric circuit with hard turn off or resonant circuit with soft
motor till the speed switch over the control of vehicle of turnoff.
the IC engine .The speed limit depends upon the
efficiency of the IC engines in its initial gears .Therefore II. Chopper
in the above context, the four quadrant operation is
designed to operate at speeds from 0 to 700rpm. A chopper is a static power electronic device that
converts fixed DC input voltage to variable dc output
Keywords -HEV'S(Hybrid Electrical Vehicles), I.C. voltage. The average value of output voltage Vo can be
Engines, Chopper, IGBT, DC Motor. controlled through duty cycle by opening and closing of
semiconductor switch periodically.
I. Introduction
Control strategies:
The application of DC-DC convertors are widely found in
switched mode power supplies. Input of the converter 1. Time ratio control : - In this control scheme ,duty ratio
varies widely especially when the source is renewable Ton/T is varied .This can be achieved by two different
source .So the input to these converters is unregulated ways i.e; constant frequency system and variable
but the output from this is expected to be harmonic and frequency system
ripple free. Voltage regulation in the DC-DC converters 2. Current limit control: - In this control strategy, the on
is achieve by continuous adjustment of the amount of and off of chopper circuit is decided by the previous set
energy absorbed from source that is injected in the load value of IL. The two set values are ILmax and ILmin
which in turn can be achieved by controlling the time when the load reaches the upper limit the chopper is off
intervals of energy absorption and injection in the and vice versa. Switching frequency can be set by
circuits . These two basic process of absorption and maximum and minimum level of current. PWM
injection constitutes a switching cycle presented as duty Technique is commonly used for power control in
cycle of operation D. There are two modes of operation chopper circuits.
current continuous and current discontinuous mode.
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1959
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 08 | Aug 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Chopper types:
Class A Chopper – The first quadrant chopper operates
in the first quadrant of V-I Plane with power flowing
from source to load as both V & I are positive. Therefore
the DC motor runs in forward direction and the speed of
the motor can be varied by varying the duty cycle of the
Class C Chopper – The Two quadrant chopper operated Fig1 Class E Chopper diagram
in the first and the second quadrant of the V-I Plane
.Hence the power is bidirectional .With DC motor as a From the above figure the load to operate in first
load ,the chopper operates the motor in the forward quadrant (forward motoring), switches T1 & T4 are
operating mode in first quadrant and forward operated. Here T1 is switched while T4 is kept open
regenerative mode in the second quadrant. .Therefore both the V & I across and through the load
are positive rotating the motor in forward direction.
Class D Chopper – The two quadrant chopper operates Now the speed of the motor can be varied by varying
in the first and fourth quadrant of V-I Plane. Again the the duty cycle of the switch T1. As the duty cycle varies
power is bidirectional with the DC motor(load) the voltage across the armature of the motor varies
operated in forward motoring and reverse generated proportionally thereby varying the motor speed as the
mode N is proportional to armature voltage.
III. Class E Chopper Now for applying brakes electrically, the chopper is to
be operated in second quadrant .This can be done by
Operation of the four quadrant chopper is explained operating switch T2 .When T2 is ON ,the inert5ial
with a DC motor as shown in diagram below. energy of the motor that is stored in the inductance of
armature circuit ,voltage across inductor increases
.Once the switch is turned off the voltage across
inductor adds with the back EMF of the motor feeding
inertial energy back to the source through freewheeling
diodes D1 & D4 .For energy to be feedback to the source
the combined voltage of the inductor and back EMF
must be more than Vs. If the inertial energy of the motor
is fed back to source it is called 'regenerative braking' &
if dissipated in resistor it is called electric braking
.motor is in forward regenerative mode.
G Quadrant of operation
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1960
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 08 | Aug 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
IV. Modelling
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1961
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 08 | Aug 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
In Fig 10 comparison between braking periods and duty VII. Future scope
ratio is shown .At 50% duty cycle braking period is
almost one fourth of the time line period .But at 90% By designing snubber circuit more accurately the
duty cycle time dropped to about half as observed in complete drive can be made more sophisticated &
case of 50% duty cycle duty ratio . The more the ON simpler .Magnetic inertia of the motor is not sufficient to
time more the inductance charges it increases the overcome the magnetic locking of the motor under
regenerative and braking torque regenerative mode, therefore magnetic inertia of the
motor is to be increased for better running conditions.
VIII. References
VI. Result
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1963