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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor Using Chopper

Kaustubh S. Deshmukh, Master in Technology, Electrical Engineering, G H Raisoni College of Engineering

and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Prof. Rutuja S Hiware, Electrical Engineering, G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur,
Maharashtra, India

Abstract - The Aim of the paper is to control the separately excited dc motor by using the IGBT based chopper. The
speed of separately excited dc motor can be control by changing the armature voltage and changing field flux. Due
to this the speed can be controlled for below rated speed and speed above the rated speed, respectively. In this
paper, the motor speed below and upto the rated speed can be achieved by Changing the Armature voltage. The
Armature voltage can be controlled by Using IGBT based chopper. The IGBT chopper receives signal from
controller and Adjustable voltage is given to the armature of dc motor according to the wanted speed. The
advantages to employed this technique is that the Speed varies proportionally with armature voltage and varies
inversely with field voltage by keeping field and armature voltage constant respectively. The IGBT employed
chopper i.e. power module gives smoother control as compared with the SCR based circuit. By employing this
system, we can chop the frequency and speed of DC motor can be control. The two controllers are employed here,
speed controller and current controller. Here, we are employing the PI type controller i.e. proportional-integral
type. The aim of using PI type controller is it eliminates the delay and provide fast control. It give a very fast
response to sudden changes in motor speed. The simulation of model is done and analyzed in MATLAB (Simulink)
under Different renge speed and torque condition.

1. Introduction widely in position control system and variable speed

drives. DC motors has excellent control of speed for
Demanding of Industrial Sector for high speeding up and slowing down. In a DC motor the
performance electrical drives is increases nowadays. supply is directly connects to the field of the motor
Variable speed applications are gradually increases in and as results a specific voltage control is obtained,
industrial sector. Therefor it is needed to create high which is necessary for control of speed and torque.
performance, high flexible electrical drives. Electrical DC drives are backbone of industrial applications due
motor, Power controller and energy transmitting its advantages like simplicity Reliable, low cost,
medium are the main Constituents of Electrical flexible etc. DC drives are cheaper for low
drives. Nowadays, power electronics converter are horsepower ratings. DC motors are generally
cast instates of power controller. High performance consider as flexible speed machines and a wide range
motor drive system has special features such as good of options have developed for this purpose.
dynamic speed command and load regulating
reaction Electric drives are categories as: DC drives There are several techniques of speed
system and AC drives system. DC drives are widely control of DC drives – armature voltage control,
used than AC drives, in applications such as, good armature resistance control and field flux control. In
speed regulation adjustable speed control, braking this paper, the motor speed under and upto the rated
and reversing frequent starting. Some important speed can be achieved by Changing the Armature
applications are mine winders, paper mills, hoists, voltage. The Armature voltage can be controlled by
rolling mills, printing presses, traction, machine tools, Using IGBT based chopper. Using Chopper as power
textile mills, cranes, excavators. DC motors are used converter and PI as speed and current controller,

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 799
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

controlling of DC motor speed is examined. The

purpose of controller is to reduce the error and the
error is calculated by Equaling output value with the
set point. A chopper is a static power electronic
device used to converts stable dc input voltage to a
adjustable dc voltage as output. Here we use IGBT
Chopper systems which have fast in response,
smooth control capability and are very efficient. A
IGBT chopper is used to step down or step up the
stable dc input voltage.

2.1 Chopper circuit diagram and its voltage and

2. Chopper
current waveform
A chopper is a static power electronic device
which changes stable dc input voltage to a adjustable
dc voltage. chopper is used to step down or step up
the stable dc input voltage. Chopper systems offer
high efficiency, regeneration facility, smooth control,
and faster response. There are some power
semiconductor devices used in a chopper circuit.
They are force commutated thyristor, MOSFET, BJT,
GTO and IGBT But from the above switching devices,
GTO and IGBT are broadly used. These
semiconductor devices are generally denoted by a
switch. No current will flow, when the switch is OFF,
and when switch is ON, the Current will flows
through the load. In this paper, we cast the IGBT as
switch in chopper circuit. IGBT employed chopper
gives fast Switching, more efficiency, less switching
losses. The ON and OFF state of semiconductor
switch i.e. IGBT switch which is high in speed. It 3. Separately Excited DC Motor
connects and disconnect, the source to load and the
load from source respectively, at a fast speed. As The major use of DC motors are in position
shown in Fig1. When the switch is turning ON state control and changeable-speed applications. The
i.e. Ton, chopper is turn ON and Output voltage and techniques of speed control for DC motors are less
source voltage are equal. When the switch is turn OFF expensive and simpler than the AC motors. When the
i.e. Toff, chopper is off and load voltage is zero. In this wide speed range of control is needed, the DC motors
way, we obtaind the chopped dc voltage at the load are employed Separately excited dc motor has
terminals. armature and field winding. It requires separate
supply voltage. Field flux is supplied by field winding
to armature. The current immediately flows to the
armature winding, when the DC voltage is applied to
the motor, through the brushes and commutator. The
rotor is positioned in magnetic field and it is also
carrying current. The back EMF and a torque are
produced by motor, a torque stabilizes the load
torque at specific speed. When the field current and
armature current flows in circuit, it excites the DC
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 800
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

motor, thus develops the back EMF and torque. The operation duty cycle of converter, which is control by
armature current is independent of The field current. speed controller. The converter output provides the
The field and armature winding are supplied variable voltage essential to bring motor back to the
separately. Any variation in the armature current has desired speed. The Reference speed is delivered
no influence on the field current. The field current are through a potential divider. The voltage from
generally minimum than armature current. Suppose, potential divider is linearly linked to the speed of the
Ia is the armature current in ampere, Va is the DC motor. The output speed of motor is shown by
armature voltage in volt, Eg is the motor back emf in Tachogenerator. Result of Tacho will not be perfectly
volt, Ra is the armature resistance in ohm, La is the dc and contains some ripple. So, we employed a filter
armature inductance in Henry. to bring Tacho output controller level. The block
The armature voltage equation is shown below: diagram for DC motor speed control is show below:

The Torque equation is given as,

Equation for back EMF of motor is given as,

5. MATLAB Simulation And Results

In this paper, we analyzed the speed control of
D.C.MOTOR by using current and speed controller. In
the open loop model the output speed is uncontrolled
Thus from the above equations, we observe that the
as shown in below fig.
speed of DC motor be influenced by armature
current, applied voltage, field flux, and armature 5.1 Simulink model of open loop model of
resistance. So we can control the speed of motor by- chopper with dc machine
armature resistance control, armature voltage
control, and field flux control.

4. Modeling Of DC Motor
The basic principle of speed control of DC
motor is that the output speed of DC motor can be
change by changing the armature voltage for speed
under and upto the rated speed. The field voltage is
kept stable. The output speed is matched with the
reference speed and if error is occurred than error
signal is fed to speed controller. Controller will
compare the result, and thus output will Vary
whenever there is a change in the base speed and the
speed feedback. The control voltage that controls the

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 801
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5.2 Simulation of closed loop model of chopper

with dc machine

5.1.1 Simulation result for Speed

5.1.2 Simulation result for Torque

5.2.1 Result for Speed

5.1.3 Simulation result for Current.

5.2.2 Result for Current

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 802
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5. Conclusion [8] Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.
The DC motor speed control has been
successfully analyzed using chopper as a power [9] Dubey, G.K., Fundamentals of Electrical Drives.
controller and Speed and Current controller New Delhi, Narosa Publishing House, 2009
(Proportional-Integral type) based on the closed loop
model of DC motor. Initially a simplified open loop
model for DC motor is studied and then closed loop
model is considered and required of current
controller is studied. Then a generalized modelling
for speed control of dc motor is done and analyzed.
The simulation is done in MATLAB under changing
load condition, changing reference speed condition
and changing input voltage. The results obtained are
analyzed. The DC motor speed control is completed,
for rated and under rated speed by changing the
armature voltage.

6. References

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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 803

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