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A Microcontroller-Based Automatic Transfer Switching System

for a Standby Electric Generator*

C. K. Amuzuvi and E. Addo

Amuzuvi, C. K. and Addo, E. (2015), “A Microcontroller-Based Automatic Transfer Switching System for a
Standby Electric Generator”, Ghana Mining Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 85 - 92.

Unreliability in electric power supply has occasioned the proliferation of standby generators especially in developing
countries. However, the methods and equipment employed to effect power supply changeover remain fraught with
challenges ranging from inefficiency to cost. Most industries still employ the manual method of power supply changeover,
which is beset by a myriad of setbacks including: time wastage, strenuous operation, susceptibility to fire outbreak and high
maintenance frequency. This paper presents a Microcontroller-Based Automatic Transfer Switching System (MBATSS),
which eliminates the challenges of a manual changeover system. A voltage sensing circuit, a Hall Effect current sensor,
relays, LEDs and an LCD were all coordinated using a PIC16F877A microcontroller. A system flow chart was developed for
the firmware and the microcontroller programmed using GCG BASIC programming software. The simulation of the
designed circuitry was conducted using proteus design suit software. The simulation results vindicated the method used,
thus, confirming the workability of the proposed design. Duration analysis yielded excellent results, as approximately 20
seconds elapses during the entire process of power supply changeover. The timely restoration of power and ease of operation
are some of the advantages attributable to the design.

Keywords: Standby generator, Changeover, Microcontroller, Firmware, Automatic.

1 Introduction
Indeed, the ravages of power instability have
Reliable and secure uninterruptible power supply is equally necessitated automation of the switching
a sine qua non for virtually all industrial system between national grid energy system and
operations. The reality, however, especially in most standby generators used as backup. In the last
developing countries, is that energy resources are decade, different equipment and configurations
simply inadequate. Most manufacturing industries have been used in order to cope with this problem
and firms have to contend with insecure and (Aguinaga, 2008). An automatic changeover
unreliable power supply coupled with its attendant system makes use of sensors and transducers to
negative impacts on productivity and cost of realise the changeover in a shorter time while
production. eliminating human interference and its attendant
errors (Chukwubuikem, 2012).
The quest for secure and reliable power supply
remains a dream yet to be attained, especially in The main problems associated with a manual
most developing countries. This is as a result of switching system are as follows: interrupted power
population growth, industrialisation and supply, device damage due to frequent
urbanisation (Aguinaga, 2008; Akparibo, 2011; commutations, possible causes of fire outbreak due
Fuller, 2007; Kolo, 2007) and improper planning to switching sparks and frequent high maintenance
by service providers and governments. Most cost due to changeover action and wear and tear of
manufacturing industries, firms and institutions mechanical parts. In this paper, we demonstrate
such as hospitals and healthcare facilities, financial how to surmount these problems by the design of a
Microcontroller-Based Automatic Transfer Switching
institutions, data centres and airports to mention
System (MBATSS). We have also performed a
but a few require constant power supply all year
simulation to test the workability of the controller
round. Power instability generally retards
using appropriate simulation software.
development in public and private sectors of any
economy (Kolo, 2007; Anon., 2010;
Chukwubuikem, 2012). Any instance of power 2 Materials and Methods Used
failure could lead to prohibitive consequences
ranging from loss of huge amounts of money to life The materials and methods used to integrate the
casualties (Aguinaga, 2008). The spate of frequent electric generator as an alternative power source to
power outages without an effective back-up system the grid is very important in determining how
is truly a disincentive to investors in any secure and reliable the power supply to load can be.
developing economy like Ghana (Kolo, 2007). The switching system could be manual, where a

*Manuscript received March 8, 2015

Revised version accepted April 28, 2015
85 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015
person switches the generator set on when the grid outage because switching is effected on the basis of
supply is lost and switches the generator off when energising and de-energising of the relay coils.
the grid power is restored or alternatively,
automatic switching, where the electric generator
switches on and off when the grid is restored 2.3 Transfer Switches
(Chukwubuikem, 2012).
Transfer switches, also known as changeover
2.1 Mechanism of Operation of Electric switches, are electrical devices designed to power
an electric load from multiple sources. They are
Power Generators mainly used with generator sets in applications
where the loads need, if not a fully continuous, at
Electric power generators could produce Direct
least a steady supply of electric power (Aguinaga,
Current (DC) or Alternating Current (AC). AC
2008). Transfer switches could be manually or
power generators consist of armature windings
automatically operated. A manual transfer switch
placed in stator slots into which an AC voltage is
box separates the utility supply from the standby
induced, and a rotor coupled to a prime mover.
generator. Whenever there is power failure,
Mechanical rotation of the prime mover cuts the
changeover is done manually by humans and the
magnetic flux produced in the stator field by an
same happens when the public utility power is
exciter. This induces an alternating electromotive
restored and this is usually accompanied with loud
force in the stator windings. Any load connected to
noise and electrical sparks (Chukwubuikem, 2012).
the stator windings completes the external circuit
An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is used with
and current flows through the load. Fig. 1 shows a
standby systems. It includes a control circuit that
schematic diagram of a practical three-phase
senses mains voltage. When mains power is
interrupted, the control circuit starts up the
generator set, disconnects the load from the utility
and connects it to the generator set. It then
continues to monitor the mains status. When mains
Rotor B power is restored, it commutes the load from the
3-Phase Supply to Load

Stator generator back to the utility within a threshold time
Anon. (2012a).
Prime R
When the generator is disconnected, it goes
through a cool-down process and then
automatically shuts down (Chukwubuikem, 2012).
Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of a typical
DC Exciter transfer switch. Transfer switches could be
installed between two generators, a generator and a
utility supply or between alternate utility providers
Fig. 1 A Practical Three-Phase Alternator Anon. (2012b).

2.2 Standby Generators Source 1 Source 2
(Primary, Normal)
(Secondary, Emergency)
Standby generators Anon. (2011) also known as Utility Power Generator Set
backup or alternate generators, are secondary
sources of electric power usually kept at the
premises of consumers to provide electrical power
in the event of failure of power supply from a Electrical Load
power service provider. Standby generators are
installed at the consumer’s premises and run in
parallel with the utility power supply in order to Fig. 2 Schematic Diagram of a Typical Transfer
augment the utility supply, when power is lost Switch
Anon. (2012a).
2.4 The Proposed Switching System
There are other electric generator switching
automation systems using electromechanical relays, In general, a switch control mechanism could be
contactors and timers which comes with some done electromechanically or solid state-based. Both
shortcomings, notably: poor sensing ability to methods come with corresponding trade-offs
fluctuations due to the fact that relays do not ranging from efficiency to cost. The methods of
function optimally at very low voltages; and slow switching on standby generators can also be
switching time in the event of mains power supply categorised mainly into two modes: Open

86 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015

Transition (OT) mode and Closed Transition (CT) A Hall Effect current sensor feeds the load current
mode Anon. (2013a). to the TS controller. A source change relay acts as
switchgear to switch power sources between mains
An ATS is an electrical device for transferring and generator to the load.
power sources to an electrical load. The switch
should have the ability to sense the loss or Fuel flow and starter relays are used to start the
fluctuation of power from the main source and fuel flow pump and engine respectively. All the
based on that stimulus, initiate and execute the relays are driven by a relay driver (ULN2003A).
process of transfer of source to the load. Normally, The TS microcontroller monitors the charging state
the sensing circuits are connected to the power of a battery that supplies power to the entire control
sources through relays. Transfer switching systems circuitry.
have been studied by numerous researchers with
Voltage Sensing Circuits
different applications usually aimed at reducing
component count and minimising power consumed Two AC voltage sensing circuits continuously
by the control circuitry (Aguinaga, 2008), (Kolo, monitor the state of the utility supply, generator
2007), (Chukwubuikem, 2012), Anon. (2013a). and communicate it to the TS microcontroller. The
The ATS is able to monitor all the sources voltage sensor, as shown in the circuit diagram in
consistently for over/under voltage and current Fig. 5, is made up of a 240/3.4 V step down
conditions or total loss of power and issue an transformer, two resistors, a diode and a capacitor.
appropriate command for the transfer of load to an To ensure that 5 V TTL requirement of the
alternate power source. microcontroller is not violated, a voltage divider
circuit, consisting of R1 and R2 is used to output
about 5 V to the controller. This is achieved by
This paper reports on the design of an efficient
setting the ratio of R1 to R2 to be 10 is to 5. The
microcontroller-based ATS making use of relays,
values of R1 and R2 are deliberately selected in the
voltage and current sensing circuitry, a display unit
kilo ohm range in order to limit the sink current to
and an alarm unit in order to reduce the circuit’s
the microcontroller. The diode and capacitor C1 are
power consumption, operate fast, reduce
used to give a unidirectional DC to the respective
component count and considerably reduce cost.
input pin of the microcontroller. An AC sensor
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show a block diagram of the
(ACS712-05B-T); is used to monitor the load for
overall system design and the block diagram of the
over- and under-current conditions.
ATS respectively (Anderson, 2003).
The change breaker relay, OMIH-SH-105D, was
The system hardware consists mainly of a Transfer
selected to commute the power source from utility
Switch (TS) microcontroller serving as the main
to generator and vice versa. This is necessary in
controlling device to which all other devices are
order to avoid both sources being connected at the
connected. The AC voltage sensing circuits sense
same time, otherwise the generator could “back
the status of the AC power from the mains and
feed” into the utility lines. This is an unhealthy
generator and communicate it to the TS
condition since personnel working on the line could
be electrocuted. This calculation is done for a
typical company in Tarkwa.

Engine B
Co i-dire
mm cti
un ona
i ca l
Electrical and tion

Generator AC Transfer AC
Generator Distribution
Switch to



Fig. 3 Block Diagram of the Overall System Design

87 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015

Power Section


Mains AC Load AC

Generator AC

Control Section

Display Unit

AC Fuel Flow Relay

Mains AC Voltage
Sensor Relay
Transfer Switch
Microcontroller Driver
Generator AC Voltage Starter Relay

Load AC Current MAINS ON
DC +v +v Battery
Power Charging
Supply FAULT Circuit

Fig. 4 Block Diagram of Automatic Transfer Switch

R1 Diode 1.5961 V
10 kΩ To MCU ADC pin

R2 C1
1.13 V
240 V AC 3.40 V AC AC 5 kΩ 1 uF


Fig. 5 Schematic Diagram of AC Voltage Sensing Circuit

Schematic Diagram of the Hardware Design and synchronous operation of all circuits of the
microcontroller. The oscillator module is usually
The circuit diagram of the hardware design of the configured to use quartz crystal or ceramic
ATS is shown in Fig. 6. The microcontroller resonator for frequency stabilisation.
receives its power from a MAX610 AC to DC
converter through a 10 kΩ resistor. Evenly spaced
pulses coming from the oscillator enable harmonic

88 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015

(+5 V DC)

10 kΩ

1 40
2 39
3 38
4 37
5 36

6 35


7 34
8 33
9 32
10 31
11 30
12 29
13 28
14 27
15 26
16 25
17 24
22pF 22pF 18 23
19 22
20 21


Fig. 6 Circuit Diagram of Hardware Design of the Automatic Transfer Switch

Proteus Design Suit programming of the hardware was done using GCG
Basic programming software. The proposed circuit
The Proteus design suit is a professional printed was successfully simulated using the proteus
circuit board (PCB) design software with integrated design suite software. This was done to ascertain
shape based auto-router. It was used for the circuit the workability of the proposed design. The results
simulation, schematic capture, and the PCB design. indicated that, the ATS responded appropriately to
It is developed by Labcenter Electronics Anon. power outages, voltage dips and swells, over and
(2013b). The method adopted in this paper cover under-current conditions and restorations. A screen
the system flow chart, programming the shot of the simulated designed circuit is as shown
microcontroller and simulation of the circuitry of in Fig. 8. The power source changeover was
the proposed design. initialised once the utility source became
unavailable or experienced a voltage dip or swell or
System Flow Chart dangerous a surge in current. Fig. 9 (a), (b), (c) and
(d) respectively show the system responses
The flow chart for the firmware development is indicated.
presented in Fig. 7.

3 Results and Discussion

The results are based on the system flow chart

developed, the corresponding hardware
programming and the simulation outcome. The

89 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015


Initialize the system

Check Mains Supply

Start No Is 200 < Mains Voltage < 260? Yes Close Mains
Gen Is 9 < Mains Current < 16 Relay

Close Gen

Yes No
Is 200 < Gen Voltage < 260? Activate LED and
Is 9 < Gen Current < 16 Display State on LCD

Press RESET Stop


Fig.7 Flow Chart for Firmware Development

Fig. 8 Screen Shot of Simulation of Designed Circuit

90 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 9 System Response to Power Outages and Restorations: (a) Mains Supply Normal, (b) Supply from
Generator, (c) Voltage Surge on Mains and (d) Loss of Mains Supply

To ensure an almost seamless transfer of power

supply, it is required that minimum time is spent 4 Conclusions and Recommendations
for the entire process of supply changeover. The
generator, per the program run on the controller, is 4.1 Conclusions
expected to start within 10 seconds of utility power
outage, and when rated voltage is sensed by the This paper has presented the design of an efficient,
generator AC sensor, the controller immediately cost effective and reliable Microcontroller-Based
pulses the changeover relay to change the power Automatic Transfer Switching System (MATSS),
source. Thus, on average, approximately 20 which has the ability to accurately monitor the
seconds is expected to elapse during the power supply from the utility company and respond
interruption of power supply to the load. appropriately upon a power outage by starting an
on-site generator to supply power. Upon the
Cost Analysis restoration of utility power, the system commutes
An estimated cost of GH₵ 992.61 (approx. 330.87 the load back to utility and shuts down the
USD) is required for the implementation of the generator. Included in the design is an over-
design. Comparatively, this amount is a little higher voltage/over-current protection unit. This enables
than the cost of a manual system, but the the system to automatically changeover when the
advantages of convenience, reliability and voltage or current rises above its rating, to protect
efficiency of this system far outweigh that for the equipment from damage. The cost of the MBATSS
manual system. Table 1 presents the summary of is approximately 330.87 USD to construct and
the detailed components cost of the system Anon. install. This new system thus offers considerable
(2013b), Anon. (2013c), Anon. operational advantages and cost saving over the
manual system currently used by many companies
Table 1 Cost Analysis in Ghana. The switch transition mode used (open
transition mode) eliminates the problem of standby
Components Quantity
power generators “back-feeding” into the utility
(GH₵) lines.
Power Supply (MAX610) 1 2.60 2.60
1 8.73 8.73 4.2 Recommendation
Current Sensor (ACS712-
1 4.97 4.97 It is recommended that hospitals, financial
Transformer (TRAN- institutions, internet service providers, mining and
2 30.90 61.80 allied companies in Ghana, which require constant
Liquid Crystal Display
1 4.98 4.98 power supply should use the MBATSS.
Relay Driver
1 1.50 1.50 Acknowledgements
Relays (5 V) 3 1.20 3.60
Crystal Oscillator 1 2.33 2.33 The authors thank the University of Mines and
Resistors (10 kΩ, 5 kΩ) 7 0.30 2.10 Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana, especially the student
Transfer Switch Box 1 900.00 900.00 of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering
TOTAL 992.61
Department who contributed in various ways

91 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015

towards the identification of the problems Authors
associated with manual switching system in Ghana
and the provision of a solution. Christian K. Amuzuvi holds a PhD from the
University of Nottingham (UNotts) and MSc
References in Electromechanical Engineering from the
National Technical University (NTU)
“Kharkov Polytechnic Institute” “KhPI” in
Aguinaga, J. (2008), “Study of Transfer Switches”, the Ukraine. He is currently a lecturer at the
Unpublished MSc Thesis Report, Helsinki Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department in the Faculty of Engineering of
University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 102
the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa and
pp. did part-time lecturing at both Cape Coast and Takoradi
Akparibo, R. A. (2011), “A Solar Radiation Polytechnic. His area of specialisation is Electrical Apparatus
Tracker for Solar Energy Optimisation”, and currently has special research interest in Wireless
Communication and Renewable Energy Systems. He is a
Unpublished BSc Project Report, University of
member of IEEE, IET and a graduate member of GhIE.
Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, pp. 20 - 32.
Anderson, W. J. (2003), “Automatic Transfer
Switches and Engine Control”, www.file- Emmanuel Addo obtained an MSc degree
in Telecommunications Engineering from
ee-patents.com, Accessed: February 10,
the Bonch-Bruevich State University of
2013. Telecommunication in Saint Petersburg –
Anon. (2010), “Low Voltage Automatic Transfer Russia in 1990. He took up his
Switch System”, www.asco.com, Accessed: appointment as a Technical Instructor at
the Electrical and Electronic Department
December 20, 2012.
of the University of Mines and
Anon. (2011), “Olympian GEH220-4 Diesel Technology (UMaT) in June 2013. As a
Generator Set Manual”, www.olympianpower Telecommunication engineer, he worked as a Customer Access
.com/cda/files/2851633/7/LEHF0174-01.pdf. Network Planning, Design and Implementation Engineer as well
as Quality Assurance Engineer for Ghana Telecommunication
Accessed: March 20, 2013.
Company limited for twelve years.
Anon. (2012a), “Automatic Transfer Switches
International”, www.cumminspower.com.
Accessed: December 20, 2012.
Anon. (2012b), Automatic Transfer Switch-
Owner’s Manual, Generac Power Systems
Inc., Whitewater, USA, pp. 1 - 20.
Anon. (2013a), “Automatic Transfer Switch”,
Accessed: February 10, 2013.
Anon. (2012c), “Proteus PCD Design Package”,
m. Accessed: January 2, 2013.
Anon. (2013b), “Electrical and Electronic
components.htm. Accessed: April 1, 2013.
Anon. (2013c), “Electronic Components”,
Accessed: April 1, 2013.
Anon. (2013d), “Electronics Component Search by
Top Distributors”, www.findchip.com,
Accessed: April 1, 2013.
Chukwubuikem, N. M., Ekene, M. S. and Uzedhe,
G. (2012), “A Cost Effective Approach to
Implementing Changeover System”, Academic
Research International, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 62 -
Fuller, R. (2007), “Electrical Currents”, Newsletter
from the office of the Chief Electrical
Inspector, Vol. 10, No. 6. pp. 1 - 4.
Kolo, J. G. (2007), “Design and Construction of an
Automatic Power Changeover Switch”,
Assumption University Journal of Technology,
Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 1- 6.

92 G MJ Vol. 15, No. 1, June, 2015

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