boost+DC Motor
boost+DC Motor
boost+DC Motor
Abstract— In this paper, an innovative technique of the speed choppers made a revolution in modern industrial equipment
control of the separately excited DC Motor by Boost converter and variable speed drives.
fed field control is being discussed. Purpose of a motor speed In the current trend, the DC motor speed control is achieved
controller is to take a signal representing the required speed and by armature control method and field control method.
to drive a motor at that speed. Controlling the PWM duty cycle is
Armature control method is only suitable for below the rated
equivalent to controlling the motor field winding terminal
voltage, which in turn adjusts directly the motor speed. By speed. Then the field control method is only suitable for above
adjusting the duty cycle of the IGBT then the output voltage is the rated speed. But in armature control method, there is more
varied. This voltage is above the rated voltage. If we can apply voltage drops by varying the resistance. By this, the overall
this voltage to the field winding, the flux production is more than efficiency of the system will be collapsed. By giving the above
the normal level. Due to this, automatically speed will be rated voltage to the field winding, there is more flux will be
decreased. By providing one variable series resistance in the created than the previous case.
output terminal of the chopper, then if it is varied means, the This over voltage will be providing by the step-up chopper
current flow through the field winding is limited. By this and automatically the speed will be going to down. By
condition, the flux production is less. Now the speed will be going
providing one series resistance in the output terminal of the
to increases. In this method, the field winding should be designed
for above the rated voltage. This work is a feasible one and high chopper, we can able to get the below the rated voltage also. If
feasibility according to economic point of view and accuracy. In this reduced voltage is fed to the field winding. The flux
this work, developmental design of hardware of a closed loop dc production in the field winding is less. Then the speed will be
motor speed control system by field control with PI speed going to increases. Because of the flux is inversely
controller have been explained and illustrated. proportional to the speed.
But in this method, the voltage of the field winding is
Keywords- DC motor, Speed control, Microcontroller, Power IGBT, exceeding the rated voltage. If we cannot consider this, then
PWM. the field winding will be damaged. We want to design a new
field winding for this control. The overall with stand capacity
of the field winding is increased in this control. By this design,
In many industrial applications, such as Battery operated the field winding is works under the normal rated voltage and
vehicles, trolley buses, cars, traction, motor control it’s the above rated voltage.
required to covert fixed DC voltage into a variable DC This maximum voltage will be decided by the output of the
voltage[1,3]. Speed control of dc motor could be achieved chopper. By this type of modern controlling, we can able to
using mechanical or electrical techniques. In the past, speed achieve more efficiency than the armature control. But the
controls of dc drives are mostly mechanical and requiring overall dimension of the motor is just increased because of the
large size hardware to implement [2,3]. redesigning of the field winding. The simulations are
The electric drive systems used in many industrial performed by using MATLAB Software.
applications require higher performance, reliability, variable
speed due to its ease of controllability. The speed control of II. PROPOSED CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
DC motor is very crucial in applications where precision and
protection are of essence [3].The development has launched
these drives back to a position of formidable relevance, which
were hitherto predicted to give way to ac drives.
Some important applications are: rolling mills, paper mills
mine winders, hoists, machine tools, traction, printing presses,
textile mills, excavators and cranes. Fractional horsepower dc
drives are widely employed -as servo means for positioning
and tracking [4]. Controlled rectifiers provide a variable dc
voltage from a fixed dc voltage. Due to their ability to supply Figure 1. Circuit diagram of the proposed method
a continuously variable dc voltage, controlled rectifier and dc
III. WORKING PRINCIPLE the back EMF will create very smoothly. Then the starting
The circuit of the proposed method is shown in figure 1. In current will be reduced. After reducing the resistance by
this figure, the armature is connected across with the supply handle, the full rated voltage is applied to the armature and
source and the field is connected across with the output of the field winding. Then the handle is attracted by the No Volt
boost converter. The proposed method contains two different Coil. Then we have to set the rated speed by varying the V.R.
types of modes. They are, potentio meter as shown the figure 2. After this we can able to
control the speed by mode-1 and mode-2 operation. These are
A. Mode – 1: Low Speed Operation already mentioned in the working principle. This is the
starting procedure for this proposed method.
The practical boost converter gives the output voltage from
220Volts to 475Volts. By varying the Duty cycle, the variable
voltage is applied in the Field winding terminal. This variable
voltage is greater the rated field voltage.
In this case, the flux creation from the field winding is
greater than the rated flux. We know the speed is inversely
proportional to the flux. By this principle, automatically the
speed will be going to down as below the rated speed. This
speed is determined by the applied field voltage. In this
condition, the position of variable resistance V.R. is should be
zero or very minimum position. Because of there is no current
limit. That is why the V.R. is should be in minimum position.
R delay can be cancelled. In Control system term a time
delay generally corresponds to a lag and zero means a lead,
Assuming, Tm=JRa/(kΦ)² as electromechanical time so the PI controller will try to compensate the whole system
constant.Then the equation (9) can be written as below: [8].Hence, the equation can be written as:
2013 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2013), Jan. 09 – 11, 2013, Coimbatore, INDIA
Area of field conductor is, The speed vs. field voltage graphs were drawn by using
AT ρL 7000 0.02 0.41 MATLAB Block M-File. These graphs are shown in figure
a 0.522 m² 12,13.
E 110
Resistance of each coil is, Low Speed Operation
T ρL 1400
R … 18
Here, we know the field resistance and find out the total 1200
number of field turns from the equation (18),
Ra 240 0.522
T 15278 1000
ρL 0.02 0.41
Hence, height of the coil is,
Speed [RPM]
T a F 10 15278 0.522 10 800
h 0.398m
d 20 10
Area of outer surface excluding ends is,
a L h 0.36 0.398 0.1433 m²
This is the over all design specifications of the armature,
field and airgap for a proposed DC motor[9]. 400
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Field Voltage [V]
Figure 12. Graph for the low speed rpm (vs) field voltage
High Speed Operation
Speed [RPM]
Figure 10. Modeling of the proposed method with PI speed controller 2500
0 50 100 150 200 250
Field Voltage [V]
Figure 13. Graph for the high speed rpm (vs) field voltage
These graphs were drawn by using the equations
V &V V D … 19
1 D
Vf - Field voltage.
Figure 11. Output waveform for the proposed method with PI speed Vdc – Input voltage.
controller closed loop system D – Value of duty cycle.
2013 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2013), Jan. 09 – 11, 2013, Coimbatore, INDIA
The speed of a dc motor has been successfully controlled by
using Chopper as a converter and Proportional-Integral type
Speed controller based on closed loop system model. Initially
a simplified closed loop model for speed control of DC
motor is considered. Then a generalized modeling of dc
motor is done. After that a complete layout of DC drive
system is obtained. Then designing of speed controller is done.
The speed controller parameters are calculated by manually
and the obtained values are inserted in the blocks from the
MATLAB design model. DC motor specification is taken and
corresponding parameters are found out from derived design
approach. Ultimately simulation is done for model with and
without filter used after reference speed and a comparative
study is done on response of both cases. The simulation results
under varying reference speed and varying load are also
studied and analyzed. The model shows good results under
all conditions employed during simulation.
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