Gui Programming Notes (1-5)
Gui Programming Notes (1-5)
Gui Programming Notes (1-5)
Programming means designing a set of instructions to ask the computer to carry out certain
jobs that are very much faster and more efficient than human beings can do.
As the mirochips of a CPU can only understand 0 and 1 in the binary system, the earliest
programming language uses combinations of 0 and 1 code to communicate with computer,
a language that is called machine language.
Some of the high level programming languages are Fortran, Cobol, Java, C, C++, c#,
Visual Basic,Turbo Pascal, flash action script, JavaScript,HTML and more.
VISUAL BASIC is a high level programming language which evolved from the earlier
DOS version called BASIC.
BASIC means Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
The code looks a lot like English Language. Different software companies produced
different versions of BASIC, such as Microsoft QBASIC, QUICKBASIC, GWBASIC,
IBM BASICA and so on.
Now, there are many versions of VB exist in the market, the most popular one and still
widely used by many VB programmers is none other than Visual Basic 6 .
We also have, Visual Basic 2005, Visual Basic 2008 , Visual Basic 2010, Visual
Basic 2012 and Visual Basic 2013 .
VB2008, VB2010, VB2012 and VB2013 are fully object oriented programming (OOP)
In VB6, programming is done in a graphical environment. In the old BASIC, you have to
write program code for each graphical object you wish to display it on screen, including its
position and its color.
However, In VB6, you just need to drag and drop any graphical object anywhere on the
form, and you can change its properties using the properties window.
The events usually comprises but not limited to the user's inputs. Some of the events are
load, click, double click, drag and drop, pressing the keys and more.
We will learn more about events in later lessons. Therefore, a VB6 Program is made up of
many subprograms, each has its own program code, and each can be executed
independently and at the same time each can be linked together in one way or another.
Before you can program in VB 6, you need to install Visual Basic 6 compiler in your
You can purchase a copy of Microsoft or Microsoft Visual Basic Professional 6.0 with Plus
Pack from, both are vb6 compilers.
If you have already installed Microsoft Office in your PC or laptop, you can also use the
built-in Visual Basic Application in Excel to start creating Visual Basic programs without
having to spend extra cash to buy the VB6 compiler.
After installing vb6 compiler, the icon with appears on your desktop or in your programs
menu. Click on the icon to launch the VB6 compiler. On startup, Visual Basic 6.0
There are various types of applications that we could create, however, we shall concentrate
on creating Standard EXE programs (EXE means executable).
Before you begin, you must think of an application that might be useful, have commercial
values. educational or recreational. click on the Standard EXE icon to go into the actual
Visual Basic 6 programming environment.
When you start a new Visual Basic 6 Standard EXE project, you will be presented with the
Visual Basic 6 Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
The Visual Basic 6 Integrated Programming Environment is show in Figure 1.2. It consists
of the toolbox, the form, the project explorer and the properties window.
VB6 Programming Environment
Form is the primary building block of a Visual Basic 6 application. A Visual Basic 6
application can actually comprises many forms; but we shall focus on developing an application
with one form first.
We will learn how to develop applications with multiple forms later. Before you proceed to
build the application, it is a good practice to save the project first. You can save the project by
selecting Save Project from the File menu, assign a name to your project and save it in a certain
Altering a form:
In many Visual Basic applications, the size and location of the form at the time you finish
the design are the size and shape that the user initially sees at run time. Although how you set the
form's location and size is important this doesn't mean that this is fixed forever. Visual Basic
changes the size and location of forms while the program is running or even when it starts up.
We can resize a form is common to all Microsoft Windows applications: move the mouse
to one of the hot spots of the form. In a form, the hot spots are the sides or corners of the form. The
mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow when you're at a hot spot. At this point, we can
hold the mouse button down and drag the form to change its size or shape. To change where the
form will appear at run time, you need to work with the Form Layout window, which is in the
lower-right corner of your screen. This window looks like a blank monitor, as shown here.
To change the position of a form at run time, follow these steps:
2. Drag the form to the position in which you want it to appear when the user starts your
Before writing an event procedure for the control to response to an event, you have to set certain
properties for the control to determine its appearance and how will it work with the event
procedure. You can set the properties of the controls in the properties window or at runtime.
Figure 3.1 on the right is a typical properties window for a form. You can rename the form caption
to any name that you like best. In the properties window, the item appears at the top part is the
object currently selected (in Figure 3.1, the object selected is Form1). At the bottom part, the items
listed in the left column represent the names of various properties associated with the selected
object while the items listed in the right column represent the states of the properties. Properties
can be set by highlighting the items in the right column then change them by typing or selecting the
options available.
For example, in order to change the caption, just highlight Form1 under the name Caption and
change it to other names. You may also try to alter the appearance of the form by setting it to 3D or
flat. Other things you can do are to change its foreground and background color, change the font
type and font size, enable or disable minimize and maximize buttons and etc.
You can also change the properties at runtime to give special effects such as change of color,
shape, animation effect and so on. For example the following code will change the form color to
red every time the form is loaded. VB uses hexadecimal system to represent the color. You can
check the color codes in the properties windows which are showed up under ForeColor and
BackColor .
Figure 3.1
Please note that knowing how and when to set the objects' properties is very important as it can
help you to write a good program or you may fail to write a good program. So, I advise you to
spend a lot of time playing with the objects' properties.
We are not going into the details on how to set the properties. However, I would like to stress a few
important points about setting up the properties.
You should set the Caption Property of a control clearly so that a user knows what to do
with that command.
Use a meaningful name for the Name Property because it is easier to write and read the
event procedure and easier to debug or modify the programs later.
One more important property is whether to make the control enabled or not.
Finally, you must also considering making the control visible or invisible at runtime, or when
should it become visible or invisible.
The text box is the standard control for accepting input from the user as well as to display the
output. It can handle string (text) and numeric data but not images or pictures. Just like text fields
in websites, powered not by Windows, but typically linux web hosting platforms like iPage, these
fields collect user input.String in a text box can be converted to a numeric data by using the
function Val(text). The following example illustrates a simple program that processes the input
from the user.
In this program, two text boxes are inserted into the form together with a few labels. The two text
boxes are used to accept inputs from the user and one of the labels will be used to display the sum
of two numbers that are entered into the two text boxes. Besides, a command button is also
programmed to calculate the sum of the two numbers using the plus operator. The program use
creates a variable sum to accept the summation of values from text box 1 and text box 2.The
procedure to calculate and to display the output on the label is shown below. The output is shown
in Figure 3.3
Figure 3.3
The Label
The label is a very useful control for Visual Basic, as it is not only used to provide instructions and
guides to the users, it can also be used to display outputs. One of its most important properties
is Caption. Using the syntax label.Caption, it can display text and numeric data . You can change
its caption in the properties window and also at runtime. Please refer to Example 3.1 and Figure
3.1 for the usage of label.
The command button is one of the most important controls as it is used to execute commands. It
displays an illusion that the button is pressed when the user click on it. The most common event
associated with the command button is the Click event, and the syntax for the procedure is
The Picture Box is one of the controls that is used to handle graphics. You can load a picture at
design phase by clicking on the picture item in the properties window and select the picture from
the selected folder. You can also load the picture at runtime using the LoadPicture method. For
example, the statement will load the picture grape.gif into the picture box.
You will learn more about the picture box in future lessons. The image in the picture box is not
The Image Box is another control that handles images and pictures. It functions almost identically
to the picture box. However, there is one major difference, the image in an Image Box is
stretchable, which means it can be resized. This feature is not available in the Picture Box. Similar
to the Picture Box, it can also use the Load Picture method to load the picture. For example, the
statement loads the picture grape.gif into the image box.
The function of the List Box is to present a list of items where the user can click and select the
items from the list. In order to add items to the list, we can use the AddItem method. For example,
if you wish to add a number of items to list box 1, you can key in the following statements
The items in the list box can be identified by the ListIndex property, the value of the ListIndex for
the first item is 0, the second item has a ListIndex 1, and the third item has a ListIndex 2 and so on
The function of the Combo Box is also to present a list of items where the user can click and select
the items from the list. However, the user needs to click on the small arrowhead on the right of the
combo box to see the items which are presented in a drop-down list. In order to add items to the
list, you can also use the AddItem method. For example, if you wish to add a number of items to
Combo box 1, you can key in the following statements
The Check Box control lets the user selects or unselects an option. When the Check Box is
checked, its value is set to 1 and when it is unchecked, the value is set to 0. You can include the
statements Check1.Value=1 to mark the Check Box and Check1.Value=0 to unmark the Check
Box, as well as use them to initiate certain actions.
For example, the program will change the background color of the form to red when the check box
is unchecked and it will change to blue when the check box is checked. You will learn about the
conditional statement If….Then….Elesif in later lesson. VbRed and vbBlue are color constants and
BackColor is the background color property of the form
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Check1.Value = 1 And Check2.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox "Apple is selected"
ElseIf Check2.Value = 1 And Check1.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox "Orange is selected"
MsgBox "All are selected"
End If
End Sub
The Option Box
The Option Box control also lets the user selects one of the choices. However, two or more Option
Boxes must work together because as one of the Option Boxes is selected, the other Option Boxes
will be unselected. In fact, only one Option Box can be selected at one time. When an option box is
selected, its value is set to “True” and when it is unselected; its value is set to “False”. In the
following example, the shape control is placed in the form together with six Option Boxes. When
the user clicks on different option boxes, different shapes will appear. The values of the shape
control are 0, 1, and 2,3,4,5 which will make it appear as a rectangle, a square, an oval shape, a
rounded rectangle and a rounded square respectively.
The Drive ListBox is for displaying a list of drives available in your computer. When you place
this control into the form and run the program, you will be able to select different drives from your
computer as shown in Figure 3.4
Figure 3.4 The Drive List Box
The Directory List Box is for displaying the list of directories or folders in a selected drive. When
you place this control into the form and run the program, you will be able to select different
directories from a selected drive in your computer as shown in Figure 3.5
The File List Box is for displaying the list of files in a selected directory or folder. When you place
this control into the form and run the program, you will be able to shown the list of files in a
selected directory as shown in Figure 3.6
Figure 3.6 The File List Box
You can coordinate the Drive List Box, the Directory List Box and the File List Box to search for
the files you want. The procedure will be discussed in later lessons.
In this lesson, we shall learn some basic rules about writing the VB program code. Each control or
object in VB can run many kinds of events; these events are listed in the dropdown list in the code
window that is displayed when you double-click on an object and click on the procedures’
box(refer to Figure 2.3). Among the events are loading a form, clicking of a command button,
pressing a key on the keyboard or dragging an object and more. For each event, you need to write
an event procedure so that it can perform an action or a series of actions.
To start writing an event procedure, you need to double-click an object. For example, if you want
to write an event procedure when a user clicks a command button, you double-click on the
command button and an event procedure will appear as shown in Figure 2.1. It takes the following
You then need to key-in the procedure in the space between Private Sub
Command1_Click............. End Sub. Sub actually stands for sub procedure that made up a part of
all the procedures in a program. The program code is made up of a number of statements that set
certain properties or trigger some actions. The syntax of Visual Basic’s program code is almost like
the normal English language though not exactly the same, so it is very easy to learn.
The syntax to set the property of an object or to pass certain value to it is:
For example, the statement Form1.Show means to show the form with the name
Form1, Iabel1.Visible=true means label1 is set to be visible, Text1.text=”VB” is to assign the
text VB to the text box with the name Text1, Text2.text=100 is to pass a value of 100 to the text
box with the name text2, Timer1.Enabled=False is to disable the timer with the name Timer1 and
so on.
In Example 4.1, clicking on the command button will make label1 become invisible and label2 become
visible; and the text” You are correct” will appear in TextBox1. In example 4.2, clicking on the command
button will make the caption label1 change to “Welcome” and Image1 will become visible. In example
4.3 , clicking on the command button will make Picture1 show up, timer starts running and the caption of
label1 change to “Start Counting”.This type of operation could be particularly useful in applications such as
a website stat counter (most web hosting plans include some analytics or stat package).
Syntaxes that do not involve setting of properties are also English-like, some of the commands
are Print, If…Then….Else….End If, For…Next, Select Case…..End Select , End and Exit
Sub. For example, Print “ Visual Basic” is to display the text Visual Basic on screen and End is
to end the program. Other commands will be explained in details in the coming lessons.
Program code that involves calculations is fairly easy to write,just like what you do in
mathematics. However, in order to write an event procedure that involves calculations, you need to
know the basic arithmetic operators in VB as they are not exactly the same as the normal
operators , except for + and - .
For multiplication, we use *, for division we use /, for raising a number x to the power of n, we
use x ^n and for square root, we use Sqr(x). VB offers many more advanced mathematical
functions such as Sin,Cos, Tan and Log, they will be discussed in lesson 10. There are also two
important functions that are related to arithmetic operations,
i.e. the functions Val and Str$ where Val is to convert text to numerical value and Str$ is to
convert numerical to a string (text). While the function Str$ is as important as VB can display a
numeric values as string implicitly, failure to use Val will results in wrong calculation. Let’s
examine example 4.4 and example 4.5.
Example 4.4
Example 4.5
When you run the program in example 4.4 and enter 12 in textbox1 and 3 in textbox2 will give you
a result of 123, which is wrong. It is because VB treat the numbers as string and so it just joins up
the two strings. On the other hand, running exampled 4.5 will give you the correct result, i.e., 15.
Determines whether the form will have a three-dimensional look. If you leave it at the
default value of 1, the form will look three-dimensional. Change it to 0, and the form will appear
Drop down the list and you can see the value and a description. We can choose among five
values for this property. The default value, 2-Sizable, allows the user to size and shape the
form via the hot spots located on the boundary of the form.
Change this setting to 1-Fixed Single, and the user will no longer be able to resize the
window. All the user will be able to do is minimize or maximize the window.
If the BorderStyle value to 0-None, and the application will show no border whatsoever,
and therefore no minimize, maximize, or control box buttons. Because of this, a form
created without a border cannot be moved, resized, or reshaped.
The third setting, 3-Fixed Double, is not often used for ordinary forms, but it is commonly
used for dialog boxes. It gives a nonsizabie border that is twice as thick as normal.
The fourth setting, 4-Fixed TooIWindow, is not used very often. Under Windows 95/98 and
NT 4, this displays the form with a Close button.
The fifth setting, 5-Sizable TooIWindow, works much like the Fixed TooIWindow setting.
This will display the form with a Close button, and the text from the title bar will appear in
a reduced size. The form does not appear in the Windows 95/98 and NT 4 task bar, but the
user can change the size of the form.
ControlBox :
Changes to this property go into effect only when a user runs the application. As in any
Microsoft Windows application, control boxes are located in the far left corner of the title bar.
Clicking the box displays a list of common window tasks, such as window minimizing,
maximizing, and closing, along with keyboard equivalents when they exist.
Enabled :
If we set Enabled to False, the form cannot respond to any events such as the user clicking
on the form.
Height, Width:
Height and Width are interesting properties, and not only because they can be set two
ways. They are examples of properties that default to using the Microsoft Windows twips scale to
measure the sizes of the objects involved.
Font :
This is the first example you have seen of a property that is set from an ordinary Windows
dialog box. If you move the focus to this item and then double-click on the three dots.
Icon :
The Icon property is one you will use frequently. This property determines the icon your
application will display when it is minimized on the toolbar or turned into a stand-alone application
on the Windows desktop.
Left, Top :
These properties determine the distance between the left or top of the form and the screen.
Set the value of the Top property to 0, and the form you're designing is flush with the top. Set the
value of the Left property to 0, and it will be flush with the left side of the screen.
MousePointer, Mouselcon :
MousePointer is a useful property that lets you set the shape of the mouse pointer. The
default value is 0, but as the pull-down list indicates, there are 17 other values. A setting of 4-Icon,
for example, turns the mouse pointer into a rather pretty square within a square. The settings you
will use most often are 0 (the default arrow shape) and a value of 11. Using a value of 11-
Hourglass changes the mouse pointer to the usual hourglass, and as in other Microsoft Windows
applications, this setting is useful for indicating to the user has to wait until the computer finishes
what it is doing.
2. Pick the icon you want to be the custom mouse icon as the value of the Mouselcon property.
Note that you cannot set the Mouselcon property until you set the MousePointer property to be
StartUpPosifion :
This neat property gives another way to decide on the initial position of your form at run
time. It is generally more precise than using the Form Layout window. We have four choices; the
most common (besides the default value) is a setting of 2, which lets you center the form on the
Visible :
This is another property that is dangerous to change by mistake. Set the value of this
property to False, and the form will no longer be visible. We usually will want to make a form
invisible only when you are designing an application with multiple forms. Then we can hide one or
more of the forms by using the Visible property.
Window/State :
This property determines how the form will look at run time. There are three possible
settings. A setting of 1 reduces the form to an icon, and a setting of 2 maximizes the form. A
setting of 0 is the normal default setting. This property is most often changed in code.
This properties are used to position the objects or text in form accurately. Visual Basic
provides five properties that affect the scale used in a form.
It allows you to change the units used in the form's internal coordinate system. There are
seven other possibilities. You can create your own units (the value of this setting is 0), keep the
default twips (this value is 1), or use one of the six remaining choices. An interesting setting—
especially for graphics—is 3. This uses one pixel (a picture element—the smallest unit of
resolution on your monitor) as the scale. And of course, if you are more comfortable with them,
you can choose inches (5), millimeters (6), or centimeters (7).
ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth:
Use the ScaleHeight and ScaleWidth properties when you set up your own scale for the
height and width of the form. Resetting these properties has the side effect of setting the value of
the ScaleMode property back to 0.
Scaleieft, ScaleTop :
These properties describe what value Visual Basic uses for the left or top corner of the
form. The original value for each of these properties is 0. Like ScaleHeight and ScaleWidth, these
properties are most useful when you are working with graphics. For example, if you are writing a
program .that works with a graph, you rarely want the top left corner to be at point 0,0.
We can specify the background color (BackColor) and the foreground color (ForeColor) for
text and graphics in the form.
The BackColor and ForeColor Properties via the Color Palette :
Suppose we try to set the BackColor property. If we open the Properties window an select
BackColor, then the default setting is,
which is rather cryptic, to say the least. In fact, Visual Basic describes color codes by using a
hexadecimal code (base 16), which is described in the section "Bits, Bytes, am Hexidecimal (Base
16) Numbers in Visual Basic".
The most common way for you to set colors is to choose one of the color properties and
click the down arrow in the Settings box. This opens up a tabbed dialog box with two tabs. The
System tab on this dialog box gives you a list of the colors currently used by Windows for its
various elements. If you click on the Palette tab, the color grid shown here pops up.
Click one color, and the color code for that color is placed in the Settings box. The
background color of the form will automatically show your changes to the BackGround property.
You won't see the effect of changing the ForeColor property until do something like displaying text
on the form.
Working with the Color Palette :
We can also create your own colors by working with the color palette directly. Open the
color palette by going to the View menu and choosing the color palette. The left of the palette, a
dark box enclosed in a lighter box. The inner box displays the current foreground color, and the
outer box displays the current background color.
We can change the foreground color by clicking the inner box and then clicking any of the
colored boxes displayed. To change the background color, click the outer box and then click any of
the colored boxes displayed.
The text box in the lower-left corner of the color palette displays the foreground and
background colors for any text in the form. To go back to the default colors specified in the
windows control panel, click the default command button at the right.
We can create own colors for the color palette. Each of the blank boxes on the bottom of
the color palette represents a possible custom color. This contains following steps.
Click one of these blank boxes, and then click the Define Colors command button.
This opens the Define Color dialog box.
Change the amount of red, green, or blue color, hue, saturation, or luminosity of the
color to suit your needs by adjusting the controls in the dialog box.
Press the Add Color button to create the custom color or the close button to cancel.
We can make a form in the right size, shape, and having the right background color is
hardly what windows programming is all about. The essence of a Microsoft windows program is to
make your forms respond to user actions.
The code window and writing a simple event procedure :
We can make form respond to a mouse click. Double click in any blank part of the Form1.
The following screen will appear.
The two drop-down list boxes in the top part of the screen. If you click the arrow in the
right hand box, a list of all the events a form can recognize, that is Load, LostFocus, MouseMove,
MouseDown, MouseUp, paint, etc.
If pull down the left-hand box in the Code window, we can see a list of the controls on your
form. Since you have yet to put any text boxes, command buttons or other controls on this form, no
objects except the form itself are listed in this box.
Private Sub Form-Load ()
End Sub
This code is an example of an event procedure template. Like any template, it gives
framework in which you'll work. The Form-Load event is triggered when Visual Basic loads a
form in memory. Also we can write code in this event in order to set the initial properties of forms
via code. For example, if you make the Form_Load event procedure read:
and run the program you'll see that the background color of the form indeed changes to red.
Working with the Form-Click Event :
First start up a new Project (Standard EXE type) to show off this event procedure. What
we want to do is trigger some code being processed in response to the user clicking on the form. To
do this, you have to bring up the template for the Form_Click event procedure. For this, make
sure you are in the code window and then:
1. Move to the event drop-down list box on the right and click the down arrow.
2. Move through the box until you get to the Click item. The Items in the Event list box are
listed in "shorthand form"—that's why we see Click rather than Form_Click. You have to
look at the left drop-down list box to see what object are working with in order to conclude
that this is really the Fonn_Click event.
3. Click on it.
Then Visual Basic does the following:
Gives a new event procedure template for the
Form_Click event procedure
Adds a dotted line between the Form_Load
event and the Click event
Moves the cursor to the blank line before the End Sub line in the Click event
procedure template .
Also we can write the code necessary for Visual Basic to respond to a mouse click with a
message. If the cursor is not at the blank line before the End Sub in the Form_CIick template,
move it there by scrolling through the Code window and clicking on the blank line. Press the TAB
key once or the SPACEBAR a few times and type Print "Welcome to BCA" Coding should be,
Private Sub Form_Resize to respond when the user resizes the form.
The following table gives you some of the most common examples of event procedures that
are user driven and when you will want to use them.
Visual Basic can point out many typing errors when we enter a line of code, and it will even
correct some (such as leaving off a closing quote). But someone enter code without typos. So to see
what might happen, let's suppose we made a typo when we were writing the Click event procedure
presented earlier, and you misspelled the command word Print by typing Printf instead.
Now the word Printf should be in a different color (probably red or black instead of blue).
If try to run the program and click in the form, Visual Basic will immediately respond with an error
message box, and your screen will be,
he offending word is highlighted, and the message box tells you, "Sub or Function not
defined"—what you entered isn't recognizable to Visual Basic.
If you press ENTER or click the OK command button, the offending word remains
highlighted, and you can either type the correct replacement or move the mouse pointer to the "f"
and press DEL. After you make the correction, the program will run as before.
Another common typo with the Print method is to forget it completely, we just type the text
and run the program. To see what happens when you do this, delete the keyword Print and run the
program again. This time Visual Basic responds with a box saying it cannot the line of code. Visual
Basic can even find some syntax errors after we finish typing a line.
The default name for the .exe version of your file is the project name. For the stand-alone
program, the Windows desktop uses the same icon that Visual Basic uses for the executable
version of the project.
When you distribute a Visual Basic program, it is also necessary to supply one or more
dynamic link libraries (DLL) to the user. Dynamic link libraries are the cornerstone of Windows
programming; among other features, they allow many programs to use the same code
simultaneously. The VB DLL file contains various support routines that a Visual Basic program
needs to handle the screens, numbers, and other parts of the application.
The tool box contains a set of tools for working with a form are found on the menus. This is
usually located on the far left of the VB screen, but it need not visible at all times.
The pointer :
This is not a control but is used to manipulate controls after create them. Click the pointer
when we want to select, resize, or move an existing control. It is automatically activated after place
a control on a form.
Command Buttons :
When click a command button, it gives the illusion of being pressed. This optical illusion
comes from the shading used by VB for command buttons, and it is inherited from the windows
operating system.
Image Controls :
The image control is used to display pictures. Since image controls also recognize the Click
event. We can use them as graphical replacements for commands buttons.
Text Boxes :
This is used to display text or to accept user input. Most of the code you write for text
boxes is to process the information users enter into them. It automatically display multiple lines of
Labels :
Use labels for information that users shouldn’t be able to change. It identifies the objects
and use them to display output.
We can get a control on a form by double clicking on its icon in the toolbox. This gives the
control in its default size and shape in the middle of the form. We can use a combination of
pointing, clicking, and dragging to manipulate the toolbox.
Use the properties window to adjust the width and height properties (or)
Work with the sizing handles
The following figure shows a command button with its eight sizing handles on an otherwise
blank form. Simply click inside the control by moving the mouse pointer to the control and
clicking once.
Try resizing a control with the sizing handles by following these steps:
Move the mouse pointer to a sizing handle and click and hold down the left
mouse button.
Drag the mouse until the control is the size you want.
To move an existing control with the mouse, the focus must be at the control. When we
move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is inside a form or a control, its shape returns to the form
of an arrow.
Move the pointer anywhere inside the control, click the left mouse button, and hold
it down.
Drag the mouse until the control is at the location we want it to be, and then release
the left button.
Suppose you want to create an application with five command buttons. The easiest way to
do this to double click on the command button icon five times. This five command buttons in the
center of the form. Then we can easily place the button.
Working with Multiple controls :
We can work with multiple controls as a single unit. The following steps for dragging
method to select multiple controls.
Imagine a rectangle that surrounds only those controls we want to select. Move to
corner of this imagined rectangle and click the left mouse button.
Hold the left mouse button down and drag the dotted rectangle until it covers all the
controls you want to select. Then release the mouse button.
Once you have selected a group of controls, when you move any control in the group, VB
moves the other controls in a similar way.
Locking controls :
We can lock the form by choosing Format|Lock Controls or the Lock control tool from the
toolbar, we can prevent from inadvertently moving a properly positioned control.
Deleting Controls:
We can delete a control from the form by,
Move the mouse pointer until it is inside the control, and click the left the left mouse
button to select it.
Press DEL, or open the Edit menu and choose the Delete option by pressing
This property determines the name VB uses for the event procedures we write to make the
control respond to the user. The name property is for forms, the Name property for a control is
even more important. While we can avoid using the name of a form.
If we want to change the height of a command button whose Name property is,
MyCommandButton.Height = 500
Picking meaningful names for controls goes a long way toward making the inevitable
debugging of your application easier. For example, when we have five command buttons in an
application, writing code that looks like this,
End Sub
To make a form move left is a lot more confusing than writing it like this,
End Sub
The caption property of a form determines the name that shows in the title bar. Similarly,
the Caption property on a command button determines what the user sees on the face of the button.
If we want to change the Caption property of the command button, then double click on the
Command button icon to create the button in the center of the screen.
This property determines whether the Command button is visible or not. If this has value is
true then the button is visible, otherwise invisible.
Enabled :
This is used to determine whether the button can res[pond to any event. If this has the value
is false, then VB will not respond to any event. Changing this property also chages the appearance
of an item.
Font :
This is used to change the font style on the command button. We can use one font at a time.
Height, Width :
This is used to define the height and width of the command button.
Left, Top :
This is used to determine the distance between the command button and the left edge and
top of the container, respectively.
MousePointer :
Setting the MousePointer to something different than the usual arrow is good way to give a
user feedback that they moved the focus to the Command button.
Shortcuts for setting properties :
We can set the Caption property for all the command buttons on your form. First set it for
one command button and immediately select another command, the Caption property for the new
controls is highlighted in the Properties window.
Also we can change the properties of group of controls. First select a group of controls,
then Properties window will show only the common properties that the controls in the group share.
Change one of them and all of them change.
The general form of the event procedure template for controls is,
Click the down arrow to the right of the command1 in the Properties window. It contains
the list of objects in the Object list box. We can write event procedures for any of them by opening
the Code window, moving through the Object list box, and selecting the object.
Command buttons can respond to 12 events, but clicking is by far the most common. Two
others we may find useful are GotFocus and LostFocus. We can move the focus by his event
procedure. An event procedure that look like,
For activating a command button is common to all windows applications. Move the focus
by pressing TAB, and then press the SPACEBAR when the focus is where we want it to be.
Visual Basic allows the access keys for quickly activate a control or a menu item. It easy to
set up an access key for any object that has a Caption property. When set the Caption, to place an
ampersand (&) in front of the letter we want to be the access key.
The image control is used to display an image with a program such as Microsoft
Paintbrush. Since image controls respond to the Click event, you can use these images to substitute
for the command buttons. We can load a picture into an image control by resetting the value of the
picture property. If you choose the picture property, this opens up a dialog box to load the image
The text boxes are the primary method for accepting input and displaying output in Visual
Basic. It is also called edit field or edit control. There are 50 properties for text boxes. 39 properties
are used at design time via the Properties Window. Some properties are,
Text :
This is used to controls the text the user sees. When we create a text box, the default value
for this property is set to Text1, Text2, and so on.
Alignment :
This is used to control how the text is displayed. The default value is 0, which leaves the
text left-aligned. Use a value of 1 and text is right aligned. Use a value of 2 and text is centered.
Multiline :
This property determines whether a text box can accept more than one line of text when the
user runs the application, and it is usually combined with resetting the value of the ScrollBars
ScrollBars ;
This determines whether a text box has horizontal or vertical scroll bars. It has four possible
settings. They are,
0 this is the default value, the text box lack the both scroll bars.
1 it has horizontal scroll bars only
2 the text box has vertical scroll bars only
3 it has both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
BorderStyle :
This is used to determine whether the text box has borderstyle. The default value is 1,
which gives a single-width border, and the value 0 gives the border disappears.
MaxLength :
This determines the maximum number of characters the text box will accept. The default
value is 0, this means there is no maximum other than 32,000 characters.
PasswordChar :
If we want to get limited details from the name, then set password to that text box. Once set
this property, all the user sees is a row of asterisks.
Locked :
This is used to prevent the users from changing the contents of the text box.
This is used to identify a text box or other control by describing its contents. Also used to
display help information. The labels have 34 properties, and 30 properties are displayed in
properties window. The most useful properties are,
Alignment :
This property has 3 possible settings. The default value is 0, which means the text in the
label is left-justifies. If the value is 1, then the text are right-justified. If the value is 2 then the text
is centered.
BorderStyle, BackStyle :
The Borderstyle has tow values. Default value is o, which means the labels do not start out
with a border. Set the value 1, and the labels resembles a text box. The BackStyle peoperty
determines whether the label is transparent.
Autosize, WordWrap :
Labels can be made automatically in a horizontal direction to encompass the text we place
in them. This is the function of the AutoSize property. If the WordWrap property to true, the label
will grow in the vertical direction to encompass its contents, but the horizontal size will stay the
Using the mouse is the most common way to move from control to control in a Windows
application. Tab order is used in a windows application for the sequence of controls that pressing
TAB moves through.
In VB, we can create the controls is the order used for the tab order. The first control we
create at design time is the one that receives the focus when the application starts. If you press
TAB once when the application is running, we move to the second control we created at design
time, and so on.
Assigning Access Keys for Text Boxes :
By using access key we can move to the focus to the text boxes. The labels have the
captions, so we can set an access key for them by using ampersand (&) in front of the letter. If the
user pressed the access key for a control, such as label, that does not respond to focus events, the
focus moves to the next control that will accept it in tab order.
Message boxes display information in a dialog box on the form. Users cannot switch to
another form in your application as long as VB is displaying a message box. It is used for short
messages. The simplest form of the message box command looks like this,
Msgbox “ Welcome to III – CS “
Message boxes can hold a maximum of 1024 characters, and VB automatically breaks the
lines at the right side of the dialog box.
We can add our own, more informative, title to a message box. For this we have to use the
full form of the message box statement by adding two options to it.
Syntax of the MsgBox command is,
MsgBox MessageInbox, TypeOfBox, TitleOfBox
we can combine three different groups of built-in integer constants to specify the kind of
message box.
Symbolic Constant Value Meaning
for example,
MsgBox (“will have yes and No Buttons “, vbYesNo)
The next group of numbers controls which button is the default button for the box. They are,
for example,
MsgBox “ Examples of buttons “ , vbOKCancel + vbExclamation +
vbDefaultButton2, “Yest Message box”
The Grid control is used to accurately positioning the controls for applications. The
properties are,
Show Grid :
We can turn the grid on or off by changing the Show Grid setting. The default setting is on.
There is usually little reason to turn the grid off.
The text representation of a program makes it easy to check that the properties of the
various controls and forms. The ASCII representation of a form is,
Variables, Constants and Calculations: Data Types-Variables and Constants - Val function –
Arithmetic operations - Formatting data. Decisions and conditions: If Statements -
Conditions - nested If Statements- Using If Statement with option buttons and checkboxes -
displaying messages - Input validation - Calling event Procedures.
Comment Statement:
Remark Statements are also called as Comment Statements and these statements are
useful in explaining the code to people. These statements are not processed by Visual Basic and so
they won/t make the compiled version of the code bigger.
In Visual Basic, there are two ways to indicate a comment. The most common method is to sue a
single quotation mark (‘).
End Sub
Instead of single quote, The older Rem Keyword for a comment can also be used.
End Sub
End Statement:
When Visual Basic processes an End statement, the program stops. In a stand-alone
program, after the End statement, all windows opened by the program are closed and the program
is cleared from memory.
We can have as many as End statements within a Visual Basic program, but professional
programmers prefer to use only one. They place this End statement in the Query UnLoad Event
for main form. End statements can be replaced by UnloadMestatement.
Variables in Visual Basic hold information (value). Whenever we use a variable, Visual
Basic set up an area in the computer’s memory to store the information.
Assignment statements are used to give a Visual Basic variable a (new) value. Assignment
statements are means of copying information from a source to a destination. Visual Basic uses an
equal sign for these operations.
General Form:
Var_name = Value
For example,
NewRate = .05 + .1
After declaring various variables using the Dim statements, we can assign values to those
variables. The general format of an assignment is
The variable can be a declared variable or a control property value. The expression could be a
mathematical expression, a number, a string, a Boolean value (true or false) and more.
userName="John Lyan"
userpass.Text = password
Label1.Visible = True
Command1.Visible = false
Label4.Caption = textbox1.Text
ThirdNumber = Val(usernum1.Text)
total = firstNumber + secondNumber+ThirdNumber
The variable assignments use the equal sign for resetting the properties. If we want ot
change a property setting with code, place the object’s name followed by a period and then name
of the property on the left side of the equal sign, and put the new value on the right hand side; = value
For example
Text1.Text = “ “
Since there is nothing between the quotation marks, the next assigned to this property is
blank. Similarly, a line like,
In an event procedure changes the setting for the text property to the text in the quotation
marks.If we want to change the caption of the command button called command1 to OK, then do
like this.
Command1.Caption = “ OK”
Default properties :
Every VB object has a default property that is text boxes have a text property. When
referring to the default property, we don’t need to use the property name. for example,
Boolean properties :
Properties that take only the value True or False are called Boolean properties for example
Visible property of a control is Boolean property.
Command1.Visible = False
In an event procedure hides the command button by resetting the Visible property to be
false. The control stays hidden until VB processes the statement
Command1.Visible = True
The usual way to toggle Boolean properties is with the Not operator, that is
Command1.Visible = Not(Command1.Visible)
In an event procedure. This statement finds the current value of Command1.Visible, and
then the Not operator reverses this value, that is if the value was true, it changes to false, and vice
Visual Basic handles 14 standard types of data. There are various kinds of Numeric data
types, the String data types and even Boolean Data type.
Numeric data types are types of data that consist of numbers, which can be computed
mathematically with various standard operators such as add, minus, multiply, divide and more. Examples of
numeric data types are examination marks, height, weight, the number of students in a class, share values,
price of goods, monthly bills, fees and others.
In Visual Basic, numeric data are divided into 7 types, depending on the range of values they can
store. Calculations that only involve round figures or data that does not need precision can use Integer or
Long integer in the computation. Programs that require high precision calculation need to use Single and
Double decision data types, they are also called floating point numbers. For currency calculation , you can
use the currency data types. Lastly, if even more precision is required to perform calculations that involve a
many decimal points, we can use the decimal data types.
Nonnumeric data types are data that cannot be manipulated mathematically. Non-numeric data
comprises string data types, date data types, boolean data types that store only two values (true or
false), object data type and Variant data type .They are summarized in Table 5.2
Nonnumeric Data Types
String(variable Length + 10
0 to 2 billion characters
length) bytes
True or False
Boolean 2 bytes
Literals are values that you assign to data. In some cases, we need to add a suffix behind a literal so that
VB can handle the calculation more accurately. For example, we can use num=1.3089# for a Double
type data. Some of the suffixes are displayed in Table 5.3.
& Long
! Single
# Double
@ Currency
In addition, we need to enclose string literals within two quotations and date and time literals within
two # sign. Strings can contain any characters, including numbers.
The following are few examples:
memberName="Turban, John."
ExpTime=#12:00 am#
Managing Variables
Variables are like mail boxes in the post office. The contents of the variables changes every now
and then, just like the mail boxes. In term of VB, variables are areas allocated by the computer
memory to hold data. Like the mail boxes, each variable must be given a name. To name a variable
in Visual Basic, you have to follow a set of rules. All modern programming languages such as PHP
(PHP runs on hosts like iPage - see hosting review) allow us developers to use variables to store
and retrieve data. Each language has its own special syntax to learn.
Variable Names
The following are the rules when naming the variables in Visual Basic
My_Car My.Car
In Visual Basic, it is a good practice to declare the variables before using them by assigning names
and data types. They are normally declared in the general section of the codes' windows using
the Dim statement. You can use any variable to hold any data , but different types of variables are
designed to work efficiently with different data types .
The syantax is as follows:
Dim VariableName As DataType
If you want to declare more variables, you can declare them in separate lines or you may also
combine more in one line , separating each variable with a comma, as follows:
Dim VariableName1 As DataType1, VariableName2 As DataType2,VariableName3 As DataType
Unlike other programming languages, Visual Basic actually doesn't require you to specifically
declare a variable before it's used. If a variable isn't declared, VB willautomatically declare the
variable as a Variant. A variant is data type that can hold any type of data.
Dim yourName as String * 10
yourName can holds no more than 10 Characters.
The string data type holds characters. One method of identifying variables of is type is to
place a dollar sign ($) at the end of the variable name.
A StringVariable$
Once the dollar sign is added, that variable can only hold strings. String variables can
theoretically hold about 2 billion characters. One of the common usage of string type is picking up
characters from a text box.
Integer variables hold relatively small integer values (between – 32768 and + 32767).
Integer arithmetic is very fast. One way to make sure that a variable will only be capable of
holding integers is to use the percent sign (%) at the end of the variable name.
AnIntegerVariable% = 3
Long Integer:
These variables hold integers between -2, 147,483, 684 and +2, 147, 483, 647. The
identifier used for these variables is the ampersand (&). Long integer arithmetic is also fast, and
there is very little performance penalty on modern machines. They do take up twice as much
memory per variable as the smaller integers.
ALongIntegerVariable& = 1234567890
Single Precision:
It is used to represent numbers with decimal points. The least accurate is called single
precision. They have a decimal point, but a accuracy is only of seven digits. The size (range) of
these numbers is up to 38 digits. Arithmetic with these numbers I slower than with integer or long
integer variables. For single precision numbers, the identifier used to hold a single precision
number is an exclamation point (!).
Double precision:
This data type is used when we need numbers with up to 16 places of accuracy; they will
also allow we more than 300 digits. Calculations are also approximate for these variables and
relatively slow. Double precision variable are used in scientific calculations in Visual Basic. The
identifier used for these variables is a pound sign (#). The # sign should also be used at the end of
the actual number. For example, if we write
ADoublePrecisionVariable# = 12.34#
This type can have 4 digits to the right of the decimal place and up to 15 to the left of the
decimal point. Arithmetic will be exact within this range. The identifier used for currency variable
is an “at” sign @. While calculations other than addition and subtraction are about as slow as for
double precision.
The date data type is used to store both data and time information between midnight on
January 1, 100 to midnight on December 31, 9999. The date variables are surrounded with two
For example,
Millenium = #1/1/2005#
If time is not included in a date, Visual Basic assumes it is midnight. We can use ordinary
AM/PM for time or a 24 – hour clock as in the following examples:
This byte type was added to Visual Basic 5; it can hold integers between 0 and 255. This is
a great convenience when we need to save space, and it makes certain arrays much smaller then
they would have been in earlier versions of Visual Basic. It is also needed for handling binary files
in versions of Visual Basic after version 5.
Use the Boolean type when we need data to be either True or False. It is considered good
programming practice to use this data type rather than integers for True / False Values.
The variant data type was added to Visual Basic way back in version 2. The variant data
type is designed to store all the different possible Visual Basic data received in one place.
If we don’t tell Visual Basic the type of information a variable holds, it will use this data
type. Visual Basic automatically performs conversions of data stored in variants to data of another
type when required.
The type of a variable is specified, using a new keyword, Dim. The technical term for these
kinds of statements is declarations but many people simply call them ‘Dim statements’,
For Example,
We can also write as below if we prefer using a type identifier.
To give a variable the variant data type, just use the dim statement without any As clause or
Dim x
By default, Visual Basic allows users to create a variable without declaring it. By using the
keyword Option Explicit, Visual Basic restricts users to declare all the variables before using
them.The Option Explicit Statement should be placed in the (General) section of your code
After Visual Basic processes an Option Explicit command, it will no longer allow we to use
a variable unless we declare it first. If we try to use a variable without declaring it, Visual Basic
will pop up an error message.
To insert Option Explicit command automatically into the (General) section of all the forms
and other code modules, choose Tools / Options and then go to the Editor page in order to require
variable declaration.
In many situations, it is sometimes convenient to change the defaults built into Visual Basic so that
variables declared without a type specification identifier are no longer variants.We can change the
default variable types with what is called a Def Type statement.
For example:
Deflnt s-z
DEfLng letter range (for long integers)
When we assign one variable to another, we lose what was there before. Swapping is done
directly. Suppose we have two variables, x and y, then
This doesn’t work. The solution is to use a temporary variable as shown below:
temp = x
y = temp
Scope of Variables:
One of the most important aspects of Visual Basic programming is Variable Scope. There are
three levels of variable scope in Visual Basic, as follows:
Scope of Declaration
Other than using the Dim keyword to declare the data, you can also use other keywords to
declare the data. Three other keywords are private ,static and public. The forms are as shown
Private VariableName as Datatype
Static VariableName as Datatype
Public VariableName as Datatype
The above keywords indicate the scope of declaration. Private declares a local variable, or a
variable that is local to a procedure or module. However, Private is rarely used, we normally use
Dim to declare a local variable. The Static keyword declares a variable that is being used multiple
times, even after a procedure has been terminated. Most variables created inside a procedure are
discarded by Visual Basic when the procedure is finished, static keyword preserve the value of a
variable even after the procedure is terminated. Public is the keyword that declares a global
variable, which means it can be used by all the procedures and modules of the whole program.
For example,
Title$ = “AVS”
Name$ = “COLLEGE”
The & joins the strings in the order in which they present.
VB also use a + sign to join together strings. Although the + sign works in VB to join
strings together, don’t use it, it can lead incredibly hard to find bugs.
Usually, the code for translating text to numbers is called the ASCII code. It associates with
each number from 0 through 255 control characters., although Windows cannot display all 255
ASCII characters and uses a more limited set of characters called the ANSI character set.
The value of the function Chr(n) is the string consisting of the character of ASCII value n.
the statement is,
Print Chr(n)
Either displays the character numbered n in the ASCII sequence for the font currently in use
or produces the specified effect that the control code will have on screen.
A fixed- length string is a special type of string. These variables are created with a Dim
Both of these statements set up string variables. This variables will always hold strings of
length 10. If we assign a longer string to ShortString, then
ShortString = “SriKailashcollege”
Dim I as integer
I = 1,234
To compute inputs from users and to generate results, we need to use various mathematical
operators. In Visual Basic, except for + and -, the symbols for the operators are different from normal
mathematical operators, as shown in Table 6.1
Arithmetic Operators
Mathematical function Example
^ Exponential 2^4=16
* Multiplication 4*3=12,
/ Division 12/4=3
Modulus (returns the remainder from an
Mod 15 Mod 4=3
integer division)
+ or & String concatenation
Conditional Operators
To control the VB program flow, we can use various conditional operators. Basically, they
resemble mathematical operators. Conditional operators are very powerful tools, they let the VB
program compare data values and then decide what action to take, whether to execute a program or
terminate the program and more
Operator Meaning
= Equal to
More than or
Less than or
Logical Operators
In addition to conditional operators, there are a few logical operators that offer added power to the
VB programs. They are shown in Table 7.2.
Operator Meaning
* You can also compare strings with the operators. However, there are certain rules to follow
where upper case letters are less than lowercase letters, and number are less than letters.
Exponential (^)
Integer division
Conversion function:
The Rnd function:
Rnd – this function will generate a random number between the values 0&1 it can be 0, but
not 1
Print rnd
.2439 etc
Val(“sss”) = 30
Str(30 )=”30”
If you use numbers in your program and do not assign them to variable of variant type VB
assumes the following
Constants are fixed values that do not change during the execution of the program. These
are declared like variables.
Rules :
255 characters
First character a letter
Then any combination of letters, underscores and numerals.
We can set up a constant by using the keyword Const followed by the name of the constant,
an equal sign, and then the value.
ConstPieover = Pie / 2
The input boxes are used to get information from the user. But the InputBox function
displays a modal dialog box on the screen, like a message box
Input boxes have a title bar. There are two command buttons labeled OK and Cancel.
Finally, there is a text area at the bottom.
StringVariable = InputBox(PromptString)
This form uses the name of the project in the title bar of the input box. The full syntax for
InputBox function is,
The prompt parameter is a string or string variable whose value VB displays in the dialog
The title parameter is optional and gives the caption used in the title bar. There is no default
The default, xpos and ypos parameters are also optional.
The two parameters helpfile and context are used together when we have a help message
attached to the box.
VB displays text on a form using the print method. The syntax for the print method to a
form is,
FormName.Print expression
Where the expression is any VB expression that can convert to a string.VB uses whatever
settings are current for the Font object for the current form in order to determine the font
information to use when it prints.
There are even more problems we need to be aware of, these problems will potentially
occur when the form is either,
Print “ welcome “
End Sub
Now run the program. There is no problem. Next, minimize the form and restore it, the text
has disappeared.
In many fonts, letters like “m” take up more space than letters “i”. fonts in which all
characters are the same width are called non-proportionally spaced fonts. Fonts where characters
may be of different widths are called proportionally spaced fonts.
Courier new is the most common non-proportionally spaced font and Arial is a common
proportionally spaced font. For example,
Welcome to Kailash
Welcome to CS
proportionally spaced font gives a more polished look. Most fonts in a Windows are
proportional, this makes it more difficult to position text accurately compared to older text-based
systems. We cannot simply move to the left and have that be the same location for all fonts.
VB always report the current position as the values of two properties of the form or picture
box. That is CurrentX and CurrentY.
CurrentX refers to the horizontal position where VB will display the information.
CurrentY refers to the vertical position where it will display the information.
For example, If the scale mode is pixels, and before each print statement we set the
CurrentX position to be 100, then all text will start 100 pixels over from the left side of the form.
FormName.CurrentX = value
FormNmae.CurrentY = value
The value may be any numeric expression from which VB can extract a single-precision
If we run the mortage program, we may end up with 16 decimal digits when you really
want the answer to look like1.01. we can overcome this problem by replacing the Str function with
a new function called Format function. This function works with a number and a template. The
syntax is
Format(NumericExpression, FormatString$)
And this gives us a copy of the original expression in the form of a string that has the
correct format. For example,
Yields a string “123.456” that will be printed on the form. When you use a format string
like this, VB rounds the number off so there are only two digits after the decimal point. The Format
function does not leave room for an implied + sign in front of the number. That is,
VB makes it even easier to deal with the most common formatting situations by adding
what are called named formats to the Format function. For example,
Instead of
And we will get the same results in the united states. Because the Currency named format is
defined to be the same as the ###,###.## format.
We can use picture boxes in many different contexts, not just as passive containers for
graphics or icons. The icon in the tool box for picture boxes, like image controls, can display icons,
gifs, jpegs, bitmaps, and Windows metafiles.
Bitmaps are graphical images of the screen. Each dot corresponds to one bit for
black and white displays and many bits for color or gray scale displays. Image
controls are used for bitmaps, when these are stores in a file, the convention is to
use a .bmp extension.
Gifs and jpegs are both formats widely used on the internet. Both are compressed
formats and jpegs can be quite small.
On the other hand, for the purposes of displaying information and containing controls, we
might want to think of picture boxes as being “forms within forms”. For example,
The main difference between picture boxes and forms is that we use the Height and Width
properties of the picture box rather than the ScaleHeight and Scale Width properties of the form.
Disadvantages :
Information displayed in a picture box will not be obscured by any controls on the
Picture boxes are less memory hungry
We can have more than one picture box on a single form.
Rich TextBox control is a custom control. We need to add it to the toolbox if it is not
already exists there. To do this;
This control displays text with multiple fonts and sizes without having to go out and buy a
third-party custom control. And it is not limited to 32 K characters like an ordinary text box.
VB uses the printer that is currently set up as the default printer in the control panel. It
makes easy to use whatever resolution, font properties, and so on that the printer driver in windows
can coax from the printer.
The PrintForm command sends a screen dump of a form to the printer. If our application
has more than one form, then we have to use the form name in this command.
We can send information to a printer is the Print method applied to the printer object. For
example, because th print method is page oriented, we can set the CurrentX and CurrentY
properties to precisely position text or even dots on a page. The syntax used to send text to the
printer is similar to that used for forms or picture boxes.
ColorMOde :
Copies :
Height, Width :
These properties give the height and width of the paper in the printer as reported by
NewPage :
This method ends the current page and tells the printer to move to the next page. The syntax
PrintQuality :
This is used to set the quality of the printed output- if the printer driver supports it. The
syntax is,
Printer.PrintQuality = value
Repeating an operation a fixed number of times is called a determinate loop. The simplest
of the determinate loop is the For-Next loop. Its syntax is
Body of Loop
NextCounter variable
Visual Basic first sets the Counter Variable to the starting value.
Then it checks whether the value for the counter is less than or equal to the ending value, if
the step value is not specified, Visual Basic assigns a value of 1 to the step value.
If the above condition is satisfied, Visual Basic processes all the subsequent statements
until it comes to the keyword Next.
At this point, the counter variable is incremented or decremented depending on the step
value, and the process is started again with the new counter variable.
If the condition specified in 2 fails, the loop is finished and Visual Basic moves past it to
the next statement after the keyword Next.
The following code prints the numbers 1 to 10 on the current form inside an event procedure.
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 to 10
Print I
Next I
Here, Visual Basic assumes a value of 1 to the step variable. The code given below prints
number from 10 to 1
Dim I As Integer
For I = 10 To 1 Step – 1
Print I
Next I
Placing one For – Next loop inside another is called nested For – Next loops. The
following example prints the entire multiplication table from 2 to 12.
For J% = 2 To 12
For I% = 2 To 12
Print I% * J%
Next I%
Next J%.
Here the value of J% starts out at 2, and then Visual Basic enters the inner loops. The value
of x% starts out at as well. Now visual Basic makes 11 passes through the loop before it finishes.
Then it process the extra print statement before it processes the Next J$ statement. At this point,
Visual Basic changes the value of J% to 3 and starts the processes again.
These loops must either keep on repeating an operation or not, depending on the results
obtained within the loop. The following pattern shows how to write this type of loop in Visual
The following are the relational operators used in addition to the equal (=) operator.
Do … Loop Until:
If the condition specified is met, Visual Basic executes the statement next to Loop Until
<Condition> Otherwise, the statements within the Do …. Loop Until <Condition> is executed
repeatedly. The Do … Loop Until statement is executed at least once.
The following example asks input from the user repeatedly until the input is “AVS”.
Dim X$
End Sub
Here, if X$ = “Kailash”, Visual Basic comes out of the Do… Until loop. Otherwise, it
keeps on asking the password from the user repeatedly.\
Do Until …. Loop:
The body of this looping construct is executed only when the condition specified is false.
Its syntax is
Do Until <Condition>
As an example, the following code uses a variable NameCount to count the number of
Names entered.
NameCount = 0
NameCount = NameCount + 1
Here the user types the first name before the loop starts. Now the program does an initial
test. The loop is entered, and 1 starts being added to the counter only if this test fails.
These “loops consist of replacing the keyword Until with the keyword While. A Do-Until
loop can be changed into a Do-While loop by reversing the relational operator. For example
Is the same as
Do Loops With And, Or, Not: These logical operators are used to combine the conditions
specified in the Do Loops. And, Or logical operators reside between two conditions whereas Not
logical operator comes and a text box is empty, then
There is open other loop possible in Visual Basic. To preserve compatibility, Visual Basic
allows a variant on the Do-While loop. For example,
Do While x = 0
Is the same as
While X = 0
Dim sum, n As Integer
Private Sub Form_Activate()
List1.AddItem "n" &vbTab& "sum"
While n <> 100
Sum = Sum + n
List1.AddItem n &vbTab& Sum
End Sub
Conditional statement :
The If – Then statement is used for making decisions in Visual Basic. When visual Basic
encounters an If- Then statement, it checks whether the first clause is True. If that clause is True,
the computer does whatever follows. If the test fails, processing steps to the next statement. For
example, a statement such as
The Else:
When Visual Basic processes an If – Then – Else, if the test succeeds, Visual Basic
processes the statement that follows the keyword Then. If the test fails, Visual Basic process the
statement that follows the keyword Else.
The keywords And, Or and Not can also be used in an If – Then to check more than one
In many situations, there is a need to process multiple statements if a condition is Tue or
False. This Block If – then lets we process as many statements as we like in response to a True
condition. These multiple statements are enclosed within if and EndIf.
There are various commands in Visual Basic to come out of a looping construct. Whenever
Visual Basic processes the Exit Do statement, it pops we out of the loop, directly to the statement
following the keyword Loop. Similarly, the command Exit For can be used to exit from the For –
Next loop.
Visual Basic places no restriction on the number of Exit statements we place inside a loop.
Most programmers use the Exit Do or Exit For only for abnormal exits from loops, such as when a
program is about to divide by zero.
The Select Case command makes it clear that a program has reached a point with many
branches. For example, we were designing a program to compute grades based on the average of
your example, If the average was 90 or higher, the person should get an a, 80 to 89, a B, and so on,
Case Is > 90
Case Is > 80
YourGrade = “B”
Case Is > 70
Case Else
End Select
Here, Case Else is the default case. The Case Else should always be the last case in a Select
Case. The Select Case control structure allows we to combine many tests for equality on one line.
For example,
One If statement may occur in another If statement is called Nested If-then statement. The
syntax is,
If ….. Then
End If
Like most programming language, Visual Basic retains the unconditional jump or Go To.
To use a Go To in Visual Basic, we must label a line. Labels must begin with a letter and end with
a colon. They must also start in the first column.
For example, suppose we are using a nested For loop to input data and want to leave the
loop if the user enters ZZZ, then
For I = 1 To 10
For J = 1 To 100
Go To BadInput
‘Process Data
Next J
Next I
Exit Sub
The Exit Sub keywords are used to prevent from falling into the labeled code.
All kinds of string manipulations will require mastering Visual Basic’s powerful string-
handling functions.
The value of the function Chr (n) is the string consisting of the character of ASCII value
n.For Example, the statement,
This function takes a string expression and returns the ASCII / ANSI value of the first
character. If the string is empty (the null string), using this function generates a run-time error.
For example,
Space (NumberOfSpaces)
gives us a string consisting of only spaces. With the number of spaces we can determine the value
inside the parentheses.
The Trim function (Trim$) removes spaces from both the left and right ends of a string.
For example,
B$ = Trim$(A$)
Similarly, LTRim (LTrim$) removes spaces from the left end, and RTrim (RTrim$) removes
spaces from the right.
LCase(), UCase():
These functions are used to change the case of the letters. The LCase (LCase$) function
forces all the characters in a string to be lower case, Similarly, UCase (UCase$) switches all the
characters in a string to upper case.
In Visual Basic, the function that tells you the length of a string is Len ( ), where the
parentheses following the function hold the string expression. This function counts all spaces and
non-printing characters that appear in the string.
The Mid function returns a substring stored in a variant, whereas the Mid$ function, returns
an actual substring. The syntax for these functions is:
The functions Left (Left$) and Right (Right$), make copies of characters from the
beginning of a string or the end.The Mid function makes changes within a string but never changes
the length of the original string.
The InStr function tells you whether a string is part of another sting, and, if it is, InStr tells
you the position at which the substring starts. The usual form of the InStr function looks like
This function starts searching from the end of the string. The InStrRev function looks like
This function is used to find a substring in a given string and replaces the substring with
another substring, if the substring occurred in the original string. The syntax for the Replace
function is:
This function can be used instead of the relational operators to compare strings. By
adding a third argument to StrComp, one can control the case sensitivity of the comparison.
Exponential (^)
Negation (Making a number negative)
Multiplication & division
Integer Division
The reminder (Mod) function
Addition & Subtraction
Conversion Functions:
Rnd – this function will generate a random number between the values 0 & 1 it can be 0,
but not 1.
Int gives the floor of a number – first integer that is smaller than or equal to the number is
usually called the greatest integer fraction. There is another function called Fix. Both Fix and
Industry word the same way for positive numbers but are different for negative ones.
where the optional second parameter allows you to round past the decimal point. If you
leave if off, you get a integer.
The Sgn ( ) function gives a + 1 if what is inside the parentheses is positive, - 1 if negative,
and a 0 if it’s zero.
The Abs function gives the absolute value of whatever is inside the parentheses. All this
function does is remove minus signs.
The Sqr function returns the square root of the numeric expression inside the parentheses,
which must be non-negative or a run-time error follows.
The Exp function gives e (e ≈ 2.71820) to the power x, where e is the base for natural
logarithms and x is the value in the parentheses. The answer is single precision if x is an integer or
is itself a single precision number; otherwise, the answer is a double-precision number.
Log ():
The Log() gives the natural logarithm of a number. To find the common log (log to base
10) use
Log10(x) = Log (x) / Log (10)
which gives the common logarithm of the value (which must be positive) inside the parentheses.
Trigonometric Functions:
Visual Basic has the built-in trigonometric functions Sin (Sine), Cos (Cosine) and Tan
(Tangent). The angle inside the parentheses should be in radians. To convert from degrees to
radians, the values of л is needed. The formula is
The following table summarizes the inverse trigonometric functions, as well as some other useful
Function Result
The Date function returns a date of the form mm-dd-yyyy for the current date. The month
and day always use two digits; the year uses four digits. This function can also be used as a
statement to reset the current date in the system.
The time in the system clock can also be read or temporarily reset it with the time function.
The Time function returns an eight-character date of the form hh:mm:ss.
Example of Effect
Time Command
Time = “hh” Sets the hour; minutes and seconds are set to 0.
Time = “hh:mm” Sets the hour and minutes; seconds are set to 0.
It yields an expression of Date type representing the date defined by the string expression
inside the parentheses. This function can also accept string of different date formats. Some more
functions are:
Now Returns the date and time as stored in the system clock.
The Date Serial Function returns a number that can be used for date calculations. The
syntax is
This function returns the payment for an annuity based on periodic, constant payment and a
constant interest rate. An annuity is a series of payments made over time. The syntax for the Pmt
function is:
This function gives the future value of an annuity based on periodic payments (or
withdrawals) and a constant interest rate. The syntax is
This give the interest paid over a given period for an annuity based on periodic, equal
payments and a constant interest rate. The syntax is
rate is the interest rate per period, and per is the period in the range 1 through the number of
periods (nper).
This function tells how long it will take (the number of periodic deposits / withdrawals) to
accumulate (disburse) an annuity. The syntax is
This function tells how much periodic payments made over the future are worth now. The
syntax is
The rate is the interest rate per period, nper is the total number of payments made, pmt is
the number of payments made each period. The fv is the future value or cash balance you want
after you have received (made) the final payment.
NPV ():
The net present value function is used, for example, if you start out by paying money as
start up costs but then get money in succeeding years. The syntax is
Rate ():
This function gives the interest rate per period for an annuity. The syntax is
The Rate function uses an iterative procedure to arrive at the true interest rate. The guess
parameter is usually given a value .01.
These Functions return the straight line and double declining balance depreciation of an
asset over a given period. The syntaxes are
These functions give versions of the internal rate of return for a series of payments and
receipts. IRR gives the ordinary internal rate of return, and MIRR gives the modified rate in which
you allow payments and receipts to have different interest rates. The syntax is
--------------------------------------- II – UNIT COMPLETED---------------------------------------
Menus, Sub procedures and sub functions: Menus - Common Dialog Boxes - Writing General
Procedures. Multiple Forms: Multiple Forms - Standard Code Modules-Variables and
Constants in Multiple-Form Projects.
Function Procedures
Sub Procedures
Function Procedures or User-Defined Functions have self-contained piece of code
designed to massage data and return a value.
Sub Procedures are smaller “helper programs” that are used as needed, and do not return
any value.
List of Objects List of Objects
To insert a function in the code window, open the code window by double clicking
anywhere in the form or by pressing F7. Choose Tolls | Add procedure from the Tools menu.
Then click the function radio button and type a name for your function. Click on OK, and a
function template for the form pops up in the code window. The following lines of code are
supposed to take a string and do the following.
T = Trim (S)
Super Trim = T
End Function
The first line of the function is called the header of the function. The keyword public is
called an access specified. The variable S is called the formal parameter. The data type followed
by the As keyword tells about the type of the value returned by the function.
A function can be called anywhere inside the module of a form. A function procedure in
Visual Basic can have any number of formal parameters, but it returns almost one value of any data
These procedures consist of a block of code that does something much as an Event
Procedure. The general format of a sub procedure looks like
End Sub
Or the equivalent
then the values of the parameters are passed to the corresponding parameters in the procedure, and
the statements inside the sub procedure are executed. When the End Sub statement is reached,
execution continues with the line that followed the call to the sub procedure.
It is based on the fact that function or procedures you define can also use named arguments,
if you choose to use this future, the names you choose for the parameters of your function and
procedures become vital. For ex: the header for our original charcount% function was simply
Passing Parameters:
When we call a function, or procedure, there are actually two ways to pass in a variable as
an argument. These are called:
Passing by reference
Passing by value
When we pass an argument variable by reference, any changes to the corresponding
parameter inside the procedure will change the value of the original argument when the procedure
When we pass an argument by value, then the original variable retains its original value
after the procedure terminates regardless of what was done to the corresponding parameter inside
the procedure.
Optional Arguments:
Visual Basic permits we to have optional arguments in the functions and procedures. These
arguments can be of any type, but they must be the last arguments in a function or procedure.
For example,
One of the easiest ways to navigate through the code in we project is with the object
Browser. The steps used are:
Sub Procedures, can work from the Code Window or the Object Browser itself. It can work
from both options in two different ways.
One of the easiest ways to navigate through the code in your project is with the Object
browser. Simply follow these steps.
Double-click on the name of the subprogram whose code you want to work with. It
shows the Object Browser for a sample project that has three functions and three Sub procedures
with the obvious names. The project also has a command button with a Click procedure on it. In
that these items are in bold. This is how the Object Browser shows you that code exists for that
Next, remember that the easiest way to hide the Object Browser is to right-click Inside of it
and then choose Hide from its context menu.
It you want to take full advantage of the Object Browser as a way to document your
type.You should supply a description of your procedures that can show up in the Object Browser—
just as the builders of Visual Basic did for the built-in procedures and constants. Your descriptions
will also show up in the bottom pane of the object browser as for the SuperTrim test project,
To add these descriptions, you can work from the Code Window or the Object Browser itself.
To work from the Object Browser, you again use its context menu. This time, follow these steps:
1. Highlight the function or procedure you want to document.
2. Right click and choose Properties from the Context menu that pops up.
3. In the Procedure Attributes dialog box shown here, enter the description you want in
the Description text box.
Array is a collection of similar data items in same data type. To distinguish among the
items store in an array, it use special kind of parameter called as index.
Dimension of an Array
An array can be one dimensional or multidimensional. One dimensional array is like a list of
items or a table that consists of one row of items or one column of items.
A two dimensional array is a table of items that make up of rows and columns. The format for a
one dimensional array is ArrayName(x), the format for a two dimensional array is
ArrayName(x,y) and a three dimensional array is ArrayName(x,y,z) . Normally it is sufficient to
use one dimensional and two dimensional array ,you only need to use higher dimensional arrays
if you need to deal with more complex problems. Let me illustrate the the arrays with tables.
We can use Public or Dim statement to declare an array just as the way we declare a single
variable. The Public statement declares an array that can be used throughout an application while
the Dim statement declare an array that could be used only in a local procedure.
will declare an array that consists of 10 elements if the statement Option Base 1 appear in the
declaration area, starting from CusName(1) to CusName(10). Otherwise, there will be 11
elements in the array starting from CusName(0) through to CusName(10)
declares an array that consists of the first element starting from Count(100) and ends at
Dim StudentName(10,10) will declare a 10x10 table make up of 100 students' Names, starting
with StudentName(1,1) and end with StudentName(10,10).
Sample Programs
End Sub
The program accepts data entry through an input box and displays the entries in the form itself.
As you can see, this program will only allows a user to enter 10 names each time he click on the
start button.
End Sub
The program accepts data entry through an input box and displays the entries in the form
itself. As you can see, this program will only allow a user to enter 10 names each time he click
on the start button
Suppose you need data for a 12-month period. You could try to write something like
For I= 1to 12
Next I .
If this kind of loop were possible, then you would be all set. The information the user entered
would easily be available in the various MonthI variables.
In Visual Basic, MonthI is a perfectly good variable name—for a single variable. Visual
Basic cannot separate the I from the Month in order to make the 12 variables that you want in
this example code.
The idea of a one-dimensional array (list) is to give you a systematic way to name groups of
related variables that are part of a list. To Visual Basic, a one-dimensional Array is Just a
collection of variables, each one of which is identified by two things:
Fixed arrays are memory allocation stays the same for the whole time the program runs.
Dynamic arrays we can change size on the fly while the program is running.
To create public array, use Public statement in the declaration section of a form
Public x (10) as Integer
Upper bound is the upper limit for the size of the array.
Lower bound of the array is given explicitly using the "To" keyword.
Dim a (30)
x=Lbound (a)
The ReDim statement use to the, change the memory space for inside a function or
End Sub .
When ReDim statement is used the previous array and its contents are destroyed.VB
resets the values to empty value (for variant array), to Zero (for numeric arrays), to Zero-
length string (for string arrays), or to nothing (for arrays of objects).
To expand the size of array without destroying the data's that are entered already
"Preserve" keyword is used.
The statement is
ReDim Preservesaleval (12, 9)
In case of single dimensional dynamic array we can enlarge the size of array by one
clement without losing the values of existing elements using Ubound function.
ReDim Preserve x (Ubound (x) +1)
To setup up a local dynamic array, use the appropriate ReDim statement in the function
or procedure without first declaring the array in the Declarations section of the form.
As with a local fixed array, no other function or procedure can see the information
stored in a local array. In particular, VB allocates space for that array only while the function or
procedure is active and reclaims the space as soon as the function or procedure ends. Here's an
example using a procedure.
Private SubProcedureNameO
ReDimDynamicLocalArray(Tempi As
String )
End Sub
Static Arrays:
As with ordinary static variables, it is occasionally useful to have an array whose contents
remain the same no matter how often the function or procedure is used. By analogy with static
variables, this kind of array is usually called a static array. To set up a static array inside a
function or procedure, you use the Static keyword:
Static Errand(13) As
End Sub
Visual Basic has a command that eliminates thezeroth entry in all one-dimensional
arrays dimensioned in a module or form It is the Option Base 1 statement. This statement is used
in the Declarations section of a form or module, and il affects all one-dimensional arrays in the
module. All new one-dimensional arrays dimensioned in that form or module will begin with
item 1.
For I =0 TO 17
SalesInyear(I) = Cur(Sales$)
Next I
However, this program requires 18 additions (one for each pass through the loop) and
is more complicated to code. This situation, where you want to go from the beginning of a
range of indexes to the. end of the range is so common that Visual Basic enhanced the original
BASIC language by allowing subscript ranges,
Instead of writing
DimSaleslnXear(1980 To 1997)
Ex:- _ . ; .....
Static salesinyear( 1980 to 1997) As single
Dim I As integer,sales$
Next I
Assigning Arrays
One of the more useful features added to VB6 is the ability to make array assignments.
Suppose you have a dynamic array called MyErrands and another array called Your Errands
that hold the same type of information. (For example, both are string arrays.) Then the line
MyErrands = YourErrands
will automatically change the size of the dynamic array named MyErrands to be the size of the
array YourErrands and copy alt the information from YourErrands into the corresponding slots
in the MyErrands array.
For example, in this code
ReDim M(I To 10) As String , :
M == foo
Lower bound of M is 1
The array function are used to store an array in a variant. If you store an array in a variant, use
the ordinary index to get at it. It is a little less than elegant to store arrays in variants, but this
technique does get around the limitation that only allows dynamic arrays on the left side of an
assignment statement. For example, this technique gives you a quick way to swap the contents
of twonon dynamic arrays, as shown here:
Dim I As Long
Next I
Array1 = A()
Array2 = B()
Temp == Arrayl
Array1 = Array2
Array2 = Temp
Arrays that have more than one dimension are called "multidimensional arrays".
For I ==1 To 12
For J= lTo12
To compute the number of items in a multidimensional array, multiply the number of entries.
The dimension statement for the two-dimensional array that \ used here setsaside 144 elements.
The convention is to refer to the first entry as giving the number of rows and the second as
giving the number of columns.
Visual Basic allows you up to 60 dimensions with the Dim statement and 8 with the ReDim
statement. A statement like
Dim LargeArray%(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
would set aside either 2s == 256 or 3" == 6,561 entries (depending on whether an Option
Base I statement has been processed). But you almost never see more than four dimensions in a
program, and even a three-dimensional array is uncommon. We use index ranges in
multidimensional arrays as well. For example, the following
would give you a sales table for the months in the years 1990 to 1997:
Finally, note that you can useReDim for multidimensional arrays in exactly the same way as
with one-dimensional arrays.
For example:
Since you can have index ranges in multidimensional arrays, you obviously need versions
LKound(NameOfArray, I)
UKound(NameOfArray, I)
Give the lower and upper bounds for the 1'th dimension of the array. (For a
one-dimensional array the I is optional, as you have already seen.) Therefore,
gives a 6 and
Print UBound(Test%, 3)
gives a 12.
Visual Basic has an extraordinary facility for using lists and arrays in procedures and
Functions, Unlike many languages, it's easy to send any size list or array to a procedure. Arrays
are always passed by reference. This means any changes you make to the array or to the entries
in the array will persist after VB leaves the function or procedure.
To send an array parameter to a procedure or function, just use the name of the array
followed by opening and closing parentheses in the list of parameters.
For example,
The array function are used to store an array in a variant. If you store an array in a variant, use
the ordinary index to get at it. It is a little less than elegant to store arrays in variants, but this
technique does get around the limitation that only allows dynamic arrays on the left side of an
assignment statement. For example, this technique gives you a quick way to swap the contents
of two non dynamic arrays, as shown here:
Dim I As Long
B(I)=2*1 Next I
Arrays that have more than one dimension are called "multidimensional arrays".
Static MultTable(l To 12. 1 To 12} As Integer Dim I
As Integer. J As Integer
ForI=lTol2 ForJ-lTol2
MultTable(LJ)=I*J :
NextJ . Next I
To compute the number of items in a multidimensional array, multiply the number of
entries. The dimension statement for the two-dimensional array that I used here setsaside 144
The convention is to refer to the first entry as giving the number of rows and the second
as giving the number of columns.
Visual Basic allows you up to 60 dimensions with the Dim statement and 8 with the
ReDim statement. A statement like
Dim LargeArray%(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
would set aside either 2s = 256 or 3" = 6,561 entries (depending on whether an Option
Base 1 statement has been processed). But you almost never see more than four dimensions in a
program, and even a three-dimensional array is uncommon. We use index ranges in
multidimensional arrays as well. For example, the following
would give you a sales table for the months in the years 1990 to 1997:
Finally, note that you can use ReDim for multidimensional arrays in exactly the same
way as with one-dimensional arrays. For example:
ReDimLargeArray%(2,2,2,2,2,2,2.2) Since you can have index ranges in
The commands
LKound(NameOfArray, J)
UKound(NameOfArray, I)
give the lower and upper bounds for the I'th dimension of the array. (For a one-
dimensional array the I is optional, as you have already seen.) Therefore,
gives a 12.
would call the Example procedure by sending it the current location (passed by reference) of
the three arrays and the integer variable. And just as before, since the compiler known where the
variable ,list. or array is located .It can change the contents steps for write the function
Function FmdMaximum(ListQ)
Start at the top of the list
Next I
End Function,
Handling Functions
The first of the new array-based String functions added is the Join function. This takes an array
of strings and makes a new string out of all entries. It used to join together the individual strings
and it even works faster. .
Dim MyNieces(l to 3)
MyNieces(l)="Shara" ,:
MyNieces(2) = "Rebecca"
Split function is used to split the text in more then one part.
"SachinRomesh Tendulkar"
The split function can take this string and return an array of three strings:
Example program:
DimTeststr As String
Dim I As Integer
A =- Split(Teststr)
MsgBox A(I)
Next End
End Sub
The fitter function takes an array of strings and returns a new array by including only those
entries that satisfy the filter.
Type Samlnfo
Name as String
Salary as Long
Empno as Integer
End Type
This defines the type, Now to make a single variable of "type" Samlnfo,
YoLirname.Name = "Raja"
Yourname.Satary- 10000
List Boxes and Combo boxes - Do/Loop - For/Next Loop - Using Msgbox Function - Using
String Function - Arrays: Control Arrays - Single Dimension Array - For Each/Next
Statements - User defined data types - Multidimensional Arrays.
Array is a collection of similar data items in same data type. To distinguish among the
items store in an array, it use special kind of parameter called as index.
Dimension of an Array
An array can be one dimensional or multidimensional. One dimensional array is like a list of
items or a table that consists of one row of items or one column of items.
A two dimensional array is a table of items that make up of rows and columns. The format for a
one dimensional array is ArrayName(x), the format for a two dimensional array is
ArrayName(x,y) and a three dimensional array is ArrayName(x,y,z) . Normally it is sufficient to
use one dimensional and two dimensional array ,you only need to use higher dimensional arrays
if you need to deal with more complex problems. Let me illustrate the the arrays with tables.
We can use Public or Dim statement to declare an array just as the way we declare a single
variable. The Public statement declares an array that can be used throughout an application while
the Dim statement declare an array that could be used only in a local procedure.
will declare an array that consists of 10 elements if the statement Option Base 1 appear in the
declaration area, starting from CusName(1) to CusName(10). Otherwise, there will be 11
elements in the array starting from CusName(0) through to CusName(10)
Dim StudentName(10,10) will declare a 10x10 table make up of 100 students' Names, starting
with StudentName(1,1) and end with StudentName(10,10).
Sample Programs
End Sub
The program accepts data entry through an input box and displays the entries in the form itself.
As you can see, this program will only allows a user to enter 10 names each time he click on the
start button.
End Sub
The program accepts data entry through an input box and displays the entries in the form
itself. As you can see, this program will only allow a user to enter 10 names each time he click
on the start button
Suppose you need data for a 12-month period. You could try to write something like
For I= 1to 12
Next I .
If this kind of loop were possible, then you would be all set. The information the user entered
would easily be available in the various MonthI variables.
In Visual Basic, MonthI is a perfectly good variable name—for a single variable. Visual
Basic cannot separate the I from the Month in order to make the 12 variables that you want in
this example code.
The idea of a one-dimensional array (list) is to give you a systematic way to name groups of
related variables that are part of a list. To Visual Basic, a one-dimensional Array is Just a
collection of variables, each one of which is identified by two things:
Fixed arrays are memory allocation stays the same for the whole time the program runs.
Dynamic arrays we can change size on the fly while the program is running.
To create a local array, use Private statement in a procedure
To create public array, use Public statement in the declaration section of a form
Public x (10) as Integer
Upper bound is the upper limit for the size of the array.
Lower bound of the array is given explicitly using the "To" keyword.
Dim a (30)
x=Lbound (a)
The ReDim statement use to the, change the memory space for inside a function or
When ReDim statement is used the previous array and its contents are destroyed.VB
resets the values to empty value (for variant array), to Zero (for numeric arrays), to Zero-
length string (for string arrays), or to nothing (for arrays of objects).
To expand the size of array without destroying the data's that are entered already
"Preserve" keyword is used.
The statement is
ReDim Preservesaleval (12, 9)
In case of single dimensional dynamic array we can enlarge the size of array by one
clement without losing the values of existing elements using Ubound function.
ReDim Preserve x (Ubound (x) +1)
To setup up a local dynamic array, use the appropriate ReDim statement in the function
or procedure without first declaring the array in the Declarations section of the form.
As with a local fixed array, no other function or procedure can see the information
stored in a local array. In particular, VB allocates space for that array only while the function or
procedure is active and reclaims the space as soon as the function or procedure ends. Here's an
example using a procedure.
Private SubProcedureNameO
ReDimDynamicLocalArray(Tempi As
String )
End Sub
Static Arrays:
As with ordinary static variables, it is occasionally useful to have an array whose contents
remain the same no matter how often the function or procedure is used. By analogy with static
variables, this kind of array is usually called a static array. To set up a static array inside a
function or procedure, you use the Static keyword:
Static Errand(13) As
End Sub
Visual Basic has a command that eliminates thezeroth entry in all one-dimensional
arrays dimensioned in a module or form It is the Option Base 1 statement. This statement is used
in the Declarations section of a form or module, and il affects all one-dimensional arrays in the
module. All new one-dimensional arrays dimensioned in that form or module will begin with
item 1.
For I =0 TO 17
SalesInyear(I) = Cur(Sales$)
Next I
However, this program requires 18 additions (one for each pass through the loop) and
is more complicated to code. This situation, where you want to go from the beginning of a
range of indexes to the. end of the range is so common that Visual Basic enhanced the original
BASIC language by allowing subscript ranges,
Instead of writing
DimSaleslnXear(1980 To 1997)
Ex:- _ . ; .....
Static salesinyear( 1980 to 1997) As single
Dim I As integer,sales$
Next I
Assigning Arrays
One of the more useful features added to VB6 is the ability to make array assignments.
Suppose you have a dynamic array called MyErrands and another array called Your Errands
that hold the same type of information. (For example, both are string arrays.) Then the line
MyErrands = YourErrands
will automatically change the size of the dynamic array named MyErrands to be the size of the
array YourErrands and copy alt the information from YourErrands into the corresponding slots
in the MyErrands array.
For example, in this code
ReDim M(I To 10) As String , :
M == foo
Lower bound of M is 1
The array function are used to store an array in a variant. If you store an array in a variant, use
the ordinary index to get at it. It is a little less than elegant to store arrays in variants, but this
technique does get around the limitation that only allows dynamic arrays on the left side of an
assignment statement. For example, this technique gives you a quick way to swap the contents
of twonon dynamic arrays, as shown here:
Dim I As Long
Next I
Array1 = A()
Array2 = B()
Temp == Arrayl
Array1 = Array2
Array2 = Temp
For I ==1 To 12
For J= lTo12
To compute the number of items in a multidimensional array, multiply the number of entries.
The dimension statement for the two-dimensional array that \ used here setsaside 144 elements.
The convention is to refer to the first entry as giving the number of rows and the second as
giving the number of columns.
Visual Basic allows you up to 60 dimensions with the Dim statement and 8 with the ReDim
statement. A statement like
Dim LargeArray%(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
would set aside either 2s == 256 or 3" == 6,561 entries (depending on whether an Option
Base I statement has been processed). But you almost never see more than four dimensions in a
program, and even a three-dimensional array is uncommon. We use index ranges in
multidimensional arrays as well. For example, the following
would give you a sales table for the months in the years 1990 to 1997:
Finally, note that you can useReDim for multidimensional arrays in exactly the same way as
with one-dimensional arrays.
For example:
Since you can have index ranges in multidimensional arrays, you obviously need versions
LKound(NameOfArray, I)
UKound(NameOfArray, I)
Give the lower and upper bounds for the 1'th dimension of the array. (For a
one-dimensional array the I is optional, as you have already seen.) Therefore,
gives a 6 and
Visual Basic has an extraordinary facility for using lists and arrays in procedures and
Functions, Unlike many languages, it's easy to send any size list or array to a procedure. Arrays
are always passed by reference. This means any changes you make to the array or to the entries
in the array will persist after VB leaves the function or procedure.
To send an array parameter to a procedure or function, just use the name of the array
followed by opening and closing parentheses in the list of parameters.
For example,
The array function are used to store an array in a variant. If you store an array in a
variant, use the ordinary index to get at it. It is a little less than elegant to store arrays in variants,
but this technique does get around the limitation that only allows dynamic arrays on the left side
of an assignment statement. For example, this technique gives you a quick way to swap the
contents of two non dynamic arrays, as shown here:
Dim I As Long
B(I)=2*1 Next I
The third entry in Arrayl is now 6
Arrays that have more than one dimension are called "multidimensional arrays".
Static MultTable(l To 12. 1 To 12} As Integer Dim I
As Integer. J As Integer
ForI=lTol2 ForJ-lTol2
MultTable(LJ)=I*J :
NextJ . Next I
would set aside either 2s = 256 or 3" = 6,561 entries (depending on whether an Option
Base 1 statement has been processed). But you almost never see more than four dimensions in a
program, and even a three-dimensional array is uncommon. We use index ranges in
multidimensional arrays as well. For example, the following
would give you a sales table for the months in the years 1990 to 1997:
Finally, note that you can use ReDim for multidimensional arrays in exactly the same
way as with one-dimensional arrays. For example:
ReDimLargeArray%(2,2,2,2,2,2,2.2) Since you can have index ranges in
The commands
LKound(NameOfArray, J)
UKound(NameOfArray, I)
give the lower and upper bounds for the I'th dimension of the array. (For a one-
dimensional array the I is optional, as you have already seen.) Therefore,
gives a 12.
Visual Basic has an extraordinary facility for using lists and arrays in procedures and
functions. Unlike many languages, it's easy to send any size list or array to a procedure. Arrays
are always passed by reference. This means any changes you make to (he array or to the entries
in the array will persist after VB leaves the function or procedure.
To send an array parameter to a procedure or function, just use the name of the array
followed by opening and closing parentheses in the list of parameters.
For example,
would call the Example procedure by sending it the current location (passed by reference) of
the three arrays and the integer variable. And just as before, since the compiler known where the
variable ,list. or array is located .It can change the contents steps for write the function
Function FmdMaximum(ListQ)
Start at the top of the list
Next I
End Function,
Handling Functions
The first of the new array-based String functions added is the Join function. This takes an array
of strings and makes a new string out of all entries. It used to join together the individual strings
and it even works faster. .
Dim MyNieces(l to 3)
MyNieces(l)="Shara" ,:
MyNieces(2) = "Rebecca"
Split function is used to split the text in more then one part.
"SachinRomesh Tendulkar"
The split function can take this string and return an array of three strings:
Example program:
DimTeststr As String
Dim I As Integer
A =- Split(Teststr)
MsgBox A(I)
Next End
End Sub
The fitter function takes an array of strings and returns a new array by including only those
entries that satisfy the filter.
FilteredNewsGroups == Filter (NamesOfNewsGroups."alt.", False)
Type Samlnfo
Name as String
Salary as Long
Empno as Integer
End Type
This defines the type, Now to make a single variable of "type" Samlnfo,
YoLirname.Name = "Raja"
Yourname.Satary- 10000
Accessing Database Files: Visual basic and Database Files - Using Data Control - Viewing a
Database File - Navigating the Database in Code - Using List Boxes and Combo boxes as
Data-Bound Controls.
Windows tells the display adapter how to display the image. VB graphics statements
depends on the driver programs windows uses to control the screen and printer. Windows has to
do a lot to manage a graphics environment, and this forces trade-offs. For example, unless we set
AutoRedraw property to True so that VB saves a copy of the object in memory, we will have to
manage the redrawing of graphics yourself.
The effects of setting the AutoRedraw property to True are slightly different for forms
and picture boxes.
For resizable form, VB saves a copy of the entire form. Thus when we enlarge the form,
no graphics information is lost. This option requires by far the most memory, but id your
graphics do not currently fit on a form, but will when the form is enlarged, choose this
For a picture box, VB saves an image only as large as the current size of the box. Nothing
new will appear even if the box is enlarged later.
VB makes it easy to save the pictures we have drawn to a form or picture box.
SavePictureobjectName.Image, Felename
The operating system uses the Image property to identify the picture in the form or
picture box. If we leave off ObjectName, then, as usual, VB uses the current form
SavePicture Image, Filename
The default scale for forms and picture boxes uses twips – that rather strange scale that is
“1/20 of printers point “. While this is a great scale for our printouts, it can be less than ideal for
displays. The default size for a for on an ordinary 14-inch VGA monitor running 640 X 480 is
roughly 7,485 twips long by 4,425 twips wide. Since a twip is 1/1440 of an inch when printed,
this default form size is roughly 5 inches by 3 inches if we use the PrintForm method on a screen
of 640 X 480 resolution.
Coordinates location
(0,0) Top left corner
(7485,0) Top right corner
(0,4425) Bottom left corner
(7485,4425) Bottom right corner
(3742,2212) Roughly the center
Other Screen Scales :
Scale Mode Units
1 Twips
2 Points
3 Pixels
4 Charaters
5 Inches
6 Millimeters
7 centimeters
Once we set the ScaleMode property to one of these new values, we can read off the size
of the drawing area, which is the area inside the form or the picture box or the printable area on a
piece of paper in our printer.
Custom Scales :
The screen is normally numbered with (0,0) as the top left corner. This is obviously
inconvenient for drawing tables, charts, graphs, and other mathematical shapes. In most of these
situations, we want the coordinates to decrease as we move from top to bottom and increase as
we move from left to right.
The scale method sets up new coordinates for forms and picture boxes that we can use
any of the graphics methods. For example,
Scale (-320,240) – (320, -240)
Sets up a new coordinate system with the coordinates of the top left corner being (-
320,240) and the bottom right corner being (320, -240). After this methos, the four corners are
described in a clockwise order, starting from the top left.
Now 0,0 is roughly in the center of the screen.
The Code
This determines the type of shape we get, there are six possible settings.
Setting of Shape property Effect
0 Rectangle (default)
1 Square
2 Oval
3 Circle
4 Rounded rectangle
5 Rounded square
It determines whether the background of the shape is transparent. The default value is 1,
which gives an opaque border. BackColor fills the shape and obscures what is behind it. Set it to
0 if we want to see through the shape to what is behind it.
BorderWidth :
It determines the thickness of the line. It is measured in pixels and can range from 0 to
BorderStyle :
This is for shape controls has 6 possible settings. Having no border prevents the control
from being visible, unless we modify the FillStyle and FillColor properties.
The Line control has 15 properties. Usually, we change them dynamically with code
while the application is running. The most important properties for the Line control at design
time are the BorderWidth property and the BorderStyle property. BorderWidth determines the
thickness of the line. It is measured in pixels and can range from 0 to 8192.
The most important properties at run time for the Line control are the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2
properties. These govern where the edges of the line appear. The X1 sets the horizontal position
of the left end of the line. Y1 sets vertical position of the left-hand end point. The X2 and Y2
work similarly for the right end of the line.screen
If we want to draw a few shapes on the screen, there is no use any of the graphical methods.
Colors :
First step is to decide what colors we want. If we don’t specify a color, VB uses the
foreground color of the object for all the graphics methods. The way is use RGB function is,
Where the amount of colors is an integer between 0 to 255. If we want to use color scheme
from QuickBASIC, use the QBColor function.
Pixel Control :
We can change the scale of our screen by using pixels.
pSet (Col, Row) [, ColorCode]
we need to do replace the parameters with the values we want. The value of the first entry
determines the column and the second determines row. For example
pSet (3722, 2212)
VB comes with a rich supply of graphics tools. Usually called graphics primitives, that allow to
plot such geometric figures as lines, boxes, circles, ellipse and wedges with single statements.
Line (StartCol, StartRow) – (EndCol, EndRow), ColorCode
Which gives a line connection the two points with the given coordinates, using the color
specified by Color Code.for example,
VB keeps track of where it stopped plotting. This location is usually called the last point
referenced (LPR), and the values of the CurrentX and CurrentY variables store this information.
If we are continuing a line from the last point referenced, VB allows us to omit the LPR in the
Lile method.
For example :
DrawWidth, DrawStyle :
When we draw on the printer or the screen by using the pSet or Line method, VB uses dots that
are normally drawn one pixel wide. If we need to change the width of points or lines, use the
DrawWidth property.
Object .Drawwidth = Size %
The theoretical maximum size for DrawWidth is 32, 767.
Boxes :
A modification of the Line method lets we draw rectangle. The statement
Line (FirstCol, FirstRow) – (secCol, SecRow), CCode, B)
Draws a rectangle in the given color code whose opposite corners are given by FirstCOl,
FirstRow and SecCol, SecRow. For example,
Private sub Form_Load ( )
Dim I as integer
Scale (0, 0) – (639, 479)
For I = 1 to 65 step 5
Line (5 * i) – (639 – 5 * I, 479 – i), , b
Next i
End sub
Filled Boxes :
We can arrange for the line method to give a filled box as well. We need to do is use BF rather
than B, and we get a filled box.
Line (FirstCol, FirstRow) – (SecCol, SecRow), CCode, BF
Will yield a solid rectangle whose opposite cornes are given by FirstCol, FirstRow and SecCol,
SecRow. For example,
Dim I as integer
Scale (0, 0) – (639, 479)
For I = 1 to 65 step 5
Line (5 * i) – (639 – 5 * I, 479 – i), CCode , BF
Next i
FillStyle, FillColor :
Boxes are usually empty or solid but VB allows seven different patterns to fill boxes. To do
this we need to change the Fillstyle property of the form or picture box.
Once we have changed the FillStyle property from its transparent default. We can use FillColor
to set the color used for FillStyle.
Object .FillColor = ColorCode
Controls recognise a mouse evevnt only when mouse pointer is inside the control. All mouse
event procedures take the same form and use the same parameters.
ObjectName_MouseEvent (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
These procedures start up a new project, double_click to open the Code window and
move to the MouseDown event procedure for the form.
Private sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X as Single, Y As Single)
(X,Y), Name Event that caused it 75
End sub
simple event
MouseDown User clicks one of the mouse
However we want to make some circles filled and some empty. One way to do this is to
use added information given by the Button argument. The Button argument uses the lowest three
bits of the value of the integer. They are
VB tells us about one button for the MouseUp / MouseDown combination. We cannot
detect if both the left and right buttons are down simultaneously.
We can also detect if the user presses one of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys while
simultaneously working with the mouse. The trick to detect this user action is to use the Shift
argument in the MouseUp or MouseDown event procedure.
The MouseMoveevent :
VB calls the MouseMove event procedure whebever the user moves the mouse. It works,
start a new project and enter the following code.
The MS windows documentation calls moving an object with the mouse button depressed
draggingand calls the release of the mouse button dropping.
1. Manual Dragging
2. Automatic Dragging
For example, to allow dragging and dropping to move the single command button around
the form by using this code.
If TypeName (control) =
The events, methods and properties used for dragging and dropping.
Item description
DragMode property Allows automatic dragging(value=1) or manual
DragIcon property Set this to change from the gray rectangle to a custom icon
when dragging
DragDrop event Associated with the target of the operation, generated when
the source is dropped on the target control
DragOver event Associated with any control the source control passes over
during dragging
Manual Dragging :
If we have left value of the DragMode property at its default of 0, then we must use the
Drag method to allow dragging of the control.
Syntax :
Control . Drag TypeOfAction
The DragOverevent :
All VB objects except menus and timers will detect if a control is passing over them. This
event monitors the path a control takes while being dragged. We can the background color of the
control being passed over. That event procedure is,
Where the X and Y parameters are CurrentX and CurrentY values. The State parameter
has 3 values.
To create the drawing pad, you need to insert a common dialog control, a picture box, four text
boxes , six command buttons and the necessary labels. The function of the common dialog
control is to assist the users to choose colors. The text boxes are for the user to enter the
coordinates and the picture box is to display the pictures drawn.
The method to draw a straight line is Line, and the syntax is as follows:
where picture1 is the picture box, (x1,y1) is the coordinates of the starting point, (x2, y2) is the
ending point and color understandably is the color of the line.
if you wish to draw a solid circle and fill it with the selected color, then add two more lines to the
above syntax:
Picture1.FillStyle = vbSolid
Picture1.FillColor = color
The Interface
Private Sub cmd_Rectangle_Click()
x1 = Text1.Text
y1 = Text2.Text
x2 = Text3.Text
y2 = Text4.Text
Picture1.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), color, B
End Sub
Picture1.FillStyle = vbSolid
Picture1.FillColor = color
Picture1.Circle (x3, y3), r, color
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Please fill in the coordinates ,the radius and the color")
End Sub
VB has 6 commands that interact with the OS, that handle files and drives. We use these
commands with a string or string variable.
Would add a subdirectory called TESTDIR to the current directory. The line
Would add the subdirectory to the root directory of the C drive.
The command that handles files also accept the normal file handling.
For example,
Kill “ *.*”
Deletes all the files in the current directory.
Command Function
ChDrive Changes the logged drive for the underlying OS
ChDir Changes the default directory
MkDir Makes a new Directory
RmDir Remove a directory
Name Changes the name of a file or moves a file from one
directory to another on the same drive
Kill Deletes a file from a disk
The FileCopyfunction :
It copies a file from the source path to another path by the following syntax.
It returns the date and time a file was created or last modified by the following syntax.
FileDateTime (pathname)
The GetAttrfunction :
It returns an integer. Using masking techniques to get the individual bits, we can
determine the how the various attributes are set.
GetAttr (pathname) As Integer
The SetAttrfunction :
It sets attribute information for files. Using the same bit values given, we can change the
various attributes.
SetAttrpathname, attributes
When the sequential files is that of recording information on a cassette tape.
These are analogous to easy tasks for a cassette recorder, such as recording an album on a blank
tape, will be easy.
To avoid unnecessary work, use a sequential file.
Some common operations on a cassette tape and the analogous operations on a sequential
text file called TEST in the currently active directory.
Operation VB equivalent
Rewind the tape, press and pause Open “TEST” for input as #1
Rewind the tape, press record and pause Open “TEST” for output as #1
Press stop Close #1
Category Size
Author 20
Title 30
Subject 15
Publisher 20
Miscellaneous 13
A file list box defaults to displaying the files in the current directory. As with any list
box, we can control the position, size, color, and font characteristics at design time or via code.
Most of the properties of a list box are identical to those of ordinary list boxes.
For example, as with all list boxes, when the number of items can’t fit the current size of
the control, VB automatically adds vertical scroll bars. This lets the user move through the list of
files using the scroll bars. We can set the size, position, or font properties of the file list boxes via
the properties window or via code, as needed. Similarly, file list boxes can respond to all the
events that list boxes can detect.
Directory List Boxes :
This displays the directory structure of the current drive. The current directory shows up
as an open file folder. Sub directories of the current directory are shown as closed folders, and
directories above the current directory are shown as non-shaded open folders.
The list property for a directory list box works a little differently than it does for the file
list boxes. While subdirectories of the current directory are numbered from 0 to listCount-1, VB
uses negative indexes for the current directory and its parent and grandparent directories.
Drive List Boxes :
Unlike file and directory list boxes, drive list boxes are pull-down boxes. Drive list boxes
begin by displaying the current drive, and then when the user clicks on the arrow, VB pulls down
a list of all valid drives.
The key property for a drive list box is the drive property, which can be used to return or
reset the current drive. For example, to synchronize a drive list box with a directory list box, all
we need is code that looks like this,
Sub drvBox_change( )
dirBox.Path = drvBox.Drive
End sub
On the other hand, if we also want to change the logged drive that the underlying
operating system is using, enter this code :
Sub drvBox_change( )
dirBox.Path = drvBox.Drive
End sub
Trying All the file controls Together :
When we have all three file system controls on a form like the one shown below, we have
to communicate the changes among the controls in order to have VB show what the user wants
to see.
For example, if the user selects a new drive, VB activates the change event procedure for
the drive box. The n the following occurs.
1. The change event procedure for the drive box assigns the Drive property to the directory
box’s path property.
2. This changes the display in the directory list box by triggering the change event
procedure for the directory list box.
3. Inside the change event procedure, we assign the path property to the file list box’s path
property. This updates the file list box.
Relevant codes must be written to coordinate all the above controls so that the application can
work properly. The program should flow in the following logical way:
Step2:The user selects the drive that might contains the relevant graphic files.
Step 3:The user looks into directories and subdirectories for the files specified in step1. The files
should be displayed in the FileListBox.
Step 4: The user selects the files from the FileListBox and click the Show button.
Step 5: The user clicks on Exit button to end the application.
The Interface
The Code
Private Sub Form_Load()
'To center the player
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2
Top = (Screen.Height - Height)\2
Combo1.Text = "All graphic files"
Combo1.AddItem "All graphic files"
Combo1.AddItem "All files"
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Change()
If ListIndex = 0 Then
File1.Pattern = ("*.bmp;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.gif")
Fiel1.Pattern = ("*.*")
End If
End Sub
'Specific the types of files to load
Private Sub Dir1_Change()
File1.Path = Dir1.Path
File1.Pattern = ("*.bmp;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.gif")
End Sub
'Changing Drives
Private Sub Drive1_Change()
Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive
End Sub
Private Sub File1_Click()
If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Then
File1.Pattern = ("*.bmp;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.gif")
File1.Pattern = ("*.*")
EnId If
This example uses the common dialog box to create and read the text file, which is much easier
than the previous examples.Many operations are handled by the common dialog box.
VB uses the clipboard for its cut-and-paste editing feature, and we can use the
clipboard together with the properties given in the section “selecting Text in VB” to implement
features in our projects.
It can hold only one piece of the same kind of data at a time. If we send new information
of the same format to the clipboard, we wipe out what was there before. Sometimes, however we
will want to make sure that the clipboard is completely free before working with it. To do this,
add a line of code inside,
Clipboard . Clear
This applies the clear method to the predefined clipboard object. If we need to send text
to and from the clipboard, use the two additional methods.
Clipboard.setText :
This method is used in the following form.
This send the string information contained in the variable or string expression StringData
to the clipboard, wiping out whatever text was there.
Clipboard.GetText :
It takes a copy of the text currently stored in the clipboard. Because the text contents of
the clipboard remain intact until we explicitly clear the clipboard or send new text to it.the form
Destination = Clipboard.GetText
With txtbox
.Height = 2000
.Width = 2000
.Text = “AVS COLLEGE “
End With
In visual basic, we can assigns successive integers to the variable by using Enums or
enumerated constants.
Sunday = 1
Now visual basic automatically assigns successive integers to the days of the week, that
is Monday = 2, Tuesday = 3, and so on.
After they have been defined, Enums can be used as the parameters for functions and
procedures, so they can make code much clearer.
Function Salary (x As DaysOfTheWeek) As single
Select Case X
Case Saturday, Sunday
Salary = 1.5
Case Else
Salary = 1.0
End Select
End Function
Some time we can use the same control name more than once while designing a VB
application or use CTRL+C, CTRL+V to copy an existing control from one place on the form to
another, VB asks you whether you really want to create a control array by popping up the
message box. Then click the yes button.
The event procedure can use the index to determine what to do. When we type in the text
box with the Index property of zero, VB activates the If clause inside this event procedure and so
displays text telling us which box we typed in. otherwise, VB processes the Else clause. The If-
Then-Else, combined with the index parameter, lets the event procedure determine where we
We will see the text box with index number 5. This is because the Left and Top
properties start out the same for all four of the newly created controls. The Left and Top
properties determine where we see the control, that is newly created controls in a control array
default to being stacked one on top of the other.
The unload statement :
We can use the Unload statement to remove any element of a control array that we added
at run time via the Load command. We cannot use the Unload statement to remove original
elements of a control array that were created at design time. For example,
Private Sub Form_Click ( )
Static I As Integer
If I < 4 Then
Unload txtMoney (I+2)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Each click on an empty place in the form removes the next controls in the control array. It
will not remove two elements in the control array because of the line
If I < 4 then ……
This is necessary because we can only load or unload an element of a control array once.
If we try to load or unload a control array element twice in succession, VB gives a run-time
Control array
A group of controls that share the same name type and the same event procedures.
Adding controls with control arrays uses fewer resources than adding multiple control of same
type at design time.
A control array can be created only at design time, and at the very minimum at least one control
must belong to it. You create a control array following one of these three methods:
You create a control and then assign a numeric, non-negative value to its Index property; you
have thus created a control array with just one element.
You create two controls of the same class and assign them an identical Name property. Visual
Basic shows a dialog box warning you that there's already a control with that name and asks
whether you want to create a control array. Click on the Yes button.
You select a control on the form, press Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard, and then press Ctrl+V
to paste a new instance of the control, which has the same Name property as the original one.
Visual Basic shows the warning mentioned in the previous bullet.
Control arrays are one of the most interesting features of the Visual Basic environment, and they
add a lot of flexibility to your programs:
Controls that belong to the same control array share the same set of event procedures; this often
dramatically reduces the amount of code you have to write to respond to a user's actions.
You can dynamically add new elements to a control array at run time; in other words, you can
effectively create new controls that didn't exist at design time.
Elements of control arrays consume fewer resources than regular controls and tend to produce
smaller executables. Besides, Visual Basic forms can host up to 256 different control names, but
a control array counts as one against this number. In other words, control arrays let you
effectively overcome this limit.
The importance of using control arrays as a means of dynamically creating new controls at run
time is somewhat reduced in Visual Basic 6, which has introduced a new and more powerful
Don't let the term array lead you to think control array is related to VBA arrays; they're
completely different objects. Control arrays can only be one-dimensional. They don't need to be
dimensioned: Each control you add automatically extends the array. The Index property
identifies the position of each control in the control array it belongs to, but it's possible for a
control array to have holes in the index sequence. The lowest possible value for the Index
property is 0. You reference a control belonging to a control array as you would reference a
standard array item:
Text1(0).Text = ""
Event procedures related to items in a control array are easily recognizable because they have an
extra Index parameter, which precedes all other parameters. This extra parameter receives the
index of the element that's raising the event, as you can see in this example:
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
MsgBox "A key has been pressed on Text1(" & Index & ") control"
End Sub
The fact that multiple controls can share the same set of event procedures is often in itself a good
reason to create a control array. For example, say that you want to change the background color
of each of your TextBox controls to yellow when it receives the input focus and restore its
background color to white when the user clicks on another field:
Control arrays are especially useful with groups of OptionButton controls because you can
remember which element in the group has been activated by adding one line of code to their
shared Click event. This saves code when the program needs to determine which button is the
active one:
Where object is the name of the control to add or delete from the control array. Index % is the
value of the index in the array. The control array to be added must be an element of the existing
array created at design time with an index value of 0. When a new element of a control array is
loaded, most of the property settings are copied from the lowest existing element in the array.
* Open a Standard EXE project and save the Form as Calculator.frm and save the Project as
* Design the form as shown below.
Index 0
Caption 2
Index 1
Caption 3
Index 2
Caption 4
Index 3
Caption 5
Index 4
Caption 6
Index 5
Caption 7
Index 6
CommandButton Caption 8
Name cmd
Index 7
Caption 9
Index 8
Caption 0
Index 10
Caption .
Index 11
Caption AC
Name cmdAC
Caption +
Name cmdPlus
Caption -
Name cmdMinus
Caption *
Name cmdMultiply
Caption /
Name cmdDivide
Caption +/-
Name cmdNeg
Name txtDisplay
Text ( empty )
Caption =
Name cmdEqual
The following variables are declared inside the general declaration
The following code is entered in the cmd_Click( ) (Control Array) event procedure
The following code is entered in the click events of the cmdPlus, cmdMinus, cmdMultiply,
cmdDevide controls respectively.
To print the result on the text box, the following code is entered in the cmdEqual_Click ( ) event
Case "+"
Result = Previous + Current
txtDisplay.Text = Result
Case "-"
Result = Previous - Current
txtDisplay.Text = Result
Case "*"
Result = Previous * Current
txtDisplay.Text = Result
Case "/"
Result = Previous / Current
txtDisplay.Text = Result
End Select
Current = Result
End Sub
Save and run the project. On clicking digits of user's choice and an operator button, the output
Control arrays often let you save many lines of code because you can execute the same
statement, or group of statements, for every control in the array without having to duplicate the
code for each distinct control. For example, you can clear the contents of all the items in an array
of TextBox controls as follows:
Here you're using the LBound and UBound methods exposed by the control array object, which
is an intermediate object used by Visual Basic to gather all the controls in the array. In general,
you shouldn't use this approach to iterate over all the items in the array because if the array has
holes in the Index sequence an error will be raised. A better way to loop over all the items of a
control array is using the For Each statement:
A third method exposed by the control array object, Count, returns the number of elements it
contains. It can be useful on several occasions (for example, when removing all the controls that
were added dynamically at run time):
' This code assumes that txtField(0) is the only control that was
' created at design time (you can't unload it at run time).
Do While txtFields.Count> 1
Unload txtFields(txtFields.UBound)
We can give the list of values to the List box. VB automatically adds vertical scroll bars
whenever the list box is too small for all the items it contains. We might want this application to
let the user select a data by number of elements rather than by scrolling through the list. To allow
users to input data as well as make choices from a list, use combo box.
There are two types of combo boxes, and which one we got depends on the value of the
Style property.
If the value of the Style property is set to the default value of 0, we get a combo
ox with an arrow. If the user clicks the arrow, then drop-down list of choices
given in the box.
If the value is 1, the user sees the combo box with the list already dropped down.
In both cases, the user still has a text area to enter information. There is one other
possible choice,
If the value of the Style property of a combo box is 2, we will see a pull-down list
box, the text area will disappears.
There are also two types of list boxes, and working with the Style property lets we
determine if the box shows little check boxes next to the items.
For I% = 0 to 1stBoxName.ListCount – 1
Text :
It gives the currently selected item stored as a string. This, of course, changes as the user
moves through the list box. This changes as the user moves through the list box. If we need the
numeric equivalent of this string, just apply the correct conversion function (CInt, CSng, etc).
Columns and MultiSelect :
The columns property controls the number of columns in a list box. If the value is 0, we
get a normal single-column list box with vertical scrolling. If the value is 1, we get a single
column list box with horizontal scrolling. If the value is greater than 1, we get multiple columns.
The Multiselect property controls whether the user can select more than one item from
the list. There are three possible values for this property.
ColPosition, RowPosition :
These are used to move whole rows and columns around in your grid. The syntax is,
GridName.ColPosition (number)[ = value]
GridName.RowPosition (number) [ = value]
ColWidth, RowHeight :
These are specify the width of a specific column or height of a specific row. They can
only be set via code. Both are measured in twips. The syntax is
GridName.Colwidth(ColNumber%) = width%
GridName.RowHeight(RowNumber%) = Height%
Text, TextMatrix :
The Text property sets or returns the text inside the current cell. The TextMatrix property,
which has the following syntax,
We set or retrieve the text in an arbitrary cell without needing to change the Row and Col
CellLeft, CellWidth, CellTop, and CellHeight :
These properties give the size and location of a cell relative to its container. We can use
these extensively in the section on adding an editing capability to grid.
ColAlignment :
There are three possible settings for data inside a column. We can left- justify (value = 0),
right-justify (value = 1), or center the text (value = 2). The syntax is
GridName.ColAlignment(Index%) = Settings%
GridLines, ScrollBars :
These are used to control whether grid lines and scroll bars appear. The default is to show
grid lines and to have both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
LeftCol, TopRow :
These are used to control which are the leftmost column and highest row displayed from
a grid. It can be set in code, and the syntax for both of these properties is similar.
GridName.LeftCol = LeftmostCol%
GridName.TopRow = HighestRow%
Sorting a Grid :
One of the most powerful features of the flex grid is its ability to sort rows according to
the columns we select. If we change the Sort property at design time, the grids starts out sorted.
If we change it at run time, VB sorts the rows of the grid immediately after it processes the
statement. The syntax for the sort property takes the form,
This event is also triggered when the current cell changes. It occurs after LeaveCell and
SelChange :
This event is activated when the selected region changes, either because the user has
moved around in the grid or the code has directly changed one of the properties given.
Compare Event :
This event is used to order the columns any way. When we set the sort property to 9, VB
will automatically trigger this event. The syntax is
Private Sub object_Compare(row1 As Integer, row2 As Integer, cmp As Integer)
Change the value of the cmp parameter in order to tell VB which row to consider as
being less than the other row. There are three possible ways to change the cmp parameter. They
Public VariableNameAsVariableType
Public Rate As Single
Scope of procedures :
Code modules can also have module-level variables that are visible only to the code
attached to that module. To make a variable a global variable requires the Public keyword or
leaving off the Public access modifier.
If we use the ordinary Private (Dim) declaration syntax that we have been using for code
attached to a form in the declarations section of a code module. When we use a Sub or Function
procedure inside another procedure, VB follow these steps.
VB first looks at procedures attached to the current form or module
If the procedure is not found in the current form or module, VB looks at all code
modules attached to the project.
Adding or Removing Existing Code Module :
To add an existing code module, open the Project menu and choose the Add Module
option. Choose the Existing tab on the dialog box that opens, this gives a standard File Open
dialog box asking for the name of the file. To add code from another file to an existing module,
choose Insert | File and then work with the dialog box that pops up.
To remove a code or from module from a project, follow these steps.
Open the project explorer window by clicking on any part that’s visible or by
choosing View | project explorer.
Select the code module or form module we want to remove
Either choose remove from the right-click menu, or choose the remove item from
the project menu.
End Sub
If you run this program, the Exit button doesn’t end the program, it doesn’t close the
form. It is called Tight Loop.
But by using DoEvents statement we can change the above code,
Private Sub
End Sub
The form will close normally when we click on the Exit button.
DoEvents can actually be used as a function, in this case it returns the number of loaded
forms. There is no startup form, we have to manage the code for loading all the forms our self.
This is done inside a special Sub procedure called Main that may be attached to any code
module. We can have only one Sub Main procedure in any project.
Sub Main ( )
End Sub
Once we have set Sub Main as the startup object, VB doesn’t load any forms
automatically. We have to write the code for this using the Load and show keywords.
Sub Main and DoEvents :
We can use aDoEvents as a function. It returns the number of loaded forms. The frame
work for this takes the following form.
Sub Main ( )
Do While DoEvents ( )
End Sub
Here the End statement will only be reached when there are no more loaded forms.
Idle Time :
A loop that is processed only when no events are occurring is called an idle loop. Idle
loops are written inside the Sub Main.
Sub Main ( )
Load StartUpForm
Do While DoEvents ( )
End Sub
Again, this kind of code will continue to execute as long as there are any loaded forms.
As Declare statement indicates, we send this function a long integer value that tells the
function what information we want reported back. This function returns a long integer that we
can analyze.
Mouse swap:
Sub Form_Load
If GetSystemMetrics (SM_SWAPBUTTON) Then
MsgBox “Mouse buttons switched “
End If
End Sub
There are two possibilities for the general form of the Declare statement. For a Sub
program in a DLL, use
[Public | Privare ] Declare Sub name Lib “libname” [Alias_”aliasname”][([arglist])]
Where the Lib keyword should be just bookkeeping – it tells VB that a DLL is being
called. The libname argument is the name of the DLL that contains the procedure we will be
Open the File menu in the API Viewer and choose the file we want to look at.
After the text file loads, choose what part of the API we need to look at from the
API type list box
Choose the item we want by scrolling through the Available Items list box.
Click on the Copy button to place the item in the clipboard
Move the insertion point inside our code window where we want the item to
appear, and choose Edit|Paste to copy the item from the clipboard
If we want to prevent fatal errors, the command activates error trapping within a given
procedure is,
On Error GoTo…
Where the three dots stand for the label that defines the error trap.The labeled code must
be in the current procedure. We cannot jump out of a procedure using an On Error GoTo
The On Error GoTo command can occur anywhere in an event, Sub, or Function
procedure. Usually, the error-trapping code is inside that procedure. The only exception to this is
when one procedure has been called by another.
Once start error trapping with the On Error GoTo command, a run-time error will no
longer bomb the program. It should transfer control to a piece of code that identifies the problem
and, if possible, fix it.
If the error can be corrected, the Resume statement takes back to the statement that
caused the error in the first place. However, we cannot correct an error if we don’t know why it
happened. We identify the problem by means of either the Err function or the Err object. This
gives an integer that can assign to a variable.
Resume Next
VB begins processing at the statement following the one that caused the error. We can
OnError Resume Next
To automatically bypass any code that causes an error. We can also resume execution at
any line of code that has been previously identified with a label. For this, use
Resume Label
It is unusual to have labels in VB except in connection with error trapping.
The Erl (Error Line) function :
The error handling function Erl is used to find the line that caused the error, and VB is
not stopping the program at that time. We can do the following.
Error (Errorcodenumber)
Which, when processed, makes VB behave as if the error described by the given error
number has actually occurred. This makes it easier to develop the trap.
Disabling Error Trapping :
If we are confident that we will no longer need an error trap, we can disable error
trapping with the statement,
On Error GoTo 0
Similarly, we can change which error trap is in effect by using another On Error GoTo
statement. Be sure to have an Exit command between to decide where to go.
We can build objects in 3 ways, that is,
1. by adding custom properties to an existing form and then using that form as a
class for new instances of the form.
2. By using a special type of module called a class module. It have the advantages
that they can be compiled separately and used by other windows applications.
3. To create a custom control.
In all three ways gives the same ideas for adding properties to these classes. The
following basic things are needed to do with a new property.
We want to get its current value
We want to assign a new value to it.
For the first situation, we use a special type of procedure called a Property get procedure.
For the second, we use a Property Let procedure.
For example, suppose we want to add a custom property to a form that will tell whether a form
named frmNeedsToBeCentered is centered, and also to center it if we set the property to true.
We should need to do.
Set up a Private variable in the declarations section of the form.
Private IsCenteredAs Boolean
Then add the following procedures to the form
Public Property Let Center (X As Boolean)
IsCentered = X
If X then
Me. Move (Screen.Width – Me.Width) / 2
- Screen.Height – Me.Height) / 2
End If
End Sub
The first line of the code uses the Private variable to store the current value of the
property. Now we can use a line of code like
Me.Center = true
to center the form. From another form or code module, we can use a line of code like this,
frmneedsToBeCentered.Center = True
it might be useful to know whether a form is centered. For this we ne need to use a Property Get
Procedure that returns a Boolean.
Public Property Get Center ( ) As Boolean
Center = Iscentered
End Sub
This picks up the current value of the IsCentered Private variable that we are using to
hold information about the current value of the property.
We can add custom properties to a form and then use them as templates for new objects, the
most common way to build a new class for new objects in VB is to use a class module. A class
module object contains the code for the custom properties and methods that objects defined from
it will have.
We can then create new instances of the class from any other module or form. A class
module cannot have a visible interface of its own. Each module we create gives the naturally
enough, a single class for building new instances of that class.
Once we have a class module, we use the New keyword to create new instances of it. Eg,
if FirstClass is the name of a class module in our project, we would create an instance as follows.
Dim AnInstance As new FirstClass
We use the Property procedures to define the properties of our class and use Public Sub
and Public Function procedures for its methods.
Creating a New Class Module :
We can create a new class module at design time by choosing Project|Add Class Module.
Each class module can respond to only two events.
They are triggered when someone creates an instance of our class or terminates it.
1. Julia Case Bradley and Anita C.Millspaugh, "Programming in Visual Basic 6.0", Tata
Edition, 2011.
1. Gary Cornell, "Visual Basic 6 from the Ground up", McGraw-Hill Education,1998
2. Mohammed Azam, "Programming with Visual Basic 6.0", 1st Edition, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.,
Chennai, 2001.