12 - 87 - 95 - UJMR 040 Bashir
12 - 87 - 95 - UJMR 040 Bashir
12 - 87 - 95 - UJMR 040 Bashir
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 87 - 95 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 87 - 95 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
Biochemical Identification of the Suspected The plates were incubated at 370C for 24 hours,
Isolates after which zone of inhibitions were measured
Suspected Staphylococcus aureus that were in millimeter using transparent meter rule. The
positive for Catalase and Coagulase Tests were measurements were interpreted as susceptible,
confirmed to be Staphylococcus aureus. resistant or intermediate using guidelines from
Suspected Escherichia coli that were positive Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
for Indole and Methyl-Red tests, negative for (CLSI) 2018.
Voges-Proskauer and Citrate Utilization tests,
and with slant and butt to be yellow/yellow RESULTS
without H2S production but gas production in Out of 110 urine sample collected from the
Triple Sugar Iron utilization test are confirmed pregnant women, 70 (63.6%) of the women
to be Escherichia coli. The suspected colonies were found to be UTI positive (Figure 1).
of Klebsiella spp. that were positive for Indole, Urinary tract infection was found to be higher
Voges-Proskauer and Citrate Utilization tests among age group <18years (72.7%) while age
but negative for Methyl-Red test, and with slant group 18-34 years had the least prevalence
and butt to be yellow/yellow without H2S (60.8%)(Table 1). The prevalence of UTI was
production but gas production in Triple Sugar found to be higher in Second trimester (71.7%)
Iron utilization test are confirmed to be and least in Third trimester (57.5%) (Table 2).
Klebsiella spp. The prevalence of UTI was found to be highest
Preparation of MacFarland Standard in pregnant women with pain during urination
McFarland standard was prepared by mixing (75.0%) and least in pregnant women with
0.5ml of 1.175% barium chloride dehydrate lower back pain (50.0%)(Table 3).Table 4 shows
(BaCl2.2H2O with 9.95ml of 1% sulfuric acid the prevalence of UTI based on predisposing
(H2SO4) which gives a precipitate of barium factors; based onmaterials used to clean up
sulfate (turbidity) and this turbidity is the after defecation, pregnant women that used
reference to which a bacterialsuspension toilet roll after defecation for cleaning up
turbidity in normal saline was compared to, to highest UTI rate (73.3%) than those that use
give an approximate bacterial concentration of water. based on method used to clean up
1.5x108 CFU/ml (Colony forming unit per ml). positive after defecation, those that used
Standardization of Inoculum forward method had the highest rate (68.8%)
To standardize the inoculum, fresh loopful of than those that used backward method.
pure bacteria isolates were suspended into 5ml Staphylococcus aureus was found to be the
sterile normal saline and the turbidity highest isolated bacteria (16.4%) in the UTI
compared to that of 0.5 McFarland standards. cases, while Klebsiella spp was the least (10%)
Antibiotic Susceptibility Test implicated bacteria (Figure 2).
Disc agar diffusion method was employed in Table 5 shows percentage of isolates that were
determining the antibiotic susceptibility of the susceptible, intermediate and resistance to the
isolated microorganisms. The following antibiotics used. Approximately, 64% of
antibiotics discs were used; Chloramphenicol Klebsiella isolates were susceptible to each of
(30µg), Amoxicillin (30µg), Ciprofloxacin (10µg), gentamycin and streptomycin, while 54.5% of
Gentamicin (30µg), Streptomycin (30µg), them were resistance to chloramphenicol. Sixty
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (30µg), seven percent of the E. coli isolated was
Erythromycin (10µg) and Gentamicin (10µg). A resistance to each of trimethoprim-
sterile cotton swab was dipped into sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol and
standardized bacterial isolates suspension, the ciprofloxacin, and also 66.7% to gentamycin.
swab stick was pressedagainst the side of the Ninety four percent (94%) of Staphylococcus
test tube to get rid of excess inoculum after aureus were susceptible to streptomycin, while
which the swab stick was swabbed evenly 44.4% of them were resistance to trimethoprim-
across the entire surface of Mueller Hinton Agar sulfamethoxazole. Table6-8shows phenotypic
plates and the plates were allowed to dry. antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the isolated
Thereafter, antibiotic impregnated discs were bacteria. Isolates resistance to 3 or more
placed on the Mueller Hinton Agar plates antibiotics were considered to be multi-drug
containing the standardized inoculum using resistant. Escherichia colishowed the highest
sterile forceps. The discs were placed at least occurrence of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR)
15mm from the edge of the plate and not isolates (66.7%), while Staphylococcus aureus
closer than 25mm from each other. The discs showed the least occurrence isolates (22.2%) of
ware firmly pressed down to ensure their MDR (Figure 3).
contact with the agar and allowed to diffuse.
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 87 - 95 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
n = 110
63. 6% Positive
Table 1: Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection Based on Age Groups among Pregnant Women
attending ABU Teaching Hospital
Age group No. examined No. positive (%) No. negative (%)
<18 11 8(72.7) 3(27.3)
18-34 74 45(60.8) 29(39.2)
≥35 25 17(68.0) 8(32.0)
Total 110 70(63.6) 40(36.4)
χ2=0.854; P- value =0.653
Table 2: Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection Based on Gestation Period among Pregnant Women
attending ABU Teaching Hospital
Gestation period No. examined No. positive (%) No. negative (%)
First trimester 24 14(58.3) 10(41.7)
Second trimester 46 33(71.7) 13(28.3)
Third trimester 40 23(57.5) 17(42.5)
Total 110 70(63.6) 40(36.4)
χ2=2.248; P-value=0.325
Table 3: Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection Based on Symptoms among Pregnant Women attending ABU
Teaching Hospital
Symptoms Number examined Number Number χ2 P-value
positive (%) negative (%)
Abnormal vaginal
Yes 26 17(65.4) 9(34.6) 0.45 0.832
No 84 53(63.1) 31(36.9)
Abdominal pain
Yes 37 24(64.9) 13(35.1)
No 73 46(63.0) 27(37.0) 0.36 0.849
Pain during
urination 12 9(75.0) 3(25.0)
Yes 98 61(62.2) 37(37.8) 0.752 0.386
Lower back pain
Yes 16 8(50.0) 8(50.0)
No 94 62(66.0) 32(34.0) 1.505 0.220
Table 4: Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection Based on Predisposing Factors among Pregnant
Women attending ABU Teaching Hospital
Predisposing factors Number examined Number Number χ2P-value
positive (%) negative (%)
Material used to clean up
after defecation
Toilet roll 15 11(73.3) 4(26.7) 0.7060.401
Water 95 59(62.1) 36(37.9)
Method used to clean up
Anus to vagina 48 33(68.8) 15(31.2) 0.9620.327
Vagina to anus 62 37(59.7) 25(40.3)
n = 110
Klebsiella Spp.
Figure 2: Prevalence of Bacteria Associated with Urinary Tract Infections among Pregnant
Women attending ABU Teaching Hospital
Key: n = Number of Sample Collected
Table 5: Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile of Bacteria Associated with Urinary Tract Infections
among Pregnant Women attending ABU Teaching Hospital
Klebsiella spp Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus
Antibiotics n (%) n (%) n (%)
SXT - - - 4(33.3) 0(0) 8(66.7) 9(50) 1(5.6) 8(44.4)
CH 4(36.4) 1(9.1) 6(54.5) 4(33.3) 0(0) 8(66.7) - - -
CPX 6(54.5) 0(0) 5(45.5) 4(33.3) 0(0) 8(66.7) 13(72.2) 1(5.6) 4(22.2)
CN 7(63.6) 0(0) 4(36.4) 8(66.7) 0(0) 4(33.3) 14(77.8) 1(5.6) 3(16.7)
S 7(63.6) 0(0) 4(36.4) 6(50) 1(8.3) 5(41.7) 17(94.4) 0(0) 1(5.6)
E - - - - - - 8(44.4) 4(22.2) 6(33.3)
AM 3(27.3) 1(9.1) 7(63.6) - - - - - -
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 87 - 95 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
60 54.5
50 45.5
40 33.3 Non-MDR
30 22.2 MDR
Klebsiella spp Staphylococcus aureus E. coli
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 87 - 95 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
Staphylococcus aureus was 94.4% susceptible toilet roll after defecation to minimize rate of
and 44.4% resistance to streptomycin and exposure to UTI. Pregnant women should be
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole respectively. advised to clean up from vagina to anus after
This was in contrast to Onoh et al., (2013) in defecation to minimize exposure to UTI. Health
Abakaliki, where the organism was 50% talks on preventive measures of the diseases
susceptible to streptomycin. associated with pregnancy should be often
Escherichia coli had the highest multi-drug provided. Specific guidelines should be set for
resistant isolates in this study, likewise as testing antimicrobial susceptibility.Early
reported to have higher resistance towards treatment reduces the likelihood of
different antimicrobials in Latin American and complications and costs of patient care.
Costa Rica, respectively (Gales et al., 2002;
Williams et al., 2003). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
We acknowledge the Health Research Ethics
CONCLUSION Committee of Ahmadu Bello University
Urinary tract infection is the most common Teaching Hospital, Shika-Zaria, Nigeria, for the
cause of admission in Obstetrics wards. The ethical approval given to carry out this
prevalence of UTI in this study was 64%. research. Also, we acknowledge the technical
Staphylococcus aureus had the highest assistance rendered by staff of Medical
occurrence rate (16.4%) followed by Escherichia Microbiology of same Institution during the
coli (10.9%) and Klebsiella spp (10%). course of the research.
Pregnant women and general public should be
advised to use water for cleanup instead of
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng