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UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 104 - 106 ISSN: 2616 - 0668

Received: 31st October, 2020 Accepted: 15th September, 2021

Evaluation of Haematological Parameters of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Grown

in Biofloc System using Three Different Carbon Sources
Muhammad M. A. 1,*Babatunde T. A. , 1Babangida A. and 2Lawali A. A.
*Department of Biology, Umaru Musa Ya’radua University, P.M.B. 2218, Katsina State,
2 Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
*Corresponding author email: [email protected]
Biofloc Technology utilizes the addition of carbon sources to fish culture systems to allow the
growth of bacteria, as well as aggregation of dead organic matter in the fish culture systems
thereby permit continuous use of water. The use of biofloc for C. gariepinus culture has
evaluated the growth, feed conversion and water quality. This experiment was conducted to
evaluate the effects of carbon sources on the haematological parameters of catfish in the biofloc
system. The biofloc system was set-up at the Biological garden of Umaru Musa Yar’adua
University, Katsina. A total of two hundred (200) fingerlings catfish with an average weight of
8.45 ± 1.6 g were randomly distributed in eight (8) plastic tanks at stocking densities of 1g/m 3.
Three carbon sources namely; corn flour, rice bran, and sorghum flour were used to support the
flocculation and growth of catfish in the system. The fishes were fed uniformly with a commercial
diet ad-libitum. After six weeks rearing period, the survival of fish in all treatments was not
significantly different (p <0.005); control (94%); corn-flour (90%), sorghum flour (98%) and rice
bran (96%). Total weight gain was significantly higher (p<0.005) in corn-flour biofloc treatment.
The blood sample collected for haematological analysis showed a significant difference (p˂ 0.05)
in the mean blood parameters with respect to park cell volume (PCV), white blood cell (WBC),
and haemoglobin (mg/l) values. The PCV of the rice bran treatment (18.00%) was significantly
lower (p˂0.05) compared with other treatments. White blood cell (WBC) was significantly higher
in rice bran treatment (p ˂ 0.05). The result indicated that corn-flour and sorghum could be used
as the carbon source in the biofloc system with no effect on haematological parameters.
Keywords: Biofloc, Carbon sources, Catfish, Hematology.

INTRODUCTION The availability of these bacteria boost the

Biofloc system aimed to improve production production of plankton biomass in the system,
efficiency and mitigate the environmental thereby serving as a food supplement for fish,
impacts of waste in aquaculture. In places hence increased production is achieved.
where there is water scarcity, aquaculture Production of microbial protein takes place by
production systems like biofloc and aquaponics the addition of carbohydrates to the pond, and
would be desirable for cost-effective therefore bacterial growth and nitrogen uptake
production. Wastewater management is one of are stimulated through it (Avnimelech, 1999).
the few challenges associated with aquaculture Research on biofloc application on Clarias
production and a biofloc system is one of the gariepinus culture has evaluated the growth,
eco-friendly alternatives (Mahanand et al., feed conversion and water quality (Akeem et
2019). The Biofloc Technology (BFT) allows the al., 2017). The BFT study on C. gariepinus
growth of bacteria and plankton, as well as culture with different carbon sources on fish
aggregation of dead organic matter in the fish physiology and haematological parameters is
holding systems (Reis et al., 2012). The natural very limited. Therefore, it is important to
production of this organism is achieved by the conduct a study that examines the physiological
addition of carbon sources or fertilizers to the condition and the haematological parameters of
fish rearing system (Crab et al., 2012) which catfish under different carbon sources.
allows the conversion of nitrogenous waste Haematological parameters are key indicators
generated by the cultivated fish more for the evaluation of the suitability of using
especially ammonium into bacterial biomass in different carbon sources of fish (Docan et al.,
the culture solution (Himaja et al., 2016). 2011).

UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 104 - 106 ISSN: 2616 - 0668

MATERIALS AND METHODS randomly distributed in eight (8) outdoor 500

Set up of the biofloc system litre plastic tanks at an initial stocking density
The present study was carried out between of 1g/m3. The tanks were connected to aerators
June and August, 2020 at the biological garden so that an air current is created in the tank. The
of the Department of Biology, Umaru Musa fish were fed 5% body weight twice daily (9:00
Yar’adua University, Katsina. Catfish (Clarias h and 17:00 h). The carbon-nitrogen (C: N) ratio
garapinus) fingerlings were obtained from a in the feed as specified by the manufacturer
hatchery department of the National was adjusted to 15:1 recommended in biofloc
Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), (Avnimelech, 1999; Perez-Fuentes et al., 2016))
Katsina and were adapted to the experimental through the addition of carbon sources. The
conditions for two weeks. After the acclimation three different carbon sources viz: corn flour,
period, 200 African catfish fingerlings with an mill rice bran, and sorghum flour were used in
average body weight of 8.45 ± 1.6 g were each treatment in duplicate.
Estimation of growth performance
The following growth parameters were determined at the end of six weeks rearing period:
• × 100

• × 100

• × 100
Determination of blood parameters Statistical analysis
At the end of the experiment, fish were All data were analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics
randomly picked from each treatment, and the version 21. The data was presented in
blood samples were collected by using a syringe mean ± SD. ANOVA was used to test for the
and pooled into EDTA containers. Blood filled significant difference in the blood parameters
heparinized micro haematocrit capillary tubes among the treatment. The differences among
were centrifuged at 12000 for 5minutes using a the means were set to be significant at p <
microhaematocrit centrifuge and haematocrit 0.05.
values were read directly. The red blood cell
and white blood cell counts were determined RESULTS
using a method devised by Yokayama (1947). Survival and growth
Haemoglobin (Hb) was determined using a The use of corn-flour, rice bran, and sorghum
spectrophotometer at 540nm using the flour as carbon sources in this experiment
Drabkin‟s solution. Mean Corpuscular Volume supported the growth of catfish in biofloc. The
(MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) survival of fish in all treatments did not deviate
and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin from that of a control group (94%); corn
Concentration (MCHC) were calculated from treatment (90%), sorghum (98%) and rice bran
values of haemoglobin, haematocrit and total (96%) (Table 1). Total weight gain was
red blood count using the formula by Anderson significantly higher (p < 0.005) in corn
and Klontz (1965). treatments compared to control. Specific
MCV = PCV/ RBC × 10 growth rate (SGR), showed significantly higher
MCH = Hb (g/dl)/ RBC × 10 values among the treatments (p < 0.05)
MCHC = Hb (g/dl)/ PCV × 100 compared to those of the control (Table 1)

Table 1. Survival and growth rate of catfish in biofloc system using three different carbon sources
Carbon Sources
Parameters Corn Rice bran Sorghum Control
Weight Gain (g) 312.55 265.30 308.10 295.35
Percentage survival 90 96 98 94
Specific Growth Rate(%/day ) 0.059 0.056 0.055 0.053

UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 6 Number 2, December, 2021, pp 104 - 106 ISSN: 2616 - 0668

Blood Parameters rice bran biofloc was observed to have

The haematological parameters of catfish significantly lower PVC (18.20%) among all the
reared in biofloc under three different carbon treatments while the control treatment group
sources were presented in Table 2. Catfish in has the highest PVC of 23.00%.

Table 2. Hematological parameters of catfish reared in biofloc under three different carbon
Parameters Corn Rice bran Sorghum Control
PCV (%) 22.00a 18.20b 22.75a 23.00a
WBC (×103mm-3) 31.20a 33.50b 30.15a 27.40c
RBC (x106mm-3) 2.50a 2.10b 2.35c 2.90c
Hb (g/dl) 11.50 8.00 9.70 12.15
MCV (fl) 88.5 87.57 97.55 79.70
MCHC(%) 53.25 44.90 43.15 53.26
MCH (pg) 46.57 38.85 42.15 42.55

DISCUSSION ability to ingest and digest the biofloc

Haematological parameters reflect the status determine the nutritional value of the biofloc.
and condition of the blood available for an Feed digestibility is generally less in the larval
animal for live activities (Adorian et al., 2019). stages while survival is measured in the post-
The significant reduction in the PCV in rice bran larval stage (Das et al., 2007). The rice bran
treatment could be an indication of an anaemic and sorghum biofloc showed lesser digestibility.
condition resulting from the destruction of Therefore, these biofloc fed animals showed a
erythrocytes. Rice bran is a lignified organic low survival when compared to corn treatment.
matter, which may form flocculants that cannot The values of blood parameters obtained for
be easily digested by fish (Madeira et al., catfish in the current finding were within the
2017). The BFT may be considered a range reported for catfish under feeding trials
sustainable method to maintain water quality using soya beans (George et al., 2007).
within an acceptable range for fish (Boyd and
Zimmerman, 2000) and healthy physiological CONCLUSION
conditions as shown in the current study. The The result of this research showed that corn-
accumulation of high level of toxic ammonia flour and sorghum could be used as the carbon
and nitrate resulting to the low survival rates or source in the biofloc system for C. gariepinus
decreased growth can be prevented and with no effect on haematological parameters.
therefore, BFT make it possible to increase The lower parked cell volume and elevated
survival level and a potential additional natural white blood count in C. gariepinus in rice bran
food resource is provided, more specifically in treatment indicated a lower performance of
the form of flocs (Mallasen and Valenti, 2006; rice-bran as carbon source in biofloc system.
Asaduzzaman et al., 2008). The present study Further research to degrade the lignin in rice
also supports these as treatment groups had a bran through fermentation could boost its
high survival rate compared with a control that carbon release for use in biofloc technology.
did not receive any addition of carbon. The

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