Volume 7, Issue1
Volume 7, Issue1
Volume 7, Issue1
31700 Couchez
St. Clair Shores, MI 48082 PERMIT # 71
MI 48080
"... thou shall go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shall speak’ Jer. 1:7
Volume 7, Issue 1
APRIL, 2011
This year’s trip to India afforded another opportunity to spend
precious time with the founders of Alpha Ministries and our dear
friends for over 25 years, Pastor Mathews and Grace Cherian. We
have seen this ministry grow throughout the years because of the
extreme sacrifices and dedication of these two faithful people sitting
beside Terry. They have endured intense times of persecution and
have seen many of their ministers suffer beatings, burnings, stoning,
jailing and sometimes even brutal murders. They have even had a fire
bomb sent through their bedroom window, but nothing has stopped
them from fulfilling their mandate to bring the Gospel to Northern
India. Over 1,200 churches have been planted, and over 700 children
have been placed in Christian homes. One of the ways they stay
connected to all of the ministries they are involved with is to host their
Pastors' Conference. While providing all the pastors lodging and food
MANTLE MINISTRIES while at the conference, they deliver teaching and encouragement to
these faithful men who come from all over India. There were three
PASTOR TERRY AND PAT CARLSON Pastors' Conferences this year with a twelve hour drive between them,
and although the travel was difficult at times, it was such a privilege to
“… thou shall go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shall speak” Jer. 1:7 minister with such devoted brothers in the Lord.
After the earthquake, Terry was moved in his heart to return to the nation of Haiti. Upon asking how we could help, the
Pastor said he needed a Vacation Bible School up in the mountains and in the down in the desert. Pastor Lamartine found
the Lord when he was a child, attending an American led Vacation Bible School. Last year while in Haiti, Terry met some
of the adults in the church that attended VBS as children 25 years ago and they still remembered us. We have a a team of
youth and adults leaving for Haiti in just a few weeks. Please keep this team in your prayers as this is the first time out of
the United States for two of our team members.
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