Tyler Street News July 2010

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“Reclaiming the city through the love of Christ”
927 West Tenth Street
Tyler Street United Methodist Church
Dallas TX 75208
927 WEST TENTH STREET l DALLAS, TEXAS 75208 l 214.946.8106 l www.tsumc.org July, 2010

Sunday Morning Worship New strategic plan approved at Annual Conference

8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
10:50 a.m. Blended Worship other United Methodist congregations four new districts. Because the districts
and agencies to help these things are getting larger and each contains
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
happen. In my opinion, though we have more congregations than the previous
John Wilks never stated them in these exact district structure, churches will be
Associate Pastor categories, Tyler Street already is subdivided into “cluster groups” which
engaged in these four areas. will allow our pastors to network more
In other words, these four focal points regularly and somewhat less formally
are entirely consistent with the theology than in the old system. Further, many of
The winds of change have arrived. At and practices of Tyler Street. They will the administrative functions of the
Annual Conference this past month, we not require any major shift on our part. District Superintendents are being
voted in a new strategic plan that will They do, however, ask us to work shifted to the Conference offices. This
effect all United Methodist congregations more closely through our means that even with more churches to
within the boundary of the North Texas denominational system to multiply our supervise, the DS will actually have
Annual Conference, including Tyler effectiveness through cooperative work. more time to spend in training and
Street. I won’t go through every detail of These four shared focal points are supporting our pastors and lay leaders.
unapologetically designed to (FYI- we are getting a new DS, Dr.
Children’s’s Soccer Camp
Soccer the new plan in this article since it would
take up the whole newsletter. However,
there are two major changes which I
strengthen connections between all the
United Methodist churches and ministries
Clara Reed. Her bio is printed elsewhere
in this issue.)
think all of you should be aware of. in our area. When all is said and done, the aim of
The first is an ideological/missional This leads to the second major this new plan is to help our churches
shift. Our Annual Conference has change--the restructuring of the districts focus more clearly and successfully on
adopted the four focused areas of in our Annual Conference. Up until July our core goal of disciple making. The
ministry which the General Conference 1, we were in what has been called the way I see it, changes that help us spread
adopted at the 2008 session in Ft. Worth. Dallas-South District, one of six districts the Gospel are always worth making.
These four focuses, which I am about to in the Annual Conference. As of July 1, Grace and peace,
list, are not ends to themselves. They are we will be in the Metro District, one of John Wilks, Associate Pastor
intended to help us accomplish our
stated purpose as the United Methodist
Church: which is “to make disciples of
Jesus Christ for the transformation of
n d a y , J u ly 4th
the world.” Su ncheon
a t i o n L u
The four focuses, in the order and
wording preferred by Bishop Bledsoe, are: ited to a
e is inv
(1) Clergy and lay leadership Everyon og luncheon to d
d n
4th hot Music a
o m e o ur new e u m
We’ll go to
Anderson H
welc r, K all
(2) Starting new congregations and Directo following th
Fine Arts ) Hwang. e 10:50 wors
service. Ev hip
transforming existing ones (Kim erything is
(3) Ministries with the poor to help provided.
eliminate poverty Let’s give K
(4) Improving global health im a warm
Tyler Street
The Bishop is asking all of us to welcome!!
shape the ministry of our local church
around these goals and to network with
Blest Be the Tie that Binds
Rev. Clara M. Reed, D. Min., our new District Superintendent
COVENANT Don’t forget our Pizza and man after God’s own heart. He had seven wonderful lesson on her series of
delegate to Jurisdictional Conference. She Cumberland College, Williamsburg, KY and Pool Party at the Talberts on Saturday, brothers. And they made him tend to the “Angels.” This series was on “Guardian
has also served her home conference as graduated Summa Cum Laude. Her other July 10 from 5 pm until ? Kids are sheep. But God had other plans for David Angels.” She ended the lesson with the
Chairperson for the Board of Ordained educational credits include: Master of Arts welcome! Happy July birthday to Bill and this shepherd boy became king. Shirley blessing of “His Eye Is On The
Ministry, by leading seminars and work- (1977) – University of Pittsburgh; Master of Lewis. Also congratulations to Bill Lewis Jackson blessed us with another of her good Sparrow And I Know He Watches Me.”
shops, as well as preaching for revivals and Divinity (1986) – Southern Methodist for receiving the Father of the Year devotions. We lost our charter member of A powerful lesson. June 20 class
other worshipful occasions. Dr. Reed has University; Advanced Clinical Education award! Congratulations to Micah Weberg the class on June 4: Shirley Allen stepped opened with LaVerne at the piano and
served as Adjunct Professor of Homiletics at (CPE) – Children’s Medical Center of Dallas; for receiving a full scholarship to the into paradise. Oh how we will miss her. She we sang “Wonderful Words of Life”
Perkins School of Theology, Southern and the Doctor of Ministry, conferred with University of Michigan for his Master’s played the piano for us every Sunday, made followed with “Jesus Calls Us.” Frank
Methodist University. In addition she has honor, by Perkins School of Theology, and Doctorate degrees. We are so proud the coffee, passed out the song books, presided in the absence of R.E. After
served beyond the local church as Chaplain/ Southern Methodist University (1992). of you, and we’ll miss you in class. Pray selected the hymns, etc. Jim Gettman taught Frank’s prayer, Herby had a most
Bereavement Coordinator for Vitas Hospice Dr. Reed is active in the broader commu- for our travelers. On June 13, Carol our class on June 13 and paid a loving unusual devotion about a Cherokee
Care in Dallas, TX. nity through affiliation with civic and Weberg led our lesson this morning. She tribute to Shirley. June is passing by so Indian and their beliefs of the differ-
Throughout her Christian journey, which volunteer organizations. Organizations have spoke on wisdom referencing many quickly. We have several out on vacations: ence between “Evil and Joy.” Evelyn is
began as a member of the Pentecostal included the Perkins Doctor of Ministry verses from Proverbs. Proverbs guides us the Matthews, Ostroffs, Lindholms, still ill, Margie had eye surgery this
church, Dr. Reed has served the church in Committee, Perkins School of Theology to embrace wisdom. Picture wearing a Burrouses and Rhodes. On June 20, Shirley week, we heard that Buddy Holley is in
Dr. Reed is an Elder in the United numerous capacities which include Mentor Pastor Program, the Plano Ministe- spiritual necklace that would have your Jackson taught a good lesson on Job. Stand the hospital for tests. We’re glad that
Methodist Church and member of the North pastoring, directing community outreach rial Alliance, the board for Plano Habitat for father’s instructions, your mother’s firm in the Lord. (Psalms 91:2) Isn’t this Helen was back with us. Ace followed
Texas Conference. As of July 1, 2010, Dr. ministries, serving as minister to children Humanity, and Plano Community Forum. teaching, love, faithfulness, sound what Job did? He trusted in the Lord totally. with his usual outstanding lesson
Reed will become the first District Superin- and youth and as a frequent facilitator for She has been the recipient of several honors judgment and discernment around our Marsha led the singing, Mary played the continuing in the book of Acts. We
tendent of the newly formed Metro District. Disciple Bible Study. and awards, including the Texas Business necks so that the world can see that God piano and JoAnn gave the prayer. It was a wished all fathers a Blessed Father’s
In this capacity, she will provide spiritual Dr. Reed was the founding pastor for All Trailblazer Award (1993) and the Award of is a good God and provides rest, safety great Father’s Day. On June 27, we sang the Day. June 27 class opened with Ed
and administrative oversight for the Nations United Methodist Church in Plano, Distinction (1997) and the Plano Community and protection in all we do. June 20, beautiful hymn “Living for Jesus.” Lucy was Logan at the piano and we sang “My
churches and all the clergy members in her a multi-ethnic congregation where she Forum’s Community Service Award. Anthony Skinner led our lesson on back from North Carolina and played the Country, ’Tis of Thee” followed with
district. She served the same role for the pastored for eight years. She also served as Dr. Reed resides in Plano with her husband evangelism. No matter if our testimony is piano. Our teacher was Pat Whiteley. He “He Lives.” Evelyn reported that Mary
former Sherman-McKinney District from June Associate Pastor at St. Luke Community Charles. They are owners of the Schlotzsky’s super exciting or just plain Jane, there is always blesses us with his well prepared Lu has started chemo, Helen has acid
15, 2008 through then end of June this year. United Methodist Church, in Dallas, TX. As Deli franchise in Collin County. They have someone that needs to hear it from us. lessons. Have a great 4th of July! And praise reflux and is quite ill and Margie has
At the 2003 North Texas Annual Confer- a native Kentuckian, Dr. Reed received her one daughter, Crystal, and one granddaughter, June 27, Steve Reed led us in a wonder- God for our freedom! had her cataract surgery and cannot
ence, Dr. Reed was elected to serve as a Bachelor of Science (1975) from Camryn. ful, thought-provoking lesson on a WEDDING RING On June 13 class drive yet. R.E. is back from his travels
comparison of relationships; more opened with Ed Logan at the piano, leading and presided. He had our morning
specifically relationships with God or us in singing “What A Friend We Have In prayer. This was birthday and anniver-
Window Satan. Who do you want to be in relation- Jesus.” Frank presided as R.E. was out of sary Sunday. Mary Etta had a devotion
To the Soul ship with?
TWO BY TWO Leon McWhorter
town. Evelyn was out sick, as was Helen.
LaVerne told of former member, Eleanor
about “Great truths about growing old.”
It was Ace’ birthday and Maureen and
taught an excellent lesson on May 30 Connell who is to have back surgery this Tom’s anniversary. Frank gave his great
about faith, hope and love. Remember next Friday on 3 lower disks that are fused lesson about “God’s Chosen People,”
According to Him that love will last forever. Don Lindholm
taught the class on June 6. He reminded
together. Estelle Holley, our guest teacher,
told of so many in the Anniversary Class
pharaoh letting the people go and
By Steve Reed Moses leading the children of Israel
“According to You” by Orianthi is a how God sees us. Various scriptures show it like this. According to Satan, you’re stupid; us that the Bible never glosses over who are ill and in need of prayers as well as through the parting of the Red Sea and
popular song on the radio today. The lyrics that Satan is a liar, deceiver, accuser, you’re useless; you can’t do anything right. things. It tells it like it is. David was a members of our class. Estelle brought a onward. A marvelous lesson.
are the words of a girl in an emotionally destroyer, and devourer. And millions are in According to Satan, you’re sinful, you’re
abusive relationship. In the song, she says to an abusive relationship with him because weak. You don’t deserve anything good.
her boyfriend: “According to you, I’m they are afraid to respond to the call of God You’ll never overcome your problems, so
stupid; I’m useless; I can’t do anything right. to leave Satan for a new and different why don’t you just give up? Ladies of Tyler Street
I’m difficult, forever changing my mind. relationship with our loving Creator. But according to God, you’re beautiful, are invited to Howdy!
According to you, I’m boring, I’m moody On the other hand, Scripture also shows incredible, and He can’t get you out of His assemble and pack Please join us for a Wedding Shower to honor
and you can’t take me anyplace. I’m the girl how much God loves us. He showed His head. According to God, you’re priceless, UMCOR health kits Jaime Nunn and Scott Montgomery
with the worst attention span; you’re the boy love for us in that while we were still unforgettable, and He will never leave you
Sunday, July 25th Sunday, July 18, 2010 from 2-4 pm
who puts up with that.” sinners, Christ died for us. He loves us so or forsake you. According to God, you’re
However, there is another boy out there. much that He gave His only Son to die in radiant, holy and without wrinkle or from 6-8 pm Tyler Street Sanctuary Parlor
And, “according to him, I’m beautiful, our place. Nothing can separate us from the blemish. According to Him, you are so in Yeats Hall Hostesses:
incredible. He can’t get me out of his head. love of God. He will never leave us or special that He gave His only Son so that Rebecca Lowder Egger, Ann Foster and Patty Whiteley
According to him, I’m funny, irresistible, forsake us. Finally, Christ died for the you could spend eternity in Heaven with This is the second half of Jaime and Scott are registered at
everything he ever wanted.” And now she is church, to make her holy, clean, radiant, Him. Bed, Bath & Beyond, JC Penney, Target and
the “Haiti Tent” project
trying to decide which relationship to without stain or wrinkle or blemish. Because He can’t get you out of His Head. You are Home Depot (in-store only)
pursue. of the love of God, we are the beautiful everything He ever wanted. You are the that Tyler Street supported
When I heard that song, I thought of how bride of Christ. beautiful Bride of Christ. Who would you earlier in the year.
it illustrates how Satan sees us as opposed to To return to the theme of the song, look at rather have a relationship with?

Monthly news at Tyler Street United Methodist Church www.tsumc.org July, 2010 Monthly news at Tyler Street United Methodist Church www.tsumc.org July, 2010
Blest Be the Tie that Binds Bill Lewis honored as Father of the Year 2010
baseball games, and track personal relationship with God. His older son
ANNIVERSARY On June 6th, John Your Life.” Thanks Dick for another good need to give God the glory. When prayer meets. He also supported says, “He has taught me how to be a man, and
Skinner led the singing of our hymn “My lesson. Thanks Tracey for filling in as is not answered the way we want it to be, them at their theater more importantly, how to be a man of God.”
Hope is Built on Nothing Less,” accompa- treasurer with Bennie’s help. The refresh- we should not be bitter. We need to performances at college He has also been a role model and father figure
nied by Jean Helsem. Maxine Peterson ments and decorations were brought by Nina remember that we are not in control and and with Crosswise. His to many other kids through the years, whether
gave the prayer. Our devotion was by and Tracey. Class was opened on June 20th that we must let God be God. On June daughter-in-law says, “He they were friends of his own children, were on
Diane Wynne. She reminded us that we with the singing of hymn “Faith of our 13, Pat Whiteley taught a lesson from I is a godly man who loves one of his teams, or were in a class or group
have a class motto, class colors and class Fathers” led by John Skinner. The opening Kings chapter 22 about Jehoshaphat. We his family and supports that he was leading. And now he cherishes his
flowers, but that we do not have a class prayer was given by Pat Thompson. Devo- are like Jehoshaphat in a lot of ways. He everything we are involved newest role, that of grandfather to his nine
hymn. In looking through song books, she tion was given by Patty Whiteley. Thanks was disobedient to God in his alliance in.” month old grandson, and he looks forward to
came upon the hymn “Bless Be the Tie Patty for sharing with us. Buddy is to have with Ahab, the wicked king of Israel. His children appreciate the birth of another grandson in August.
That Binds” and it reminded her of our tests Monday and Tuesday. Tom Chapman However, God is faithful regardless of the time he spends just His daughter describes her father as
class. Thanks Diane for a thoughtful ask for a donation to help pay for the what we do. The prophet Micaiah sitting and listening and “outgoing and funny” and says, “Each of his
devotion. We were glad to know that luncheon on July 4th to welcome our new confronted Jehoshaphat with his sin and talking with them. His future children inherited his goofy personality.” His
Barbara Bolin is improving. She was at music director, Kim Hwang. The class told him to trust and follow God’s plan daughter-in-law says, “He future daughter-in-law says, “He makes me
Grace Presbyterian for over a week for voted to donate money for this project. Our and not his own. Jehoshaphat changed always welcomes me with laugh with his jokes, whether they’re funny or
rehab. A special prayer was given for Roy lesson was brought by Mary Margaret his ways and brought reform to Judah. a huge hug, and he always not.” And his son-in-law says, “You can drive
Hargis, Mrs. Alice Hargis’ son who is on Roberson. She reviewed the Ten Command- However, he later blew it again. When This year’s Father of the Year was born in sits down and talks with me. He constantly pretty much anywhere in the state of Texas,
oxygen and very ill. We were sad to learn ments from Exodus 20. We were happy to we do things on our own, we will fail. Dallas and has always lived in the Dallas area. gives out more love than he receives.” His and he can tell you the best place to eat and
of Shirley Allen’s death. Estelle Holley’s have Kay Harding as a visitor. She is the We should not be afraid or discouraged. He graduated from W.T. White High School son-in-law describes him as “someone you can the best thing on the menu.”
lesson was the 2nd in the series on angels, daughter of Pat & Patsy Thompson. Thanks On June 20, Jere Thompson taught a and Dallas Baptist College. Although he was talk to about what’s going on in your life, and On the more serious side, his older son says,
from the book “Where Angels Walk.” to Pat and Patsy for the delicious refresh- lesson on finding peace in suffering. All raised in the Baptist church, he was convinced you can be confident that he’ll have some good “I thank God that He blessed me with such a
Another good lesson Estelle. We were ments and the beautiful flowers, with honors of us face times of suffering in our lives. to visit Tyler Street by his future wife. It didn’t advice and direction for you.” His younger wonderful dad.” His younger son says, “My
pleased to have Kay Harding visit with 2 to Joseph and the baby Jesus. Thanks Kay Sometimes we suffer as a result of our take him long to figure out that Tyler Street son says, “He became my ‘go to guy’ whenever dad’s outlook on life and how it should be lived
of her grandchildren, Keaton and Dane for helping with the refreshments. On June own doings; but sometimes things was not your typical Methodist church, and I was hit with problems or obstacles in my to the fullest for God has helped shaped me
Rogers. Keaton and Dane are great- 27th, the class was opened with the singing of happen that we have no control over. soon he was actively involved in the College life and needed advice. I knew he could help into the man I am today.” And his daughter
grandchildren of Pat & Patsy Thompson. hymn “Open My Eyes That I May See” led Suffering causes us to draw nearer to and Career program as well as the Sounding me with everything, except for math.” says, “My father is an amazing person, full of
John reported that Maxine will be in by John Skinner and accompanied by Ed God and thus it helps to develop our Joy young adult choir. Through the years he Through the years our Father of the Year love, spunk, and strength—a great Christian
charge of the nominating committee along Logan. Thanks Ed. The opening prayer was faith. Suffering helps us to realize that has continued to serve Tyler Street in many has been a role model for his children. He man who deserves to be honored.” Our 2010
with Dorothy West and Dorothy Wynne. given by Nina Wakefield. Our devotion was we are totally dependent on Him. We areas—as youth director, young adult choir made sure they learned the importance of a Father of the Year is Bill Lewis.
Thanks to Maxine for the good refresh- brought by Marty Walker. She reminded us need to learn to interpret our circum- director, children’s choir director, Sunday
ments. On June 13th, class was opened that we need to have an inner peace with stances by His love—not His love by our school teacher, and Bible study teacher.
with the singing of hymn “Are You Able”
led by Nina Wakefield and accompanied
God. We need to continue to lift Jean
Helsem in our prayers. Also, we need to
circumstances. God sees the big picture.
When bad things happen, we need to
Our Father of the Year and his wife have “Who Is Like the Lord?”
been blessed with three wonderful children,
by guest pianist, Ed Logan. We sang pray for Mary Margaret Roberson’s sister, in trust God and remember that He has a and they have always been involved in their (Pastor Ed will present a sermon series from the book of Micah)
“Happy Birthday” to Patsy Thompson, Austin, who fell and broke her hip. Please plan. The safest place for us is in the lives. Even though many of the jobs he has
whose birthday is June 15th, and Carol July 4 — Micah 2:1-11 (3:1-12)
remember our church luncheon next Sunday center of God’s will. Bob Cunningham had required him to travel, he made it a priority
Bilz, whose birthday is June 19th. Thanks July 11 — Micah 4:1-5
to welcome our new choir director, Kim led us in prayer. Jim Gettman presented a to spend time with his family. They all knew
Ed. The prayer was given by Nina. July 18 — Micah 5:1-5
Hwang. Our lesson was brought by Patsy lesson on June 27 about questions all of that they were very special to him.
Chastine Wieting gave a good devotion. August 1 — Micah 6:1-8
Thompson entitled “Choices.” We were us have asked. Why do people die? Why Sports have always been important to him and
Buddy announced that Jean Helsem is out August 15 — Micah 7:14-20
reminded that all seasons are important are some people healed while others are his family, and he had the privilege to coach all
ill and will be having tests. We are sorry to because there is a reason for all. God Don’t miss out on this dynamic and Christ centered teaching!
not? Original sin introduced suffering three of his children on teams at the YMCA and
report that John Skinner’s sister passed cultivates your life. Each of us needs to use and death to the world. Sometimes at Tyler Street Christian Academy. He coached
away in Arkansas. Also, Mozell Skinner the powers that God gives us. Be who God illness is caused by our own sin or the his daughter’s softball team, and his two sons’ t-
was in Methodist Hospital. Barbara Bolin wants you to be. After the lesson, Patsy choices we make. Sometimes illness and ball, baseball, and football teams. He always
Tyler Street
is home from rehab and improving daily. installed the new officers for the next 6 death is not related to sin and we cannot enjoyed coaching his children and their friends. United Methodist Church
Maxine Peterson reported that the nomi- months. Thanks Patsy. We were pleased to understand why it happened. We must He could be tough when he needed to be, but he Summer Classics Series
nating committee is submitting the have 2 visitors, Marty Walker and Ann Theriot remember that God is all powerful and was also patient and encouraging. As a young presents...
following names for the officers for the (daughter of Alma and Bill Sutton). Thanks to almighty. God is in control and cannot be girl playing on one of his baseball teams, his now
next 6 months; Nina Wakefield, President; Nina and Tracey for the refreshments today. manipulated, controlled, or bribed. While daughter-in-law says, “He tolerated me and the
Maxine Peterson, Vice President; Dorothy CHALLENGE Freddy Boswell taught our people can be healed through medical fact that I thought it was more fun to play in the Sue Mitz,
Wynne, Secretary; and John Skinner, class on June 6. The lesson was about treatment, intercessory prayer, and dirt than to pay attention to what I was supposed Sunday, July 11
Treasurer. Buddy made the motion to surprising answers to prayer. An example of
concert pianist
confession and repentance, healing to be doing in the outfield.” 7 pm in the Sanctuary
accept these nominees and Dick seconded. this is Peter’s miraculous escape from prison ultimately depends on God’s will. We are Even when he wasn’t coaching, he was there Free to the public and
The class approved. Dick Phillips’ lesson as recorded in Acts chapter 12. Most of us not promised tomorrow, but we are to cheer on his children in whatever they were
was a continuation from Joel Osteen’s have seen God answer our prayers in
Reception will follow Ludwingk Rios,
promised eternal life. Bob Cunningham doing. He attended many school programs,
book and was entitled “Keep Strife Out of in Yeats Hall.
unexpected ways. When this happens, we led us in prayer. dance recitals, soccer games, cheerleader violinist
events, football games, basketball games,
Monthly news at Tyler Street United Methodist Church www.tsumc.org July, 2010 Monthly news at Tyler Street United Methodist Church www.tsumc.org July, 2010
Sage Advice: From someone who has been there, done that!
By Tom Young With head hanging he retraced his steps back There is nothing wrong with owning things,
Mary was holding a garage sale. A neighbor to the garage sale and relayed his mother’s as long as things do not own you. Mary was well
boy, Jimmy, had a dime and with it he was able to instruction to Mary. She promptly handed him a known for her extensive collection of Santa
purchase a toy originally costing $20, marked for nickel. Clauses. But it was not the “having,” it was the
sale at 50 cents and now somehow becoming “That’s not my nickel,” Ricky said firmly, after “sharing” that brought her the greatest joy. When
available for his dime. Jimmy’s friend Ricky heard looking it over carefully. the getting it all out and setting it all up became
about the “good deal;” and looking about the house “Oh? Well, you may look through the change too much for us to physically handle and it was
for some change he found a nickel on his mother’s and find your nickel,” Mary replied with a laugh no longer a joy, she gave it all away for someone
sewing table. With it he was able to purchase from as she poured the contents of the change box onto else to enjoy.
Mary a real treasure, which he hurriedly took home the table. We are only the temporary stewards of earthly
to show his mother. After fingering each coin carefully Ricky found things. It all belongs to God and we are allowed
“Where did you get the nickel?” she asked. “It a nickel that he was certain was his and returned to use our “stuff” only while we are on this earth.
was just lying on the table,” he replied innocently. home, without the toy but with his nickel. He will hold us accountable for how we use the
“That was not your nickel,” she said, seeing an As adults we can often act like that. We hold material things he has graciously given us to
opportunity to teach responsibility. “Now you get “pride of possession” as an inherent right. “This manage.
your toy and take it back to Mary and ask for your is mine and don’t you touch it!” We enjoy our This message on the marquee of a local church
nickel back.” “things.” We accumulate and collect “stuff.” says it all: “The best things in life are not things!”

Our Church Family

t Many, many thanks... your response to the To family and friends of Bob Buttleman. Lucy Lindholm 972-708-7154.
many needs of the people we serve through our To family and friends of Joyce Alvis.
Community Service Outreach is much appreci- To Tim, Tim Jr, and Eryn Trujillo in the t The Finance Committee appreciates your
ated. Thank you for responding so generously to loss of Tim’s wife, Sabrina Trujillo. faithful support of our church. We are below
the underwear drive and the food drive. I am To John and Mozell Skinner and family in budget in our receipts and summer, with its usual
continuously blessed by you, God’s people, and the loss of John’s sister, Ann Wright. lower receipts and higher expenses, is coming.
your response to others in need. -- Ray To Wanda Allen in the loss of her daughter, Tracy. Therefore, we urge our members who are behind
Truesdell, Director of Community Services on their pledges to catch up if possible. Each of
t Youth Impact Camp starts July 12 at Camp us should give faithfully this summer. “Bring all
t Glory to God! Josh Thompson received Bridgeport. See Jon Farrer for more details. the tithes into the store house...if you do, I
notice recently from the Texas A&M University will...pour out a blessing...try it!” Malachi 3:10
Board of Regents, granting him tenure at the rank t Youth Mission Trip has been rescheduled to
of Associate Professor of Early Childhood July 25-31. See Jon Farrer for more details. t Financial Update thru June 30, 2010
Education. He teaches at Texas A&M University- Jan-June Budgeted Receipts $382,500
9 am to 12 noon in Anderson Hall Commerce, on their Midlothian campus. t Dear Tyler Street, please accept my eternal Jan-June Actual Receipts $365,012 or 95%
For ages thanks for helping me go to Alexandria, Virginia, Jan-June receipts short of budget $17,488 or 5%
K5 thru t Congratulations to Micah Weberg for to be with my father, Thomas J. Dunnigan, the
6th grade receiving a full scholarship to the University of last 5 days of his life. I especially want to thank MEMORIALS
Michigan for his Master’s and Doctorate degrees. Pastors Ed Lantz and John Wilks, Ray Truesdell, In memory of Shirley Allen given by Frank
Carol Weberg is his proud mother. Dr. Brian Rickel and many others who helped an Avaritt, Buddy and Estelle Holley, Dorothy West,
undeserving son to be with his priceless father. Barbara Remele, Mark and Christina Bowling,
t Congratulations to Aubrey Temples on his Love in Christ, John Dunnigan Jamie and Bob Denty, Travis and Kay Talbert,
recent marriage to Gwen on April 9. Julia Engel, Dallas and Lawana Burrous, Jack and
If you would like to help make this t Welcome our new members: Peggy Bagley, Janet Rhodes, Joe and LaVerne Vogel, Will and
t Congratulations to David Boswell who was Ellen Berent, Elmer Bradley, Rebecca and Steve Blanche Philcox, JoAnn Schroeder.
year’s Rainforest VBS Adventure Clark, Karoline Fisher, John Harper, Barbara
commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the US In memory of Etelka Eskud and Sugi given by
awesome, please consider donating any Army. He is currently on assignment in Boston, Hauser, Sandy Neal and Larry West and Linda Travis and Kay Talbert.
of the items below: assisting the ROTC programs. Then he goes to and Ricky Hodge. In memory of Katherine Fossett given by Mr.
San Antonio to Ft. Sam Houston in August for and Mrs. C. B Lockett.
SNACKS CRAFTS medical services corp training, then to Ft. Rucker, t GriefShare is a grief recovery program for In memory of Jack Hancock given by Will and
Yellow Lemonade Mix Packing Peanuts Alabama in November for helicopter pilot those who have lost a loved one. Tyler Street is Blanche Philcox, Tom and Marilynn Taylor,
Oreos Plastic Wrap training. He will be a helicopter medical sponsoring this biblically based program to help Jimmy and Jane Sellers.
Oval Townhouse Crackers Glitter Funny Bones evacuation pilot. Proud parents are Freddy and you find encouragement, comfort and help in In memory of Frank Kellett given by Marsha
Straight Pretzels Rice A person had two dogs Bekah Boswell. grieving the death of a spouse, child, parent, Griffin.
Gummy Worms Card Stock named Rolex and Timex. sibling, other family member or special friend. In memory of Gertrude Reese given by Bettie R.
Jelly Beans Fake Plant
Someone said, “Those are t A Men’s Bible Study will meet every The program will begin August 5 and continue Parker, Jean Hoffmeister, Evelyn Reese, Joe and
Fruit Loops Paper towel rolls (just the tube) Wednesday morning at 6:00 am in the Confer- for 13 weeks. Sessions will be on Thursday LaVerne Vogel, A.C. and Dorothy Simmons,
12 oz Cups
strange names for dogs.”
ence Room. All men are welcome. mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 in the 2 by 2 Lawrence and Lauren Melton, Bill and Judie Byrd.
6 oz Clear Plastic Cups You may bring your items to the Sunday School office in Reply: “Hello, they’re
classroom adjacent to the church office. Those In memory of Mamie Stone, my mother, given
Dessert Plates the Children’s Bldg. For more info, call Jamie Nelson at watch dogs!” t Our love and sympathy go... who have completed the program tell how much by Roy and Susan Stone Poteet.
Napkins 214-946-8106 ext 301, or email [email protected]. To family and friends of Shirley Allen. it helped them recover from their loss. To In memory of Sabrina Trujillo given by Travis
To John Dunnigan in the loss of his father. register or obtain more information call Don or and Kay Talbert, Mark and Christine Bowling.

Monthly news at Tyler Street United Methodist Church www.tsumc.org July, 2010 Monthly news at Tyler Street United Methodist Church www.tsumc.org July, 2010

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