From Your Pastor's Heart: Global Hunger Relief
From Your Pastor's Heart: Global Hunger Relief
From Your Pastor's Heart: Global Hunger Relief
[email protected]
Melanie Gee, Ext. Session Coord.
[email protected]
Dorothy Posey, Church Secretary
[email protected]
Ryan Greene. Min. of Music & Youth
[email protected]
John D. Meyer, Pastor
Thank you for your response to “Pray & open. Completed applications need to be re-
Go” last Sunday morning. So far, 23 people turned to the church office by Thursday, No-
have indicated that they will be willing to pray vember 19.
for every home in our community. I will be Our plan for Trunk & Treat this year is to
may be dropped off at the office. Monetary
Keith Snider, a Gideon from the North Au-
gusta Camp will be updating us on the minis- donations should be placed in an envelope
try of the Gideon’s this Sunday during wor- marked “Trunk & Treat” when they are placed
ship. The Gideons do a wonderful work of in the offering plate on Sundays or dropped
placing the Word of God into people’s hands off at the office. (2) You can help bag the can-
all around the world. They do this by giving dy in individual zip-lock bags. We will be fill-
from their own finances and by donations of ing the bags on Friday, October 30 at
others. You will have an opportunity to give 10:00AM in the fellowship hall. (3) You can
an offering this Sunday, if you desire, to help bring your car to put in line to make a drive-
continuously reaching out to create relation- ordinator position. Applications, as well as job
ships and share Christ’s story in order to make descriptions for the position, are located on In the Sonshine!
mature disciples. the credenza outside of the church office. If Bro. John
you are interested in applying for the position,
421 Edgefield Road | PO Box 8168 you may pick up an application and job de-
North Augusta, SC 29861-8168 scription from 9:00AM - 5:00PM on Monday -
803-279-0415 | 803-279-0476
Weekly Ministry Opportunities Stewardship Report
Sunday, Oct. 25
Week of: Oct. 18, 2020
9:15a Sunday School Teens Reserved Unto True Holiness
Weekly Needs $6,297.00
10:30a Worship/Gideon Speaker
Weekly Tithe $4,028.25
6:00p Small Groups
Needs/Date $264,475.62
Wednesday, Oct. 28 YOUTH
Sunday School @ 9:15am Offering/Date $256,983.02
6:30p Praise Team & Choir Practice (includes on-line giving for this week)
(Sanct.) In Room 110
Missions $20.00
Thursday, Oct. 29 Trunk & Treat #5430 $115.00
6:30p Com on Com Mtg (FH) Annie Armstrong #8040 $50.00
Friday, Oct. 30 $9.00 donation for mailing.
Homebound Meals #5454 $20.00
10:00a Volunteers to bag candy (FH) Shoeboxes are available!!! Global Hunger #8060 $225.00
Saturday. Oct. 31
4:00 - 5:30p Trunk & Treat (Drive-Thru) Collection date @ Belv. FBC
Sunday, Nov. 1 is Sunday, Nov. 15 Sunday School attendance - 10/18 (45)
9:15a Sunday School
10:30a Worship National Collection Week is Our Directories Are Available
6:00p Small Groups November 16 - 23, 2020
Stop by the front of the Sanctuary on
Do not include: candy, toothpaste,
gum, used or damaged items; war-
Sunday morning, or come by the church
related items; seeds; food; liquids or office during weekday business hours to
Members In Service
lotions; medications or vitamins; pick up your Directory.
breakable items or glass containers; Welcome Team
aerosol cans.
This might be the most important Ushers
Choir Practice
year ever to reach children with the Deacons will be filling in at this time
Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the midst Are now held in the sanctuary on
of a pandemic, children are fright- Wednesdays at 6:30pm Safety
ened, families are struggling, and We have started Christmas rehearsal Olin Boatwright
people don’t know what hope they and Ryan invites all who are interested
have for the future. We want children to come and join us in a safe & socially Sound & Multimedia Team
Trunk & Treat around the world to know that God distanced environment. Brad Brooks, Stephen Raines
loves them and He has not forgotten
Our plan is to put candy in individual Deacons-On-Call
them. Operation Christmas Child is a
bags and pass them out to children as powerful way to share the message Week of Oct. 25
Livestreaming Services
their parents drive them through our park- of God’s love.
Alan Hankins / 517-379-9817
ing lot. If you would like to help with this are continuing as follows: Olin Boatwright / 803-221-1485
Every shoebox gift you can pack rep- Stephen Raines / 217-741-7076
ministry, you may donate candy, or if you resents one more boy or girl we Prayer time - Daily
prefer, money for us to purchase candy, reach with the Gospel. At a time (Mon - Sat. - 12:00pm) Extended Session
at anytime until October 25. Please indi- when many missionaries have had to (Sunday @ 6:00pm)
Sun., Oct. 25
cate on your envelope if you are making retreat from their fields, our church Sunday School - 9:15am AM Service: Miranda Decker
a monetary donation. partners worldwide are stepping up Worship - 10:30am
We have collected $675.00 to date in ad- into the gap and are ready to use on Sunday Children are welcome to worship with their
dition to the candy that has been brought parents in the Sanctuary
these gifts along with the literature Wednesday Prayer Mtg. - 7:00pm
in. we provide to share the Gospel.