RedeemerNewsletter 2018 10
RedeemerNewsletter 2018 10
RedeemerNewsletter 2018 10
Redeemer report
Cregan Cooke The Redeemer Report is a publication of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
Kathy Keller Office: 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10036
Heather Klein 212-808-4460 (T) 212-808-4465 (F)
Hunter College Auditorium W83rd Ministry Center West Side Church Plant: Salvation Army Auditorium
E. 69th St. 150 W. 83rd St. NY Society for Ethical Culture 120 W. 14th St.
(btw Park & Lexington) (btw Columbus & Amsterdam) 2 W. 64th St. (btw 6th & 7th Aves.)
Services: 10:30 a.m. Services: 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. (at Central Park West) Services: 9:30 a.m.
and 5 p.m. and 5 p.m. Service: 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Dubai: Why we are free to worship
By Scott Zeller
Madagascar Missions Trip 2018
By Christina Stanton
T he Madagascar team this meet myriad needs within the and family were invited, and
year was a delightful mix of community.
people: a father/daughter, two
after the children made their
The team also worked at a modeling debut, they enjoyed
single men in Finance, and two special “Street Family” event a buffet dinner. This was a great
families. Each one, young and held every Friday at Tana City way to show those children who
old, contributed in a unique Centre Church. The team set are often seen as “burdens” that
way to this trip, which was host- up more bouncy castles, of- they are loved and beautiful.
ed for the sixth year by Tana fered costumed characters, and And a phenomenal reminder
City Centre Church. provided lunch for 100 street for all the rest of 1 Samuel 16:7
The week start- — that God looks
ed off with a com- not at outward ap-
bined church ser- pearances but looks
vice. Three churches on the heart.
came together for a The team spent
combined service much time with our
and daylong festi- host, Pastor Tantera-
val in a park. The ka “Tank,” and with
service included the congregants of
prayers in several Tana City Centre
languages (7 to be Church. They also
exact, with at least enjoyed spending
10 nationalities rep- time with others
resented within the Redeemer missions team with church staff in the communi-
church) and a local professional kids at a park earlier in the ty, as well as the Growing the
gospel choir. The congregants week. Michael Smith was able Nations organization and its
of each church wore traditional to spend time talking with and staff. Many friendships began,
clothing and Redeemer Down- encouraging local pastors at a and many more that had begun
town pastor Michael Smith de- special lunch, while other team over the past six years of serv-
livered the message. Afterward, members spent a day serving at ing were strengthened. With
the attendees enjoyed a pot- a local orphanage. the Lord’s help, our committed
luck lunch, followed by games Wrapping up the week, the team will make every effort to
and activities for the kids, such teammates hosted a “prom” for maintain these special relation-
as fun in bouncy castles. It was children with disabilities in part- ships throughout the year, and
a wonderful start to a week of nership with a local non-prof- we look forward to future op-
jam-packed events! it organization called Growing portunities to visit and serve
Throughout the week, the the Nations. Local children this amazing community.
team hosted seminars with such were fitted with outfits donated
topics as Marriage, Entrepre- from friends/family in the US “The Redeemer teams serve
neurship, and Faith and Work, and brought over by our team, us so well! Each year they do a
as well as an Arts event and a and they were treated to full hair great job in providing a holistic
women’s conference. Each was and makeup sessions and taught ministry (from word ministry
targeted at assisting and engag- how to “walk the runway.” to social ministry). And each
ing within the diverse minis- Then they strutted their stuff on year it gets better and better —
tries for this very active church, a platform resembling a model- we love the Redeemer teams!”
where Pastor Tanteraka,“Tank” ing runway specially made for — Pastor Tanteraka
for short, and his congregants the event at the church. Friends 5
1166 AveNue OF The AmericAs first class mail
16Th FlOOr Us POstaGE
New YOrk, NY 10036 PAID
PErmit # 349
important in our increasingly
If a religion isBut notdon’t call this “friend- could lead us to treat friends
different from the surrounding culture,
secular world, as many Chris- ship evangelism.” Friends share as ‘evangelistic projects.’ That
if itoffen-
tian beliefs are highly does not critique
their hearts and
is to to it, it dies them. You
sive to people, as wasit the
is seen
case as and
do what’sIfbest
for eachtodayare were also
not befriending them just
in the firstfamous forNow,
century. and marked
as other.byIfsocial chastity,
you are generosity
a Christian, and them
to give justice,the good news;
then, most multi-ethnicity,
people won’t show and then
making will come out
— would it notyoubeare giving them the good
up to hear Christian
to many? public naturally and organically in news because you love them as
speakers. Movement toward friendship if you don’t let your a friend. The more these gos-
Christian belief will have to–befrom pride,
“Why fears, and pessimism
does anyone cut pel Read
become a christian?” dynamics are present in our
more inside.
personal, organic, and incre- it off and make you hide your lives the more we will draw in
mental. We must question our faith and heart from them. It new people like a magnet (Acts
friends’ working answers about is the gospel that tells us we 2:47) and help them find faith
meaning, morality, identity, and are completely accepted in in the most credible, natural,
hope. We must also take time Christ. That removes both the and fruitful way.
to answer their questions about fear that keeps us from being
Christianity. vulnerable, and the pride that