Compulsary Subjects
Communication Engineering
Group A
Field theory: Fields, vector calculus, gradient, Divergence, curl, Gauss's laws. Stoke'
theorem, Helmholtz Theorem. Electric field intensity and potential, conducting
Boundaries, coaxial cylinders, Poisson's equations and Laplace equation. Ampere's
circuital law, differential equation for vector potential. Magnetic polarization and field
intensity, boundary conditions for Band H. Faraday's law. Time varying fields,
displacement current.
Noise: Atmospheric, thermal, shot and partition noise, noise figure and experimental
determination of noise figure, minimum noise figures in networks. Analog
communication. Modulation theory and circuits. Amplitude modulation, AM-DSB, AM-
DSB/SC, AM-SSB and their comparison. Modulating and detector circuits for AM, FM
and phase modulation~ Automatic frequency control. Pulse modulation. PAM, PDM,
PPM, PCM, delta modulation and circuits. Principle multiplexing FDM and TDM.
Group B
detection, matched filter, optimum terminal filters. LSI pulse shapes for controlled ISI,
line codes; digital RF modulation. Modems, performance of digital modulation systems.
Synchronization. Timing recovery.
Recommended Books
• G Kennedy. Electronic Communication Systems. Prentice- Hall of India (P) Ltd., New
• M Schwartz. Information Transmission, Modulation and Noise. McGraw-Hill
International, New York.
Graph of a network. Concept of tree, concepts of loop current and node pair voltage,
circuits cut-set and cut-set matrices, formulation of equilibrium equations of the loop and
node basis. Mesh and nodal analysis.
Laplace transform. Transient response using Laplace transform. Initial and final value
theorems. Unit step, impulse, ramp functions. Laplace transform for shifted and' singular
The convolution integral, Fourier series, complex exponential form of the Fourier series.
The frequency spectra of periodic waveforms and their relationship to Laplace transform.
The concept of complex frequency, transform impedance and admittance; series .and
parallel combinations. Frequency response, coupled circuits.
Terminals and terminal pairs, driving point impedance, transfer functions, poles and
zeros, restrictions on pole and zero locations in s-plane. Analysis of 1-port and 2-port
networks. Time domain behavior from pole and zero plot, sinusoidal network functions in
terms of poles and zeros. Resonance, Q and bandwidth of a circuit.
Group B
Introduction: Basic concepts and symbols, open loop and closed loop systems, effects of
feedback. Concepts of linear and nonlinear systems. Definition of transfer function.
Block diagram representation. Signal flow
Time response: Typical test input' signals. Time domain performance of first and second
order systems to impulse, step, ramp and sinusoidal inputs. Definition of error
coefficients and steady state error.
Recommended Books
Group A
subtraction and multiplication routines. Software delay and counting routines. Logical
operations. Analog and digital I/O interface routines-ADC and DAC.
Group B
External memory systems and I/O interface. Accessing external program memory,
accessing external data memory, available I/O ports during external memory
access. Alternate ports functions. Serial interface. 8051 interrupts. Power down modes.
Recommended Books
Group A
Blasting techniques of BJT and FETs; Bias stability; Self-bias, hybrid II model of BJT
and 'high frequency response.
Group B
Introduction, binary numbers, binary codes.
Boolean algebra-functions and expressions, gates- OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, De
Morgan's theorem,
Arithmetic circuits-Ex-OR gate, half adder, full adder, subtraction, code conversion, etc.
Basic gate structures-RTL, DTL, Tll.., ECL, MOS,
Recommended Books
John D Ryder. Electronic Fundamentals and Applications. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi.
Group A
Group B
Oscillators. Expression for oscillation frequency and conditions for maintenance of
oscillations, sine wave oscillators, multivibrators, function generators, voltage controlled
oscillators, crystal oscillators.
Digital systems. Frequency counters, A/D and D/A converters, digital voltmeters,
programmable digital generators, frequency synthesizer. Design of ALU.
Recommended Books
Group I
Telecommunication Engineering
MTI and pulse doppler radar-delay line cancellers and characteristics, blind speeds,
douplet cancellation. MTI radars with power amplifier and power oscillators,
transmitters. MTI from moving platform, pulse Doppler radars.
Electronic scanning radar system, beam forming and steering methods, fire controlled
radar. SAR.
Radar transmitters, magnetron oscillators, hard tube and line-type pulser. Radar receivers,
mixer amplifier, receiver noise, duplexers, displays, clutters, weather and interferences,.
system engineering and design. Pulse compression radar.
Group B
Fundamentals of radiation mechanism, vector potentials, radiation from current elements,
radiation pattern, superposition and reciprocity theorems.
Small antennas, Images, small antenna above ground, different types of linear arrays,
multiplication of patterns, binomial arrays, antenna gain, effective area, antenna
impedance, beam width, self and mutual impedance,
Mathematical theories of antennas, aperture antennas, slot antennas, cavity back slot
antennas, horn antennas, waveguide radiator, parabolic reflectors, Cassegrain antennas.
Recommended Books
International, Tokya.
Group A
modulation techniques.
Group B
Satellite launching and control. Orbits. Launch vehicles and rockets. Space shuttles.
Propagation characteristics-attenuation, noise, space environment.
Frequency bands.
Earth station equipment. Satellite link design-power budget, EIRP, G/T ratio of receivers,
CNR of satellite system.
Recommended Books
Group A
Basics of computer networks: Protocol hierarchies, design issues for the layers, interfaces
and services. Concepts of circuit switching and packet switching, connection-oriented
and connectionless services.
Physical layer: Transmission media-twisted pair, coaxial cable, optical fibre. Wireless
transmission-radio, microwave, infrared and millimeter waves, telephone systems, cell
phones. RS-232C, SONET, modems.
Data link layer: Services provided to the network layer, framing, error control, flow
control. Error detection and correction. Unrestricted simplex protocol, stop-andwait
Protocol, sliding window protocols. HOLC
Group B
Transport layer: Services provided to the upper layers. Elements of transport control
protocols-addressing, establishing a connection, releasing a connection, flow control and
buffering, crash recovery. Example of simple
Media access control protocols: Concept of LANs and MANs. ALOHA, slotted ALOHA,
CSMA, CSMA/CD. Ethernet, token bus, token ring, FDDI
Recommended Books