Grp1 LP Math
Grp1 LP Math
Grp1 LP Math
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 100, ordinal
numbers up to 10th, money up to Php100 and fractions 1/2 and 1/4.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to recognize, represent and order whole numbers
up to 100 and money up to Php100 in various forms and contexts.
Learning Competency and LC Code: The learner recognizes and compares coins and bills up to
Php100 and their notations.; M1NS- Ij- 19.1
At the end of a 50-min period, 35 of the learners should be able to compare coins and bills
up to Php100 and their notations with 75% proficiency level.
Subject Matter: Comparing coins and bills up to Php100 and their notations
ESP: Collaboration, Teamwork
English: Communication Skills, Reporting
Strategies: 5E Learning Model, Cooperative Learning
Materials: Coins and bills, charts
References: Curriculum Guide
• Ask about the previous lesson. Our previous lesson is Storytelling- This is for the
about recognizing coins learners to be motivated
•Anyone who remembered our previous lesson? as well as give them hints
and bills.
for the new lesson.
•Very good!
Problem-opener- This is
•What are the notations of coins and bills that we 5¢,10¢, 25¢,1peso, 5pesos, to arouse the learner's
are using? 10pesos, 20peso bill, critical thinking skills.
•Very good! 50peso bill and 100peso
•Now that you know the coins and bills, let me tell
you a story. Are you excited? Yes, teacher!
•Now, group yourselves into 4 and solve the Okay, teacher. Group activity engages
problem. Solve it to whatever that comes into your them to collaborate and
mind as long as you know that that is the answer. (Dialogues) cooperate with the group.
1st group
• Allow the children to find solution to the problem.
We will add 10 and 5, then
•Observe every group. Listen to their dialogues. Jot 5 and 5. And then we will
down their ideas.
subtract to know who
• Give them 10mins to do the task. receives greater.
2nd group
We will draw sticks-15
sticks for Athena and
10sticks for Anneli.
3rd group
4th group
• Okay, time's up! Are you done? Yes, teacher! This is to give them the
floor to explain to
• I need a representative in every group to report or whatever they have come
present your solutions. up and boosts their self-
1st group
confidence as well
•Allow them to explain how they got their answer 10+5=15 Athena through reporting.
and let them show their solution to whatever they
have come up through a group's representative. 5+5= 10 Anneli
2nd group
||||||||||=10 Anneli
3rd group
4th group
•Concept Development This gives the pupils all
the knowledge they need
• Okay, very good! Let us give a round of applause (Applausing) on the topic as well as
to the reporters! reflect on their group
They will listen to the output.
•Our lesson today is about comparing coins and teacher's explanation.
bills up to 100 and their notations.
Explain everything about the topic including the
symbols of conparison(>,<,=).
This enhances and
Give feedbacks on their outputs. practices more on what
they have learned.
•Is everything understood?
Yes, teacher!
• Ask probing questions.
What if we will add Anneli's money with 10pesos?
Who has greater amount now? Why? Anneli's money is greater
because its now 20pesos.
Very good!
Athena's coins are greater
How might we know that Athena's coins are greater than Anneli's because
than Anneli's? Athena's money is 15(1 10
and 1 5), while Anneli has
Very good! 10( 2 5pesocoin).
This provides the pupils to
Do you think if we will add 20 to Athena's money They are not equal. practice and be ready for
and add 20 to Anneli's money they will be equal the assessment.
Very good! They are not equal because
Athena's money will be 35,
I heard you say that their money is not equal, why? and Anneli's money will be
Very good!
• Now that you have understood the lesson let us The students will answer
have a practice. the activity sheets.
a. > b.< c. =
2. ______
3. ___
a. <. b.>. c. =
Level 1
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Level 2
1. ______
2. ______
3. _______
Level 3
1. ______
2. _______
3. _______