Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous) : Computer Science and Engineering
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous) : Computer Science and Engineering
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous) : Computer Science and Engineering
Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043
The students will try to learn:
After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Outline the principles and terminology of digital image processing Understand
for describing the features of image.
CO 2 Design systems using, 2D DFT transforms for image processing Apply
CO 3 Make use of various image transform techniques like Walsh, Apply
Hadamard ,Slant, DCT and Haar transforms for analyzing images
in transform domain.
CO 4 Utilize image processing techniques for image enhancement in Apply
spatial domain.
CO 5 Identify 2D convolution and filtering techniques for smoothening Apply
and sharpening of images.
CO 6 Analyze the histogram processing for improving the contrast of Analyze
the image.
CO 7 Identify spatial masks detection of discontinuities for segmentation Apply
of image.
CO 8 Apply region based image segmentation techniques for detection Apply
of objects in images.
CO 9 Compare lossy and lossless compression models for achieving Analyze
image compression.
CO 10 Demonstrate the source encoder and decoder techniques used for Understand
image compression.
CO 11 Implement standard image processing algorithms alone or as a Apply
member of a small group to meet design specifications.
Q.No QUESTION Taxonomy How does this subsume CO’s
the level
1 Identify the relation among Apply This would require the CO 1
p and q in the given image learner to recall the
segment and V={2,5} concept of pixels and
understand the
relationship between pixels
then Apply it on image to
find the boundaries.
2 Identify the distance Apply This would require the CO 1
between p and q in the learner to recall the
given concept of pixels and
understand the
relationship between pixels
then Apply it on image to
find distance from p to q.
Page 2
3 Consider the image segment Apply This would require the CO 1
shown in figure ii.a) Let V= learner to recall the
0, 1 and compute the concept of pixels and
lengths of the shortest understand the
4-path, 8-path and m-path relationship between
between pixels p and q. If pixelsthen Apply it on
any of the path not existed image to find shortest path
explain why?b) For V= 1, 2 from p to q .
perform the same.
Page 3
7 Compare the linear and Analyze This would require the
nonlinear operations of an learner to recall the
digital image with suitable fundamental concept of
examples. images and understand
gray level concepts and
Apply statistical
measuresAnalyze for linear
and non-linear operations.
8 Explain when do you prefer Understand This would require the CO 1
non-uniform sampling and learner to recall the
quantization? Justify sampling and understand
the non-uniform
9 Write the various distance Remember — CO 1
measures used for image
10 Explain the principle of Understand This would require the CO 1
sampling and quantization. learner to recall the
Discuss the effect of sampling and understand
increasing the a) Sampling the quantization levels
frequency b) Quantization
levels, on image
1 Explain the steps involved Understand This would require the CO1
in digital image processing learner to recall the
with neat diagram fundamentals of image
processing and understand
the steps involved in digital
image processing.
2 Discuss about image sensing Understand This would require the CO1
and acquisition process in learner to recall the image
detail coordinates and
understand image sensing
and acquisition process
3 Consider a digital image Understand This would require the CO1
describe the steps involved learner to recall the
converting continuous sampling and quantization
sensed data into digital techniques and understand
form? the conversion of analog
image in to digital image.
Page 4
4 Write the basic relationships Understand This would require the CO1
among the pixels in the learner to recall the
image a) Neighbor of a pixel relationship between pixels
b)Adjacency and understand the
Neighbor of pixels.
5 Illustrate the process of Understand This would require the CO1
image sampling and learner to recall the
quantization and discuss sampling and quantization
about gray-level resolution and understand the
in image sampling. gray-levels of an image.
6 What are the elements Remember — CO1
required for visual
perception and explain how
image can be formed in
human eye
7 Discuss about zooming and Understand This would require the CO1
shrinking of digital images learner to recall the digital
with examples images and understand
the zooming and shrinking
of digital images
8 Define digital image. Understand This would require the CO1
Discuss how digital images learner to recall the
are represented with neat representation of digital
diagrams image and understand the
processing of digital image.
9 List and explain Remember — CO1
applications of image
10 List different components Remember — CO1
present in image processing
and explain each component
in detail with diagram
11 What are the applications Remember — CO1
of ALU operations in image
12 What is meant by Remember — CO1
perspective transform
action? Derive the
necessary relationships for
perspective transformation.
13 What is meant by spatial Remember — CO 2
resolutions? Discuss the
effect on the image by
reducing it.
Page 5
14 The image refers to a two Understand This would require the CO 2
dimensional light intensity learner to recall the Gray
function. Discuss in detail. levels and understand the
Gray level to binary
15 State and Explain various Understand This would require the CO 2
methods of image learner to recall the image
acquisition acquisition and
understand the various
methods of image
16 Discuss the image Understand This would require the CO 2
acquisition using a single learner to recall the
sensor, sensor strips and operation of sensor and
sensor arrays. understand the sensor
strips and sensor arrays.
17 Write short notes on Remember — CO 2
imaging geometry
18 Discuss the basic principle Understand
This would require the CO 2
of imaging in different learner to recall the
bands of electromagnetic operation of digital camera
spectrum. and understand the
imaging geometry
19 Show that the D4 distance Understand This would require the CO 2
between two points p and q learner to recall the
is equal to the shortest relationship between pixels
4-path between these and understand the
points. Is this path unique? distance between two
20 Explain frame buffer? Understand This would require the CO 2
Discuss the categories of learner to recall the frame
digital storage for image buffer and understand the
processing applications. digital storage for images
1 Define digital image Remember — CO1
2 Write any two origins of Remember — CO1
image processing?
3 Mention different types of Remember — CO1
digital images
4 Mention different bands in Remember — CO1
electromagnetic spectrum
5 Which step is the objective Remember — CO1
of digital image processing
Page 6
6 Explain the hardware Understand This would require the CO1
components of an image learner to recall the digital
processing image and understand
the components of an image
7 What is meant by Pixel? Remember — CO1
8 What are the different fields Remember — CO1
in which Digital Image
Processing is used?
9 What is the need of image Remember — CO1
10 Explain connectivity and Understand This would require the CO1
path in relationship between learner to recall the digital
pixels image and understand the
relationship between pixels
11 Discuss of N4,N8,ND Understand This would require the CO1
learner to recall the
relationship between pixels
and understand the image
12 Explain region and Understand This would require the CO1
boundary in the image learner to recall the image
connectivity and
understand the region and
boundary of an image
13 Write the changes in sizes of Remember — CO1
different resolution images
14 What is meant by Remember — CO1
illumination and reflectance
in image function?
15 What are the applications Remember — CO1
of image processing?
16 List the different Remember — CO1
components in a simple
Image formation model
17 Explain about sampling role Understand This would require the CO1
in digitization process learner to recall the
sampling theorem and
understand the
digitization process
Page 7
18 Explain about quantization Understand This would requirethe CO1
in digitization process learner to recall the
sampling and quantization
techniques and understand
the digitizing amplitude
19 List the basic steps involved Remember — CO1
in image processing
20 Define distance measure and Remember — CO1
Give the different distance
1 Analyze the Haar Analyze This would require the CO 3
transformation matrix for N learner to recall the
= 2. representation of digital
image and Understand the
properties of 2D FT and
Apply haar transformation
and Analyze the matrix for
N=8 .
2 Calculate the number of Apply This would require the CO 2
multiplications required to learner to recall the
convolve a 2D filter with a representation of digital
2D image (a)Compute the image and Understand the
2D convolution at a stretch. properties of 2D FT and
(b) Perform the 2D Apply the convolution
convolution as two 1D property on image.
convolutions. Assume the
image is of size 100 Ö 100
pixels, and the filter is of
size 10 Ö 10.
3 Construct Walsh transform Apply This would require the CO 3
basis for N=8. learner to recall the
representation of digital
image and Understand the
properties of 2D FT and
Apply Walsh transform
basis for N=8.
Page 8
4 The discrete Fourier Apply This would require the CO 2
transformperformed for the learner to recall the
image f(m, n) is given representation of digital
below. What will be the image and Understand the
value of F(0, 0)? properties of 2D DFT and
Apply it ongrayscale image
f(x, y)
Page 9
9 Compute the 2D DFT of Apply This would require the CO 3
the 4 Ö 4 grayscale image learner to recall the
given below. representation of digital
image and Understand the
properties of 2D DFT and
Apply 4 Ö 4 grayscale
Page 10
6 Recall the need for Remember — CO 2
transform? Specify the
properties of 2D Fourier
7 State and prove Remember — CO 2
distributivity and scaling
8 How digital images can be Remember — CO 2
represented? What is Image
9 Explain about the discrete Understand This would require the CO 3
cosine transform and write learner to recall the
its applications. properties of 2D transform
and Understand discrete
cosine transform
10 Explain about intensity Understand This would require the CO 2
transformation functions. learner to recall the
properties of 2D transform
and Understand
theintensity transformation
11 Summarize the elements of Understand This would require the CO 3
visual perception and define learner to recall the
Haar transform. properties of 2D transform
and Understand theHaar
12 State and prove conjugate Understand This would require the CO 2
symmetry and orthoganality learner to recall the Fourier
property of 2D DFT. transform properties and
Understand to symmetry
and orthoganality property
of 2D DFT
13 Distinguish the forward and Understand This would require the CO 3
inverse transformation learner to recall and
kernals of image transforms understand the
transformation process and
Understand the software
and hardware requirements
14 Explain about KL Understand This would require the CO 3
Transform and Write its learner to recall the Fourier
properties. transform and Understand
the KL transform with
Page 11
15 What is Hadamard Understand This would require the CO 3
transform? Explain in detail learner to recall the analog
and Write its properties. to digital conversion and
Understand the Sampling
and Quantization process
16 Explain the following two Understand This would require the CO 2
properties of 2D-DFT: i) learner to recall the fourier
Convolution ii) Correlation transform and Understand
the transformation methods
17 Explain about Haar Understand This would require the CO 3
transform with algorithms, learner to recall the Fourier
What are the properties of transform and Understand
Haar transform. State and the algorithm and
prove separability property properties ofHaar transform.
of 2D-FFT.
18 List the properties of Walsh Remember — CO 3
transform, Write about
Walsh transform. State
distributivity and scaling
19 Explain the need of image Understand This would require the CO 2
transform? List out various learner to recall the
transform used in image Properties of image
processing. transformand Understand
the various transforms
20 Explain the following Understand This would require the CO 3
mathematical operations on learner to recall the
digital images i) Array mathematical operations of
versus Matrix operations ii) an image and Understand
Linear versus Nonlinear the linear andmatrix
Operations operations
Page 12
1 What is the necessity of Remember — CO 2
imagev transformation
2 List out the properties of Remember — CO 2
3 Develop the Slant Remember — CO 3
transform(1-D &2-D)
4 Distinguish between Walsh Understand This would require the CO 3
and haar transform learner to recall the image
transform techniques and
Explain the differences
between Walsh and Haar.
5 Write the advantages of Remember — CO 2
image transformation
6 Write short notes on Remember — CO 2
convolution property.
7 Write short notes on Remember — CO 2
separability property.
8 Relate the linear and Remember — CO 2
circular convolution.
9 Classify the Fourier Understand This would require the CO 2
Transform and its inverse. learner to recall the
concepts of fourier
transform and Understand
algorithms in the transform
and inverse transform
10 List what are the properties Remember — CO 3
of Hotelling transform?
11 Recall the distributive and Remember — CO 2
scaling property.
12 What is the basic principle Remember — CO 3
of Hotellingtransform.
Page 13
16 Summarize the discrete Understand This would require the CO 3
cosine transform with learner to recall the fast
example. Fourier transform and
transformation method.
17 What are the properties of Remember — CO 3
Hadamard transform?
18 Relate the discrete Fourier Remember — CO 3
transform and its inverse.
19 Write short notes on slant Remember — CO 3
20 What is the need of Remember — CO 3
transform for digital Image
1 What is the objective of Apply This would require the CO 4
image enhancement and learner to recall the
explain the point processing properties of arrays and
process. (i) Digital Negative matrix and relate in
of image/Negation, (ii) Bit neighborhood process and
plane Slicing by using Apply in given parameter.
concept on Image
Enhancement in Spatial
2 What is the value of the Apply This would require the CO 4
marked pixel after a 5 Ö 5 learner to recall the
median filter? properties of arrays and
matrix and relate in
neighborhood process and
Apply in given parameter.
Page 14
3 Given an image size 3x3 as Apply This would require the CO 5
learner to recall the
properties of arrays and
matrix and relate
transformation process and
Apply in logorthamic
Determine the output image
g(m,n) uisng logorthamic
by choosing C as (i) c=1
and (ii)C= L/ log10(1+L)
4 Explain in detail the Understand This would require the CO 5
method for smoothening the learner to recall low pass
image in frequency domain and high pass filters and
Understand the
smoothening the image in
frequency domain
5 Explain in detail linear Understand This would require the CO 5
spatial smoothing filters learner to recall low pass
and high pass filters and
Understand the linear
spatial smoothing filters.
6 Classify the 2-D IHPF, Understand This would require the CO 5
BHPF and GHPF with learner to recall low pass
sketches. Explain their band high pass filters and
useful ness in image relate in image processing
enhancement. for image enhancement
7 What is the value of centre Understand This would require the CO 5
pixel if it is smoothened by learner to recall low pass
a 3x3 box filter. band high pass filters and
relate in image processing
for image enhancement
Page 15
8 What is the value of the Understand This would require the CO 5
marked pixel after a 5 Ö 5 learner to recall low pass
median filter? band high pass filters and
relate in image processing
for image enhancement
9 Illustrate the with the help Understand This would require the CO 5
of block diagram of Learner to recall low pass
homomorphic filtering. filter in frequency domain
and Understand the
homomorphic filtering.
10 Write image processing Understand This would require the CO 4
programs using point learner to recall the image
processing method 1. processing programs relate
Obtain Negative image. 2. point processing method.
Thresholding 3. Contrast
1 Explain in detail about Understand This would require the CO 6
histogram processing. learner to recall the
operation of pixels and gray
levels and Understand the
Histogram processing.
2 Elaborate on homomorphic Understand This would require the CO 5
Filtering learner to recall filtering
techniques and
Understand the
homomorphic Filtering
3 Describe in detail about Understand This would require the CO 5
various types of mean filters learner to recall filter
functions and Understand
the various types of mean
4 Demonstrate how do you Understand This would require the CO 6
enhance monochrome image learner to recall the
by Histogram monochrome technique and
Understand the
monochrome image by
Page 16
5 What is Histogram Understand This would require the CO 6
Equalization ?Discuss in learner to recall the
detail about the procedure operation of pixels and gray
involved in Histogram levels and Understand the
matching Histogram Equalization and
6 Describe how homomorphic Understand This would require the CO 5
filtering is used to separate learner to recall the
illumination and reflectance homomorphic filtering and
component? UUnderstand the separate
illumination and reflectance
7 How mean filters are used Understand This would require the CO 5
for image enhancement?. learner to recall the
filtering operation and
Understand the Mean
filters used in image
8 Explain the various ofgray Understand This would require the CO 5
level transformation used learner to recall the
for image enhancement. operation of pixels and gray
levels Understand the gray
level transformation for
image enhancement
9 Briefly discuss about the Understand This would require the CO 6
histogram equalization and learner to recall the
histogram specification operation of pixels and gray
Techniques levels and Understand the
Histogram Equalization and
10 Describe in detail about low Understand This would require the CO 5
pass and high pass learner to recall low pass
Butterworth filters and high pass filters and
Understand the
Butterworth filter
11 What are the salient Remember — CO 5
features of image histogram
12 Discuss the following spatial Understand This would require the CO 5
enhancement techniques. (i) learner to recall the spatial
Spatial averaging. filters and Understand the
(ii)Median filtering. enhancement techniques.
Page 17
13 list the various image Remember —- CO 5
enhancement techniques in
the frequency domain
14 Explain in detail linear Understand This would require the CO 4
spatial smoothing filters learner to recall the spatial
filters and Understand the
linear spatial smoothing
15 Explain in detail the Understand This would require the CO 5
method for smoothening the learner to recall the spatial
image in frequency domain filters and Understand the
method in frequency domain
16 Explain about noise Understand This would require the CO 5
reduction in an image using learner to recall concept of
band reject and band pass noise reduction in an image
filters. and Understand the band
reject and band pass filters..
17 List the types of Image Remember ——– CO 5
enhancement technique in
spatial domain and
differentiate them.
18 Discuss the role of gradient UnderstandThis would require the CO 5
and laplacian operator in learner to recall operation
image enhancement. of pixels and gray level and
Understand the concept of
Gradient and the Laplacian.
19 Sketch perspective plot of Understand This would require CO 5
an 2 -D Ideal Low pass filter thelearner to recall FT and
transfer function and filter prepare algorithms and
cross section and explain its Understand in point
usefulness in Image processing for image
enhancement. enhancement.
20 Explain the following Understand This would require the CO 5
operations: i) Contrast learner to recall filtering
stretching ii) Bit-plane techniques and
slicing Understand the concept of
bit-plane slicing and
Contrast stretching.
1 Specify theobjectiveofim- Remember — CO 4
2 Explain the 2 categories of Remember — CO 4
image enhancement
3 What is point Processing? Remember — CO 4
Page 18
4 What is mask processing? Remember — CO 4
5 What is contrast stretching? Remember — CO 4
6 What is thresholding? Remember — CO 4
7 Explain grey level slicing? Understand This would require the CO 4
learner to recall gray levels
of an image and understand
the gray level slicing
8 What is image averaging? Remember — CO 5
Give its application
9 Explain the purpose of Understand This would require the CO 5
image averaging? learner to recall filter
operation and Understand
the image averaging.
10 Give the formula for Remember — CO 5
negative and log
11 What is meant by bit plane Remember — CO 5
12 Define histogram Remember — CO 6
13 What is Image Negative? Remember — CO 5
14 Define first order derivative Remember — CO 5
15 what is spatial filtering? Remember — CO 5
16 Recall the median filter? Remember — CO 4
17 What is a smoothing filter? Remember — CO 4
18 What is a sharpening filter? Remember — CO 4
19 What is unsharp masking? Remember — CO 4
20 What is high boost filtering? Remember — CO 4
Page 19
1 Apply the split-and-merge Understand This would require the CO 7
technique for the given learner torecall the image
image shown in Fig into segments of its
constituents and
Understand the CNNs for
semantic segmentation.
Page 20
6 Segment the given arbitrary Understand This would require the CO 8
shape shown in Fig learner to recall the image
into segments of its
constituents and
Understand global
thresholding techniques
miss morphing and merging
based on segmentation
Page 21
10 Give one representation Apply This would require the CO 8
scheme for the boundary of learner to recall the image
an object and describe how into segments of its
it can be Computed constituents and
Understand to separate
the information contained in
the image margin and
Apply boundary of an
1 What are the derivative Understand This would require the CO 8
operators useful in image learner to recall the image
segmentation? Explain their into segments of its
role in segmentation. constituents and
Understand smaller
entities for region based
2 Explain about the edge Understand This would require the CO 8
linking procedures. learner to recall the image
into segments of its
constituents and
Understand smaller
entities for Edge linking
based segmentation.
3 What is thresholding and Understand This would require the CO 8
explain about global learner to recall the image
thresholding. into segments of its
constituents and
Understand smaller
entities for global
4 Explain about region based Understand This would require the CO 8
segmentation. learner to recall the image
into segments of its
constituents and
Understand smaller
entities for region based
5 Write the example of Understand This would require the CO 8
discontinuity approach in learner to recall the image
image segmentation into segments of its
processes. constituents and
Understand smaller
entities for region based
Page 22
6 First derivative Understand This would require the CO 7
approximation says that learner to recall the image
values of intensities at the into segments of its
onset must be nonzero constituents and
Justify Understand the closing
operation in image
morphology segmentation.
7 Write the mask for prewitt Remember — CO 7
operator in image
segmentation Explain in
8 Write the mask for sobel Remember — CO 7
operator in image
segmentation. Explain in
9 Write the mask for Robert Remember — CO 7
operator in image
segmentation. Explain in
10 Write the mask for laplacian Understand This would require the CO 7
operator in image learner to recall the image
segmentation. Explain in into segments and
details? Understand in to
morphing for dilation and
11 Define image segmentation. Understand This would require the CO 7
Give classification. Explain learner to recall the image
region based Segmentation. into segments and
Understand theregion
based Segmentation.
12 Compare the Roberts, Understand This would require the CO 7
Prewitt and Sobel edge learner to recall the image
detectors. into segments and
Understand the boundary
13 Explain the detection of Understand This would require the CO 8
isolated points in an image. learner to recall the image
into segments and
Understand the image
Page 23
14 Give the linear filter masks Understand This would require the CO 8
for the following operations learner to recall the image
i)+45 degrees ii) -45 degrees into segments and
Understand the Hough
Transform for edge linking
image segmentation
15 Explain about the Global Understand This would require the CO 8
processing via learner to recall the image
graph-theoretic techniques into segments and
for edge linking Understand the edge
linking in image
16 Demonstrate about Region Understand This would require the CO 8
Splitting and Merging with learner to recall the image
an example into segments of its
constituents and
Understand smaller
entities for region splitting
and merging based on
17 Give the linear filter masks Understand This would require the CO 8
for the Detecting horizontal Learner to recall the image
lines into segments and
Understand the of
Hit-or-Miss morphological
18 Explain edge linking using Understand This would require the CO 8
Hough transform. Learner to recall the image
into segments and
Understand in to
morphing image processing
19 Explain the significance of Understand This would require the CO 8
thresholding in image Learner to recall the image
segmentation. into segments and
Understand in to
morphing for dilation and
erosion of image processing.
20 Give the linear filter masks Understand This would require the CO 8
for the Detecting vertical Learner to recall the image
edges into segments and
Understand the of
Hit-or-Miss morphological
Page 24
1 Specify the objective of Remember — CO 4
image enhancement
2 Write the applications of Remember — CO 7
3 What are the three types of Remember — CO 7
discontinuity in digital
4 How the derivatives are Remember — CO 7
obtained in edg edetection
during formulation?
5 What are the two properties Remember — CO 7
used for establishing
similarity of edge pixels?
6 Give the properties of the Remember — CO 7
second derivative around an
7 Define gradient operator? Remember — CO 7
8 What is meant by zero Remember — CO 8
crossing property of second
order derivative?
9 What are the disadvantages Remember — CO 8
of Laplacian operator?
10 What are the various Remember — CO 8
techniques that can be used
for edge linking?
11 Explain a Simple edge Remember — CO 11
12 Label why edge detection is Remember — CO 9
a non-trivial task
13 What is object point and Remember — CO 8
background point?
14 Whatis thresholding? What Remember — CO 8
are its types?
15 What is Global Remember — CO 8
16 What is variable Remember — CO 8
17 What are the disadvantages Remember — CO 8
of thresholding?
18 Define regiongrowing? Remember — CO 8
Page 25
19 Specify thesteps involved in Understand This would require the CO 8
splitting learner to recall the image
into segments and relate in
to smaller entities for image
20 Specify thesteps involved in Remember — CO 8
1. . Determine the Huffman Analyze . This would require the CO 10
code for the following data. learner to recall
compression technique
Understand the encoding
process then Apply
Huffman code procedure
and Analyze fallowing
symbol and probability
values. .
2. . A source emits letters from Analyze . This would require the CO 10
an alphabet learner to recall
A=a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 with compression technique
probabilities P(a1)=0.2, Understand the encoding
P(a2) = 0.4 , P(a3) = 0.2 , process then apply
P(a4) = 0.1 and P(a5) = Huffman code for given
0.1.Find Huffman code for source and Analyze
this source? Find the average length of the code
average length of the code and its redundancy .
and its redundancy .
3. . For the image shown below Apply . This would require the CO 10
compute the compression learner to recall
ratio that can be achieved compression technique
using Huffman coding. Understandthe encoding
process then apply
Huffman code for given
image. .
Page 26
4. . A source emits three Understand . This would require the CO 10
symbols A,B,C with a learner to recall the
probability0.5,0.25,0.25 encoding techniques and
respectively. Construct an Understand the arithmetic
arithmetic code to encode code to encode the word ‘C
the word ‘C A B’ . A B’ .
5. . Encode the word Apply . This would require the CO 10
a1,a2,a3,a4 using arithmetic learner to recall the
coding and find tag for the codeword and Understand
given probabilities.a1=0.2, the procedure for Huffman
a2= 0.2,a3=0.4, a4=0.2 . coding and apply it to find
the word length and code
length .
6. . Calculate the Huffman code Apply . This would require the CO 10
for the following symbol learner to recall the code
whose probability of efficiency and Understand
occurrenceis given below the intensity distribution
andapply Huffman
algorithm .
7. . A source emits letters from Apply . This would require the CO 10
asn alphabet learner to recall the
A=a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 with codeword and Understand
probabilities P(a1)=0.3, the procedure for Huffman
P(a2) = 0.4 , P(a3) = 0.15 , coding and apply it to find
P(a4) = 0.05 and P(a5) = the average length of the
0.1.Find Huffman code for code and its redundancy .
this source? Find the
average length of the code
and its redundancy .
8. . Obtain the Huffman code Understand . This would require the CO 10
for the word learner to recall the
‘COMMITTEE’ . encoding techniques and
Understand the Huffman
coding for source symbols
and probabilities .
Page 27
9. . For the image shown below, Understand . This would require the CO 10
compute the degree of learner to recall the
compression that can be encoding techniques and
achieved using Huffman Understand the Huffman
coding of pixel coding forsource symbols
values.Assuming 2 bits to and probabilities .
represent the pixel value.
10 . For the image shown below, Understand . This would require the CO10
compute the degree of learner to recall the
compression that can be compression technique and
achieved using run-length Understand the JPEG is
coding, assuming 2 bits to better than a Raw free. .
represent the run length.
Page 28
1 Differentiate lossless and Understand This would require the CO 10
lossy compression learner to recall the
techniques and
Understand the
redundancies in a digital
2 Explain the run length Understand This would require the CO 10
encoding for achieving learner to recall the
image compression techniques and
Understand the
compression models in
digital image
3 Explain the need for image Understand This would require the CO 10
compression .How run learner to recall the need
length encoding approach is for image compression and
used for compression? Is it Understand therun length
Lossy? Justify encoding
4 Elaborate the Arithmetic Understand This would require the CO 10
Coding for image learner to recall the need
compression for image compression and
Understand theArithmetic
5 Is Huffman code uniquely Understand This would require the CO 10
decodable? If so , Justify learner to recall average
your answer length of the code and
Understand Huffman
6 How an image is compressed Understand This would require the CO 10
using JPEG image learner torecall the
compression standard? compression standard and
Understand the JPEG
7. Explain in detail about Understand . This would require the CO 10
predictive coding . learner to recall the
compression techniques and
Understand the arithmetic
coding in a digital image .
8. Describe variable length Understand . This would require the CO 10
encoding with examples . learner torecall the
compression techniques and
Understand therun length
encoding in a digital image .
Page 29
9. What is mean by bit plane Understand . This would require the CO 10
slicing and write the learner torecall the image
applications of it . to take number of bits and
Understand bit plane
slicing .
10 . List out and explain in Remember . —. CO 10
detail about the image
compression .
11 . Relate the JPEG Remember . —. CO 10
compression standard and
the steps involved in JPEG
compression .
12 . Which type of method to Understand . This would require the CO 10
generating variable length learner to recall the
codes with an example? . compression techniques and
Understand thevariable
length encoding in a digital
image .
13 . Show Huffman process with Understand . This would require the CO 10
an example. . learner to recall the FT
and prepare algorithms and
Understand the arithmetic
encoding .
14 . Why LZW coding and what Understand . This would require the CO 10
is the need for image relate learner to recall the
with an example. . compression techniques and
Understand theLZW
coding compression in a
digital image .
15 . Explain the need for image Remember . —. CO 10
compression. .
16 . Select and match the Understand . This would require the CO 10
Redundancies and their learner to recall the
removal methods with compression techniques and
examples . Understand theremoval
methods in a digital image .
17 . Demonstrate with example Understand . This would require the CO 10
source encoder and decoder learner to recall the FT
. and prepare algorithms and
Understand the coding for
binary arithmetic process
for source encoder and
decoder. .
Page 30
18 . Compare error free Understand .This would require the CO 10
compression and lossy learner to recall the FT
compression . and prepare algorithms and
Understand to image
intensity levels for error free
compression .
19 . List JPEG 2000 standard Understand . This would require the CO 10
with merits and demerits . learner to recall the
compression techniques and
Understand theJPEG
compression in a digital
image .
20 . Draw a transform coding Understand . This would require the CO 10
system and relate with learner to recall the
image compression. . compression techniques and
Understand thetransform
coding compression in a
digital image .
1 What is image compression? Remember — CO 9
2 What is the need for Remember — CO 9
3 What are the types of Remember — CO 9
4 Define coding redundancy? Remember — CO 9
5 Define inter pixel Remember — CO 9
6 Define psychovisual Remember — CO 10
7 What is run length coding? Remember — CO 10
8 Define compression ratio Remember — CO 10
9 Define source encoder Remember — CO 10
10 Define channel encoder Remember — CO 10
11 What are the redundancies Remember — CO 10
can occur in error free
12 What is variable length Remember — CO 10
13 What is JPEG? Remember — CO 10
14 What are the coding Remember — CO 10
systems inJPEG?
15 What are the basic steps in Remember — CO 10
Huffman coding
Page 31
16 State whether the following Remember — CO 10
huffman code 0,01, 10,011
for the given symbols
a1,a2,a3,a4 is uniquely
decodable or not.
17 Match the Lossless Remember — CO 10
compression–coding with
18 Explain the Data Understand This would require the CO 10
Compression and Data learner to recall the FT
Redundancy and prepare algorithms and
Understand to image
intensity levels for data
19 Draw and relate block Remember — CO 10
diagram of Lossy
20 Draw and relate block Remember — CO 10
diagram of Loss less
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