Soft Computing QB
Soft Computing QB
Soft Computing QB
Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043
The students will try to learn:
After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Demonstrate the constituents and models of artificial neural Understand
network systems for classification of soft computing problems.
CO 2 Compare the importance of auto and hetero associative Understand
memories for distinct cases of neural network systems.
CO 3 Make use of fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems for Apply
modeling and decision making of soft computing systems.
CO 4 Choose the appropriate ANFIS/CANFIS hybrid learning Apply
algorithms to solve applications for regression.
CO 5 Build a fuzzy system for information retrieval and pattern Apply
recognition applications.
CO 6 Categorize the soft computing and intelligent based learning Analyze
approaches for solving the scientific and engineering problems.
Q.No QUESTION Taxonomy How does this subsume CO’s
the level
1 What are the characteristics of soft Understand – CO 1
computing and explain the
uncertainity in handling .
2 How the input data can be handle Understand – CO 1
with knowledge base for producing
the output in rule base system.
explain with an example?
3 Explain the analysis of knowledge Understand This would require the CO 1
representation in intelligence learner to recall the
system computations? intelligence system. Then
explain the knowledge
representation in
computational operations.
4 Explain about the rough set theory Remember – CO 1
in differentiate to handle the
approximate the automobile
5 How knowledge base system can Remember – CO 1
handle the uncertainity with help
of learning rules, explain with an
6 What are the types intelligence can Understand – CO 1
be applied on rough sets to
produce the optimum solution,
explain with an example?
7 Differentiate the intelligence Remember – CO 1
system and knowledge base system
to handle the imprecise problems.
Page 2
8 List the features of soft computing Understand This would require the CO 1
and Determine the features used in learner to recall the features
conceptual oriented applications. of soft computing. Then
explain the use of
conceptual oriented
applications on its features.
9 Explain learning factors in soft Remember – CO 1
computing for input data analysis.
10 Analyze the behavior of soft Analyze – CO 1
computing techniques in real
1 Demonstrate knowledge Understand This would require the CO 1
representation in computational learner to recall the
intelligence. knowledge and explain the
knowledge representation
for computational
operations on intelligence
2 Explain about the key aspects of Understand This would require the CO 1
soft computing techniques in learner to recall the key
complex problems. components of problems.
Then explain the problem
solving soft computing
3 Outline the features of evolutionary Understand This would require the CO 1
computing. learner to recall the
intelligence system. Then
explain the features of
evolutionary computing.
4 Illustrate about neuro computing Understand This would require the CO 1
in automate to detect the error? learner to recall the
automation process. Then
explain the neuro
computing for automate to
detecting the errors.
5 Explain the rough set theory for Understand This would require the CO 1
input data processing to optimize learner to recall the
the solution. optimization process. Then
explain the rough set theory
on input data processing to
optimize the solution.
Page 3
6 Describe about the machine Understand This would require the CO 2
learning computations in problem learner to recall the problem
solving. solving computations. Then
explain the machine
learning computations for
problem solving.
7 Explain structure of fuzzy logic Understand This would require the CO 3
system. learner to recall the fuzzy.
Then explain the fuzzy
logical system.
8 Explain fuzzy rules with examples. Understand This would require the CO 3
learner to recall the ruling
system. Then explain the
fuzzy rules for problem
9 Define fuzzy logic. How it will be Understand – CO 1
used to automate the problem
10 List and explain the soft Understand – CO 1
computing constitutes.
11 Explain in detail about the analysis Understand This would require the CO 1
of evolutionary computing for learner to recall
problem solving? evolutionary computing.
Then explain the problem
solving analysis using
evolutionary computing.
12 Express the logic of neuro Understand This would require the CO 2
computation for intelligence system learner to recall the rule
analysis with respect to rule mining. Then explain the
mining. logic of neuro computing in
intelligence system with
rules mining.
13 Analyze the soft computing will Analyze – CO 1
use to intelligence system?
14 Explain the machine learning Understand – CO 1
concept for computing the
15 What is meant by reasoning in Understand – CO 1
computing? How this can be used
to produce the optimum solution?
16 Relate the steps involved in Understand – CO 1
probabilistic reasoning in
Page 4
17 Define computing. Determine the Understand – CO 3
logics used in fuzzy computing?
18 Explain how generalized data can Understand This would require the CO 5
be used to compute the learner to recall the data
uncertainity with help of fuzzy analysis. Then explain the
logics. uncertain data
computations using fuzzy
logic operations.
19 Demonstrate the neural computing Understand This would require the CO 2
technique for solving the image learner to recall the image
applications. analysis. Then explain the
neural computing
techniques for solving the
20 What is perception in learning Understand This would require the CO 1
computations? learner to recall the learning
processing. Then explain
the perception in learning
1 List the characteristics of Remember – CO 1
traditional computing
2 How hard computing used in Understand – CO 1
problem solving?
3 What type of operations are used Remember – CO 2
in conventional computing?
4 List the applications of soft Remember – CO 1
5 Outline the characteristics of soft Remember This would require the CO 1
computing. learner to recall the
behavior of computing.
Then outline characteristics
of soft computing.
6 Choose the differences between Remember – CO 1
hard computing and soft
7 Define computational intelligence Remember – CO 1
8 List the various operation on Remember – CO 1
9 Explain soft computing techniques. Understand This would require the CO 1
learner to recall the
computing operations.Then
explain the techniques of
soft computing.
Page 5
10 Define efficiency of computation in Understand – CO 1
problem solving.
11 Classify the characteristics of Understand This would require the CO 1
computations in problem solving. learner to recall problem
solving. Then explain
characteristics for solving
the problem.
12 Explain the advantages of soft Understand This would require the CO 31
computing techniques. learner to recall the
computational techniques.
Then explain merits of soft
computing techniques.
13 Explain the different types of Understand This would require the CO 1
training? learner to recall the training
models. Then explain types
of training computations.
14 Demonstrate the intelligence Remember – CO 2
15 Define linear separability condition Remember – CO 1
in computational operations.
16 Define the term learning of a Understand This would require the CO 1
neural network and name any learner to recall the neural
computing learning rules. network computation for
solving the problem using
learning rules.
17 Write short notes on creating the Understand This would require the CO 1
learning rules in intelligence learner to recall the learning
system. rules system. Then discuss
the creation of learning
rules in intelligence system.
18 Define lattice of fuzzy numbers, Understand –
CO 3
Explain how to find MIN and
19 Analyze and explain concept of Understand – CO 3
Fuzzy subsets and membership
20 What is mean rough set theory and Understand – CO 1
explain with its structure?
Page 6
1 Translate the output of u from the Understand This would require the CO 2
network with input x=[−1, 2]T learner to recall the
W=[-1,2] with activation function activation function. Then
in hidden layer as: solve the output network
a) Unipolar activation function activation functions of
unipolar and bipolar
b) Bipolar sigmoidal function sigmoidal functions.
2 Construct the back propagation Apply This would require recall the CO 2
algorithm for 2-3-1 neural network neural network, understand
with the activation function. relevant activation function
(1+e− N )
and apply the back
propagation algorithm.
3 Solve the outputs of u from the Apply This would require recall CO 2
perception activation function for expression of activation
the following input vectors x and function parameters
weight vectors w: a) x=[−1, 0, 2]T understand in terms of
w=[−1, −3, 2, −5]T vector and apply with
weight factor for perception
4 Find the output of u using Understand This would require the CO 2
activation function as defined for learner to recall the neural
the 3-3 neural network with given network problems. Then
inputx=[3, 0, 1] and
solve the 3-3 neural network
3 −1 1 using activation function
w = 1 −2 −2
with inputs and weights of
−1 0 −3 output.
1, u > 0
0, u < 0
5 (a) Explain the methods for Understand —- CO 2
network topology determination.
(b) What are the costs involved in
weights and explain how it is
Page 7
6 Below is a diagram if a single Understand —- CO 2
artificial neuron (unit):
Page 8
1 Compare the difference between Understand This would require the CO 2
ADALINE and MADALINE. learner to recall the model
of neural network. Then
explain the difference
between ADALINE and
2 Explain the model of an artificial Understand This would require the CO 2
neuron. learner to recall the artificial
network. Then explain the
model of artificial neuron.
3 Illustrate the neural network Understand This would require the CO 2
architecture. learner to recall the
biological neuron. Then
explain the neural network
4 Explain working of Hebbian’s Understand This would require the CO 2
learning strategy in neural network learner to recall the neural
model. network. Then explain the
working principle of
Hebbian’s learning strategy
in neural network model.
6 Summarize about the delta Understand This would require the CO 2
learning rule. learner to recall the learning
process. Then explain the
delta learning rule in neural
7 Outline the single layer Neural Understand This would require the CO 2
Network architecture using learner to recall single layer
Perception model with suitable neural network structure to
activation function. explain the perception
model on single layer
network with particular
activation function.
8 How encoding and decoding takes Remember – CO 2
place in associative memory.
9 Explain the architecture of Understand This would require the CO 2
associative memory. learner to recall the memory
concept. Then show the
architecture of associative
memory in artificial
Page 9
10 Compare the multilayer perception Understand This would require the CO 2
and radial basis function network learner to recall the neural
in neural network. network concept. Then
explain the multilayer
perception and radial basis
function in artificial network
11 Explain about the transfer Understand This would require the CO 2
functions and recurrent neural learner to recall the
networks in artificial neural artificial neural network
network. model. Then demonstrate
the transfer function and
recurrent neural network on
artificial neural network.
12 What are the differences between Understand This would require the CO 2
associative memory and learner to recall the memory
hetro-memory model? models. Then illustrate
associative and hetro
memory model.
13 Classify the factors affecting back Understand – CO 2
propagation training?
14 Explain the three classifications of Understand – CO 2
ANNs based on their functions.
Explain them in brief.
15 Write short notes on neural Remember – CO 2
approaches to computation.
16 What are the relevant Analyze – CO 2
computational properties of the
Human Brain?
17 Explain the procedure of a single Understand This would require the CO 2
discrete perceptron in classifying a learner to recall the linear
linearly separable problem with an separable problem. Then
example. explain the process of
discrete perceptron in linear
separable problem with
18 Give some examples for Apply – CO 2
Nonrecurrent and Recurrent ANNs.
Specify the learning law used by
each ANN.
19 Compare physical neuron and Remember – CO 2
artificial neuron
Page 10
20 What is perceptron? Write the Understand This would require the CO 2
differences between Single Layer learner to recall the
Perceptron (SLP) and Multilayer perceptron model. Then
Perceptron (MLP). explain the differences
between single layer and
multilayer perceptron
1 Illustrate a biological neural Understand This would require the CO 2
network structure and explain its learner to recall the
parts? structure of biological
neural network. Then
outline the parts of it.
2 What is an activation function? Understand This would require the CO 2
learner to recall the
functional point. Then
outline the activation
3 What are the different activation Understand This would require the CO 2
functions used in ANN? learner to identify the
symbolic representation of
functions then show the
symbols of activation
4 What are the neural network Understand This would require the CO 2
model. learner to recall the concept
to outline the model of
neural network.
5 Define multilayer neural network Remember – CO 2
6 Define learning strategy. Remember – CO 2
7 How does a artificial neural Understand – CO 2
network differs from biological
8 Define single layer neural network. Remember – CO 2
9 List the types of learning rules in Understand This would require the CO 2
artificial neural network. learner to recall the artificial
neural network model. Then
explain the types of learning
rules in artificial neural
network model.
Page 11
10 Describe the weight updated Understand This would require the CO 2
equation of a back propagation learner to recall the
algorithm. weighting factor. Then
explain the weighted back
propagation algorithm.
11 Define ADALINE in neural Remember – CO 2
12 Define MADALINE in neural Remember – CO 2
13 Explain the different models of Understand This would require the CO 2
neural network. learner to recall the neural
network. Then explain the
different models of neural
14 Explain the limitations of back Understand This would require the CO 2
propagation learning? learner to recall the back
propagation algorithm.
Then explain the limitations
of back propagation
learning process.
15 Explain the problem solving Understand This would require the CO 2
approaches for computer vision. learner to recall the problem
solving techniques. Then
explain the computer vision
for problem solving
16 Why learning is essential for a Remember – CO 2
neural network with non-linear
17 List the types of feed forward and Understand This would require the CO 2
feed backward networks? learner to recall the neural
networks. Then explain the
types of feed forward and
feed backward networks.
18 What is the mathematical models Remember – CO 2
of neurons?
19 Define reinforcement learning. Remember – CO 2
20 Define associative memory. Remember – CO 2
Page 12
1 Write the typical fuzzy rule in Understand This would require the CO 3
Sugeno fuzzy model to solve the learner to recall the fuzzy
problem. rules and then explain the
Sugeno fuzzy rule base
system to solve the problem.
2 What is fuzzification? Explain Understand — CO 3
about the defuzzification to crisp
set with an example.
3 Explain the extension principle and Apply This would require the CO 4
min-max fuzzy relations in problem learner to recall the fuzzy
solving. relations and understand
the problem solving, then
solve the problem using
extension principle and
min-max fuzzy relations.
4 List the components of fuzzy logic Understand — CO 3
system. Explain each component in
5 Draw the typical membership Remember — CO 3
function to predict the values using
fuzzy relations.
6 Draw the mamdani fuzzy inference Apply This would require the CO 3
model using min-max operators to learner to recall the
convert a fuzzy set to a crisp set. inference system and
understand the min-max
operation to implement the
mamdani fuzzy inference
model using min-max
operator to convert fuzzy to
crisp set.
7 Explain the Sugeno fuzzy model Understand This would require the CO 3
with help of fuzzy and non-fuzzy learner to recall the concept
rules in membership function of fuzzy and non-fuzzy rules
creation. and then explain the Sugeno
fuzzy model to define rule
base system in membership
function creation.
Page 13
8 Explain the following components Remember — CO 3
of fuzzy logic system:
a) Fuzzification
c) Defuzzification
9 State the single input of fuzzy Apply This would require the CO 3
model and explain its function to learner to recall the concept
produce the crisp output. of single input fuzzy model
and understand the process
of crisp function to describe
the output.
10 What is partition in fuzzy inference Remember — CO 4
system and explain its types for
creating the fuzzy rules.
1 The results of three implication Understand This would require the CO 4
processes arc as shown in Gaussian, learner to recall the process
bell and trapezoidal membership of membership functions
function. Find the aggregated and then solve the
output and the defuzzified output aggregated and defuzzified
using the outputs.
1. Center of gravity
Page 14
3 Given the two Fuzzy proposition Understand This would require the CO 4
with associated truth value as Pe: learner to recall the
Mary is Efficient, T( Pe )= 0.8 propositional statements
e is Efficient, T( Q
e )=0.65 and then solve the fuzzy
Find Corresponding proposition proposition with associated
st)tement and associated Truth truth values.
value for following statements
(I) Pe
(II) Pe ∧Q
(III) Pe ∨Q
(IV) Pe⇒ Q
4 Exlan briefly about adaptive fuzzy Understand This would require the CO 3
system. learner to recall the fuzzy
system and then explain the
adaptive fuzzy system.
5 Name the principal design elements Understand This would require the CO 3
in a general fuzzy logic control learner to recall the fuzzy
system. logic and then explain the
principal design elements in
a general fuzzy logic control
6 List the features of fuzzy control Remember — CO 3
7 Expin the structure of a Fuzzy Understand This would require the CO 3
production rules system and Draw learner to recall the rule
with a neat diagram base system and then
explain the structure of
fuzzy rule system.
8 Draw the fuzzy logic control Apply This would require the CO 3
system and explain its features. learner to recall the fuzzy
logic and understand
concept of fuzzy control
system, then apply the
features of fuzzy control
9 Explain about the fuzzy relations. Remember — CO 3
10 Differentiate between classical sets Remember — CO 3
and fuzzy sets.
Page 15
11 List the types of fuzzy systems and Understand This would require the CO 3
explain how the rules are used for learner to recall the types of
problem solving? fuzzy systems and explain
the rules for problem
12 Compute the scalar and fuzzy Remember — CO 3
cardinality for the fuzzy set.
13 Demonstrate the fuzzy sets Apply This would require the CO 3
mapped into the universe of learner to recall the fuzzy
membership functions. sets and understand the
membership function, then
apply fuzzy sets mapped
into universe of membership
14 Explain fuzzy composition Apply This would require the CO 3
operation and Define the fuzzy learner to recall the fuzzy
rules. operation and understand
the fuzzy rules, then apply
the fuzzy composition
operation in build a fuzzy
15 Define fuzzy membership function Remember —-. CO 3
and explain different types of
membership functions of fuzzy
logic systems.
16 Draw and explain models of Neuro Understand This would require the CO 3
Fuzzy system. learner to recall the
structure of neural network
and then explain the models
of neuro fuzzy system.
17 Explain the design and control of Understand This would require the CO 3
membership function in fuzzy learner to recall the fuzzy
operations. operations and then explain
the control of fuzzy
membership functional
18 Write short notes on membership Understand This would require the CO 3
value assignment and decision learner to recall the
making system. membership function and
then explain the
membership value
assignment and decision
making system.
Page 16
19 Explain decision making using Remember — CO 3
fuzzy composition operations.
20 Explain about the development of Remember — CO 3
rule base and decision making
1 What is crisp set and give an Remember — CO 3
2 List the properties of fuzzy relation Understand This would require the CO 3
operations. learner to recall the fuzzy
sets and then classify the
properties of fuzzy relation
3 Explain with an example of fuzzy Understand This would require the CO 3
Cartesian product. learner to recall the
Cartesian product and then
explain fuzzy Cartesian
product with an example.
4 Explain the Basic Fuzzy set Understand This would require the CO 3
operation with suitable Example. learner to recall the set
operation and then explain
the basic fuzzy set operation
with an example.
5 Explain the Crips Relation with Remember — CO 3
suitable example.
6 Explain the various operations on Remember — CO 3
Crips relations.
7 Compare the fuzzy set and crisp Understand This would require the CO 6
set? learner to recall the sets and
then explain the difference
between fuzzy and crisp
8 List the types of fuzzy membership Remember — CO 3
9 Outline the membership model in Remember — CO 4
fuzzy system with an example.
10 What is union and intersection in Remember — CO 3
fuzzy operation?
11 Define Inference system and Understand This would require the CO 3
explain its functions to solve the learner to recall the problem
problems. solving system. Then
explain the inference system
functions on solving the
Page 17
12 Define and explain fuzzy rules with Remember — CO 4
13 Write the components of a fuzzy Remember — CO 3
logic system and explain.
14 Define the fuzzy approximation Remember — CO 6
15 Explain the steps involved in fuzzy Remember — CO 3
control system.
16 What is the purpose of knowledge Remember — CO 3
base module in fuzzy inference
17 List some of the applications of Understand This would require the CO 3
fuzzy control system. learner to recall the fuzzy
system and then explain the
applications of fuzzy control
18 Explain the fuzzy inference with Understand This would require the CO 3
suitable example. learner to recall the fuzzy
system and then explain the
fuzzy inference system with
suitable example.
19 Write the limitations of fuzzy Understand This would require the CO 3
inference system. learner to recall the
inference system and then
explain the limitations of
fuzzy inference system.
20 What are the rule based system Remember — CO 3
used to represent the fuzzy
1 state the force required to stabilize Understand This would require the CO 4
the ANFIS system using regression learner to recall the ANFIS
techniques to solve the problem. system model and then
explain the ANFIS using
regression techniques to
solve the problem.
2 How to generate MATLAB Understand This would require the CO 4
function from ANFIS GUI trained learner to recall the GUI
model? model and then outline the
creation of matlab function
from ANFIS GUI model.
Page 18
3 Design the framework of Apply This would require the CO 5
neuro-fuzzy model with multiple learner to recall the
inputs and outputs. operation of input and
output, then understand the
neuro fuzzy model and to
construct a framework of
neuro-fuzzy model with
multiple inputs and outputs.
4 Construct an ANFIS that is Apply This would require the CO 4
equivalent to a two-input two-rule learner to recall the
mamdani fuzzy model with min memdani fuzzy model and
max composition and centroid understand the centroid
defuzzification. Explain the defuzzification to construct
function user use to approximate the ANFIS model with
the centroid defuzzification. apply the min max
composition and centroid
5 Construct an ANFIS that is Understand This would require the CO 4
equivalent to a two-input two-rule learner to recall mamdani
mamdani fuzzy model with fuzzy model. Then design
sum-product composition and the ANFIS using
centroid defuzzification. sum-product composition
and centroid defuzzification.
6 Demonstrate the different premise Apply This would require the CO 5
and consequent parameters are learner to recall the ANFIS
there in ANFIS architecture model. Then understand
(imagine generalized bell function the membership function
is used for all the membership properties and show that
functions). the different premise and
consequent parameters are
there in ANFIS model.
7 Compare the architecture of Understand This would require the CO 5
CANFIS and RBFN in adaptive learner to recall the
system. adaptive system process and
then compare the CANFIS
and RBFN in adaptive
system learning.
8 Design aspects of neuron functions Apply This would require the CO 5
for adaptive networks with respect learner to recall the neural
to learning process. network concept, then
understand the adaptive
system and apply the
neuron functions for
adaptive system learning
Page 19
9 Design and explain in-detail about Apply This would require the CO 4
the analysis of adaptive learning learner to recall the
capabilities. adaptive system then
understand the learning
rules for design the analysis
of adaptive learning
10 Explain the advanced concepts of Understand This would require the CO 4
neuro fuzzy modeling. learner to recall the neuro
fuzzy system. Then explain
the advanced neuro fuzzy
modeling approaches and
1 Explain Architecture of Neuro Understand This would require the CO 5
Fuzzy system. learner to recall the concept
of neural network and fuzzy
logic operation and then
explain the architecture of
neuro fuzzy system.
2 Write the Differences between Remember —- CO 5
fuzzy systems and neural network.
3 Explain ANFIS. Understand This would require the CO 5
learner to recall the
inference system operation.
Then explain the ANFIS
operation on problem
4 Outline the framework of CANFIS Understand This would require the CO 5
connection with RBFN and MLP. learner to recall fuzzy and
neural network operation
and then outline the
CANFIS with RBFN and
5 Explain the neuron functions for Understand This would require the CO 5
adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy system. learner to recall the
operation of neuro function.
Then convert the T flip-flop
into SR flip-flop using
excitation tables and
characteristic tables.
Page 20
6 Explain about the linear and Understand This would require the CO 4
non-linear rules for ANFIS model learner to recall ANFIS
with an example. operation. Then explain the
linear and non-linear rules
for ANFIS model with an
7 Explain the classification problem Understand This would require the CO 5
for optimizing the output rules learner to recall the ANFIS
using ANFIS model with an operation. Then explain the
example. classification problem for
optimization of output rules
using ANFIS model with an
8 Write short notes on Neuro-Genetic Remember — CO 5
hybrid Systems.
9 Demonstrate the reproduction Understand This would require the CO 5
process in ANFIS model. learner to recall the ANFIS
operation and understand
the reproduction process in
ANFIS model.
10 Explain RBFN in neuro-fuzzy Understand This would require the CO 5
controller for solving the problem. learner to recall the
neuro-fuzzy controller and
understand the RBFN in
neuro fuzzy controller for
problem solving.
11 Explain Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Apply This would require the CO 5
Inference Systems for problem learner to recall the problem
solving. solving and then explain the
inference system with apply
the neuro fuzzy technique.
12 Explain Neuro-Genetic hybrid Understand This would require the CO 5
Systems. learner to recall the neural
network concept and then
explain the neuro-genetic
hybrid system.
13 Describe in detail about Evolving Understand This would require the CO 5
Connectionist model. learner to recall the
computing operation and
then explain the evolving
connectionist model.
Page 21
14 Expplain the usages of neural Apply This would require the CO 4
network operation in inference learner to recall the
system to process the input data prediction process, then
prediction. understand the neural
network and apply the
inference operation to
optimize the input data.
15 Explain the hybrid learning Understand This would require the CO 4
algorithm. learner to recall the learning
process and then explain the
hybrid learning algorithm.
16 Write short notes on universal Understand This would require the CO 5
approximation in inference system. learner to recall the
inference system operation
and then explain the
universal approximation in
inference system.
17 Design and implement the Apply This would require the CO 4
modeling of three-input non-linear learner to recall the
function for approximate the approximation process, then
solution. understand the non-linear
function and implement the
modeling of three-input
non-linear function to
approximate the solution.
18 Explain the model of online Understand This would require the CO 4
identification process of control learner to recall the online
system. identification process and
then explain the model of
online identification in
control system.
19 Use the learning methods of cross Apply This would require the CO 4
fertilize ANFIS and RBFN to learner to recall the process
approximate the solution. of learning methods, then
understand the
approximation solution and
apply the cross fertilize
20 Explain the model of linear and Understand This would require the CO 4
non-linear approximation of input learner to recall the input
data analysis. data process in neural
network and then explain
its linear and non-linear
Page 22
1 What is the need for adaptive Remember —– CO 4
fuzzy system?
2 Write and explain applications of Understand This would require the CO 5
Neuro Fuzzy System. learner to recall concept of
neuro fuzzy system and
then explain applications of
neuro fuzzy system.
3 Define Neuro Fuzzy Networks. Remember —- CO 5
4 Differentiate between fuzzy Remember —- CO 5
preposition and crisp proposition.
5 Explain Architecture of Neuro Remember —- CO 5
Fuzzy system.
6 Describee in detail about Remember —- CO 4
neuro-fuzzy controller.
7 Draw and explain models of Neuro Understand This would require the CO 4
Fuzzy System. learner to recall the neural
and fuzzy concept operation
and draw the model of
neuro fuzzy system.
8 List down and the characteristics of Understand This would require the CO 5
fuzzy logic and neural network. learner to recall the fuzzy
logic and neural network
concepts and then explain
the characteristics of it.
9 Define CANFIS. Remember —- CO 4
10 Write the difference between Remember —- CO 4
ANFIS and CANFIS models.
11 List out the importance of the Understand This would require the CO 5
neuro-fuzzy controller for solving learner to recall the neuro
the problems. fuzzy operation and then
explain its controller
importance for problem
12 Explain Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Understand This would require the CO 4
Inference Systems. learner to recall the neuro
fuzzy operation and then
understand the ANFIS.
Page 23
13 Explain cross over process in Understand This would require the CO 4
neuro-fuzzy system. learner to recall the
operation of full subtractor
its truth table and
understand the Full
Subtractor using NAND
14 Explain in detail how to use Understand This would require the CO 4
ANFIS as a classifier? learner to recall the ANFIS
operation and understand
the use of ANFIS as a
15 How to generate multiple output Remember —- CO 5
for ANFIS?
16 What is the best prediction Understand This would require the CO 5
analysis of learning rules using learner to recall the ANFIS
Matlab script software for and neuro fuzzy operation
Neuro-fuzzy and ANFIS? and understand the
prediction analysis of
learning rules using matlab
17 Explain in detail How to train Understand This would require the CO 5
ANFIS including linguistic inputs? learner to recall the ANFIS
operation and then
understand the train ANFIS
with linguistic inputs.
18 Descriibee the functiionality of Understand This would require the CO 5
How to train ANFIS after editing learner to recall the ANFIS
the rules and MF? model and then explain the
editing the rules and
membership function using
ANFIS model.
19 Define Fuzzy logics in neural Remember —– CO 5
network analysis.
20 Draw and explain models of Neuro Understand This would require the CO 5
Fuzzy System. learner to recall the concept
of neuro fuzzy and then
asynchronous latch and find
the differences between
Page 24
1 Explain printed character Understand This would require the CO 6
recognition using nearest-neighbor learner to recall the
classification technique classification. Then explain
the character recognition
using nearest-neighbor
classification technique.
2 Explain in detail about indirect Understand This would require the CO 6
kinematics of a two joint planar learner to recall the indirect
robot arm. operation and then explain
with it kinematics of two
joint planar robot arm.
3 Explain the logic of applying Understand This would require the CO 4
ANFIS to MPG prediction. learner to recall the ANFIS
operation and then explain
the process of ANFIS to
MPG prediction.
4 Explain in detail about Understand This would require the CO 1
evolutionary computing. learner to recall the
computing operations and
then explain the
evolutionary computing.
5 Describe any three commercial Understand —– CO 1
software used for soft computing
6 How will you apply NN to Understand This would require the CO 1
following speech applications learner to recall the NN
concept. Then explain the
1. Net Talk speech application of its.
2. Phonic Typewriter
Page 25
9 Discuss briefly applications of soft Understand This would require the CO 1
computing. learner to recall the
computing operations and
then understand the
applications of soft
10 Discuss linear system and a Understand This would require the CO 1
nonlinear system. learner to recall the types of
NN operations and then
understand the linear and
non-linear systems in neural
1 Explain in detail about printed Understand This would require the CO 1
character recognition. learner to recall the concept
of synchronous conversion
and the design procedure of
combinational logic circuits.
Then can explain the design
of code converters by taking
an example.
2 Demonstrate inverse kinematics Understand This would require the CO 6
problems learner to recall the basic
structure and operation of
shift register. Then can
explain the operation in
serial transfer mode also its
3 Demonstrate automobile fuel Understand This would require the CO 6
efficiency prediction learner to recall the concept
of asynchronous counter and
mod counter. Then explain
the operation of binary
ripple counter.
4 Explain input-output relation in Remember —- CO 5
typical color recipe prediction
5 Discuss in detail about color recipe Understand —- CO6
6 Explain in detail about single MLP Understand —- CO 6
7 Discuss applications of evolutionary Understand — CO 1
computing in image processing
Page 26
8 Explain in detail the applications Understand This would require the CO 1
of evolutionary computing in learner to recall the design
computer vision procedure of ripple counter.
Then with the help of design
procedure and understand
the decade counter which
can count 10 pulses.
9 Explain the role of soft computing Understand This would require the CO 1
in mobile ad-hoc networks learner to recall the
operation of Ring and
Twisted Ring counter also
the design procedure of
synchronous counter. Then
with the help of design
procedure and understand
the Ring counter and
discuss the differences
between Ring and Twisted
Ring counter.
10 Describe soft computing in Understand — CO 6
information retrieval
11 Describe soft computing in Understand This would require the CO 6
semantic web learner to recall the logic
diagram and characteristic
table of RS and JK flip-flop.
Then with the help of truth
table and explain the
characteristic equation of
RS and JK flip-flop using
12 Discuss soft computing in software Understand This would require the CO 6
engineering. learner to recall the logic
circuit and operation of
Master slave JK flip-flop.
Then explain how the race
around condition is
eliminated in Master slave
13 Describe soft computing techniques Understand This would require the CO 6
on software engineering research learner to recall the logic
diagram and characteristic
table of D and T flip-flop.
and understand the
characteristic equation of D
and T flip-flop.
Page 27
14 Explain components of the Understand This would require the CO 6
Semantic Web (like the RDF, learner to recall the
Description Logics) can be covered operation of T flip-flop
with a soft computing understand the design
procedure of synchronous
counter, to construct a BCD
up synchronous counter
using T flip-flops.
15 Describe the application of soft Understand This would require the CO 6
computing techniques that can be learner to recall the logic
helpful to obtain greater flexibility diagram and understand
in information retrival system characteristic table of D and
SR flip-flop to develop the
transition tables which can
be used in conversion of
16 Describe the Soft computing Understand This would require the CO 6
techniques like Genetic Algorithm, learner to recall the concept
Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks are of shift register. Then
employed in Manets in every area explain the operation of
of research. 4-bit shift register in SISO
and PIPO modes with the
help of logic and timing
17 Discuss applying fuzzy logic to Understand This would require the CO 6
image processing learner to recall the
operation of T flip-flop and
understand the design
procedure of asynchronous
counter to construct a
Modulo-11ripple up counter
using T flip-flops.
18 Describe in detail about Understand This would require the CO 6
evolutionary computing learner to recall the concept
of shift register. Then
explain the operation of
4-bit shift register in SIPO
mode with the help of truth
table and logic circuit.
Page 28
19 Explain direct kinematics of a two Understand
This would require the CO 6
joint planar robort arm. learner to recall the concept
of universal shift register.
Then explain its operation
in different modes with the
help of truth table and logic
20 Explain in detail about types of Understand This would require the CO 6
MLP’s. learner to recall the concept
of serial shift register. Then
explain how it can be
converted into a ring
counter and Johnson
1 What is nearest-neighbor Remember —- CO 1
2 Define is case based reasoning Remember —- CO1
3 Define printed character Remember —- CO 1
4 What to use to model inverse Remember —- CO 5
kinematics problems
5 What is forward kinematics Remember —- CO 5
6 Define unreachable workspace Remember —- CO 1
7 Define automobile fuel efficiency Remember —- CO 5
8 What are the two problems of Remember —- CO 5
MPG predictions
9 What is data scarcity Remember —- CO 5
10 Define input space partitioning Remember — CO 1
11 What is ANFIS Remember — CO 4
12 What is computational intelligence Remember — CO 1
13 What is the practical application of Remember — CO 5
soft computing in paint industry
14 Define color recipe prediction. Understand This would require the CO 5
learner to recall the logic
circuit and truth table of
SR-latch using NAND
gates. Then explain the
operation SR-latch for
various combinations of S
and R inputs.
Page 29
15 List types of MLP’s Remember — CO 5
16 What is NNnorm Remember — CO 5
17 What is NNmod Remember — CO 5
18 What is role of soft computing Remember — CO 1
techniques in real world?
19 What is the purpose of semantic Remember — CO 1
20 What is the role of soft computing Remember — CO 1
in mobile networks?
Page 30