Adobe Scan 06 Jan 2025 (5)

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Bapuji Educational Association

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagcrc-577 004

Department of Electronics &Communication Engineering
Test No-02
Course Title Multimedia Communication Course Code 21EC745
Course Instructor Dr. Pavankumar D, Swetha B Semester VIIA& B
Test No. 02 Max. Marks 40
28-11-2024 Time 8.00AM-9.30AM

Course Outcome Statements : After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand basics of diferent multimedia networks and applications.
CO2 Understand different compression techniques to compress audio and video.
CO3 Describe multimedia Communication across Networks.
cO4 Analyse different mediatypes to represent them in digital form.
COS Compress different types of text and images using different compression techniques.

Note: Answer any one full question from each Part

Marks CO
Question Level
Part A
la) Explain the principle of operation of a PCM Codec, with a neat block diagram 2 4
and also explain the compressor and decompressor.
b) Derive the time to transmit the following digital images at both 64Kbps and
|1.5Mbps. 10 3 4
)A640X480X8 VGA- compatible image.
i) A
1024X768X24 SVGA-compatible image.
|2a) With the help ofa diagram, Explain how the digital image produced by a
scanner or digital camera is captured and stored within the memory of a 10 2 4

b) Witha neat block diagram, Explain Raster scan display architecture.
10 2 4

Part B
A message and its probability of occurrence of each character is as follows
3)a Aand B-0.25, Cand D= 0.14, E,F,G and H-0.055.character using Shannon's
i)Obtain the minimum average number of bits per 10 3 5
|ii) Construct Huffman code tree and derive a code word set.
b) Explain JPEG Encoder schematic with neat block diagram. 10 2

4a) Explain the following ternms related to compression: 2
i) Lossless and lossy compression
ii) Run length encoding
b) b) Explain Graphical Interchange Format and Tagged Image File Format. 10 2

RBT (Revised Bloom's Taxonomy) Levels : Cognitive Domain

LI :Remembering L2: Understanding L3: Applying
L4: Analyzing L5: Evaluating L6: Creating

Program Coordinatór
Course Instructor CourséCoordinator

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