Codex: Tyranids: WARHAMMER 40,000

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Official Update Version 1.1

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Page 116
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Change the first sentence to read:
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect ‘In this section you’ll find rules for Battle-forged armies
amendments to the rules and present our responses to that include Tyranids Detachments.’
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated
regularly, each has a version number; when changes Add the following section before ‘Abilities’:
are made, the version number will be updated, and any ‘Tyranids Units
changes from the previous version will be highlighted In the rules described in this section we often refer to
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, ‘Tyranids units’. This is shorthand for any Tyranids
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in unit that also has the <Hive Fleet> keyword. A Tyranids
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other Detachment is therefore one which only includes units
minor correction. with both the Tyranids and <Hive Fleet> keyword.

ERRATA Note that although Genestealer Cults are devoted to

Page 101 – Biovores, Spore Mine Launcher the Hive Mind and will willingly fight alongside their
Change the first sentence of the second paragraph xenos masters, they deviate significantly in terms of
to read: organisation and tactics, not to mention physiology!
‘Each time a spore mine launcher misses its target, set Genestealer Cults units therefore cannot make use of
up a single <Hive Fleet> Spore Mine model anywhere any of the rules listed in this section (this includes the
within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any Detachment abilities, Stratagems, bio-artefacts, psychic
enemy model (if the Spore Mine cannot be placed it powers, Warlord Traits and Tactical Objectives described
is destroyed).’ in this section), and instead have their own rules.’

Page 109 – Harpy, Spore Mine Cysts Page 117 – Jormungandr: Tunnel Networks
Change the first sentence of the second paragraph Change the second sentence to read:
to read: ‘If the unit Advances or declares a charge, however, it
‘Each time a Spore Mine misses its target, set up a single loses the benefit of this adaptation until the start of your
<Hive Fleet> Spore Mine anywhere within 6" of the next Movement phase.’
target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if
the Spore Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed).’ Page 119 – Sporefield
Change the first sentence of rules text to read:
Page 110 – Sporocyst, Spawn Spore Mines ‘Use this Stratagem after both armies have deployed but
Change the second sentence to read: before the first battle round begins.’
‘If it does so, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Spore
Mines or 1 <Hive Fleet> Mucolid Spore to your army Pages 119 and 120 – Sporefield and Call the Brood
and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within Add the following sentence:
6" of the Sporocyst and more than 1" from the enemy ‘This unit must belong to the same Hive Fleet as another
(any models that cannot be placed are destroyed).’ unit from your army.’

Page 110 – Sporocyst, Spore Node Page 119 – Pheromone Trail

Change the first sentence of the second paragraph Add the following sentence:
to read: ‘You cannot use this Stratagem to affect a unit of
‘Each time a spore node attack misses its target, add a reinforcements being set up by the Genestealer’s
new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Spore Mines or 1 <Hive Infestation ability, or that are added to your army due to
Fleet> Mucolid Spore to your army and set it up on the a unit’s ability.’
battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the target unit
and more than 3" from any enemy model (any models
that cannot be placed are destroyed).’


Page 120 – The Enemy Below Q: How many heavy venom cannons and stranglethorn
Change the third sentence to read: cannons can a model be armed with?
‘Whenever you set up a unit of Raveners, a Mawloc, A: A model can be armed with either one heavy venom
Trygon or a Trygon Prime at the end of your cannon or one stranglethorn cannon, not one of each.
Movement phase (a burrowing unit), you can also set up
any number of units you set up within the tunnels.’ Q: Can a Broodlord use the Genestealers’ Infestation ability to
be set up during the battle near an infestation node?
Page 120 – Hyper-toxicity A: No.
Change the first sentence to read:
‘Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase.’ Q: If you use a Maleceptor’s Psychic Overload ability, can that
Maleceptor attempt to manifest any psychic powers in that
Page 124 – Alien Cunning Psychic phase?
Change the first sentence of rules text to read: A: No.
‘At the start of the first battle round, but before the first
turn begins, you can remove your Warlord from the Q: If a model has more than one pair of scything/monstrous
battlefield and set them up again as described in the scything/massive scything talons, does it make 1 additional
Deployment section of the mission you are playing.’ attack with one of those pairs, or 1 additional attack with each
of those pairs?
FAQs A: 1 additional attack with one of those pairs.
Q: When a unit is set up in a locale other than the battlefield,
can they change that locale (other than to be set up on the Q: If a model has more than one ‘pair’ of boneswords, does
battlefield)? For example, if a unit is set up ‘within the tunnels’ it make 1 additional attack with one of those pairs, or 1
as part of The Enemy Below, must they be set up on the additional attack with each of those pairs?
battlefield following that Stratagem, or can they be set up in A: 1 additional attack with one of those pairs.
another fashion?
A: They cannot change their locale. In the example, Q: Do Hive Fleet Jormungandr units gain the cover bonus twice
they can only be set up on the battlefield following the if they are in ruins?
conditions of The Enemy Below. A: No.

Q: When a unit is chosen to make a charge move and fails the Q: Does the Psychic Barrage Stratagem prevent all three units
charge, do they still count as having charged? Specifically, can of Zoanthropes from attempting to manifest psychic powers
a unit that has failed a charge move be chosen to pile in – and that turn?
potentially consolidate – towards the enemy? A: Yes.
A: A unit only counts as having charged if they made a
charge move. If a charge fails, and no models make a Q: If a Genestealer, Lictor, Toxicrene or Venomthrope
charge move, they do not count as having charged. As from my army attacks an enemy Character in the Fight
such, they cannot be chosen to fight in the Fight phase phase, reducing it to 1 wound, and I use the Implant Attack
(and so cannot pile in or consolidate) unless an enemy Stratagem to kill that character, can I then use the Feeder
unit moves within 1" of them. Tendrils Stratagem?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a unit ever Advance twice in a single phase?
A: No. Q: If I use the Metabolic Overdrive Stratagem on a unit in the
Movement phase, and then Onslaught on the same unit in the
Q: If a unit has Advanced in a phase, and is given the Psychic phase, can that unit charge?
opportunity to move again in the same phase, what is their A: No.
Move characteristic?
A: Their Move characteristic for the second move would Q: Do you pay reinforcement points in matched play for Spore
still be the value as modified from the Advance. Mines brought into the game using the Sporefield Stratagem?
A: Yes.
For example, if a unit with a Move characteristic of 5"
Advances in a Movement phase, and the result of the Q: If my opponent has units that are set up after both armies
dice rolled for the Advance is 4, its Move characteristic have deployed, when do I use the Sporefield Stratagem – before
would be modified for that phase to 9". As such, if it was or after those units are set up? If before, how do you determine
given the opportunity to move again in that phase, its who would place their units first?
Move characteristic would still be 9". A: You use the Stratagem before any such units are set
up. If both players then have units with abilities that
Q: If a new unit is added to an army – for example as a result allow them to be set up after both armies have deployed,
of the Sporefield or Call the Brood Stratagems – is it part of the players should roll off and the winner decides who
a Detachment? sets up their units first.
A: No.


Q: When using the Pheromone Trail Stratagem, can you bring
the Lictor onto the battlefield in the same turn as the unit that it
acts as a homing beacon for?
A: Yes – simply bring the Lictor onto the battlefield
before the other unit.

Q: If a Character with a damage table uses the Death Frenzy

Stratagem to make a final attack before it is removed from the
battlefield, which line on its damage table should you use for
that attack?
A: Treat the character as having 1 wound remaining
when referring to its damage table.

Q: Do you pay reinforcement points in matched play

for units brought back into the game using the Endless
Swarm Stratagem?
A: Yes.

Q: Can the Opportunistic Advance Stratagem be used when a

unit is affected by the Swarmlord’s Hive Commander ability, the
Overrun Stratagem, or the Mind Eater Warlord Trait?
A: Yes in all cases. Please note the FAQ above regarding
moving multiple times in a single phase.

Q: If a unit with adrenal glands is affected by the Opportunistic

Advance Stratagem, how is their movement for that
phase calculated?
A: Adrenal glands don’t modify either the Movement
characteristic of a unit, or the dice rolled for an
Advancing unit. As such, you would use Opportunistic
Advance, roll the dice, double the result, add that to
the Movement characteristic, and then use the adrenal
glands to add 1" to the distance the unit can move.

Q: If a unit is under the effects of the Paroxysm psychic power,

can the Counter-Offensive Stratagem be used on it?
A: No, because it is not ‘eligible’ to Fight until every
other unit has done so.

Q: Do the Scythes of Tyran allow you to re-roll hit rolls of 1?

A: No.

Q: My Behemoth Hive Tyrant, armed with toxin sacs and the

Reaper of Obliterax, has the Monstrous Hunger Warlord Trait.
If I were to roll a 6 to wound in the Fight phase, would the final
damage be (3 for the bonesword lash + 1 for toxin sacs + 1 for
the Warlord Trait) × 2 for the Reaper of Obliterax’s ability for
a total of 10, or 3 for the bonesword lash × 2 for the Reaper of
Obliterax’s ability + 1 for toxin sacs + 1 for the Warlord Trait
for a total of 8?
A: You multiply the weapon damage for the Reaper of
Obliterax ability, and then add 2 for the combination of
Monstrous Hunger and toxin sacs for a total of 8.


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