Warhammer 40,000 Codex:: Errata Amendments

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Official Update Version 1.2
Although we strive to ensure that our codexes are Page 101 – Warbikers.
perfect, sometimes mistakes do creep in. In addition, The wargear should be changed as follows:
we occasionally print new versions of our rules, which • Choppa
require amendments to be made in older versions of • Slugga
our army books. When such issues arise, we feel that it • Warbike
is important to deal with them as promptly as we can, • Twin-linked Dakkagun
and we therefore produce regular updates for all of
our army books. When changes are made, the version Page 101 – Warbikers.
number will be updated, and any changes from the The Warbiker Nob’s profile should be changed as
previous version will be highlighted in Magenta. Where follows:
a version number has a letter, E.g. 1.1a, this means it WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify 4 2 4 4(5) 2 3 3 7 4+
a translation issue or other minor correction.
Page 103 – Big Gunz.
Each update is split into three sections: Errata, The Runtherd’s profile will be changed as follows:
Amendments, and ‘Frequently Asked Questions’. The WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Errata corrects any mistakes in the codex, while the 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Amendments bring the codex up to date with the latest
version of the rules. The Frequently Asked Questions Page 103 – Looted Wagon, page reference
(or ‘FAQ’) section answers commonly asked questions Change to “Page 54”
about the rules. Although you can mark corrections
directly in your codex, this is by no means necessary – Page 104 – Dakkaguns.
just keep a copy of the update with your codex. The Dakkagun’s profile will be changed as follows:
Range Strength AP Type Page
ERRATA 18” 5 5 Assault 3 46
Page 47 – Stormboyz, Special Rules.
The ‘Waaagh!’ special rule should be deleted. AMENDMENTS
Page 31 – Waaagh!, first paragraph
Page 48 – Deffkoptas, Special Rules. Change the second and third sentences to “Once per
The ‘Waaagh!’ special rule should be deleted. game, the Ork player can declare a Waaagh! at the
start of his Shooting phase. This may not normally be
Page 50 and 100 – Runtherds. declared on the first game turn as a proper Waaagh!
The special rules ‘Waaagh!’ and ‘Mob Rule’ should be needs some momentum behind it.”
Page 31 – Waaagh!, second paragraph
Page 60 and 96 – Wazdakka, Special Rules. Change the first sentence to “If a unit rolls a 1 for its
The ‘Waaagh!’ special rule should be deleted. Run distance on the turn the Waaagh! was declared,
the Orks start fighting before they get to the enemy.”
Page 96 – Wazdakka Gutsmek, Wargear
Add Page 58 – Prophet of the Waaagh!, first paragraph
“• Dakkacannon” Change the second sentence to “Ghazghkull’s Waaagh!
can be summoned at any time, but only once per game,
and not on the first game turn.”


Page 58 – Prophet of the Waaagh!, third paragraph Q. Does a Weirdboy embarked on a vehicle still roll for
Change the first sentence to “Furthermore, for the his powers? If so, can you clarify what happens in all
duration of the Waaagh! all Ork infantry units have the cases? (p37)
Fleet of Foot special rule and automatically count as A. He still rolls for his powers and the effects are as
rolling a 6 for their Run distance.” follows:
•‘Eadbanger: Causes a Strength 6 hit on the vehicle’s
FAQs rear armour.
Q. Are saves allowed against Wounds caused by rolling •Frazzle: Fired from the vehicle following the normal
a ‘1’ for the ‘Waaagh!’ Fleet roll? Or by a bosspole’s re- rules for passengers firing.
roll? (p31) •Zzap: Fired from the vehicle following the normal
A. Armour and invulnerable saves are allowed. These rules for passengers firing.
are just the same as Wounds suffered in close combat •Warpath: Applies as normal to the embarked unit.
from a normal weapon (actually, a big green fist…). •‘Ere we go: Applies as normal to the embarked unit.
No effect on the vehicle.
Q. Can a Weirdboy’s Leadership be increased to more •Waaagh! Applies as normal.
than 10 by the Mob Rule? (p31)
A. No, it can be increased, but only up to a maximum Q: If I roll a Kaboom! result on the Ramshackle table, is
of 10. the Trukk removed and replaced with a similar sized
area of difficult terrain after any surviving passengers
Q: What cover save does kustom force field give to a have disembarked? (p41)
vehicle within 6" of it? (p35) A: Yes.
A: 4+. Note that for a squadron of vehicles only those
within 6” of the custom force filed will count as Q. If a Trukk suffers a ‘Kareen!’ result, what happens if
obscured. the random movement forces it into friendly models or
off the table? (p41)
Q. If a shokk attack gun suffers an “Oops” result, does A. The vehicle stops as soon as it comes into contact
the opponent get to place the blast marker or just with friendly models or the table’s edge.
choose the target unit? (p35)
A. The opposing player gets to actually place the Q. Can a unit of Tankbustas that start a turn within line
marker over the target unit of their choice. of sight and/or charge range of a vehicle, move out of
line of sight and/or assault range in the Movement
Q. If a shokk attack gun suffers a “Gah” result, is the phase in order to avoid firing or charging the vehicle?
nearest unit targeted even if they are out of range or (p42)
line of sight, fighting in close combat, etc? (p35) A. Tankbustas are free to move as they please in the
A. Yes, the nearest unit is targeted no matter what. Movement phase. They are only bound by the ‘Glory
Hog’ rule when shooting and during the Assault phase.
Q. If a Mek enters combat due to a “Zoink” result, does
the enemy unit immediately count as being locked in Q: Can a unit of Tankbustas choose to Run in the
combat (i.e. no other Ork units may fire at them)? (p35) Shooting phase if there is a vehicle in line of sight but
A. Yes, the unit and the Mek are immediately locked in out of range of their weapons? (p42)
combat. A: No.

Q. Are models that are immune to instant death (such Q. If Tankbustas are obviously in assault range of an
as those with Eternal Warrior) removed from the table enemy unit that is not a vehicle (e.g. within 1"), but
when hit by a shokk attack gun that rolls a “Raargh” there is a vehicle obviously out of assault range (e.g.
result? (p35) more than 24" away), can the Tankbustas assault the
A. Yes, unless they are gargantuan creatures or super- non-vehicle unit? (p42)
heavy vehicles (see the Apocalypse book). A. No, they must still attempt to assault the vehicle and
will therefore not move in that Assault phase.
Q. Which Weirdboy psychic power is a psychic shooting
attack? (p37)
A. Frazzle and Zzap (though they include a few
exceptions to the normal shooting rules, as specified in
their description).


Q. Can a Tankbusta unit release its Bomb Squigs first and Q. If a Zzap Gun is mounted on a vehicle, is it a normal
then shoot later in the Shooting phase? Do they have to or defensive weapon, and what happens if more than
target an enemy unit that is attacked by a Bomb Squig? ‘10’ is rolled for Strength? (p51)
Do they then have to assault that vehicle? (p42) A. Zzap Guns are never counted as defensive weapons,
A. Releasing Bomb Squigs is done at the same time as regardless of the Strength they are actually fired at
the unit’s regular shooting. The target of released that turn. If the Strength roll is more than ‘10’ there
Squigs do not affect the mob’s target for shooting and are no negative effects.
Q: Does a Zzap Gun hit automatically? (p51)
Q. Can a Bomb Squig still be released if the unit is A: No, the reference to it hitting automatically in the
pinned or locked in combat? What if it is embarked on main rulebook is from a previous codex and should be
a vehicle? (p42) ignored.
A. Squigs may not be released if the unit is not allowed
to shoot that turn. If the unit is embarked in a vehicle, Q. If a Looted Wagon rolls a ‘1’ for “Don’t Press Dat”
they can be released as long as the releasing model what happens if the forced movement takes them into
would have been able to fire a normal weapon. This friendly models, impassable terrain or off the table?
follows the normal rules for passengers shooting from (p54)
vehicles. A. The vehicle stops as soon as it comes into contact
with friendly models, impassable terrain or the table’s
Q. Do Bomb Squigs require line of sight and can they edge.
move through impassable terrain? Where is their range
measured from? (p42) Q. If a Looted Wagon rolls a ‘1’ for “Don’t Press Dat”,
A. No line of sight is required and they move freely but is unable to complete its move (or even to move at
regardless of any impediments. Range is measured all) because it is blocked by something it cannot move
from whichever model in the unit is declared to be through (friendly models, etc), does it still count as
releasing the Squig (or, in the case of embarked having moved for the purposes of shooting? (p54)
Tankbustas, from the vehicle if open-topped, or from a A. Yes, regardless of how far it actually moves, the
fire point if not open-topped). Wagon always counts as having moved at full speed.

Q: Do you resolve a bigbomm attack at the end of the Q. How are the boomgun and other weapons mounted
Deffkoptas move? (p48) on a Looted Wagon? (p54)
A: Yes. A. Players are free to mount the weapons on their
converted or scratch-built models however they see fit
Q: Does the Ork’s Ballistic Skill reduce the distance a (i.e. in a turret, sponson, hull or otherwise), as long as
bigbomm scatters? (p48) this is absolutely clear by looking at the model.
A: No.
Q. Does a unit that successfully stops a deff rolla-
Q: Does a bigbomm count as a barrage weapon for equipped Battlewagon’s Tank Shock suffer any hits?
working out the targets cover save? (p48) (p55)
A: Yes. A. Yes, it does. In fact, it suffers 2D6 S10 hits!

Q. Does each Zzap Gun roll separately for Strength or Q. Can a deff rolla affect more than one enemy unit
just once for the whole battery (i.e. unit)? If the result with a single Tank Shock move? (p55)
is above ‘10’, is only a single crewman in the battery A. Yes, all of the units Tank Shocked are affected by the
removed or one per gun? (p51) Deff Rolla (roll separately for each unit).
A. One roll is made for the entire battery. If the result is
above ‘10’, a single crewman is removed from the Q. Can you use the deff rolla when Ramming vehicles
whole battery. or does it only work when Tank Shocking non-vehicle
units? (p55)
Q. Is the roll for a Zzap Gun’s Strength made before or A. The death rolla does indeed inflict D6 S10 hits
after the target unit is chosen? (p51) against vehicles, as Ramming is just a type of Tank
A. The roll is made after choosing a target unit, but Shock.
before rolling to hit.


Q: Is a deff rolla a weapon that can be destroyed by a Q: Does a Warboss with an attack squig get the bonus
Weapon Destroyed result on the damage table? (p55) attack even if he is armed with a power klaw? (p92)
A: No. A: Yes as an attack squig isn’t a weapon.

Q. Can Grotsnik board a vehicle if doing so will get him Q: Can an Ork that is attacking an enemy vehicle by
closer to the nearest enemy than if he moved using a boarding plank do so even if his unit fired at a
normally? (p59) different target in the Shooting phase? (p93)
A. In the spirit of the rule, if embarking in a vehicle will A: Yes.
not prevent him from charging that turn and will also
get him closer to the nearest enemy than moving Q: Is a wreckin’ ball attack a close combat attack and as
normally that turn, he may do that. Once aboard, the such resolved against a vehicles rear armout value?
vehicle must always move in such a way as to move as (p93)
fast as possible towards the closest enemy and allow A: No, it will be resolved against whichever arc the
Grotsnik to disembark and charge the closest enemy as attacking vehicle in is.
soon as possible.
Q: Are wreckin’ balls weapons when working out what
Q. How many units in an army with Mad Dok Grotsnik can be destroyed by a weapon destroyed result? (p93)
can be upgraded to have cybork bodies? Are there any A: No.
restrictions (apart from non-vehicle) or can it even be
Gretchin or Independent Characters? (p59) Q: Can a Walker attack back against an Ork attacking
A. Any number of units can be upgraded. This includes him from a boarding plank? (p93)
Gretchin (Super-Gretchin! Cool conversions, but a bit A: No.
expensive at 8 pts per model!) and Independent
Characters (except for unique characters), effectively Q: Can a Painboy in a unit of Nobs take the ‘eavy
giving them a 5 pt discount on the cybork body armour, bosspole, Waaagh! Banner or ammo runt
upgrade. upgrades? (p98)
A: No.
Q: Does Old Zogwort always wound on a 2+ regardless
of what weapon he is using? (p61) Q: Several units have the option to include a named
A: Yes, even if his warphead power manifests as a character as a boss, are they added to the unit or, like a
power weapon. nob, do they replace one of the existing boyz? (p99-
Q: Can the Zogwort’s Curse psychic power be used if A: They are added to the unit.
Old Zogwort is locked in combatand can it target a
model that is locked in combat? (p61) Q. If a Boyz mob exchange sluggas and choppas with
A: Yes to both questions. shootas, can a Nob take a power klaw or a big choppa?
Q: If an Independent Character on a warbike joins A. You may upgrade the Nob to have a big choppa or
Snikrot’s unit before the game starts, can they still turn power klaw before you choose to upgrade the mob to
up using the Ambush special rule? (p62) have shootas, in which case the Nob is not affected by
A: Yes. the mob’s weapon swap (as he no longer has a choppa
to swap), does not receive a shoota and keeps his
Q: Can Snikrot and his unit use his Ambush special rule slugga and power klaw/big choppa instead. He is a lot
to move on from reserve from any table edge, if they happier that way!
are embarked upon a vehicle? (p62)
A: No. Q: Must a unit of Grots only have one Runtherd for
each full 10 Grots? Does this mean that they cannot
Q: Do casualties caused by Boss Zagstruk’s Swoop have additional Runtherds? (p100)
Attack special rule count towards combat resolution? A: Yes, so a unit of 19 Grots will have a single Runtherd
(p63) whilst a unit of 20 Grots will have two Runtherds.
A: Yes.

Q: If I use an ammo runt when firing a Lobba, do I re-

roll the scatter dice and the D6? (p92)
A: Yes.


Q. A big gun for the Battlewagon says that it “does not
include crew”. What does this mean? (p102)
A. It means that you don’t get any additional Gretchin
models along with the gun, and therefore the gun
simply counts as one of the vehicle’s weapons (BS2!).

Q. How many Attacks does a Deff Dread armed with

three or four close combat weapons have? (p102)
A. A Deff Dread with three close combat weapons had
4 Attacks, whilst a Deff Dread with four of them has 5

Q. If a Flash Gitz mob includes a Painboy and/or Kaptin

Badrukk, and it selects any of the weapon upgrades,
does the player have to pay the +5 points for these
characters, even though they don’t benefit from the
upgrade? (p103)
A. No, as they are not equipped with snazzguns, and
therefore the upgrade does not make sense for them.

Last updated 5th December 2011

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