Chandra Gayatri and Mind: Perspective From Indian Scriptures
Chandra Gayatri and Mind: Perspective From Indian Scriptures
Chandra Gayatri and Mind: Perspective From Indian Scriptures
Research Scholar, School of Studies in Physics, Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
*Corresponding email: [email protected]
Abstract. Gayatri mantra is one of the most sacred chants to be found in Hindu lore, where an entire
philosophy of Indian culture is compressed into these few syllables. Gayatri is the considered as supreme
source with infinite divine forces. One of them is ‘Chandra Gayatri’. Chandra (moon) has a strong
relation in Indian Scripture. The aim of this perspective is to understand the importance of Chandra
Gayatri Mantra in Vedic texts for reaching mental peace and stability.
medicinal properties in plant, happiness of life, brings wealth and peace to individual person and
and so on. Rasa in the perspective of mind can society. Hawan performed with Chandra Gayatri
be taken as interest, zeal, courage, etc (3). mantra gives peace to mind and various benefits
can be observed. The scripture described it as
As per the Indian scripture, moon element is following (taken from reference 4), 1) doing
strongly associated with mind. This association hawan using rice can give benefit of mental
is reflected in the modern scientific studies too. peace (2) by doing hawan of indigenous cows
Several modern scientific studies state that there milk in agni also gives peace, 3) the kings were
is constant relationship between the moon cycle instructed to do hawan of 1 crore ahuti for stable
and mental health of the human (6). It has been and peaceful mind, 4) for rain, it has been
reported that on the day of full moon maximum described to do hawan with Vet (Saponaria
suicide has been attempt (7). Person feel mental Officinalis) plant’s flower or leaves along with
restless during the full moon. The lunar cycle kheer (an Indian sweet dish made by milk and
has an impact on human reproduction, in rice). This would result in good rain , 5) if a
particular fertility, menstruation, and birth rate place is facing issues of heavy rain the one
(8). These studies suggested there is clear should do yagya of 100 Ahuti in rain to solve the
relationship between moon element and mind. issue of heavy rain, 5) doing yagya using dry
Indian scriptures described balancing of moon dung of bull-calf results in growth of plants and
element for peaceful life. Chanting of Chandra high yield in fields along with that it also
Gayatri Mantra is prescribed in the Super strengthen the breeding in animals, 6) Chandra
Science of Gayatri for harmony, stability and Gayatri Yagya using Anna (grains) will result in
power of mind. high yielding of grains in crop, and using cereals
will results in high yielding of cereals in crop.
The scriptures describes that the anger issues,
nervous/ mental excitation, jealousy, poison Vedic scriptures describe requirement specific
accumulation in mind and body, can be treated spiritual practices for each of above purposes.
by Chandra Gayatri mantra practice. For However, the discussion and research on those
obtaining Inner peace and concentration, are out of scope of this perspective study.
Chandra Gayatri is very beneficial (4). Besides, these practices are carried in Indian
scriptures through Guru-disciple tradition.
The mantra for Chandra Gayatri mantra is as
following “Om BhoorBhuvaha Swaha Ksheer Conclusion
Putraya Vidmahe Amrit Tatvaya Dheemah Indian scriptures depict chanting and hawan of
Tannaha Chandra Prachodayat” (ॐ भभ
ू व र स्व
ु ्ः Chandra Gayatri mantra for peace of mind,
coordination in family and society, strengthen
�ीर पत
ु ्राय �वद् , अमत
ृ तत्वाय धीम�, तन्नः the body and natural resources, along
चन्: प्रचोदय) (4). collaboration with nature. Summarily, Chandra
Gayatri practice is very important for mind as
Chandra Gayatri mantra chanting can give
Yagya with Chandra Gayatri Mantra
stability to mind as well as can also help to get
Yagya holds very important position in Indian
in synchronization with nature.
scriptures and known for non-separable part of
Dharmic-anushthan (spiritual practices). Yagya
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