Power Screws: Prof. Shankar Krishnapillai Iitm
Power Screws: Prof. Shankar Krishnapillai Iitm
Power Screws: Prof. Shankar Krishnapillai Iitm
Examples of power screw is (a) Screw jack (b) Vice (c) Lathe lead-screw
Screw jack
Lead screw
Power screw
Helix angle α
1. The screw is turned by a handle to lift
the weight. Only a small force is needed
Nut at the handle compared to the load W.
Suppose we don’t use the screw.
Pitch ‘p’
(2) Double start screw: Here 2 threads (blue and red) are cut in parallel, each
thread interleaved with the other. Two threads share the load.
d=major dia, dp= pitch diameter, dr or dc= root diameter or core diameter.
Square threads, highest efficiency and eliminates any radial component of
force between screw and nut. It is more difficult to manufacture than others.
Acme thread (Trapezoidal) has an included angle of 29◦ (14.5◦ + 14.5◦).
(Acme thread height may be 0.3p or 0.5p) . Stronger thread roots.
Acme threads are common choice for power screws. Easy manufacture.
Analysis is more difficult.
Buttress, only one direction load needs to be applied.
(We will mainly concentrate on square threads, as analysis is easier for them)
Force (F) radial
Axial F
Load bearing Axial
The above shows very brief tables of Power screws, Square and Trapezoidal
(sufficient for problem solving).
α=helix angle W α
Put , tan (i.e angle of friction )
α W
If screw is non-self locking the load will lower by itself, if we take our
hands off the handle. i.e when P=0.
In certain applications, the collar is replaced by thrust ball bearing to reduce friction.
The advantage of using thrust ball bearing at the collar is that the sliding friction is
replaced by rolling friction. The collar friction torque is neglected in these cases.
Now, including collar friction effects….
W tan( ).( d m / 2)
( D0 D1 )
W tan( ).( d m / 2) cW
For SquareThread
To raise
To Lower
Screw Materials
The desirable properties of screw material are as follows:
(i) It should have sufficient strength to withstand high torsional and
shear stresses.
(ii) It should possess high wear resistance.
(iii) It should have good machinability.
Screws are made of medium carbon steel such as 30C8, 40C8 and
45C8 or alloy steels like 40Cr1.
The screws are case hardened, e.g., the lead screw of a lathe is case
hardened by the nitriding process.
Nuts are usually made of softer material (phosphor bronze,
cast iron). The idea is to wear out the nut, but protect the screw
which is more expensive. Nut is short, and has only a pitches.
It is easier to replace than the entire screw.
Worked out examples on power screws:
Screwjack Vice
(compressive) (compressive) Sluice gate lifting device
Example-1 12kN
A vertical screw jack has a normal series sq. thread of
85mm nominal dia (single start).
It has to lift loads of 12kN. The collar has I.D and O.D of collar
collar is 80mm and 100mm where it rests on the seating.
Coeff of friction of collar is 0.1. (μc)
Coeff of friction of screw part is 0.12. (μ)
Find: Nut
1) Check if self locking.
2) Torque to raise and lower the load. screw
3) Efficiencies with and without collar.
4 A handwheel of Dia D is to be designed to turn the screw.
Operator can exert 100N force maximum with each hand. Find D.
5) Mechanical advantage with and without handle.
6) What if double start screw is specified, instead of single start?
First look in the brief tables of Normal series square thread, and find pitch.
Load W
carriage bearing
Power screw
Here the moment Mt to move the load W is provided by the motor Torque (T).
Motor Power = (2 π N T) / 60
1. Estimate the power of the motor with and without screw friction.
2. Efficiency of screw.
Design of Power Screw and Nut:
The above will create a combined stress situation.
Core dia
part of
The principal shear stress screw
All the above stresses must be ≤ Allowable stress/FS
Power Screw
Shear stress at thread root
Shear stress W
at root
“z” threads equally share
the load W
t =pitch/2
Nut is made of softer material. Hence max allowable stress is less than screw.
t =pitch/2
Shearing area at root of nut thread