Ball Screw Torque Calc.
Ball Screw Torque Calc.
Ball Screw Torque Calc.
Lecture 27
Engineering 473
Machine Design
Pitch Diameter
A - Ball Screw
B – Linear Bearings Microcomputer Controlled X-Y Table
Lead and Threads/In Rotational to Linear
Motion Conversion
The lead or pitch of a thread is the distance that a Lead or Pitch– distance the nut
nut will travel if turned one complete revolution. moves parallel to the screw axis
when the screw is given one
The number of threads revolution. l
per inch can be related
to the lead or pitch Vf ≡ Feed Velocity
through the formula. D D
1 l
l [ min] = [rev ]
n ≡ threads per inch
[in rev] min
l ≡ distance per thread
Torque Required to Torque Required to
Move a Load Move a Load
(Continued) tan θ =
πD p F
Torque to “Raise” Load
F P − µNcos θ - Nsin θ = 0
P FD p æ l + µπD p ö
− F − µNsin θ + Ncos θ = 0 Ff ç ÷
θ Tu =
2 çè πD p − µl ÷ø
Ff N=
cosθ (1 - µl πD p ) F
N Torque to “Lower” Load
æ l + µπD p ö
P = Fç ÷ θ
ç πD − µl ÷ P
Note that the force can be a è p ø
FD p æ µπD p − l ö
weight or an inertial load, F = mx Td = ç ÷
FD p æ l + µπD p ö Ff 2 çè πD p + µl ÷ø
T= ç ÷ N
2 çè πD p − µl ÷ø
FD p é cosφ ⋅ tanθ + µ ù
Torque to “Lower” Load Tu =
2 êë cosφ − µtanθ úû
FD p æ µ − tanθ ö
Td = ç ÷
2 çè 1 + µ ⋅ tanθ ÷ø
FD p é µ - cosφ ⋅ tanθ ù
Td =
2 êë cosφ + µtanθ úû
Life of a Ball Screw Ball Screw Life Example
Assignment Assignment
(Continued) (Continued)
The press shown in the figure is rated at
5,000 lb.. The twin screws have ACME
The machine shown in the threads, a diameter of 3 in, and a pitch of
figure can be used for a ½ in. Coefficients of friction are 0.05 for
tension test but not for a the threads and 0.06 for the collar
compression test. Why? bearings. Collar diameters are 5 in. The
Do both screws have the gears have an efficiency of 95 percent
same hand? and a speed ratio of 75:1. A slip clutch,
on the motor shaft, prevents overloading.
The full-load motor speed is 1720
rev/min. (a) How fast will the press head
move when the motor is operating? (b)
What should be the horsepower rating of
the motor.