Wire Ropes (Lec4)

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ME 571P

Machine Design II

* Wire Ropes are made from cold-drawn wires that are first wrapped
into strands; then wrapped into helices around a core or central
element, which is usually hemp or pulp.
* Often, the core or central element is an independent wire rope core
(IWRC) which makes the rope much more resistant to crushing.
* IWRC, compared to hemp core, is high-temperature resistant, has
about 7.5% greater strength and has smaller elongation under load.
* Wire ropes are used when a large amount of power is to be transmitted
over long distances from one pulley to another (i.e. when the pulleys
are up to 150 metres apart).
* The wire ropes are widely used in elevators, mine hoists, cranes,
conveyors, hauling devices and suspension bridges.
* The wire ropes run on grooved pulleys but they rest on the bottom of
the grooves and are not wedged between the sides of the grooves.

Advantages of Wire Ropes
* These are lighter in weight,
* These offer silent operation,
* These can withstand shock loads,
* These are more reliable,
* These are more durable,
* They do not fail suddenly,
* The efficiency is high, and
* The cost is low.

Classification of Wire Ropes according to the direction of twist of the
individual wires and that of strands relative to each other
1. Cross or regular lay ropes: the direction of twist of wires in the
strands is opposite to the direction of twist of the strands; such type
of ropes are most popular.

2. Parallel or lang lay ropes: the direction of twist of the wires in the
strands is same as that of strands in the rope
3. Composite or reverse laid ropes: the wires in the two adjacent
strands are twisted in the opposite direction.

Designation of Wire Ropes
* Wire ropes are designated by the number of strands and the number of
wires in each strand.
* For example, a wire rope having six strands and seven wires in each
strand is designated by 6 × 7 rope.

6 x 19 with IWRC

Properties of Wire Ropes (consult also AT 28 of the book by Faires
for English units)

Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums
* The sheave diameter should be fairly large in order to reduce the bending
stresses in the ropes when they bend around the sheaves or pulleys.
* Large diameters should be employed which give better and more
economical service, if space allows so.
* If the groove is bigger than rope, there will not be sufficient support for
the rope which may, therefore, flatten from its normal circular shape and
increase fatigue effects.
* If the groove is too small, then the rope will be wedged into the groove
and thus the normal rotation is prevented.

Sheave or pulleys for

winding ropes

For light and medium service, the sheaves are made of cast iron, but for
heavy crane service they are often made of steel castings.
Stresses in Wire Ropes
1. Direct stress due to axial load lifted and weight of the rope
W w
Sd 
where : W  load lifted
w  weight of the rope
A  net cross - sectional area of the rope
2. Bending stress when the rope winds round the sheave or drum
Er d w
Approximately : Sb 
where : Er  mod ulus of elasticity of the wire rope
d w  diameter of wire
D  diameter of sheave or drum
The equivalent bending load on the rope;
Ed A
Wb  Sb A  r w 13
Er  modulus of elasticity of wire mat' l
Er  modulus of elasticity of the entire rope
Er  77 2
for wrought iron ropes
Er  84 2
for steel ropes
Experimentally, Er  3 8 E
where E  modulus of elasticity of wire mat' l

If Sb is bending stress in each wire, the load on the whole rope

due to bending :

Wb  d w2 nSb where n is total no. of wires in the rope section

3. Stresses during starting and stopping
During starting and stopping, the rope and the supported
load are to be accelerated. This induces add' l load Wa in the rope.
W  w 
Wa   a
 g 
W  w  a
S a   
 g A
where : a  acceleration of the rope and the load
g  gravitational acceleration
If the time (t ) necessary to attain a speed (v) is known,
then the value of ‘ a’ is given by
a  v/t

The general case of starting is when the rope has a slack (h) which
must be overcame before the rope is taut or stretched and starts to exert a pull
on the load. This induces an impact load on the rope.
 2ahEr 
Wst  W  w1  1  
 S a Lg 
velocity of rope, vr  2ah
a  acceleration of the rope
h  slackness of the rope
L  length of the rope
When there is no slackness in the rope, then h  0 and vr  0, therefore
Impact load during starting,
Wst  2W  w
The corresponding stress is
2W  w
S st 
A 16
4. Stress due to change of speed
This add' l stress may be obtained similar to 3 in w/c
v  v 
a 2 1
5. Effective Stress in the rope
Effective Stress in the rope during normal working  S d  Sb
Effective Stress in the rope during starting  S st  Sb
Effective Stress in the rope during acceleration of the load  S d  Sb  S a

When designing a wire rope, the sum of these stresses

should be less than the ultimate strength
divided by the factor of safety.

Procedures in Designing a Wire Rope
1. Select a suitable type of rope from Tables for the given
2. Find the design load by assuming a factor of safety 2 to 2.5
times the factor of safety given in the Table.
3. Find the diameter of wire rope (d) by equating the tensile
strength of the rope selected to the design load.
4. Find the diameter of the wire (dw) and area of the rope (A)
from the Table.
5. Find the various stresses (or loads) in the rope.
6. Find the effective stresses (or loads) during normal working,
during starting and during acceleration of the load.
7. Lastly, find the actual factor of safety and compare with the
factor of safety given in the Table. If the actual factor of safety is
within permissible limits, then the design is safe.

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