Business Intelegence

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Chapter 12

Nisita Wardhani
Category of applications, technologies,
and processes for gathering, storing,
accessing, and analyzing data to help
business users make better decisions.
Business Intelligence

● What happened
● How many
● How often
● Where the problem is
● What actions are needed?
Business Analytics

● Why is this happening

● What will happen if these trends
● What will happen next
● What is the best (or worst) that can
BI and business
analytics rely on data
(particularly Big Data)
and statistical methods.
Data mining and decision support
systems → analyze


Managers and
01 Decision Making

● Pencapaian tujuan dengan sumber daya yang

dimiliki ( orang, material, uang, dan informasi).
● Sumber daya → input
● Kesuksesan manajer → input : output

● Memilih dua atau lebih alternatif → individuals dan

● Hasil: Beragam dan terus menerus , tersistematis
02 Intelegence
The Development of One or a Few
Related BI Applications

Ilustrasi: solution for a departmental need, such

as campaign management in marketing.
The Development of Infrastructure to Support
Enterprisewide BI

● BI target supports both current and

future BI needs.
● Senior manager
Support for Organizational Transformation.

Transformasi → manfaat
Business Intelligence
03 Applications for Data
Some BI applications include online analytical
processing, also referred to as
multidimensional analysis capabilities. OLAP
involves “slicing and dicing” data stored in a
dimensional format, drilling down in the data
to greater detail, and aggregating the data.
Data Mining
Searching for valuable business
information in a large database, data
warehouse, or data mart.

two basic operations: (1) predicting

trends and behaviors, and (2) identifying
previously unknown patterns

what has happened; data mining helps to

explain why it is happening, and it predicts
what will happen in the future
Source: Wow, Cuma Rp 10.000,- bisa ikutan asuransi | Pos Assurance (2020) - YouTube
Decision support systems (DSSs)
Combine models and data to analyze semi structured problems and some
unstructured problem

Models are simplified representations, or abstractions, of reality.

Business managers and analysts to access data interactively, to

manipulate these data, and to conduct appropriate analyses

Excel: sensitivity analysis, what–if analysis, and goal-seeking analysis

Ilustrasi: Cara Mencari Nilai Agar Sesuai dengan Target di Ms. Excel | Fungsi Goal Seek Excel - YouTube
Business Intelligence
04 Applications for Presenting
Real-time BI enables users
to employ multidimensional
analysis, data mining, and
decision support systems to
analyze data in real time.

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