Dilla University: College of Business and Economics Department of Management
Dilla University: College of Business and Economics Department of Management
Dilla University: College of Business and Economics Department of Management
JUNE, 2015
Above all, I praise heavenly God with everlasting mercy and gave wisdom as well as knowledge
to this paper.Next to God, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for
genuine cooperation goes to my family as per fulfilling the requirement of this paper.I would like
to express my first and for most gratitude,special thank and sincere appreciation to my advisor
Mengiste Kassa (MBA), for his tireless assistance and constructive comment, keen advice and
dedication of his precious time in collecting in this paper work from its proposal preparation up
to final manuscript.
Effective communication is a crucial element in our lives and it is the basis for the
organizational objective achievement. Moreover, as it is known quality of communication has a
direct impact on the quality of relationship. The general objective of this study is to assess the
role of effective communication in conflict resolution process in Dilla town administration
Both primary and secondary data were obtained and used from top managers and the
non-managerial employees of municipality by interview and questionnaire methods of data
collection. The study used simple random sampling technique that is a good way to give equal
chance for all employees. The data collected were analyzed well and presented by using tables
and charts. Finally, I put my possible suggestions that I think help the organization to
communicate effectively and resolve conflict.
Table of Contents
Contents Page
Table of contents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
List of tables------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter One
1. Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 Background of the study------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
3. Research methodology-----------------------------------------------------------------------------17
3.7 Data presentation and interpretation---------------------------------------------------------18
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
5.2 Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32
5.3 Recommendation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------33
List of tables
Contents page
Chapter One
Communication is the process of sharing ideas, information and message with others. The most
basic communication methods that are known to man are speech and non verbal expressions such
as known as facial expressions and body language. Apart from this basic method of
communication, there are other methods of communication. This method began to involve and
become complex (Glinow and Shane, 1976).
Effective or good communication usually requires a two – way flow of information rather than
simply delivering message work on creating a flow of message and feedback .A sender conveys
message, and receiver responds with feedback and perhaps anew massage (Sundrajan, 2005).
Poor or inaccurate communication can lead to conflict and negativity in the workplace. It could
even lead to the cancelation of deal or the loss of good will. However, in this competitive
environment business cannot afford such losses (Sundrajan, 2005).
Conflict is a process in which an effort is purposely made by one person to offset the effort of
another person by some form of blocking that will result in frustrating in attaining his or her
goals or frustrating his or her interest (Robbins, 1990).
Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or
negatively affected by another party. This may be a mild disagreement between two people
regarding the best choice in decision (Ann and Shane, 1976).
Conflict has functional and dysfunctional effect. A functional conflict is a confrontation between
groups that enhances and benefits the organization performance.
A dysfunctional conflict is interaction between groups that harms the organization or hinder the
achievement of organizational goals (Ivancevich, Konapsack and Matteson, 2005).
As long as people in the organization work together, conflict is in evitable or unavoidable. This
means as people work together the incompatibility of goals, attitudes, emotions or behaviors lead
to disagreement or opposition between them. Conflict occurs because people do not agree on
goals, issues; perceptions and people inevitable compete to the scare resources (Ivancevich,
konapsack and Matteson, 2005).
Some authors say that any organization has no meaning wit out communication. To reduce or if
possible to avoid the above inevitable conditions, communication have a vital role.
communication is not only used for conflict resolution but also it is the basis for the
organizations objective achievement , increasing productivity , job satisfaction , to cope with
modern information technology and any activities in any field of study . Thus the fact is that
communication is the crucial element in our lives.
The factor that motivated the student researcher to study the problem on communication of
municipality was poor and insufficient service that the employees of the municipality provide for
their customer. More over from compliant of other customers, the student researcher thinks that
poor and insufficient service may be due to lack of communication on resolving conflict.
The general objective of this study is to assess the role of effective communication on conflict
resolution process in Dilla town administration municipality.
To examine the place that communication has in Dilla town administration municipality.
To explain the contribution of effective communication in resolving conflict.
To find out the major constraints that put on communication not to achieve the desired
To identify the cause of conflict at Dilla town administration municipality.
To suggest some releasable and relevant recommendation concerning the municipality
use of communicate in resolving conflict.
Even if communication has many roles in different situations, in different organizations the
researcher focused on the role of communication in resolving conflict. Because as it is
known destructive conflict is challenge for the overall organization the student researcher
would like to study how this destructive conflictive can get solution and the researcher
select effective communicating from other extraneous variable such as reward ,
performance appraisal ……. which are the ways of deducting conflict within the
organization .
On the other hand the student research conducted this study only on the employee of Dilla
town administration municipality from other south nation nationality and people region
Because the municipality is near to the student researcher and the expected time shortage to
collect data from different municipalities of the region.
Lack of experience of the student researcher as it is the first exposure of under taking
extensive research.
lack of time
Lack of sufficient finance for conducting this study.
Two respondents were not returned the questionnaire.
Lacks of consistency of responses given by four respondents.
Chapter one contains the introduction part that include back ground of the study ,
statement of the problem , objective of the study, significance of the study , scope and
limitation of the study .
Chapters two contain review of related literature only.
Chapter three is apart which contain the methodology used while conducting this paper.
Chapter four is about presentation, analysis and interpretation of collect data.
Chapter five deals with conclusion and recommending of the study.
Chapter Two
It would be extremely difficult to find an aspect of a manager job that does not involve
communication. Serious problems arise when directive are misunderstood when casual kidding
in a work group leads to anger or when informal remarks by top level manager one distorted.
Each of these situations is a result of a break down somewhere in the process of communication
(Ivencevich, Knapsacke and Matteson; 2005).
According to sundrajan (2005), there are two types of communication in the organization
1. Verbal communication: written and oral communication media have favorable and un
favorable nature. Consequently, they are often used together so that the favorable qualities of
each can complement the others.
2. Non verbal communication: - we communicate in many different ways what we say can be
reinforced or contradicted by non verbal communication. Non verbal communication is any
message the sander communicates without using words. This types of communication
sometimes required to as body language is an important part of communication process.
Another authors Ivencevich, knapsacke and Matheson (2005) classified communication into
four based on its direction.
This types of communication flows down word from individual in higher level of the hierarchy
to those in lower level. The most common forms of down ward communication are job
instruction, official memos, policy statement, procedures, manuals and company publications.
2. up word communication
3. Horizontal communication
It is a communication that flows across functions in an organization when the chair person of the
accounting department communication with the chairperson of the marketing department
concerning the course offerings in a college of business administration, the flow of
communication is horizontal.
4. Diagonal communication
This is a communication that cuts across functions and levels in an organization. It is important
in situations where members cannot communicate effectively through other channels.
As Ivencevich, konapaske and Mattson (2005) said the barriers that affect effective
communication are the followings.
1. frame of reference
Different individuals can interpret the same communication differently depending on their
previous experience. This result in variations in the encoding and decoding processes.
2. value judgment
In every communication situation value judgments are made by the receiver. This basically
involve assigning an over al worth to message prior to receiving the entire communication.
Value judgments may be based on the receiver’s evaluation of the communicator or previous
experience with the communicator or on the messages anticipated meaning.
3. source credibility
It refers to the trust, confidences and faith that receiver has in the words and actions of the
communication .The level of credibility the receiver assigns to the communicator in turn
directly affects how the receiver views and reacts to the words , ideas and actions of the
4. filtering
Often express hierarchal rank through a variety of symbols, titles, offices, carpets and so on.
Such status difference can be perceived as threats by persons lower in the hierarchy and this can
prevent or distort communication.
Communication serves many types of communication .among these functions, Robbins (1990),
put four basic categories.
1. control
Communication acts to control member behavior in several ways. Organization has authority
hierarchies and formal guidelines that employees are required to follow. When employees for
instance, are required to first communicate any job related grievance to comply with company
polices, communication is performing a control function
2. motivation
Communication fosters motivation by clarifying to employee what is to be done , how well they
are doing and what can be done to improve performance if its sub part . The formation of
specific goals and reinforcement of desired behavior al stimulate motivation and require
communication and also feed back as process towards the goals is the one with stimulate
motivation and required communication.
3. Emotional expression
For many employees, their group is a primary source for social interaction. The communication
that takes place within the group frustration and mechanism by which members show their
frustration and felling of satisfaction. Communication, therefore, provides release for the
emotional expression of feelings and for fulfillment of social needs.
4. Information
The other functions that communication performs relates to its role in facilitating decision
making is by transmitting the data identify and evaluate alternatives.
In addition to the above function, communication involves on the resolution process of conflict,
poorly navigated conflict can damage and even destroy relationship, however by using effective
communication we can resolve conflict situation.
Conflict is a process in which an effort is purposely made by one person to offset the effort of
another by some form of blocking that will result in frustrating in attaining his or her goals or
furthering his or her interests (Robbins ; 1990)
The traditional view of conflict assumes all conflicts are bad. Any conflict, therefore, has a
negative impact on organizations effectiveness. The traditional approach treated conflict
synonymously with such items as violence, destruction and irrationality. consistent with this
perspective one of managements major responsibilities is to try to ensure that conflict don’t arise
and if they do , to act quickly to resolve them ( Robbins , 1990 )
According to Ivencevich, knapsacke and Mattson 2005), conflict can be classified as functional
and dysfunctional.
1. Functional conflict
Functional conflict is a confrontation between groups that enhance and benefits the organization
performance. It can lead to increase awareness of problem that need to be dressed result in
broader and more productive researches for salutations, and generally facilitate positive change,
adaption and innovation.
2. Dysfunctional conflict
Dysfunctional conflict is any confrontation or interaction between groups that harms the
organization or hinders the achievement of organizational goal. Management must seek to
eliminate dysfunctional conflict.
Shane and Glinow (2000) classify conflict with the following categories.
occurs when and individual is uncertain about what work he or she is expected to perform , when
some demands of the work conflict with other demands or when an individual is expected to do
more than he or she feels capable of doing . This types of conflict often influence how individual
responds to other types of organizational conflict.
In the same organization is frequently seen as being called by personality differences. More
often, such conflict erupts from role related pressures or from the mangers in which people
personalize conflict between groups.
Is frequently related to the way individual’s deals with the pressure for conformity imposed on
them by their work group.
Is the type of conflicts with in which line staff and labor management conflict.
Is the economic sphere has been considered and inherent and desirable form of conflict in many
countries companies.
This is also the conflict that occurs between people that work in different organization.
Ivencevich, Konapaske and Mattson (2005) classified the cause of conflict mainly in to three.
1. Work Interdependence
This occurs when two or more organization groups must depend on one another to complete their
task. The conflict potential in such situation ranges from relatively low to very high, depending
on the nature of the inter dependence.
2 Goal difference
Ideally , interacting groups will always view their goals as mutually compatible and behave in
such away as to contribute to the attainment of both sets of goals .Realistically , however , this is
frequently not the case several problems related to difference in goals can create the conflict .
3 Perceptual differences
Goal difference can be accompanied by differing perceptions of reality and disagreements over
what constitutes reality can lead to conflict.
Another author Robbins (1990) said that a number of diverse factors can participate in
organization conflict. Some of them are;
It refers to the extent to which two units in organization depend up on each other for assistance,
information, compliance or other coordinative activities to complete their respective tasks
effectively. When forced to interact, there is a definite escalation in the potential for conflict.
The conflict potential in one way task dependence tasks on greater meaning when we recognize
that it is for more prevalent in organization than is mutual dependence.
Conflict potential is enhanced when two or more units depend on a common pool of scarce
resource such as physical space, equipment, operating funds, capital budget avocations etc.
4. Statues Incongruence
Conflict is stimulated where incongruence’s occur in status grading or from alterations in the
status hierarchy.
5. Communication distortions
ambiguity and distortion. So, we can conclude that communication extremes can be source of
conflict .In adequate or unclear communications stimulate conflict.
There are two types of work overload, being asked to do too much and being asked to do work
that is too difficult. Too much work insufficient number of staff member to share the load, or in
equitable distribution of work, work where some individual have heavier work load than others.
Work that is too difficult can arise because the job is poorly designed, making it difficult for
anyone to perform, of because the individual does not have the necessary skill.
Both functional and dysfunctional conflicts have their own effect in organizational performance
and productivity.
According to Ivancevich, knapsacke and Matteson (2005) the following are effects of functional
and dysfunctional conflict.
Functional conflict: it can produce new ideas, learning and growth among individual.
Functional conflict can improve working relationship, because when two parties work
through their disagreements, they feel they have accomplished something together
.functional conflict can lead to innovation and positive change for the organization.
Dysfunctional conflict: - is conflict that leads to decline in communication or the
performance of a group. It can be an over abundance of conflict or a lack of sufficient
motivating conflict.
Depending up on the nature and conditions of the conflict each of the following approaches can
present and effective approach for conflict resolution management (Ivencevich, Konapaske and
Matteson; 2005)
1. Dominating
A dominating approach to conflict resolution represents maximum focus on meeting its own
concerns of the other group. Dominating tends to be a power oriented approach. It is the best
approach in resolving important issues when unpopular course of action must be taken, such as
layoffs, implementing new schedules or enforcing unpopular polices and procedure.
2. Accommodating
3. Avoidance
This strategy calls for apart to withdraw or ignore the conflict situation. It is the best response
when the conflicts are trivial, potential losses form an open conflict resolution outweighs
possible gains and there is no sufficient time to work through the issue adequately.
4. Compromising
Compromising is traditional method for resolving conflicts. In this case each part y is required to
give up something of value in order to get another thing. Compromising might be use full when
two conflicting parties with relatively equal power are both strongly committed to mutually
exclusive goals. It is a good back up strategy which conflicting parties can fall back on if their
attempts at problem solving are unsuccessful. There is no clear winner or loser.
5 Collaboration
Is one types to find a mutually beneficial solution of both parties through, problem solving. It is
situation where each conflicting party desires to satisfy fully the concern of all parties. It is best
when parties do not have perfectly opposing interests and when they have enough trust and
openness to share information. It is usually desirable because there is usually some opportunity
for mutual win if the parties search for creative solution.
6 Negotiation
7 Arbitration
Is a conflict resolution strategy where neutral third party acts as judge and issues binding
decision affecting parties in the negotiation process. However the authority of the arbitrator
may also vary according to the rules set by the negotiator.
Chapter Three
3. Research methodology
This study conducted in south nation nationalities and people region in Dilla town on Dilla town
administration municipality
In order to come up with sufficient and relevant information about the topic, the student
researcher used both primary and secondary data sources.
In this study both primary and secondary data collection method were used. Primary data were
collected through self – administrated questionnaires and interview. And secondary source were
collected through review of the company’s document.
In order to come across manageable size of population the student researcher selected 30
employees as the sample size of 30% from the total employees of 98 of the municipality.
For the accessible primary data source two types of sampling technique were used. These are
simple random sampling and purposeful sampling technique. Simple random samplings were in
order to give equal chance to the employee of the organization. As the book of Emory (1980) this
types of sampling technique gives equal chance of being selected in to the sample. And it is the
simplest and easiest method of sampling techniques. Purposeful sampling techniques were used
to get information from the top manger of the municipality.
After the data is being collected, data were processed on the activity which involves editing,
coding and classifying data to make it suitable for further analysis. Descriptive analysis were
employed to examine the finding of the study as if refers to procedures for organizing,
summarizing and describing quantitative data about the sample of the study. And to describe non
numeric data summarization or narration were used.
After the data were processed ad analysis well, it were presented by using tables, chart and
interpret in convenient manner accordingly.
Chapter Four
As it was explained in the methodology section, the information mentioned here were gathered
by distributing 30 questionnaires to the employees of Dilla town administration municipality.
Among these questionnaires two were not returned and four did not provide consistent
information and the remaining 24 were used for analysis and interpretation of data here after.
The analysis and justifications of the findings from the information were approached by
summarizing the relevant question and respective responses for atopic on an issue and then
further analysis sequentially. Pie chart and tables were used to present interpreted data.
The personal information include data about sex , age qualification and work experience of the
respondents that was used to appropriately know the respondents characteristics and background
information before going to the basic part of the study .
Figure 1 sex distribution of Respondent
As indicated on the above figure among the total 24 respondents 15 or 62.5% were male and the
remaining 9 or 37.5% were female. This shows that the participation of female is less than male
in the activities of organization and in communication process.
20-30 14 58.33%
31-40 6 25%
41-50 2 8.33%
51 and above 2 8.33%
Total 24 100%
Source: filled questionnaires
According to the above table the range age out of the total respondents , 14or 58.33% of the
were between 20-30 years age 6 or 25% of them were 31-40 years age , 2 or 8.33% of them
were between 41-50 years age and the remaining 2 or 8.33% of the total respondent were in the
age above 51 years old .
As we observed from the finding, the largest proportion of the study population lied between
the age group of 20-30.
No Item Respondents
No percentage
Below 12 0 0
12 completed 3 12.5%
Diploma 6 25%
Degree 15 62.5%
Above degree 0 0
Total 24 100%
2 Work experience
Less than 5 year 12 50%
5-10 years 9 37.5%
11-15 years 3 12.5%
16-20 years 0 0
Above 21 0 0
Total 24 100%
Source: questionnaires gathered
Item 1 of the above table shows that out of the total respondent 3 or 12.5% of them were
completed grade 12, 6 or 25% of the total respondents were diploma holder and the remaining 15
or 62.5% of the total respondent were degree holders. There is no below 12 and above degree.
This implies that out of the total respondent 21 or 87.5% were hold ad a minimum of diploma.
This may good educational status to resolve conflict.
Item 2 of the above table indicates that 50% of the respondents how less than 5 year work
experience, 9 or 37.5% of them had on experience of between 5-10 years and the remaining 3 or
12.5% of them had between 11 -15 years work experience. From this we can generalize that half
of employees had at least 5 years experience.
As a result they can resolve conflict by effective communication for the reason that they can
resolve conflict by effective communication for the reason that they may know the working
environment of the organization. But the remaining half had their own impact on not resolution
of conflict.
This includes information gathered from employees of Dilla town administration municipality
regarding the questions of the study.
No Item Respondents
No Percentage (%)
1 Do you think that the communication
that takes place in your organization is
Strongly agree 16 66.67%
Agree 1 4.17%
Neither agree nor disagree 2 8.33%
Disagree 5 20.83%
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 24 100%
2 The reason for non sufficient of
communication in the organization
Lack of attention 0 0
Lack of awareness regarding 1 20%
Different in attitude for communication 4 80%
Other 0 0
Total 5 100%
3 Type of communication existed in the
Upward communication 7 29.17%
Down ward communication 11 45.83%
Lateral communication 1 4.17%
Diagonal communication 3 12.5%
Other 2 8.33%
Total 24 100%
Source: filled questionnaires
Item 1 of the above table shows that , 16 or 66.67% of the respondents are strongly agree in that
the communication that takes place in their organization is sufficient , 1or 4.17% of the
respondent responses agree and 2 or 8.33% of the respondent responses that they are neither
agree nor disagree . But the remaining respondent 5or 20.83% responses that they do not agree
that the sufficientness of communication in their organization. There for, this implies that most
of the employees believe that the communication that takes place in their organization is
Item 2 of table 3 shows that 1 or 20% of the respondents that disagree in the sufficientness of
communication in their organization, replied that the reason behind poor communication is that
lack of awareness regarding communication.
From the total respondents the remaining 4 or 80% of the respondents responded that the reason
regarding insufficient communication in their organization is difference in attitude for
communication. Therefore, we can generalize from this there were various reasons behind poor
communication of employees of Dilla town administration municipality and form those
differences in attitude for communication were the major problem for insufficient
communication of employees in Dilla town administration municipality.
According to item 3 of table 3, 11 or 45.83% of the total respondents responded that there is
down ward communication in their organization 7 or 29.17% of the respondent responded that
there is up ward communication in their organization, 1or 4.17% of the respondent replied that
there exist lateral communication, 3 or 12.5 % were responded that there is diagonal
communication responded that their organization. But 2 or 8.33% of the total respondents
responded that there exist both up ward and down ward communication in their organization.
From this we can generalize that even of their exist different types of communication, the
organization mostly used down ward types of communication.
Almost all conflicts involve communication problems, as both a cause and an effect.
Misunderstanding resulting from poor communication can easily cause conflict or make it worse
(Robbins, 1990)
No Item Respondents
No Percentage %
1 Function of communication in
their organization
for control 1 4.17%
For motivation 3 `12.5%
For express emotion 8 33.33%
For information 9 37.5%
Other 3 12.5%
Total 24 100%
2 The role of effective
communication in resolving
conflict that occur between
employees in their organization
very high 21 87.5%
High 1 4.17%
Medium 2 8.33%
Low 0 0
Very low 0 0
Total 24 100%
As shown in the above table item 1, 9 or 37.5%) of the respondents responded that they use
communication for the purpose of information, 8 or 33.33%) of the respondent replied that they
use communication for express their emotion, 3or 12.5%) of the respondent responded they used
for motivation and 1or 4.17%) of the respondent were for control. In addition, 3 or 12.5%) of the
respondent are responded that they use communication for the purpose of resolving conflict. This
indicates that mostly communication is used for information purpose in Dilla town
administration municipality.
Item 2 of table 4 shows that, 21 or 87.5%) of the respondent responded that communication has a
very high role in resolving conflict that communication has a very high role in resolving
conflict, 2 or 8.33%) of respondent replied that the role of effective communication in resolving
in resolving conflict is medium and the remaining 1 or 4.17%) of the respondents replied that
communication has high role in resolving conflict. From this, we can conclude that, the roles of
communication in resolving conflict were very high regarding the majority of respondent’s
responses. From the information , item 3 of the above table , 17 or 70.83 of respondents
responded that attitude difference on communication is the most constraint for communication
not to achieve its objective 3 or (12.5%) of the respondents replied that cultural difference is the
factor that affect communication not to achieve the desired objective ( resolving conflict ), 1 or
4.17%) of the respondent replied that language difference is the greatest constraint . In addition
that, 3(12.5%) of the respondent were responded that emotionality or aggressiveness is a major
factor that affect communication not to a chive its objective or resolving conflict. This indicates
that even if there were various constraints of communication to a chive its goal (resolving
conflict); the majority employees put attitudinal difference towards communication as a major
Management can have communication with subordinates on the purposes to assign goals,
provide job instructions, and inform underlining feedback about performance. This type of
relationship between manages and an employee is known as down ward communication. On the
other hand subordinates can communicate with their mangers to provide feedback to prepare
performance reports etc and this types of communication between two parties is caused up ward
communication (Ivencevich, Knonapaske and Matteson, 2005).
No Item Respondent
1 No Percentage (%)
The employee grievance or complaints
are answered by the management
Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 3 12.5%
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0
Disagree 2 8.33%
Strongly disagree 19 79.17%
Total 24 100%
Source; questionnaire gathered
Information regarding the above table indicates that 19 or 79.17%) of the respondent strongly
disagree on the notion that the employee grievance or compliant are answered by the
management, 3or (12.5%) of the respondent replied that the employee grievance or complaints
are answered by the management, the remaining 2or 8.33%) of respondents responded that they
do not agree. This indicated that even if there were some level of a management response for
employees, grievances or compliant the majorities (87.5%) of employees answer shows there
were a problem on the response of management.
From the result of interviews with top manager of municipality, communication between the
management and employees is relatively medium. The management communication with
employees at different issues. Such issues as to introduce and communicate on a new
government policies, to set annual budget of the municipality and its employees, to appoint
employees some specific jobs, and communicate when some employees give their employment
for the management. We can conclude from mass of employees and the manger of the
municipality that there were problems on the response of the management.
Conflict occurs because people do not always agree on goals, issues perceptions and so on goals
organizations. To mange if effectively mangers should understand the many source of conflict
(Robbins, 1990) .
No Item Respondents
No Percentage
1 Reason of conflict in
the organization
Work 2 8.33%
Work over load 7 29.17%
Goal deference 2 8.33%
Common resource 10 41.67%
Other 3 12.5%
Total 24 100%
Source: questionnaire gathered
Regarding the information in the above table item 1, 10 or 41.67% of the respondent replied that
the reason why they were conflicting is due to common resource ,7 or 29.17% of the
respondents responded that they face conflict because of work over load ,2 or 8.33% of
respondents replied that goal difference is the main reason for conflict . Similarly 2or 8.33% of
the respondent responses the main reason is work interdependence. In addition 3 or 12.5% of
the respondent replied that perceptual difference and communication distortion one the main
reason for conflict.
This indicates that even if there were a various source of conflict, common resource and work
over load were the major reason for conflict among employees of the organization.
In addition to employees response the information form a manager by interview shows that the
manager faces different conflicts from the employees. There are on the question of salary
increment and decreasing work over load, dual responsibility given by the management and so
No Items Respondents
No Percentage
Does the management give more
attention for discussion with employee
concerning conflict?
Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 3 12.5%
Neither agree nor disagree 2 8.33%
Disagree 5 20.83%
Strongly agree 14 58.34%
Total 24 100%
2 The reason for not giving more
attention for discussion
Because it is useless 3 15.78%
No enough time 16 84.22%
Others 0 0
Total 19 100%
3 How often there were discussion
concerning conflict in your
Once a month 0 0
Twice a month 0 0
Every 3 month 2 66.67%
Every month 0 0
Other 1 33.33%
Total 3 100%
Source: questionnaire filled
According to table 7 of item 1 14(58.34%) of the respondents are strongly disagree on the
existence of conflict, 5or 20.83% of the respondent disagree on the existence of discussion or the
notion that the management give more attention for discussion 3 or 12.5% of the respondent
agree and 2 or 8.33% of the respondent replied neither agree nor disagree. From this we can
understand that the management does not give attention for discussion as the majority
respondent does not give attention for discussion as the majority respondent (79.17%)
Item 2 of table 7 shows that from the respondent that say no discussion regarding conflict, 16 or
84.22% responses that because of no enough time to discussion, and the remaining 3 or 15.78%)
responded that because of it is useless. From this we can generalize that time shortage is the main
reason for not giving more attention for discussion in the municipality.
Item 3 of table 7 indicates that, from these respondent who says there exist discussion, 2 or
66.67%) responded that there is a discussion about conflict ever 3 month and the remaining 1 or
33 .33%) of the respondent responded that there is discussion in every event at the cause
happened. This shows that from the respondent who agreed on the existence of discussion were
held at every 3 month and when the conflict situation occurred.
To avoid dysfunctional conflict and stimulated functional conflict, management is advice to have
conflict management skills and they can use stimulation and resolution technique.
No Items Respondents
No Percentage
1 Techniques the organization used while
Accommodation 4 16.7%
Avoidance 5 20.83%
Compromising 0 0
Collaboration 3 12.5%
Negotiation 8 33.3%
Arbitration 1 4.17%
Other 3 12.5%
Total 24 100%
Source; questionnaires filled
The above table shows that 8 or 33.3% of the respondent were replied that the organization
used negotiation as the best technique to solve conflict, 5or 20.83% of the respondent responded
that their organization used avoidance to avoid conflict , 4 or 16.7% of the respondent replied
that accommodation is the best technique used by their organization to resolve conflict , 3 or
12.5%) of the respondent replied that their organization used collaboration as the best technique
to resolve conflict . 1or 4.17% of the respondent responded that arbitration is the best technique
to resolve conflict. In addition 3 or 12.5% of the respondent negligee that their organization used
discussion and punishment as the best technique to resolve conflict. This shows that the
municipalities give more value to negotiation for resolving conflict.
Chapter Five
In this chapter the researcher tried to summarize and draw a conclusion about the outcome of the
study and give some recommendation. This could be important for the company’s future
communication role in resolving conflict.
5.1Summary of findings
Based on the result of the study, summary of finding were presented as follows.
from the total study population, 15or 62.5%) respondents of Dilla town administration
municipality were male while the remaining 9 or 37.5%) were females.
As we observed from the finding (table 1) the largest or 14or 58.33% proportion of the
study population lied between the age 20-30.
Item 1 of table 2 shows that out of the total respondent the majority 15or 62.5%were a
degree holder.
Item 2 of the table 2 indicates that most of employees 12 or 50% had a less than 5 year
Regarding the information in table 3, the longest part 16or 66.67% of the respondents
Strongly agree in that the communication that takes place in their organization is
From those respondents that disagree on the suffuicentness of compunction the majority 4
or 80% put difference in attitude for communication is the reason.
Item 3 of table 3 shows that 11 or 45. 85.83% of the respondents agreed on there exist
down word communication in their organization.
Item 1 of table 4 implied that the majority of the respondent 9or 37.65% were agreed on
the function of communication is for information.
Regarding the information in table 4 or item 2 majority of the respondents 21 or 87.5 %
said that effective communication have a very high role in resolving conflict
Item of table 4 shows that from the total respondent the majority 17 or 70.83%) puts
difference in attitude towards communication is the factor that affect communication not
to achieve its objective ( resolving conflict)
Information regarding table 5 indicate that as the majority 87.5%of respondent responses,
response of management for employee’s grievance or compliant had a problem.
From the result of interview with top manager of municipality communication between
the management and employee is relatively medium.
Item 1 of table 6 indicates the majority of the respondents or 70.84%) puts common
resource and work over load as the reason for conflict in their organization.
From table 7 item 1 shows that 79.17 %) or the respondent or that the management does
not give more attention for discussion
From those 84.22% puts time shortage as a reason for do not give more attention for
Item 3 of table 7 shows that from those who agree on existence of discussion 66.67%
responded that every 3 month there exists a discussion regarding conflict.
From the information regarding table 8 the majority or 33.3% responded that negotiation
is the best technique to resolve conflict.
5.2 Conclusion
Based on the analysis of the worker of municipality conflict condition, communication and
application of communication with conflict, the following important conclusion can be drown
The largest part of employees faces conflict with other employees of their organization
with the major reason of common resources and work over load.
Employee think on the avoidance of conflict within their organization and they gave
more value for negotiation from the resolution techniques of communication. Therefore if
the manager communicates employees effectively, he may not face obstacle or problem
to word s employee’s attitude on conflict resolution.
A majority employee agrees on non existence of discussion and they put a major reason
to for these were time shortage.
Less response of manager to employees grievances or compliant had a problem as a
majority of respondent response and also from manger answer by interview. Therefore
we can say that management was not giving enough value on employee’s grievances or
Majority of employees believed that communication plays role in resolving conflict .This
shows that there was a good awareness of employees regarding communication use in
resolving conflict in the municipality.
Differences in attitude towards communication were the major factor that affect
communication role to not achieve its goals (resolving conflict). This shows that there
were pessimistic employees within the municipality.
As the response of majority respondents, communication their organization was
sufficient. On the other hand, form the larger numbers of respondents answer, the
communication role in resolving conflict were very high.
The majority of employees face conflict because of different factors that leads to decline in
communication process. So the manager is advised to mange it effectively. To manage
conflict effectively management should:
1. understand the source of conflict
2. use conflict resolution techniques such as
Compromise: if there are no clear winner and loser and of conflict takes much
Collaboration: if the conflicting members are trained in problem solving and if
they have common goal.
Arbitration: if the conflicting parties are volunteers to accept the arbitrator
Negotiation: if the conflicting parties themselves attempt to reach acceptable
agreement etc
The management is advised to use the positive attitude of employees to communicate
effectively on conflict resolution process that is important for positive change of
The loss attention from management and time shortage is the major reason for non –
existence of discussion that may leads to conflict. Therefore the management is advised to
give enough attention and time to discussion and make effective communication
The response of management for employee’s grievance is not appropriate to solve conflict.
As result, management is advised to give more attention for employee’s criticism and accept
employees comment and criticism towards organization activity by implementing effective
communication since employees feel less satisfied and lose sense of belongingness to their
Communications within organization were sufficient, so the management is advisable to
encourage this sufficient communication in to more effective, that result to increase
organizational productivity.
The roles of communication in resolving conflict were very high in the municipality that may
increase the quality of service. For that reason the management is advisable to use effective
communication that is the corner stone of strong and healthy relationship.
Dilla University
Department Of Management
Dear respondent
This questionnaire is prepared for investigating the role of effective communication in resolving
conflict. Your responses will have a great value to the success of this paper. And I request you to
cooperate me by answering the following questions.Trust that the data you give me is strictly
confidential and used for academic purpose only.
General instruction
5. Do you think that the communication that takes place in your organization sufficient?
Strongly agree Disagree neither agree nor disagree Agree
Strongly disagree
6. If your answer for question number (5) is disagree and strongly disagree what is the
Lack of attention
Lack of awareness regarding communication
Difference in attitude for communication
If any ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. Which type of communication does exist in your organization?
Upward communication
Down ward communication
Lateral communication
Diagonal communication
8. What do your think the function of communication in your organization?
If any ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. What constraint do you think put communication not to achieve the desired objective
(resolving conflict)?
Cultural difference
Difference in attitude toward communication
Difference in language
If any-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. What is the reason for not communicating effectively in your organization?
Lack of attention
Lack of awareness regarding communication
Difference in attitude for communication
11. What is source conflict the in your organization?
Work interdependence
Work overload
Goal difference
Common resource
12. How often has discussion in your organization concerning conflict?
Once a month every three month
Twice a month every month
13. Do you think that your grievance or complaints are answered by the management?
Agree disagree neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree strongly dis agree
14. What do you think the role of effective communication in resolving conflict that occurs
between employees in your organization?
High low mediumVery high very low
15. What technique use your organization while conflict to resolve?
Accommodation collaboration
Avoidance negotiation
Compromising arbitration
If any -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. Does the management give more attention for discussion with employees concerning
Strongly agree disagree neither agree nor disagree
Agree strongly disagree
17. If don’t give more attention, what is the reason?
Because it is almost useless
Because there is no enough time
18. Lastly, what do you think the role of effective communication in resolving conflict in
your organization?
Thank you!!
Interview Questions
5) What do you do to overcome the conflict?