Debre Markos University
Debre Markos University
Debre Markos University
Name ID number
Amanuel walelign GSE 578/12
1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………. 1
2. Research methodology…………………………………………..………………………… 4
References……………………………………………………….………………………………….. 10
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
The budget of the right place supports the organizational objective, customers
services, return on investment, promotiving high profit and others objectives. So
organizations budgetary performance is different from one organization to other
organization. But all need adequate budgetary performance management; this
would be consistent with the finance organization to utilize the planned budget
(Horngern, 2002).
Budgetary performance of the organization is the indicator of organization
performance about budget utilization and preparation. But during assessment of
Budgetary performance fall many problems in the organization such as budget
deficit, unequal of distribution of budget, lack of proper utilization the budget
amount, for planned activities ,the study will attempt to give a good response for
why Budgetary performance is access on the organization and Budgetary
performance are needed to the organization.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Budgetary performance is predetermined statement of management policy during a
given period. Which provides a standard for comparison with result actually
achieved from to planned (Brown and Haward, 2001)?
1.3 Objective of the study
1.3.1 General objective
General objective of the study is the assessment of budgetary performance in case
study of finote selam budget administration office.
2. To identify the main problems that faced in the budget implementation stage.
1.5. Scope of the study
The scope of the study will cover assessment of budgetary performance in case of
finote selam budget administration office by taking five years audited budget
document to measure budgetary performance of the town that covers the year of
2004 up to2008 E.C. But to come up with effective and better study, it is better, if
the study will be conducted on over all organization performance as compared with
other similar organization performance, but due to financial and time constraints.
The scope of the study will be extended to the assessment of budgetary
performance in finote selam town.
2. Research methodology
2.1 Research approach
In this research work the researcher use both qualitative and quantitative research
approach. qualitative research approach is concerned with what people feel and
think about a particular subject. Therefore, the researcher select this approach to
know the feeling, thinking and the activities of employees about budgetary
performance analysis of the finote selam town.
3. Work plan And Cost Breakdown
3.1 Work Plan
Here the work plan helps for researcher to do his work in a programmed and
planned manner this work plan or time budget directs the researcher to do each
research work sequentially on their appropriate order. This work plan for this
research is scheduled from September up to June as follows.
3.2 Cost Breakdown
This cost budget helps the researcher to know on the necessary research materials
inputs and to buy their in the appropriate time. It also helps to control the cost of
the materials because it is already specified on the paper each material prices.
4. References
Allen. R, (2001).Multiyear budgeting and investment Journal management
accounting, vol. 15,