CHAPTER V - Horizontal Alignment: School of Engineering & Technology

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Madda Walabu University 1

School of Engineering & Technology

Department of Civil Engineering
CHAPTER V – Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal Curve

 Plan view, profile, staking, stationing

 Type of horizontal curves
 Characteristics of simple circular curve
 SSD on horizontal curves
 Super-elevation of curves
 Transition curve –spiral curve

Horizontal Alignment is the route of the road,

defined as a series of horizontal tangents and
The design elements of horizontal alignment are:-

 Tangent or straight section.

 Circular curve
 Transition curve
 Super-elevation


 It provide better visibility and more passing opportunities.

 The maximum allowable length of tangent based from ERA is 4Km.

Circular curves

 Movement of vehicle in circular curve creates centrifugal force which is counteracted by the
super-elevation of the road and the side friction .The minimum radius of the curve can be
determined by the following formula :

Rmin=V2/(127(e+f)) V=design speed

e=maximum superelevation
f=side friction

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 2
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Surveying and Stationing

Staking – route surveyors define the geometry of highway by “staking” out the horizontal and
vertical position of the route and by marking of the cross-section at intervals of 20m.

Station – start from an origin by stationing 0, regular stations are established every 20 m and
numbered 0+000, 12+000, 20+060, etc

Types of Horizontal Curves

Successive Curves
1. Reverse Curve -a curve which is followed by another curve in opposite direction.
2. Broken Curve -a curve followed by another curve in the same direction with intervening tangent.
3. Compound Curve- a curve followed by another curve in the same direction without intervening

Elements of Horizontal curve

1. Deflection Angle((∆)
2. Radius of the curve(R)
3. Tangent distance(T)
4. External distance(E)
5. Length of the curve(L)
6. Middle ordinate(M)
7. Chord length(C)
8. Point of curvature(Pc)

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 3
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
9. Point of tangency(PT)
10. Point of intersection(PI)

Properties of Compound Curve

Properties of Reverse Curve

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 4
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
When to and not to use successive curves?

1. Abrupt reverse curve should be avoided because it will make the road an erratic one.
2. A broken curve should also be avoided unless otherwise unavoided. This will create problems on
super-elevation and drainage.
3. Compound curves are avoided only if it is too sharp, short radii.
4. R1 should not exceed 1.5R2 for smooth transition in case of compound curve.
5. Spiral transition is preferred in any cases.

Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) for Horizontal Curves

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 5
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Super-elevation of Curves

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 6
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Super-elevation Transition

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 7
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Attainment of Super-elevation

 Circular Curve Transition

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 8
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Axis of Rotation

 Undivided highways are usually super-elevated with the axis of rotation at the roadways

 Multi-lane highways with depressed medians are usually super-elevated with the axis of
rotation at the median edges of the traveled way

Spiral Transition Curves

 Spiral curves are curves with a continuously changing radii

 Provides path for vehicle to move from straight to a circular curve
 Improved appearance of curve to driver

Transition Curve Characteristics

 Should have constant rate of change of radius of curvature

 Transition should be equal to zero at start of straight and equal to radius of curvature at
circular curve
 Allows passengers to adjust to change in rate of curvature

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 9
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Types of Transition Curve

1. Clothoid (Euler Spiral) – most commonly used

2. Lemniscate – used for large deflection angles on high speed roads
3. Cubic Parabola – unsuitable for large deflection angles

Spiral Transition Curve

 Transition curves contribute to the comfort of the driver

o Transition curves may be inserted between tangents and circular curves to reduce the
abrupt introduction of lateral acceleration
o They may be used between two circular curves of different radius
o The transition curve length provides a convenient desirable arrangement for super-
elevation runoff
o Transition curves make it easier for a driver to confine the vehicle to his/her own lane
 Transition curves are not normally required for
o Curves with large radius
o Roads with lower classification
 The spiral facilities the transition in width where the travelled way section is to be widened
around a circular curve

 The length of super-elevation runoff is determined based on a maximum acceptable

difference between longitudinal grades of the axis of rotation

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 10
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Transition Curves

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 11
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 12
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Widening of Curves

 Extra width of pavement necessary on curves

 The turning effect of a vehicle (rear wheel relative to the form wheel) required widening of
the lane width
 Lateral shift of the vehicle to the inner side of the lane creates a need for widening or
additional lane width
 The traveled way on horizontal curves is widened to accommodate curve negotiation
 Widening is necessary for smaller radius curves on greater curvatures and/or narrower road
lane widths

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 13
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Sample Problems:

1. A horizontal curve designed with a 609.6m radius. The curve has a tangent length of
121.92m and the PI is at station 3+139.44. Determine the stationing of the PT.
2. A curve has a deflection angle of = 23°18’02” and a radius of 1,432.6m. The point of
intersection (PI) is 5+053.87. Calculate the tangent distance T, external distance E, curve
length L, point of curvature PC, and point of tangent PT.
3. Two tangents meet at PI with a deflection angle of 32°20’10”. In an urban area, using a design
speed of 70 Km/hr in a 4% super-elevation. Determine the point of curvature and tangency.
The point of intersection is 5+025.3.
4. A reverse curve is to start at point A and ends at C with a change of curvature at B. The
chord length AB and BC are 661.54m and 725.76m.Respectively and the radii, likewise, are
1200m and 1500m.Calculate the elements of the curve.
5. A horizontal curve on a two-lane highway is designed with a 609.6m radius, 3.6 m lanes, and
a 96kph design speed. Determine the distance that must be cleared from the inside edge of
the inside lane to provide a sufficient stopping sight distance. (The coefficient of friction of
the road surface f=0.32 and PRT=2.5 seconds. (The SSD for the design speed of 96kph is
6. A roadway is being designed for a speed of 113 kph. At one horizontal curve, it is known
that the super-elevation is 8% and the coefficient of side friction is 0.10. Determine the
minimum radius of curve (measured to the travelled path) that will provide for safe vehicle

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

Madda Walabu University 14
School of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

7. A 2-lane road, each with width 4m, crown slope = 3%, design speed = 80kph, rate of super-
elevation, e=0.1m/m. Find the length of transition curve if full super-elevation is going to be
achieved by rotation about the inner edge of the carriage way

8. Given design speed=50kph, e=0.10m/m, c=0.3m/sec3, and n=0.15; determine the length of the
transition curve

Highway Engineering I (CEng-3182) Chapter 5-Horizontal Alignment Engr. Nanette Ando-Ubaldo

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