Form 6
Form 6
Form 6
Version 001
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 9
72810 - Gomaringen
[email protected]
Format rev. 1, Copyright ©2012, DIgSILENT GmbH. Copyright of this document belongs to DIgSILENT
GmbH. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form, by any means
electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of DIgSILENT GmbH.
List of Figures 3
1 Model information 4
2 General description 4
3 Supported features 4
3.1.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.4.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.5.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.6.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5 Scheme 25
6 References 26
7 Change Log 27
List of Figures
1 Model information
Model Form 6
Variants The Cooper Power Systems Form 6 PowerFactory relay model simulates the features
available in the Cooper Power Systems Form 6 pole mount and rack mount recloser control.
2 General description
The Form 6 recloser control is a powerful and flexible system to provide custom solutions
for distribution protection. The Form 6 rack, yard, and pole mount microprocessor-based
recloser controls include comprehensive system protection functionality, including phase, ground,
and negative sequence overcurrent protection, over/underfrequency and voltage protection,
directionality, sensitive earth fault, and sync check.
The Cooper Power Systems Form 6 recloser has been modeled using one PowerFactory Cooper
Power Systems Form 6 relay model which include most of the protective elements available in
the recloser.
The relay model consists of a main relay model and of the following sub relays:
• Phase HC lockout
• Ground HC lockout
• Q HC lockout
The relay model includes the measurement and acquisition units, the overcurrent, frequency, and
voltage protective elements, and the output logic.
The relay model implementation has been based on the information available in the recloser
manual [1].
3 Supported features
It represents the interface between the power system and the relay protective elements.
The primary current is converted by one three phase current transformer (”Ct” block) and one
single phase core current transformer (”Residual Ct” block), the primary voltage is converted
by one three phase voltage transformer (”Vt-3P” block). The converted current and voltages
are then measured by one 3 phase measurement unit (”Measurement” block), by one 3phase
sequence measurement unit (”Meas. sequence” block), by one single phase measurement unit
(”Meas. Residual” block), and by one frequency measurement unit (”Meas Freq” block).
3.1.2 Functionality
The ”Ct” and the ”Residual Ct” block represent ideal CTs. Using the CT default configuration
the current at the primary side is converted to the secondary side using the CT ratio. The CT
saturation and/or its magnetizing characteristic are not considered. Please set the ”Detailed
Model” check box in the ”Detailed Data” tab page of the CT dialog and insert the data regarding
the CT burden, the CT secondary resistance and the CT excitation parameter if more accurate
simulation results are required.
The input signals are sampled in the relay model at 64 samples/cycle; a DFT filter operating over
a cycle calculates the current values used by the protective elements.
The CT secondary rated current must be set in any measurement blocks, the VT secondary
rated voltage must be set in the ”Measurement” block.
If no core CT is available assign the 3 phases CT also to the ”Residual Ct” slot.
A set of inverse time and definite time overcurrent elements models the relay phase, negative
sequence and earth overcurrent protective functions. The inverse characteristics available in the
relay are available as well in the inverse time model block.
The overvoltage, undervoltage and frequency (with minimum voltage inhibition threshold) protec-
tion elements are also modeled.
• Four phase fault inverse time elements (”Phase threshold”, ”Phase TCC1”, ”Phase TCC2”,
”Phase TCC3” and ”Phase TCC4” block). Please note that the current trip threshold is
unique for any element and is stored inside the ”Phase threshold” block.
• Four ground fault inverse time elements (”Ground threshold”, ”Ground TCC1”, ”Ground
TCC2”, ”Ground TCC3” and ”Ground TCC4” block). Please note that the current trip
threshold is unique for any element and is stored inside the ”Ground threshold” block.
• Four phase fault ”high current” definite time elements (”Phase HC 1”, ”Phase HC 2”, ”Phase
HC 3”, ”Phase HC 4”, ”Cold Load Phase HC” block). Please note that each block must be
set to associate a definite time characteristic to the relevant inverse characteristic block
(”Phase TCCx” block where x = 1,2,3,4).
• Four ground fault ”high current” definite time elements (”Ground HC 1”, ”Ground HC 2”,
”Ground HC 3”, ”Ground HC 4”, ”Cold Load Ground HC” block). Please note that each block
must be set to associate a definite time characteristic to the relevant inverse characteristic
block (”Ground TCCx” block where x = 1,2,3,4).
• One sensitive ground fault definite time element with directional feature (”Sensitive Ground”
and ”Dir 1ph” block).
• One phase fault inverse time elements enabled during the cold load conditions (”Phase
ColdLoadTCC” block).
• One phase fault ”high current” definite time element (”Cold Load Phase HC” block). Please
note that the block must be set to associate a definite time characteristic to the relevant
inverse characteristic block (”Phase ColdLoadTCC” block).
• One phase fault inverse time element enabled when the fast trips are disabled (”Phase
FTDTCC” block, set by the Fast Trips disabled parameter in the ”Phase recllogic” block).
• One ground fault inverse time elements enabled during the cold load conditions (”Ground
ColdLoadTCC” block).
• One ground fault ”high current” definite time element (”Cold Load Ground HC” block).
Please note that the block must be set to associate a definite time characteristic to the
relevant inverse characteristic block (”Ground ColdLoadTCC” block).
• One ground fault inverse time element enabled when the fast trips are disabled (”Ground
FTDTCC” block, set by the Fast Trips disabled parameter in the ”Ground recllogic” block).
• One cold load phase lockout element (”Cold Load Phase HC Lockout” block).
• One cold load ground lockout element (”Cold Load Ground HC Lockout” block).
• Three independent reclosing logics for the phase , the ground and the sensitive ground
element (”Phase recllogic ”, ”Ground recllogic” and ”SEF recllogic” block).
• Three undervoltage time definite elements (”Undervoltage alarm”, ”Undervoltage 3p”,
”Undervoltage 1p” block). Please notice that the voltage trip threshold is in secondary V
instead of primary volts.
• Three overvoltage time definite elements (”Overvoltage alarm”, ”Overvoltage 3p”, ”Over-
voltage 1p” block). Please notice that the voltage trip threshold is in secondary V instead of
primary volts.
• Three under frequency time definite elements (”Underfrequency alarm”, ”Underfrequency
1”, ”Underfrequency 2” block).
• Three over frequency time definite elements (”Overfrequency alarm”, ”Overfrequency 1”,
”Overfrequency 2” block).
3.2.2 Functionality
The PF model contains all the protective elements available in the relay. The inverse time
overcurrent elements support the following trip characteristics:
• 101 • 135
• 102 • 136
• 103 • 137
• 104 • 138
• 105 • 139
• 106 • 140
• 107
• 141
• 111
• 142
• 112
• 151
• 113
• 152
• 114
• 161
• 115
• 162
• 116
• 163
• 117
• 164
• 118
• 165
• 119
• 200
• 120
• 121 • 201
• 122 • 202
• 131 • Constant
The user can configure any protective block with an instantaneous or a delayed reset. The
delayed reset time is calculated using a delayed reset characteristic (”Reset TCC” characteristic).
The reclosing procedure settings are available in the ”Phase recllogic”, ”Ground recllogic”, and
”SEF recllogic” block.
The Cooper Power Systems Form 6 relay model provides the following features:
• User configurable number of operations of the SEF elements before the lockout.
• Reset time of the SEF reclosing procedure.
• Reclosing time for each SEF reclosing attempt.
• Cold Load condition user configurable maximum number of operations before the lockout.
• Cold Load condition reclosing interval.
• Cold Load condition maximum duration.
• Multiple operation modes (3ph trip-3ph lockout mode,1ph trip-3ph lockout mode, and the
1ph trip-1ph lockout mode).
Please notice that in the Cooper Power Systems Form 6 model all current threshold ranges are
in terms of primary amperes as the settings of the Cooper Power Systems Form 6 recloser. For
the reason the ratio of the CT feeding the Form 6 PF model measurement blocks should be 1/1.
In the relay 2 groups of settings are present as TCC1 (fast trip characteristic) and as TCC2 (slow
trip characteristic) for phase, ground and negative sequence. The Operation sequence relay
setting defines for each reclosing attempt if TCC1 or TCC2 is active. In the model a separated
protective element is active for each reclosing attempt and must be set with the TCC1 or the
TCC2 relay group of settings accordingly with the Operation sequence relay setting.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
Overcurrent :
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
TCCPMinTrip Phase min trip Pickup Current (Ipsetr)
TCGMinTrip Ground min trip Pickup Current (Ipsetr)
TCCQMinTrip Negative seq min trip Pickup Current (Ipsetr)
Block Phase trips Phase min trip Out of Service (outserv)
Block Ground trips Ground min trip Out of Service (outserv)
Block NegSeq trips Negative seq min trip Out of Service (outserv)
TCCP1Curve Phase TCC1, Phase TCC2 Characteristic (pcharac) Set accordingly with the Oper-
ation Sequence-Phase /Nega-
tive Sequence relay setting
Phase TCC3, Phase TCC4 Characteristic (pcharac) As above
TCCP2Curve Phase TCC1, Phase TCC2 Characteristic (pcharac) As above
Reclosing :
Cold Load :
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
CLPUActTime Phase recllogic Activation Time (clactivationt) In the ”Cold Load Pickup” tab
Ground recllogic Activation Time (clactivationt) In the ”Cold Load Pickup” tab
CLPUBlock Phase recllogic Enable Cold Load Pickup Set the model parameter
(clenable) when CLPUBlock is 0
Ground recllogic Enable Cold Load Pickup Set the model parameter
(clenable) when CLPUBlock is 0
CLPUPMin Trip Phase ColdLoadTCC Current Setting (Ipsetr)
CLPUPCurve Phase ColdLoadTCC Characteristic (pcharac)
CLPUPMultE Phase ColdLoadTCC Enable TCC modifiers (Mod-
CLPUPMult Phase ColdLoadTCC Time Dial (Tpset)
CLPUPAddEn Phase ColdLoadTCC Enable TCC modifiers (Mod-
CLPUPAdd Phase ColdLoadTCC Time Adder (Tadder)
CLPUPMRTAE Phase ColdLoadTCC Enable TCC modifiers (Mod-
CLPUPMRTA Phase ColdLoadTCC Min.Response Time (minresp-
CLPUGMin Trip Ground ColdLoadTCC Current Setting (Ipsetr)
CLPUGCurve Ground ColdLoadTCC Characteristic (pcharac)
CLPUGMultE Ground ColdLoadTCC Enable TCC modifiers (Mod-
CLPUGMult Ground ColdLoadTCC Time Dial (Tpset)
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
SEFBlock Sensitive Ground Out of Service (outserv)
SEFMintrip Sensitive Ground Pickup Current (Ipsetr)
SEFTime Sensitive Ground Time Setting (Tset)
SEFReclInt SEF recllogic Reclosing interval 1 (re-
SEF recllogic Reclosing interval 2 (re-
SEF recllogic Reclosing interval 3 (re-
SEF recllogic Reclosing interval 4 (re-
SEFNumOps SEF recllogic Operations to lockout
Maximum Dir Ground Max. Torque Angle (mtau) In the ”Voltage Polarizing” tab
Torque Angle page
- Fault
Voltage :
Frequency :
It represents the output stage of the relay; it’s the interface between the relay and the power
• Closing Logic
3.3.2 Functionality
The ”Phase Output Logic”, ”Ground Output Logic”, ”Negative seq Output Logic”, and ”V&F Output
Logic” block have the task to operate the power breaker when a trip command has been issued
by any protective element. The relay output signal used to operate the breaker is ”yout”.
The ”Phase Output Logic” block can trigger a 3 phase or a single phase trip command. The
trip mode must be set in the ”Operation Mode” tab page of the ”Phase recllogic” block (phase
reclosing logic element). For special purposes the signals enabled to trip the breaker can be
set using the Tripping signals combo box (”sTripsig” setting) in the ”Phase Output Logic” block
dialog. The ”Closing Logic” block controlled by the reclosing feature (”Phase recllogic”, ”Ground
recllogic”, and ”SEF recllogic” block) has the purpose of generating a closing command for the
power breaker when a reclosing attempt is triggered. It sets the youtclose relay output contact.
To disable the relay model ability to open the power circuit breaker disable the ”Phase Output
Logic”, ”Ground Output Logic”, ”Negative seq Output Logic”, and ”V&F Output Logic” block.
To disable the relay model ability to close the power circuit breaker and start a reclosing procedure
disable the ”Closing Logic” block.
3.4.2 Functionality
The subrelay contains three phase overcurrent stages which can stop the reclosing procedure if
any phase current is greater than a given, user configurable threshold. Each overcurrent stage is
associated to a different reclosing attempt and can be enabled or disabled. Please notice that
the relevant relay current threshold setting is unique so all elements must be set with the same
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following tables (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
3.5.2 Functionality
The subrelay contains three ground overcurrent stages which can stop the reclosing procedure if
the ground current is greater than a given, user configurable threshold. Each overcurrent stage
is associated to a different reclosing attempt and can be enabled or disabled. Please notice that
the relevant relay current threshold setting is unique so all elements must be set with the same
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following tables (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
3.6.2 Functionality
The subrelay contains three negative sequence overcurrent stages which can stop the reclosing
procedure if the negative sequence current is greater than a given, user configurable threshold.
Each overcurrent stage is associated to a different reclosing attempt and can be enabled or
disabled. Please notice that the relevant relay current threshold setting is unique so all elements
must be set with the same value.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following tables (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
• Sync check.
• Under frequency restoration.
5 Scheme
Figure 5.1: Cooper Power Systems Form 6 relay model connection scheme
6 References
[1] Cooper Power Systems, 1045 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072 USA. Kyle Form 6
Microprocessor-Based Recloser Control Programming Guide S280-70-4 KA2048-544 Rev. 5,
7 Change Log