Digsilent Powerfactory: Relay Model Description
Digsilent Powerfactory: Relay Model Description
Digsilent Powerfactory: Relay Model Description
Siemens 7SD511
Version 002
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 9
72810 - Gomaringen
[email protected]
Format rev. 1, Copyright ©2012, DIgSILENT GmbH. Copyright of this document belongs to DIgSILENT
GmbH. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form, by any means
electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of DIgSILENT GmbH.
List of Figures 2
1 Model information 3
2 General description 3
3 Supported features 3
3.1.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Scheme 8
6 References 9
7 Change Log 10
List of Figures
1 Model information
Manufacturer Siemens
Model 7SD511
Variants This PowerFactory relay model type simulates the Siemens 7SD511 relay which is a
3 phase microprocessor differential relay protection suited to cable and line protection.
2 General description
The numerical current comparison protection 7SD511 is a fast and selective short circuit protec-
tion for cables and overhead lines. It is particularly suited to short lines where, for example, the
first zone of a distance protection cannot be set sufficiently short. It can be used with lines down
to any length. The current comparison protection system requires the installation of one 7SD511
unit at each end of the line; the two units exchange data by digital signals. If data transmission
fails, the relay will switch automatically to an emergency mode. During this emergency period the
relay operates as an overcurrent time protection which can be used as a definite time or inverse
time overcurrent protection.
The Siemens 7SD511 relay has been modeled using one PowerFactory relay model which
includes most of the features available in the relay.
The model implementation has been based on the information available in the relay documenta-
tion provided by the manufacturer and freely available [?].
3 Supported features
It represents the interface between the power system and the relay protective elements. The
currents flowing in the power system are converted by two elements which model two 3 phase
CTs, and by an element which models a single phase (earth) CT; the secondary currents are
then measured by two elements which simulate the digital filters of the relay.
Please notice that the second 3 phase transformer (”Wd_2 Ct” block) represents the measurement
at the remote end of the line. No data link is modeled and only one Siemens 7SD511 relay model
is required to simulate the whole differential arrangement at one side of the line.
• Two 3 phase current transformers (”Wd_1 Ct” and ”Wd_2 Ct” block).
3.1.2 Functionality
The ”Wd_1 Ct”, the ”Wd_2 Ct” and the ”Wd_1 Ct-3I0” block represent ideal CTs. Using the CT
default configuration the current at the primary side are converted to the secondary side using
the CT ratio. The CT saturation and/or its magnetizing characteristic are not considered. Please
set the ”Detailed Model” check box in the ”Detailed Data” tab page of the CT dialog and insert
the data regarding the CT burden, the CT secondary resistance and the CT excitation parameter
if more accurate simulation results are required.
The measurement blocks calculate the harmonic component using a DFT filter operating over a
full cycle.
If no core CT is available please select the 3 phases CT also in the ”Wd_1 Ct-3I0” slot: the earth
current will be calculated assuming that an Holmgreen’s connection of the phases is used.
The CT secondary rated current (1 or 5 A) value must be set in the measurement elements
(”Nominal current” parameter).
A differential element simulates the relay differential features. Two phase overcurrent elements,
two ground overcurrent elements and one thermal image element simulate the relay backup
protective functions.
All protective functions available in the relay are available also in the PowerFactory relay model.
3.2.2 Functionality
The inverse time overcurrent elements (”Iph>” and ”IE>” block) support the following trip charac-
• Extremely inverse.
• Normally inverse.
• Very inverse.
• Definite time.
The relationship between current and time values for the ”Normal Inverse”, ”Very Inverse”, and
”Extremely Inverse” characteristic complies with the IEC 60255-3 standards.
The differential element calculates for each phase the differential current in terms of current
vector components (or instantaneous values during the EMT simulation) using the current values
measured by ”Measure 1” and by ”Measure 2” block.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
It represents the output stage of the relay; it’s the interface between the relay and the power
3.3.2 Functionality
The ”Logic” block gets the trip signal coming from the differential element and the backup
elements; it operates the relay output contact and the power breaker when at least one trip signal
has been activated.
• OUT1
• OUT2
• OUT3
• OUT4
• OUT5
To disable completely the relay model ability to open the power circuit breaker disable the ”Logic”
Please notice that in the relay model the overcurrent elements are always active or not active. To
simulate the link failure the emergency protective blocks must be activated manually.
5 Scheme
6 References
7 Change Log