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Wireless Sensor Network

Christer Englund
Henrik Wallin
Communication Systems Group
Department of Signals and Systems

Goteborg, Sweden, April 2004


This report begins with a brief introduction to sensor networks and RFID. The task
given is to integrate RFID into a sensor network in order to, from a user point of
view, extend the range of the RFID system. There are high requirements regarding
the power consumption because the nodes in the network are supposed to be battery
Most of the work is concentrated on the design and implementation of a sensor
network protocol. The suggested protocol is a MAC protocol that is very energy
efficient and broadcast oriented. It is based on a cluster structure and the nodes
in the network havent got specific addresses. The authors think this will make the
network more scalable than it would have been with most existing protocols.
The designed protocol was tested both in real world with designed hardware and in
a network simulator on a computer. Real world tests were only performed in small
scale as the number of nodes were limited. The scalability with a larger number
of nodes was tested in the computer simulator. Both the real world tests and the
simulations showed that the protocol worked in the way it was intended.

Keywords: Sensor network, RFID, Radio Frequency Identification, TinyOS


Den har rapporten inleds med en kortfattad introduktion till sensornatverk och
RFID. Den givna uppgiften ar att integrera RFID i ett sensornatverk for att ur
en anvandarsynvinkel utoka rackvidden hos RFID systemet. H
arda krav stalls p
effektforbrukningen eftersom noderna i natverket kommer att vara batteridrivna.
Huvuddelen av arbetet ar koncentrerat kring design och implementering av ett
sensornatverksprotokoll. Det foreslagna protokollet ar ett MAC-protokoll som ar
valdigt energisn
alt och broadcast-orienterat. Protokollet ar klusterbaserat och noderna
i natverket har inga bestamda addresser. Forfattarna tror att detta kommer att gora
natverket mer skalbart an vad som hade varit mojligt med existerande protokoll.
Det designade protkollet testades b
ade i verkligheten med tillverkad h
ardvara samt
i en natverkssimulator p
a en dator. Verklighetstesterna genomfordes bara i mindre skala eftersom antalet noder var begransat. Skalbarheten med ett storre antal
noder testades i simulatorn. B
ade verklighetstesten och simuleringarna visade p
att protokollet fungerade p
a det satt som var avsett.

Nyckelord: Sensornatverk, RFID, Radio Frequency Identification, TinyOS


We appreciate the opportunity we were given to conduct the work at Flextronics Design Gothenburg. A big thank you to our supervisor at Flextronics Design, Richard
Menzinsky for his guidance and encouragement throughout the work. We also would
like to thank our examiner and supervisor at Chalmers, Prof. Arne Svensson for
answering the questions we have had and for giving feedback on the work.

Gothenburg, April 26, 2004

Christer Englund

Henrik Wallin




Introduction to Sensor networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Introduction to RFID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Task Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Outline of report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Assumptions and limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Component choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tag+ unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


MICA2 Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Medio S002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Other components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





MAC protocols - Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



CSMAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Reducing collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Power efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Network layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Potentials and routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Data aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .









nesC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



TinyOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



TOSSIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Protocol implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MAC component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Network component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



RFID reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Graphical User interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Radio communication regulations in Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



System performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Power consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Real World Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Data safe aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Controlling outer clusters SYNC-timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Updating data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Further energy saving optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






B Schematics


C Packet structures



D Application call-graph



List of Figures

Overview of the network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Schematic picture of Tag+ unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tag+ unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The hidden terminal problem illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The binomial distribution for n = 100, p = 1/100 and x Z {0, 25}.



The large circles represent the approximate sending range of the masters.
The numbers represent the clusters potential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A simple network layout consisting of three clusters with potential 0, 1

and 2. The nodes called R1 and R2 are routing nodes connecting the
clusters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Selection of routing node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The component graph for the MAC-component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The component graph for the SyncHandlerC-component. . . . . . . . . . . . .



The call graph for the RadioPower-component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Network (routing) component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



RFID readers state diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Graphical User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


B.1 Schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


C.1 General packet header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


C.2 SYNC-packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


C.3 RTS/CTS packet structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


C.4 DATA packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


C.5 Control packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


C.6 Routing packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



List of Tables
B.1 Component List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


B.2 MAX3223 Pin Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


B.3 Connector J1 Pin Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


B.4 Connector J2 Pin Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


B.5 Connector CONN Pin Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



List of Algorithms

Send msg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Receive msg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Startup::ReceivedSYNC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Periodic Neighbor Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Router Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



In this report the reader is first given a short general introduction to sensor networks
and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Then these two techniques are combined
to create a wireless self-organizing sensor network in which each node uses RFID

1.1 Introduction to Sensor networks

Sensor networks were in February 2003 predicted by MITs Technology Review to be
one of the most important technologies in the near future [17]. Depending on what
type of application the sensor network is designed for it has different features. Sensor networks are often self-organizing, has no central administration and responds
dynamically to failures of important nodes in the network. Further they often manage movement of nodes in the network and have some sort of multi hop routing
capability between the nodes. The actual routing algorithms are often simplified by
the fact that the routing scheme is often predefined. This is because the objective
with a sensor network is often to collect data from the nodes, and therefore each
node just need to know how to forward data towards the data collecting node.
The goal is often to get the sensor network as autonomous as possible, which is
important in application where for example automatic surveillance is preferred or
where the environment is hostile to humans. Todays technique make it possible to
build extremely small units that can be deployed as nodes in a sensor network and
perform different tasks. Areas like surveillance and data acquisition are likely to be
revolutionized when the cost of these networks decreases.

1.2 Introduction to RFID

RFID is another promising technique, and has been developed since the 1960s. In
recent years the cost has dropped to a level allowing it not just to be used in new
kind of applications, but also outperforming different existing systems.
As the name indicates RFID is used to identify objects using radio communication.
The most common usage is to identify objects in for example a supermarket. Still,
bar code systems outperforms RFID in this area because the cost of a bar code system is lower than that of an RFID system. The usage of RFID today is for example
in road tolls for vehicle access, personnel access control and other security systems.
These systems uses more of the potential that RFID offers in form of no line-of-sight
required and operating distances of up to tens of meters depending on system used.
This is pretty much where the market is today but RFID is continuously breaking

Chapter 1


into new markets as the systems get cheaper and cheaper when volumes rise. [11]
Different applications have different demands on range, power consumption and so
on. Therefore different types of RFID systems exist, where the frequency used,
modulation scheme and other parameters differ between them. The main concept
used in RFID is however similar for all systems. Each system consists of a reader,
an antenna and a population of one or more tags. A tag is like a small memory
module which can communicate with the reader and can be attached to objects one
wants to track. The reader can search for a tag that is within range by sending
out a predefined signal using RF. A tag that receives this signal responds back with
its unique ID that has been preprogrammed in its memory. All RFID systems has
this basic functionality, but most of the systems today also support multiple tag
detection and the ability to write optional information to the tag memory.
The most commonly used carrier frequencies are 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, 868 MHz
and 2.4 GHz. Depending on which carrier frequency that is used, different methods for communicating between reader and tag exist. 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz uses
inductive coupling to communicate whereas 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz uses electromagnetic coupling. The electromagnetic coupling is more efficient than inductive
coupling implying that systems using electromagnetic coupling often have better
reading range. The ability to propagate through solid material is depending on the
carrier frequency, lower frequencies give better propagation than higher frequencies.
The tags can be either passive or active, meaning that active tags are powered with
a power source of their own, while passive tags are powered by the energy radiated
by the reader. An active tag has the advantage of longer reading distance at the cost
of that battery replacement is needed after some time of operation. Passive tags
is the opposite, they dont need replacement of batteries but instead have shorter
reading range. The advantage of not having to replace batteries is preferable in
many applications. The source of energy to power the passive tags is the magnetic
or electromagnetic field that the reader emits. In the case of inductive coupling
the reader uses an antenna to radiate an alternating magnetic field at a constant
frequency. A coil in the tag induces voltage, which is used to power the electronics in
the tag. By loading its coil the tag it is able to modulate the power drawn from the
magnetic field. The reader can sense this and thereby demodulate the information
the tag sent. By using a predefined protocol the reader and tag can communicate
by using the technique described. More information about how different RFID
systems work can be found in [3].
Because there are so many different types of systems it is impossible to describe
them all in this report. The system that is used in this project follows a standard
called Philips ICODE. This standard uses the 13.56 MHz carrier with inductive
coupling, has ability to read from and write to the tag and can read multiple tags
simultaneously. More information about Philips ICODE can be found in Appendix

1.3 Task Description

1.3 Task Description

The normal reading range for the RFID system used in this project is only about
5-10 cm1 , which means that reader and tag cannot be physically separated more
than this distance in order to function.
The purpose of this project is to from a user point of view be able to read RFID
tags from distances that is well beyond that of the range of ordinary RFID readers. The basic idea is to connect the RFID reader to an RF transceiver which can
forward information to and from the reader over distances approximately 100 200
m depending on which RF transceiver that is used. By making the RF transceiver
transparent to the user he would have the feel of being able to read tags that are
100 200 m away from him. The design of a convenient protocol would improve the
system by letting the user interact with multiple RFID readers simultaneously and
thereby covering a larger area where tags are deployed. To be able to cover an even
larger area and reach further, the RF transceivers must also be able to route information. The total system can then be seen as a network of nodes, which consists
of an RFID reader and an RF transceiver. Each node shall be able to function as a
router and pass on messages to the right destinations. In this network it is likely to
have a central node from which the user is performing his actions and where to the
information should be forwarded. An overview of the network can be seen in Figure
1.1. The routing nodes shall not need any special configuration compared to the
ordinary nodes. Ordinary nodes shall take the routing responsibility and become
routing nodes when they detect that outer nodes need routing assistance.

100 - 200 m

C Central node
R Routing node, responsible for routing for an outer node
Ordinary node, without any routing responsibility
Figure 1.1. Overview of the network

The reading range varies with the RFID antenna and RFID tag used and can be up to 1 meter
for the ICODE standard

Chapter 1


Each node in the network except the central node is supposed to be battery powered
and must be functional for years without replacement of the battery. This means
that the nodes must be powered down when they arent used and woken up again
when they are to be used. Some sort of battery indicator shall signal when the
battery level is low and the battery has to be replaced. The central node doesnt
have this demand and it can be assumed that it will be powered by an external
power source.
The nodes shall also be able to start up and run without any configuration. The
number of nodes must not to be limited. That is, the complete system must be
The RFID system that is to be used in this system has to follow some well spread
accepted standard. Philips ICODE is the standard that is chosen as mentioned in
Section 1.2. The reason why a well spread standard should be used is that other
standard RFID readers that arent part of this system should be able to read the
tags in the system.
The RF device must operate in one of the license exempt frequency bands that are
available (i.e 433 or 868 MHz). The regulations set in order to be allowed to operate
in these bands of course have to be followed. Each link must reach at least 100 m,
preferably 200 m, when line of sight exists. In the design process of the system,
evaluation boards are to be used if possible, and no manufacture of PCB shall be

1.4 Proposal
The main task in this project is to design and implement a protocol that nodes in
the network can follow in order to fulfill the demands stated in Section 1.3. What is
needed is a self configuring low power ad hoc network. The protocol design of these
network are very application dependent and we need a protocol that
Executes distributively.
Provides loop-free routes, because looping means unnecessary communication.
Minimizes routing communication.
Minimizes energy consumption.
Makes the network self-configuring.
Minimizes response delay. This is necessary to preserve battery life in the
units, when a unit needs to route information.
A MAC-layer protocol is proposed which is energy efficient and broadcast oriented,
since all radio communication by nature is broadcast oriented. The protocol uses a

1.5 Outline of report

cluster structure with one master in each cluster that controls communication within
its cluster. All nodes will use periodic sleep to preserve power, and the master is
responsible for synchronizing sleep periods for slave nodes within a cluster. The
routing layer will use the cluster structure to find a loop free route to the data
collecting node.
The design of the protocol is very application dependent and the ideas behind it
have been collected from different existing protocol designs and from own thoughts.
References to work of others will be given throughout the text where it is appropriate.

1.5 Outline of report

In Chapter 2 some main assumptions, limitations and clarifications about the project
are stated. The hardware used in the network is introduced and it is motivated why it
was chosen. Chapter 3 explains the thoughts behind the proposed protocol and how
it was designed. Chapter 4 describes the software implementation of the protocol
and the other parts of the system. In Chapter 5 it is verified how the protocol
works. Tests are made both in reality and in a simulator. Some information about
the regulations for radio communication in the license exempt frequency bands is
given, and it is also verified that the regulations are followed by this system. The
theoretical power consumption is calculated in order to give a prediction of the
battery lifetime of the system. The report ends with Chapter 6 where some thoughts
and conclusions about the project are given and how the results agree with the task
description given in Chapter 1. Some suggestions of future work are given in the

From the task description given in Section 1.3 one can get a pretty good picture of
how the final system will look like. The system proposed in this project will integrate
RFID technology into an ad hoc network in order to easily collect information from
multiple RFID tags spread over a large area. Each node in the network will have the
ability to read RFID tags of a certain type and pass that information on to a central
node in the network, from here on called sink. The sink will be connected to a PC
from which the user shall be able to maneuver the data collection and analyze the
collected data. This means that the user from a single point can gather data from
RFID tags spread over a very large area. Further, the nodes will have the capability
of route information to the right destination, which will make it possible to reach
nodes even further away from the sink. The system will automatically integrate
new nodes which are placed in the range of the current network. If crucial nodes
are removed the network infrastructure will automatically be reconstructed, which
means that the network will be completely self configuring.

2.1 Assumptions and limitations

Its obvious that the protocol that is to be designed must be rather complex in
order to fulfill all the demands given. The protocol also has to be designed with
the objective to be very power efficient in order to cope with the battery lifetime
stated in the task description. A perfect protocol design would let the network
have short latency, high data rate, good self configuring capabilities and very low
power consumption. It is difficult to satisfy all these demands at the same time
because they sometimes conflict with each other. This means that some of these
demands have to be restrained in order to fulfill other demands. Both good self
configuring and low power consumption are needed in order to be able to follow the
task description. The data rate is not important in the sense that we can get shorter
transmission time because the amount of data to be transmitted is relatively low
anyway. But it is favorable to have a high data rate because a shorter transmission
time will result in preserved energy and better power efficiency. The latency in the
network is very much protocol dependent, and by allowing a little bit of latency in
the network one can use different methods and techniques to make the system very
energy efficient.
The system has a central node from which the user sends commands and receives
information about the available tags. This node shall be connected to a PC to which
it shall send the data acquired from the network. This means that every node must
not be able to forward messages to a specific node in the network, but rather in
the direction towards to or away from the central node. This assumption will make
the routing algorithms much easier and saves a lot of overhead information that
otherwise would have been needed.

2.2 Component choices

2.2 Component choices

To be able to build an energy efficient system it is important to assemble hardware
components that are power efficient themselves, otherwise it would be pointless in
designing a protocol that is power efficient. The components used in this system
have been chosen with the objective to be power efficient, but it should be pointed
out that if this system would be manufactured in bigger scale, ASIC, FPGA or
similar techniques would be used to integrate everything on a single chip. This
would lower the energy consumption even more.

2.3 Tag+ unit

The nodes in the network include an RFID reader and an RF transceiver as has been
mentioned in Section 1.3. However, some more components are needed in order to
make the nodes functional. First, some sort of micro controller must be used in
order to coordinate the different components in the node. The micro controller
must be programmed with the designed protocol stack and handle the transmission
and reception of data from the RF transceiver. The micro controller is also used to
control the RFID reader, and signal to other devices to go into sleep mode when
they are not needed.
Each node in the network consists of the following components:

Micro controller
RF Transceiver
RF Antenna
RFID Reader
RFID Antenna
Components to connect components together

Chapter 2

System Description

Together they form what we from now on will refer to as a Tag+ unit, which can
be seen in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2. The Tag+ is battery driven, which put requirements on low power consumption of all components included. The size of the
Tag+ with the components we have chosen is approximately 55x40x20 mm, battery
excluded. The schematics of how the Tag+ is connected can be found in Appendix

RSRS- 2 3 2


Figure 2.1. Schematic picture of Tag+ unit

Figure 2.2. Tag+ unit

The micro controller is used to coordinate the Tag+ units. Clock frequency and
memory size of the micro controller determine the amount of instructions that can
be performed and thereby the complexity of the system. The Tag+ should have
at least 32 kB of memory in order to fit the protocol, and the clock frequency
should be high enough to be able to coordinate the Tag+ effectively. Though the
clock frequency should be kept as low as possible because higher clock frequency
corresponds to higher power consumption for the micro controller.
The RF transceiver must operate in one of the license exempt frequency bands.
It should also have very low power consumption in order to save energy. The RF

2.4 MICA2 Platform

antenna must be small but still efficient enough not to waste energy. The distance
one can reach with an RF link is of course depending on the transmitted power.
Outdoors where it is line of sight between transmitter and receiver it is often not a
problem to reach 100 200 m and still be able to cope with the maximum allowed
transmitted power that is set by regulations in most countries. Indoors and in other
environment with a lot of obstacles between transmitter and receiver its not likely
to be able to attain this range.
The RFID reader must follow the ICODE standard. It must also be very small and
power efficient. The RFID antenna to be chosen must be as small as possible but
still have a range of about 5 10 cm.

2.4 MICA2 Platform

MICA2 is a platform that includes a micro controller, an RF transceiver and an
RF antenna, developed by Berkeley University, and manufactured and distributed
by Crossbow Technologies. The MICA2 platform is designed for wireless sensor
networks, which have many similarities to this project with respect to low power
consumption and small physical size.
In this project we will use the MICA2 platform, which has an Atmega128L micro
controller (from Atmels 8-bit AVRr -serie). This processor has 128 kB of In-System
Programmable Flash, 4 kB EEPROM, 4 kB SRAM, programmable UART, SPI
interface and is powered by a 3 V battery. It also supports power down modes,
which can be used to lower the power consumption. The clock frequency used on
the MICA2 platform is 7.37 MHz. The characteristics of this micro controller will
easily fulfill the demands we have on the micro controller in the Tag+ regarding
memory size and processing capability.
The SPI interface is used to communicate with the RF transceiver located on the
MICA2 board. The RF transceiver is the CC1000 chip from Chipcon. It is configured to operate in the 433 MHz frequency band. It has very low power consumption
and manages FSK data rates up to 76.8 kbit/s. It also supports automatic hardware Manchester coding and will then have a maximum data rate of 38.4 kbit/s.
The transceiver has high sensitivity and RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication)
output. The data rate this chip manages should be high enough for the Tag+. The
CC1000 chip seems to be one of the most power efficient RF transceivers on the
market for the given data rate and will be convenient for the Tag+. A quarter wave
monopole RF antenna without any ground plane comes with the MICA2 platform.
This antenna makes a good balance between size and performance.
The MICA2 platform is also a good choice in the aspect that all the work wiring
the RF transceiver to the micro controller is already done on the PCB, which makes
the platform very small. It is also very easy to program the micro controller with
the special programming board that comes with the evaluation kit.


Chapter 2

System Description

2.5 Medio S002

To be able to read the ICODE tags a reader that supports this type of tags is
needed. Tagsys Medio S002 have support for a number of different types of tags,
which can be found in [24]. It is a small size reader that is used in hand held RFID
reader systems. The small size makes this reader a good choice for the Tag+. It
supports TTL, RS232, RS485 and S422 as communication interface with the micro
controller, and to preserve energy it can be put into stand by mode where the power
consumption is low. The reader is powered by a voltage of 4 to 6 V and can be
interfaced with at a maximum data rate of 38.4 kbit/s using RS232.
The ICODE tags used belongs to a range of tags that are often referred to as
smart labels. This is a concept used to describe the usage of the tags. Smart labels
are small and cheap to produce which make it possible to use them in large scale
labeling of objects. The physical shaping of the tags are done to make it easy to
attach them to objects. The tags used in this project are almost paper thin and has
a size of about 20x20 mm. Still, they are very durable to be able to manage tough
A 50 ohm RFID antenna is connected to the reader. Due to the small size of the
antenna (30x30 mm) the reading distance of the RFID reader is approximately only
5 10 cm.

2.6 Other components

The RS232 protocol is used to handle the communication between the RFID reader
and the micro controller. The micro controller cannot handle RS232 signals so a
MAX3223 is used to convert between TTL and RS232 signals.
The batteries used should be as small and light as possible, but still have enough
energy to be able to power the Tag+ for a long time. The batteries must be able
to supply 3 V to the MICA2 platform and 4 to 6 V to the RFID reader. There
is a problem with the RFID reader, and it is that the reader loads the batteries
heavily during the time its reading tags. The RFID reader requires batteries that
can maintain their output voltage even if the load is high, and this often implies
that the batteries must be quite big and unproportional to the rest of the design.
Four alkaline AA batteries were chosen and the fact that these are rather big sized
is ignored because the Tag+ is only supposed to be a prototype.

As already mentioned in Section 1.3, the nodes should have a battery life of several
years. Because of this, the main focus when designing the protocol was to make it
very power efficient. The protocol should also be robust to massive deployments of
nodes in limited space, so it needs to be very scalable.

3.1 MAC protocols - Related work

When designing a protocol for wireless applications, a problem thats not present
with traditional wired communication arises. Its called the hidden terminal problem
[9] and an explanation can be seen in Figure 3.1. Since node C cannot hear node A,
then simply listening to the medium to try to detect a transmission doesnt work,
since node A can be sending to node B. If node C then decides to transmit, it will
interfere with the ongoing transmission. With the MACA [9] protocol, the authors
suggest using an RTS-CTS1 communication to reserve the medium. Thus, when
A wants to transmit a message to B, it first tries to reserve the medium with an
RTS call. Then all terminals which hear A will refrain to transmit during the time
specified for A:s transmission. Assuming the medium is free, terminal B will answer
with a CTS. That way, terminal B effectively reserves the medium for the remainder
of the transmission. In MACAW [1] the basic CSMA-scheme is extended with a

Figure 3.1.
The hidden terminal-problem illustrated. Terminal A can hear
terminal B but not terminal C. B can hear both A and C, and C can only hear
MAC-layer2 ACK after the RTS-CTS-DATA transmission. By adding the ACK,
link level message recovery becomes possible, which is much faster than application
layer recover because the timeout periods can be tailored to fit the short time scales
of the media [1].

RTS: Request To Send, CTS: Clear To Sent

Media Access Control Layer



Chapter 3

Protocol Design

A lot of research have gone into the subject of sensor networks in recent years. At
Berkeley, the units are called smart dust because the size of the individual units are
predicted to approach that of a grain of sand.
One common problem for sensor networks is their finite energy source. This makes
it important to have a power efficient design all the way from the lowest levels of
hardware to software and protocol design. One of the first pioneers in the area of
power efficient MAC protocols is PAMAS [21], which tries to reduce the overhearing
between nodes by using a separate signaling channel. This requires an extra radio,
which increases the cost and complexity of the nodes.
Another protocol which uses two radios is STEM [19]. It uses a periodic sleep
scheme, and aims to reduce the power consumption for the nodes in monitoring
state. To wake up the nodes, a wake up signal is sent on the signaling channel,
and the length is set to be longer than the sleep+listen time. If the traffic on the
network is very sparse, this protocol would be more efficient than a protocol that
strives to synchronize the sleep periods.
Some work has also gone into using CDMA in sensor networks [31]. This also uses
two radios, and CDMA is probably a bit to computationally intense to use in low
cost micro controller units.
When it comes to TDMA, ECTS [30] which uses the GRAND-algorithm3 is a very
effective protocol. The authors identified that the time spent switching the radio
between modes is a source of unnecessary energy consumption, and strives to minimize the mode switches. However, since it uses GRAND, the maximum number of
nodes has to be known in advance.
S-MAC is a contention based MAC protocol not unlike IEEE 802.11 [10]. The protocol uses a number of mechanisms to reduce energy consumption and still maintain
a tolerable latency and throughput. All nodes in the network synchronize their
respective sleep/wake schedules, and all nodes that maintain the same schedule belong to the same virtual cluster. So S-MAC is not really a cluster based protocol,
which probably introduces some scalability issues when the number of nodes in the
network grow fairly large.4
The main difference between S-MAC and IEEE 802.11 in power save (PS) mode is
that the latter is designed for single-hop networks [10], whereas S-MAC includes
synchronization between the nodes in the network.
To reduce the overhead generated from control messages, S-MAC introduces message
passing [29]. When transmitting a message, the risk that it will be destroyed is
proportional to the number of bits in the message. Hence, long messages will have
a high risk of being received incorrectly and will have to be retransmitted. In
IEEE 802.11 [10] the long messages will be fragmented into smaller ones, and each

The GRAND (Galois Radio Network Design) algorithm is a very efficient topology transparent
transmission scheduling method.
A more detailed discussion of this is provided in Section 3.2.2



fragment requires an RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK communication. This way only smaller

messages get retransmitted, which improves the general efficiency of the network.
In message passing, the RTS-CTS in between fragments is skipped, instead the first
RTS-CTS reserves the medium for the remainder of the transmission. This reduces
the number of control messages and end-to-end latency for longer messages at the
cost of fairness. But as the authors point out, for sensor networks, application-level
fairness is the goal as opposed to per-node fairness. To reduce the hidden-terminal
problem, the ACK contains a field that specifies the duration of the transmission.
Hence, the ACK works like a CTS and reserves the medium for another fragment
on the receiver side.
In order to further reduce the general listening time for idle nodes, S-MAC uses the
concept of a NAV5 . Every time a node hears an RTS or CTS message, it updates its
NAV with the value from the duration field. As time goes by, the NAV is decreased,
and when it reaches zero, the network is supposedly free. This is called virtual
carrier sense. The medium will only be considered free if both the virtual and the
physical carrier sense dont detect an ongoing transmission. S-MAC adds power
saving features to the virtual carrier sense. When the NAV is nonzero, and the
ongoing transmission doesnt involve the current node, the radio is powered off until
the NAV reaches zero.
PCM (Power Control MAC) [8] is an extension to the standard IEEE 802.11 MAC
protocol, but it can be used with any protocol applying CSMA/CA. The main
purpose of the Power Control MAC protocol (PCM) is to use less power (compared
to 802.11), and still retain the same throughput. This is done by transmitting
DATA and ACK at the minimum possible power, but transmitting RST and CTS
at maximum power. To reduce collisions, the data transmission periodically switches
to maximum power, so that neighbors can sense the medium as occupied, and refrain
from sending RTS.

The MAC-layer is responsible for allocating the medium so that multiple units
doesnt interfere with each others transmission. Since this layer is responsible for
passing most messages, its also the appropriate place to make some power saving
optimizations. The MAC-layer protocol will hereon be called CSMAC, which stands
for Clustered Sensor Media Access Control protocol. The name is derived from the
protocol S-MAC mentioned in Section 3.1, from which it inherits many power saving

Network Allocation Vector [10]


Chapter 3

Protocol Design

3.2.1 Reducing collisions

There are four basic channel access methods by which MAC-layer protocols can be
FDMA means Frequency Division Multiple Access. Sending and receiving units receive a unique frequency to transmit data. Only one transmitter/receiver pair may use a frequency channel at the same time. For our
application, a lot of the communication will be in the form of many-to-one
which means the benefits of FDMA disappears.
CDMA or Code Division Multiple Access. There are actually a number of
different subtypes to CDMA depending on how the spreading is done. But
the common factor is that CDMA uses spread spectrum modulation techniques
based on pseudo random codes, to spread the data over the entire spectrum
[22]. While CDMA would be ideal in many ways for this protocol, it adds
quite a lot of complexity and would be too computationally intense for the
micro processor.
TDMA stands for Time Division Multiple Access. Collisions are avoided
by dividing the time into slots, and during each slot, only one unique node
is allowed to send. Because of this, TDMA protocols suffer from scalability
CSMA or Carrier Sense Multiple Access is a scheme that tries to detect when
the medium is busy. There are two basic subtypes, CA which means Collision
Avoidance and CD which means Collision Detection. CSMA has proven to be
very scalable by its use in IEEE 802.11 [10].
For this protocol, a mix of TDMA and CSMA/CA was chosen. By combining the
two, collisions on critical messages can be reduced by assigning these to specified
time slots and scalability can be retained due to the fact that the rest of the communication uses CSMA/CA.
When a data message is to be sent, the medium is first controlled. If it appears
to be free (at the sender), a first RTS message is sent. If the intended recipient
receives the RTS, and the medium is free at the receiving end, a CTS message is
transmitted. The medium will now be reserved for the duration of the transmission.
The RTS and CTS messages belong to a special group of messages, called control
messages. All control messages are initiated by the MAC-layer, and they only carry
information thats irrelevant to application layers.
Due to the stochastic properties of wireless communications, reserving the medium
is not a guarantee for a proper reception of a transmitted message. To increase
reliability, a DATA-ACK system is used to increase the reliability. In Algorithms 1 and
2, the data message communications are outlined in more detail.


Algorithm 1 Send msg

Fragment DATA
Send RTS.
if CTS then
while Fragments to send do
Tries 0
Send fragment
until ACK or Tries=MAX TRIES
end while
if Tries=MAX TRIES then
Signal error to upper layer.
end if
Medium is busy at receiver, sleep until next period.
end if

Algorithm 2 Receive msg

if Medium free then
Send CTS
while Data to receive do
Wait for DATA for specific amount of time
if DATA is correct then
Send ACK
end if
end while
Defragment data
if Data received then
Pass data to upper layer
end if
end if



Chapter 3

Protocol Design

Another important aspect of the MAC-layer is choosing an appropriate back off if

the channel is busy. This is handled by the physical layer in our implementation
(the MICA2 CC1000 radio stack).



3.2.2 Power efficiency

There are four ways to reduce power consumption in a wireless network:
1. Reduce sending time
2. Reduce power while sending
3. Reduce listening time
4. Reduce switching time [30]
Lets examine each of those points a bit closer. Sending is usually the most power
hungry action, since the used power can be in the order of 10 100mW. So a
reduction of the actual time a node is sending data will clearly reduce overall energy
consumption. Some factors, such as maximum bit rate, are limited by the physical
hardware. Others, such as channel coding and error correction belong in lower levels
and is not in the scope of this work.

Reducing sending time

To reduce the time spent on sending data, the ratio of information bits per bit sent
must be maximized. Of course, collisions come in here since if two messages collide,
the actual information bits transmitted are nonexistent. By using the RTS-CTS
system devised in Section 3.2.1, this problem is minimized.
In all packet based protocols, a control packet overhead comes in [29]. This includes
pure control packets like RTS, CTS and ACK. By using message passing in CSMAC,
the number of control messages (and hence the overhead generated by those) will
be reduced. This is illustrated in Algorithm 2, where an ACK is sent after each
received data fragment, and in Algorithm 1 where only one RTS is used to reserve
the medium, regardless of the number of fragments that will be sent.
In CSMAC, a lot of work has also gone into reducing the length of the headers of
messages. This came to the drastic conclusion of not using addresses for the units
at all. Since the network should scale to an arbitrarily large size, the address space
needed for fixed addresses needs to be very large. Also, because the network should
be self configurable (see Section 1.3), the user shouldnt have to specify address
space or maximum number of nodes prior to network startup.
Another reason to get rid of traditional addresses is that in sensor networks the nodes
themselves arent general purpose. Theres usually no need to ask a specific node
about some specific information, but instead most queries are for the information
itself! So the idea here is to instead let the application layer define some kind of
address based on what data the node contains!


Chapter 3

Protocol Design

A problem that application layer addressing creates is that these addresses arent
visible to the underlying layers. One problem where this is apparent is during
an RTS-CTS handshake. If two nodes send out an RTS-message destined for the
same host, and the host replies with a CTS, both hosts will start sending messages.
A workaround for this is to use sequence numbers as message identifiers. In the
implementation, an 8-bit sequence number is used. This in itself will not eliminate
the possibility that two nodes will share the same sequence number. If we assume
that the sequence numbers are generated at random from a uniform distribution of
integers from 0 to 255, then the possibility of at least one collision is
P1 = 1

(n m)!nm

for m n


where n is the number of nodes and m is the sequence number space. P1 will quickly
approach 1 when m n. But, since theres also a back off involved when a message
is sent, the probability of multiple nodes sharing the same back off and the same
sequence number is greatly reduced. Also, if two nodes where to transmit an RTS
at the same time, with the same sequence number, their messages would probably
interfere with each other so that nothing would be received.

Reduce sending effect

The approach used by PCM (described in Section 3.1) should integrate nicely with
CSMAC. But because the PC simulator simulates the older MICA-platform, it didnt
support changing the output power and readings of signal strength. So this feature
couldnt be put to large scale testing and hence was not implemented.

Reduce listening time

Since the radio consumes approximately equal amount of energy while transmitting
and receiving6 ,we should strive to minimize the time the radio is listening at all.
Ideally, the radio should sleep all the time its not transmitting or receiving anything.
But to be able to receive anything, the radio needs to be on when another station is
transmitting. CSMAC tries to solve this problem by letting the nodes periodically
sleep and wake up. A complete cycle of listen and sleep is called a frame [29]. Within
a frame of time Tf , there is a listen time Tl and a sleep time Ts , and Tf = Tl + Ts .
During the listen time, the nodes listen for communication. This implies that all
nodes that want to communicate with each other use the same sleep schedule, which
is accomplished by a SYNC packet. Nodes that have the same schedule all belong to
the same cluster.

This implies that we use the methods described in [16]. The current is approximately 5mA for
both modes.















Figure 3.2. Here we see the probability distribution for n = 100, p = 1/100
and x Z {0, 25}. The probability of x nodes sending simultaneously decrease
rapidly, and the probability of wasted energy by collisions is merely about
CSMAC changes the way S-MAC deals with clusters in the way that only the cluster masters are responsible for keeping the synchronization in the cluster, and are
thus the only nodes that broadcast SYNC-packets. This has some benefits. First
of all, the period in which nodes should listen to a SYNC can theoretically become
smaller, because theres no contention about the medium for the SYNC7 . This also
automatically increases scalability, because there is no need to tailor the contention
period based on the number of nodes that are in the vicinity of each other.
To illustrate this, suppose that the contention period wouldnt have to be decreased,
instead the probability that one node among n nodes should send the sync should
ideally be 1/n. The expected value of the number of nodes to send SYNC will then
be equal to one. The number of nodes x that would have to contend for the medium
if we assume n nodes is expressed by the binomial distribution

n x
P (X = x) =
p (1 p)nx
which has an expected value of np. So far, everything seems good. But, we cannot
assume that the distribution of nodes is known in advance. Even the number of
nodes to be deployed is unknown! So a reasonable assumption is that the number
of nodes in the vicinity of one node can probably be in the range of 1 n 1000.
If the probability of a node sending a sync is chosen as p = 1/500, which is in the
middle of the interval, then when its two nodes no sync will get sent about 99.6%

This is where the TDMA part comes in...


Chapter 3

Protocol Design

of the time. With the same p for 1000, contention would be needed 73% of the time.
But since CSMAC uses real clusters, it wont have this scalability issue.
CSMAC also borrows the NAV-concept to let nodes sleep when the medium is
allocated by other nodes. Because CSMAC uses message passing, RTS and CTS
messages contain information about the whole length of the current transmission.
This information is used to update the NAV, and when the NAV is nonzero, the
radio is put in power save mode. 8

Reducing switching time

Because CSMAC uses CSMA, this is one area where its power saving features
are sub-optimal (as compared to ECTS). The only way to reduce the number of
switches in CSMA-based protocols is to try to piggy-back transmissions. In CSMAC,
this would mean to piggyback broadcast messages to SYNC-packets, but this would
only marginally impact the power savings. CSMA based protocols will inherit this
disadvantage in comparison with TDMA based protocols.

3.2.3 Functional description

To start up a network, a special node, the sink is needed. That node is the information gatherer in the network. Since the nodes themselves are more or less dumb
terminals with a single purpose, theres no intuitive way of extracting any information from them. Their purpose is just to send the information to the sink and let
the controlling application deal with the information.
When a general node is powered on, its unaware of its surroundings. What it needs
to find out is if there are other nodes and clusters nearby, and whether to join one
of those clusters. What it does is that it listens passively for 3 complete frames (as
defined in Section 3.2.2). If it hears one SYNC within that time, it will know that it
is in range of one master, and will then become a member of that cluster and start
synchronizing with that master (see Algorithm 3).

Cluster addresses - Potential

The case will be a bit more complex if a node hears several masters during the startup
listen time. Which cluster will it join? One argument could be made that because of
the power saving feature of PCM (mentioned in Section 3.1), a node should join the
master that has the strongest received SYNC. But the network stability will increase
if we join the master that is closest in number of hops to the sink.

Because of timing issues in the PC-simulator, this couldnt be tested, so its not in the current
implementation. However, with accurate timing data, the implementation is trivial.



Algorithm 3 Startup
1: Wait 3Tf for SYNC
2: if received SYNC then
call startup::ReceivedSYNC
4: else
Pick random back off and broadcast SYNC-packet.
8: end if
By assigning cluster addresses based on the number of hops from the sink, this is
rather easily accomplished. Because of the tendency to increase further away, and
approach zero the closer we are to the sink, these addresses are called the clusters
Because of this, when a node has several neighboring masters, it will know based
on their potential which one it should join. If several of the masters have the same
potential, it is of no importance to the network structure which one the node would
choose to join, but there might be some benefits of choosing the one whose signal
strength is greatest. The procedure is illustrated in Algorithm 4.
Algorithm 4 Startup::ReceivedSYNC
Add potential of this master to Master-List
Remember when this host is to SYNC next
while Still havent received 2nd sync from all SYNC-hosts AND time passed from
last SYNC is less than Tf do
Listen for other hosts.
if Received SYNC from another host then
Add this potential to Master-List
Set waiting time to Tf from now
else if Received 2nd sync from known host then
Adjust Tf for this cluster
end if
end while
if more than one schedule then
if more than one schedule with with same (lowest) potential then
Adopt the schedule of the master where the receiving power was greatest.
Adopt the schedule of the host with lowest potential as primary
end if
end if
In Figure 3.3 two problem scenarios are illustrated that has to be dealt with. Both
unconnected nodes are outside the transmission range of their nearest master, and
thus will not receive any SYNC. After their initial wait-period, they will become their
own masters, with a predefined maximum potential. This means they are floating


Chapter 3

Protocol Design

Connected master
Connected slave

Unconnected, in range
Unconnected, out of range

Figure 3.3. The large circles represent the approximate sending range of the
masters. The numbers represent the clusters potential.

masters. A floating master never has any members in its clusters, and several
floating masters can be in range of each other. If a floating master were to hear
a SYNC from a connected master, it will immediately join that cluster. By letting
them periodically wake up for a whole period to listen for a SYNC, they wont be
permanently unconnected provided a master will be in transmission range. And by
assuming their own SYNC period, they will still operate energy efficiently even when
The problem that remains are the nodes that are in range of the slave nodes, but
out of range of the nearest master. By letting the slaves also periodically wake up
outside of their standard SYNC-time, the slaves in range of the floating master will
sooner or later hear the SYNC with max-potential. It will then proceed to send a
control message with the purpose of changing the potential of the floating master.
So after a while, the unconnected but in range master in figure 3.3 will become
a master for a cluster with potential 2. This procedure is described in detail in
Algorithm 5.



Algorithm 5 Periodic Neighbor Discovery

This function should be called from a sleep function if its time for periodic
neighbor discovery. Basically it just listens for SYNC-messages instead of sleeping.
while Time left do
if SYNC then
Update neighbor list
Add this cluster
Adjust SYNC-period for this cluster
if SYNC-Potential < Potential then
Switch primary cluster
if SYNC-potential > Potential +1 then
Tell SYNC-node to change potential to current potential +1.
end if
end if
end if
end while


Connected master


Connected slave

Figure 3.4. A simple network layout consisting of three clusters with potential 0,
1 and 2. The nodes called R1 and R2 are routing nodes connecting the clusters.
Error handling
When a cluster master goes down, that cluster will not be operational until a new
master is assigned. But just assigning a new master might complicate things in some
cluster layouts, because the new master might not have contact with all the nodes
that the previous master could reach. Also some care needs to be taken so that
nodes will not be assimilated into outer clusters, because those outer clusters might
have gotten their potential from this cluster when it was operational. To illustrate
with a simple example, look at Figure 3.4. If the master in cluster 1 would suddenly
disappear, the outer cluster with potential 2 is no longer connected to the network.
Also, it is impossible to find a new master that is in range of both R1 and R2 .
The solution CSMAC uses is to let R2 kill the outside cluster. At the next possible
SYNC the master in the outside cluster will send a control message that informs the


Chapter 3

Protocol Design

cluster its going to die a predefined number of periods from now. During this time,
the nodes that arent routing nodes are trying to find other clusters of a potential
lower than 2 that are still connected. If a node finds a cluster with potential 1, it
will quickly inform the master that a new connection has been made and the master
will revert to normal operation. When the slave node hears the SYNC they will also
revert to normal operation.
The nodes in cluster 2 that are routing nodes will just like R2 try to kill their
respective outside clusters. In this way, the whole branch that depended on the
now disconnected master will prepare for a disconnection. When contact has been
established again with a master of the same or lower potential, the routing nodes
will inform their outside clusters that they can revert to normal operation again.
If no contact is established before the clusters die out, the procedure for rebuilding
the network is exactly the same as when a node first wakes up.

3.3 Network layer

The network layer is responsible for routing data to the sink and queries out to the
branches in the network. The need for energy efficient design is still present, and a
major design goal was to reduce the overhead associated with the routing protocol.
The following properties were identified as important both for functionality and
energy efficiency:
Executes distributively
Provides loop-free routes: If there were loops in the routes, a lot of energy
would be wasted because multiple copies of the same message would traverse
the same path until its discovered that this is indeed a loop.
Minimizes communication overhead: This is done in two ways, first by localizing algorithmic reaction to topological changes when possible, to conserve
available bandwidth and increase scalability. But also to minimize general
communication overhead to find routes.
Establishes routes quickly: Since the network is supposed to be semi static,
the topology may change without notice. By establishing routes as quickly
as possible, the probability that there will exist a route in the vicinity of a
topological change increases.

3.3.1 Potentials and routing

As introduced in Section 3.2.3, the clusters themselves are already organized with
cluster addresses that increase with hop distance from the sink. Using the potential

3.3 Network layer


to find routes quickly turns out to be really good if measured by the properties above.
If we always travel either up or down in potential, there will never be any looping
routes. The routes themselves can be established as fast as the nodes get connected
to the network. Communication overhead can also be reduced if the communication
used to connect a new cluster (as the unconnected, in range node in Figure 3.3) is
integrated with the communication to establish a route to this cluster.
The drawback in this scheme is that all communication is designed to have the sink as
either its main source or main destination. There is really no way to easily determine
a route to a specific node in the network. But, since the nodes main purpose is
to monitor some kind of possibly volatile data, the need for communication with a
specific node is decreased. Instead, we believe that communication or data gathering
will be based on what information the nodes have at the moment, or possibly in
response to an event that happened somewhere in the network.
If addressing a specific node is important to the application, the proposed solution is
to use application level channeling. This would work like a TCP-connection, except
that the actual connection is initiated in the application layer. By letting the nodes
that participate in the channel stay awake, messages can be sent at high speeds
while the channel is open.


Connected master

(t0 + t )

Unconnected, in range

Figure 3.5. At time t0 , node a sends a message to the unconnected node to

change potential (as detailed in Algorithm 5), and then receives an ACK. Node b
also tries to change potential of the outer node, but doesnt get an ACK.
The process of router selection is outlined in Figure 3.5. To guarantee that only one
node will be router between the two masters, the new outer master will work as a
negotiator. The first node to receive an ACK to their change potential, will respond
with a control message that confirms for the outer master that it has established


Chapter 3

Protocol Design

a route. In the figure, the node b tries to send a control message of type change
potential a time t after the first transmission is initiated from node a. If t is less
than the transmission time, the message will be scrambled and no control message
will reach the outer node. If b missed the conversation between a and the unconnected node, and still sends a change potential message, then the outer master will
not reply with an ACK. It will then give up further attempts to connect this node to
the network and assume it has already been connected. However, if it where to hear
a SYNC during the next discover period, it will once again try to connect that node
(which may be a different unconnected master). See Algorithm 6 for more details.
Algorithm 6 Router Selection
if Received control message change potential then
Lock potential change to current request
if Potential > New Potential then
Send ACK
if Received routing message within time limit then
Listen one Tf
if No SYNC heard then
Adopt new potential
Become master and send SYNC
end if
end if
end if
Unlock potential change
end if

3.4 Data aggregation

The main purpose of sensor networks is usually to gather data in the nodes, that
are to be processed in the sink. The idea, inspired by AIDA [7], is to let the leaf
nodes gather data before sending it towards the sink. That way, fewer messages
can be sent and the message passing functionality (Section 3.2.2) can be used at its
full extent. A difference compared to AIDA is that we moved the data aggregation
to the application layer, so that all data messages are passed to the application
layer. This is done because application level compression can potentially be much
more powerful than a general compression algorithm. Suppose for example that
we are gathering data on the number of occurrences of some specific events. The
application layer can be aware of this and thus knows that the order of the different
events is unnecessary information and only the number is relevant. It can thus easily
just count the events and assemble a new message with its own event data added
in a very space efficient manner.
The idea of the data aggregation and fragmentation is to use the clustered network
structure to naturally aggregate data. The cluster masters are natural local sinks

3.4 Data aggregation


to temporarily store, compress and fragment the data of the entire cluster9 before
forwarding it to the appropriate routing node.
The data aggregation should work as follows:
1. Base node sends a prepare data broadcast. All routing nodes pick it up and
will prepare to forward it.
2. When the neighboring cluster master wakes up, the routing node forward the
3. The neighboring cluster masters sends broadcast and its routing nodes forward
as in item 2.
4. After neighbor clusters sync and broadcast the prepare data broadcast, data
gathering can start.

Depending on the size of the aggregated data, the master might have to send out smaller
portions if the amount of data is larger than the actual free memory

The nodes in a sensor network often have very high resource constrains. Still they
have to be reactive and be able to participate in complex distributed algorithms.
These facts makes it inappropriate to use ordinary operating systems. These operating systems includes functionality which is not needed in the nodes of a sensor
network. Another characteristic for a operating system running on a node is that
it should be adaptable to changes in hardware. This is because the hardware of
the nodes evolve rapidly over time and it should be easy to port the application to
new platforms. This also makes it easier to run the same application on different
The applications are often closely tied to the hardware and each node is likely to
run only one application at a time. By making this assumption it would be possible
to statically allocate all resources when compiling the application. Further it would
be practical if one could use fixed software components which could be assembled
to form the final application. This is because all applications have different needs
and it would be more efficient to assemble only those components that are needed
in the specific application. Below is a list in which a number of characteristics for
sensor networks is pointed out [6]:
Driven by interaction with environment. Nodes in sensor networks react
to the environment or external signals rather than that they are used for computation like ordinary computers. This makes the nodes more event-driven,
which puts demand on the operating system. Because data processing and
events are concurrent there is a need for a concurrency model in order to
manage possible race conditions.
Limited hardware resources. The demands on low cost, small size and
low power consumption imply that the hardware resources available are very
limited. Improvement in new technology is more likely to result in smaller size
of the nodes than better hardware resources. This means that applications
that run on the nodes must be very efficient and small.
Reliability. Sensor networks are used in environments where it is supposed
to be operational for a very long time. This means that we do not want nodes
to fail because of software related bugs. Bugs are often hard to predict, but
there are methods in order to minimize the likeliness of them.
Real-time requirements. The real-time requirements in the nodes have
been proven not to be critical. The timing constraints are easily met by having total control over the application and limit the utilization of the resources.
Radio communication could gain from better real-time capability but the nature of wireless communication of being unreliable spoils the gain.

4.1 nesC


4.1 nesC
nesC [5] is an open source programming language that is specialized for networked
embedded systems like sensor networks. The implementation of nesC addresses the
important characteristics mentioned in the list above. nesC is an extension of C,
which is a language that is supported by many micro controllers and includes the
necessary features to interface with hardware. The extension is needed because C
has limited support for writing structured application and it is difficult to write safe
source code. nesC defines a component based model in order to make it possible
to split applications into separate parts which communicates with each other using
bidirectional interfaces.
nesC does not permit separate compilation as C does. This is because nesC uses
whole program analysis to improve the performance and make the source code more
safe. Because the size of the application often is relatively small the need for separate compilation is not very critical. nesC is a static language meaning that the
memory allocation for the application is fixed after the compilation. This has the
disadvantage that its not possible to use dynamic memory allocation and function
pointers. The advantages are that it is possible to further improve the source code
safety at compile time to detect possible data races and to make it easier to optimize
the source code for better performance. nesC also has a simple concurrency model
and with the compile time analysis most data races resulting from concurrency can
be detected.

4.2 TinyOS
TinyOS is an event driven operating system designed for sensor networks, where
demands on concurrency and low power consumption are high but the hardware
resources are limited. TinyOS is written in nesC and much of the design of nesC
was actually done in a way to increase the performance and utilization of TinyOS.
TinyOS provides a number of system components that can be reused in many applications. The components are wired together to the final application by using implementation independent wiring specification. The event-based concurrency model
TinyOS uses has a close relation to the concurrency model that nesC uses. TinyOS
uses two types of concurrency, tasks and events. Tasks are run to completion and
cannot preempt each other. They are to be used for computation processes where
timing requirements are not strict. The tasks can be posted by the components and
are run when the scheduler says. Events also run to completion but can preempt
other events and tasks. They can be used to handle time critical operations and
hardware interrupts. The simple concurrency model that TinyOS uses offers relative
high concurrency but with low overhead in contrast to threaded concurrency which
requires a lot of overhead. The data races that can occur when using concurrency
are detected by the compile time analysis that nesC compiler offers.


Chapter 4


The core of TinyOS is only about 400 bytes in total which makes it possible to use
it on almost any modern micro controller today. TinyOS is used on the MICA2
platform and many of the software components needed to use the platform are
already written and are available in open source code [27]. This means that the
actual interfacing with the hardware is very easy.

4.2.1 TOSSIM
To verify that the implemented applications work in the way they should, it is convenient to be able to simulate the applications on a computer. A good simulator can
be even better than doing tests in reality with ordinary hardware nodes, because it
is easier to overlook and analyze the network in a simulator. It would also be almost
impossible to simulate hundreds of nodes in reality because of the space needed and
also because of the high cost. A simulator offers a reproducible environment and
the benefits of being able to simulate the system are many. For example different
system designs can be evaluated and possible problems that are not obvious during
the design can be detected.
TOSSIM is a simulator for TinyOS wireless sensor networks and has been designed
to capture the following properties [12]:
Completeness. The simulation covers as many system behaviors as possible.
Fidelity. The simulator is able to capture the behavior of the nodes in detail.
Scalability. It has the capability of simulate a large number of nodes simultaneously, else it would be impossible to simulate an entire network.
Bridging. Errors often depend on an incorrect implementation of a proper
algorithm. The simulator uses the same code that is used to program the
hardware, which means that the errors in the implementation will be detected.
TOSSIM manages to simulate thousands of nodes from the same code that is used
to program the hardware. Only a few low-level hardware components are replaced
which guarantees the completeness, fidelity and bridging. The low-level components
are replaced by simulated events sent by TOSSIM. The network are simulated at
bit-level which gives a great granularity of the simulator.
TOSSIM uses a simple but effective way to model the network. It uses a directed
graph where the vertexes corresponds to the nodes in the network, and the edges
between two nodes hold the bit error probabilities for the communication between
them. The model supports asymmetric links which is common in wireless communication. Two vertexes a, b in a graph can have two different edges between them
(a, b) and (b, a) which means that different bit error probabilities can be given each
direction. Every node has a list which holds the nodes it is supposed to hear. With

4.3 Protocol implementation


this simple model it is possible to simulate many of the situations that can come
up in a real network. Different radio models can be assigned by using different bit
probabilities on the edges. The bit error probabilities can be chosen by the user and
can also be changed during run-time which make it possible get a realistic simulation
with nodes joining and leaving the network.
However, TOSSIM has its limitations. It neither simulate power consumption or radio propagation delays, and interrupts are simulated as non-preemptive which is not
the case in TinyOS. TOSSIM does not fully supports the MICA2 platform because
the low-level simulation of the radio stack uses a model of an old RF transceiver
used in a former model of the MICA2 platform.

TinyViz is a visualization tool for TOSSIM which allows better control and analyze capabilities for the simulation of the network. The information generated by
TOSSIM is used as input for TinyViz which then visualize the information on the
screen. TinyViz can also send information to TOSSIM which make it possible for
the user to interact with the simulation. For example it is possible to switch off a
node in TinyViz, which then tells TOSSIM to switch it off. By loading different
plugins TinyViz can be configured to different needs. A radio model plugin allows
the bit error probabilities to be dependent of the distances between the nodes in
the graphical user interface and by moving the nodes around one can test different
network configurations.

4.3 Protocol implementation

A subsection of the protocol as defined in Chapter 3 was implemented on the MICA2.
Using the existing physical layer as of TinyOS version 1.0, some adaptation had to
be made to use the CSMAC packet structure. Since the actual implementation is
more of a prototype, a decision was made to encapsulate the CSMAC packet into the
existing AM-packet used by TinyOS. It is still possible to verify the functionality
of almost every aspect of the protocol, with the exception of actual power usage
and transmission times which would be skewed upwards because of the extra and
non-optimized headers.

4.3.1 MAC component

The MAC component is responsible for passing messages to the radio and decide
what layer (if any) that should receive messages that are received from the radio.
But its also where most of the power management features that are described in
Chapter 3.2 are implemented, some of them by using help components such as


Chapter 4































Figure 4.1. The component graph for the MAC-component. The dashed lines
describe the wirings (as explained in Section 4.1). The solid lines are the
interfaces that connect the components.




















Figure 4.2. The component graph for the SyncHandlerC-component.

SyncHandlerC. In Figure 4.1 we see the component graph, or the call graph for
the MAC-component. At the bottom, the radio is interfaced by RadioCRCPacket,
which in turn is a configuration component that consists of wiring to the actual
radio implementation (see Appendix D).

SYNC component
The SYNC component (see Figure 4.2) is in a way the core of the power management
features in CSMAC, the periodical and synchronized sleeping of the radio. It is
actually just a helper module for the MAC component, and interfaces with that
component by the defined interfaces BareSendMsg and SyncHandler as can be seen
in Figure 4.1. BareSendMsg handles a higher prioritized sending of SYNC-messages,
which needs to be sent on a more precise time. The SyncHandler interface provides
some commands for the MAC component to control its operation. All intelligence
is hence committed in the MAC module, and information such as new masters or
potential changes are communicated by commands to the SYNC component. That
component in turn signals back relevant information to the SYNC layer, such as if a
SYNC has or has not been received by the appropriate master, and when potential
changes in SYNCS actually happen. But it also interfaces with the RadioPower
component and will thus turn off the radio when a sleep period is entered.

4.3 Protocol implementation






Figure 4.3. The call graph for the RadioPower-component.

Memory module
TinyOS doesnt have a built in malloc-function1 . Instead, it works by reserving
buffers in each module and passing pointers between layers. So when for example
a routing message should be forwarded, its content should be copied to a routing
buffer in the NetworkM-module. That pointer is then copied down to the MAClayer and downwards to the physical layer. The inherent limitation to this is that
its impossible to queue messages unless its known in advance how many messages
should be generated, and from what layer. Because of this, the memory component
was implemented. Its a simple memory allocation component that is designed to
store messages. Therefore each allocated segment is the same size as the internal
message type.

RadioPower component
To modularize the interface for power management (see Figure 4.3), a components
was introduced which purpose is to centralize the actual power off for the radio.
This makes it possible to use several different schemes for energy efficiency in all
layers, without them communicating their status to each other. A help module,
called IncCounter stores a counter value for the radio power component. Every
component that wants to turn the radio on signals RadioPower, which increases the
counter. When the counter is non-zero, RadioPowerM makes sure that the radio is
on via the RadioCRCPacket component which is the highest level interface to the
physical hardware. Likewise, when the counter reaches zero, the power is turned off.

malloc is the C command for allocating a buffer of memory.


Chapter 4


SendMsg BareSendMsg



Memory ReceiveMsg

StdControl ReceiveMsg

BareSendMsg RoutingInfo




Figure 4.4. Network (routing) component

TinyOS built-in components
As can be seen in Appendix D, the complete application consists of a lot of components, of which some are built in to TinyOS. Some that should be mentioned and
exist in Figures 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 are:
SimpleTime This is a very important component that provides timer interfaces and handles general timing events. The provided timer functions can be
set to execute periodically or only once. For example, the SyncHandlerC sends
SYNC by setting a periodic timer to execute with period Tf . It also provides
an absolute time interface that can be set to execute x ms from now.
RandomLFSR This is the pseudo random number generator thats needed
for among other things selecting random back offs and sequence numbers.
LedsC The component that handles the three LEDs on the MICA2 board.
PowerManagement This component can set the radio in idle mode, instead
of turning it off completely.

4.3.2 Network component

The component call graph can be seen in Figure 4.4. This component handles the
network layer, and receives its messages from the MACC-layer. Messages that need
to be routed get encapsulated within a routing packet, and received routing messages
get either forwarded, discarded or unpacked and passed up to the application
layer. The component also interfaces to the same MemoryM as the MAC-layer, and
thus messages with for example routing information can be generated within the
component. Also, message types that should be forwarded and received simply get
copied instead of having additional latencies associated with waiting for pointers
from upper layers before forwarding the message.

4.4 RFID reader



Shutdown Mode
RF Configuration

Ser. Comm. Select


Read tag

More tags?



Figure 4.5. RFID readers state diagram

4.4 RFID reader

The RFID reader also has to be integrated in the system and shall also be controlled
by the micro controller. The communication is done using RS232 serial communication and a predefined protocol specified in [23]. TinyOS has very good support
for communication with such devices because everything below byte-level is already
taken care of. The reader is put in shutdown mode between each read to preserve
energy, and therefore it has to be reconfigured each time it is started before it can
read tags. Every command sent to the RFID reader is followed by an acknowledgment or the return of data from the reader. The RFID reader is programmed to
follow the state diagram in Figure 4.5.
As long as the reader is not triggered to read it stays in shutdown mode. When it is
instructed to read tags the reader leaves the shutdown mode and is reseted. Then
a number of instructions are sent to the reader. First the RF is configured to be


Chapter 4


activated by turning off the reader supply mode, which reduces the consumption of
the reader at a cost of a higher latency. Then the serial communication type is set to
RS232 and the reader is instructed to leave standalone mode, which means that the
reader will wait for an instruction to read tags instead of reading tags continuously.
The anti collision select instruction select all chips in range and assigns each found
tag a time-slot in which it is possible to communicate with that specific tag. All
tags are read, family and application numbers are neglected. Maximum number
of time-slots are set to 4 in this system, which means that the maximum number
of tags that can be read simultaneously is 4. Finally the reader is instructed to
communicate with the tags that are within range and asks them for their tag IDs
which is stored in the first two blocks of the tags memory. Only one time-slot can
be read at a time and this is repeated until every time-slot have been read. Finally
the reader is instructed to put itself in shutdown mode again and wait for a new
read instruction.

4.5 Graphical User interface

The central node is connected to a PC as described in Chapter 2. A simple GUI
(Graphical User Interface) has been created in order to show how the information
from the tags can be collected and presented for the user. The user can also trigger
the collection of data (tag IDs) by sending a command to the central node which
then forwards the request through the network in the way the protocol describes.
All nodes responds to the request by first read the tags in range of the reader and
then forwards the IDs of these towards the central node, which forwards it to the
The GUI is a Java application and a screen-shot can be seen in Figure 4.6. The screen
is divided into three different parts. In the upper-left corner is the Tag Input, where
information about incoming data is reported. In the lower-left corner the Product
Info shows information about the selected product. Each product is assumed to has
an RFID tag attached to it so when the computer receives a tag ID it can look up
which product it corresponds to. The available information about the product is
product name, product ID (the unique tag ID associated with the product), time
when the product information was last updated, time when the product information
was first updated and the number of times the information about the product has
been reported (i.e how many times the RFID tag has been read).
For each packet received it is possible to get its corresponding RSSI value. This
is as the name indicates a measurement of the strength of the received signal. By
knowing the transmission strength it is possible to calculate how much the signal
has been attenuated on its way to the receiver. The attenuation is depending on
the distance between transmitter and receiver which means that it is possible to
calculate the distance between the two if one knows how the dependency look like.
A very simplified dependency is to think of the the signal propagating in free space

4.5 Graphical User interface


Figure 4.6. Graphical User Interface

where the attenuation in proportional to 1/r2 , where r is the distance between the
nodes. In reality this dependency is far more complex and is very much affected by
the surrounding environment.
To the right in the GUI there is a very simple form of localization display of the
nodes, Localization. By using the RSSI values on the packets received2 the distances
between nodes can be calculated with the simplified dependency assumed. Without
further improving the method it is easy to understand that it is not possible to determine the direction of the nodes, but just the distance to it. Each circle corresponds
to a node in the network, and the node in the middle is that connected to the PC.
Whenever an information packet is received at the PC the source node from where
the packet was originally sent is drawn on the screen. As one can see if a node act
as a router it is illustrated in the user interface by the text Routing Node next
to the node. Also the battery status of each node is displayed next to each node
together with the product name if a tag was found and read by that reader.

If packets are routed the RSSI value that the routing node got when it received the packet,
must also be forwarded to the central node as side information to the forwarded data packet.


5.1 Radio communication regulations in Sweden
The radio communication in Sweden must follow fixed regulations. Depending on
which carrier frequency that is used, different regulations apply. In our case, where
we have a carrier frequency of fc = 434.026 MHz, the communication must follow
the regulations that apply to the frequency band 433.050 434.790 MHz. This is a
license exempt band where, if you fulfill all the conditions, do not need a license to
use the system. A detailed list of conditions that have to be fulfilled are given in [15].
The condition to be met for our system in the frequency band 433.050 434.790
MHz is to keep the transmitted power below 25 mW (13.98 dBm) EIRP (Effective
Isotropic Radiated Power). Another constraint is often that the system has to use a
duty cycle that is lower than some fixed value, but this is not present in the swedish
regulations for the given frequency. Another important aspect is that of testing
that the system really meets the conditions. In order to let a product out on the
market there are regulation about product information, verification and marking of
the product. This system that is not to be released on the open market does not
have to fulfill these conditions and still is allowed to be demonstrated on for example
trade fairs exhibitions. More detailed information about this can be found in [14].
The EIRP is calculated as
PEIRP = Pout + G


This means that in order to calculate the EIRP value one needs to know the antenna
gain, G. The CC1000 chip has a maximum transmission power, Pout , of 10 mW (10
dBm). 25 mW equals 13.98 dBm, so if the antenna gain is below 3.98 dBi it would be
allowed to transmit with maximum power with the CC1000. The loop wire antenna
that is used with the motes has not been calibrated to provide an exact gain value.
However since it is a quarter wave, monopole without any ground plane, the gain
will not be higher than 1 (0 dBi). As long as a monopole or a dipole antenna is
used, one should be able to cope with the maximum regulated power.

5.2 System performance

5.2.1 Power consumption
The expected battery life time of the Tag+ shall be a year or more, which puts hard
constrains on the power consumption of the Tag+ units. To be able to meet this the
Tag+ has to go into sleep mode when it does not transmit, receive or communicates
with the RFID reader. The ratio between the amount of time it is in sleep mode

5.2 System performance


and the amount of time it is in operational mode is given by the duty-cycle. A

lower duty-cycle results in shorter time in operational mode which decreases the
energy consumption, but it also increases the latency in the network. A theoretical
calculation how long the expected battery life time is made below. It should be
pointed out that these calculation are only in theory and the power management
was not implemented on the hardware. However the protocol is designed in order
to be able to use it.
First we make some assumptions regarding the power consumptions of the different
devices. The energy used by the MAX3223 circuit (see Section 2.6) is neglected
because in a real product it is not likely to use a converter at all. The RFID reader
has a current consumption of 500 A when it is put in shutdown mode. The AA
batteries that is used in this project have a capacity of about 2000 mAh. With the
consumption of the RFID reader in shutdown mode the batteries will last shorter
than half a year. However it would be possible to cut off the power source to the
RFID reader completely and thereby eliminate the power consumption when the
RFID reader is not used. From now on we assume that the RFID reader does not
have any power consumption when it is not used.
To be able to estimate the energy consumption of the RFID reader when it is
operational we must make some more assumptions. First we assume that when the
reader is instructed to perform a read there will be one tag within range. From this
it is able to estimate that the amount of data that is sent between the reader and
the micro controller is about 60 bytes per read instruction. This figure is important
because during this transmission the RF field of the RFID reader will be on which
means that the reader has a very high current consumption. The different current
consumptions of the RFID reader in different operating modes can be found in [24].
The transmission rate is set to 38.4 kbit/s with each transmitted byte is followed by
a stop bit which implies that each byte corresponds to 9 bits. The time it takes to
send the information, Ts , is therefore given by
Ts =

60(8 + 1) bits
= 14.0625 ms
38.4 kbit/s


Further the time it takes for the reader to respond to a command given is approximately 1 ms [23]. In total 5 commands are sent to the reader when one tag is
within range resulting in the total respond time, Tr , equals 5 ms. Finally the time
it takes to wake up the reader from shutdown mode, Tw , is 10 ms, and during this
time the RF field is not on resulting in a lower current consumption. The current
consumption of the reader while the RF field is on, IRFon , equals 115 mA and the
consumption when the RF field is off, IRFoff , is 18 mA. The energy required to go
through the read sequence, Ereadtag , is given by
Ereadtag = U Tw IRFoff + (Ts + Tr )IRFon = 7.1166 mJ
where U is the supply voltage, 6 V.



Chapter 5

Verification and Evaluation

The life time of the batteries is dependent on how often the RFID reader is trying
to read a tag. If we assume that the reader is instructed to read a tag every minute
it is possible to calculate the average current that the reader consume, IRF ID


= 0.03954 mA


Current consumptions of the MICA2 platform in full operation and in sleep mode
are given in [25] together with average current consumption with a duty-cycle of 1
percent. A 1 percent duty-cycle would be realistic to use with the protocol designed
in this project, however the latency would be quite long. The average consumption
of the micro controller, IC for the given duty-cycle is 0.0879 mA and for the RF
transceiver, IRF =0.0920 mA.
The battery life time using the given duty-cycle and making the assumption of
reading one tag per minute can be calculated. Of course the life time is depending
on which types of batteries that is used. Different batteries are used for different
applications and the capacity of them differs a lot. The battery used in this project,
high quality AA batteries, have a capacity, Qbatt , of about 2000 mAh. The life time
of the battery, Tb can be calculated as

Tb =


= 9114.26 hours = 1.04 years


5.2.2 Simulator
Several simulations where conducted using TinyViz (described in Section 4.2.1).
There are some problems with the TOSSIM and TinyViz environments, as of TinyOS
version 1.1. There are some bugs with the simulations of the timers as used in the
ATMega micro controllers, which makes it virtually impossible to optimize timing
constraints for the actual hardware. Also, as mentioned in Section 4.2.1 the actual
hardware simulated is that of the MICA platform and not the MICA2 platform that
the actual implementation was made of. Also, because of the new radio on MICA2,
sending times and mode switching times are not correct neither.
What TinyViz was used for was instead to test the protocol on more complex network
settings, many nodes and up to 10-hops in the longer paths. By TinyViz, it was also
easy to simulate masters running out of power and testing the rebuild process of the
network. The implemented features worked out well in this controlled environment,
and simulations where run for long periods of times with maintained functionality
in the network.

5.2 System performance


5.2.3 Real World Test

In the real world, another limitation presented itself in the form of a small limit of
actual physical nodes. A network with only three nodes isnt really that complex,
and can only form two kinds of networks. A one cluster network where both slave
nodes belong to the master or a one hop network (with two clusters) where one node
will be a routing node for the other non-sink.
What was interesting with these real world simulations was to note how stable the
actual RF links were in a more complex RF environment. Early simulations showed
high information losses when the two-cluster model where used, the transmission
power set to the lowest possible and the nodes where placed at almost maximum
distance from each other. The strength of the received signal quickly diminish when
the distance between nodes grow (the received signal is approximately proportional
to 1/r2 , where r is the distance between the nodes) and because of this, many
critical messages (such as SYNC-messages), where lost due to the high packet losses.
To reduce this problem, an RSSI threshold was imposed for a node to actually join
a cluster. The cost of this is that more nodes will become masters, but if the duty
cycle is long enough, the cost of missing a SYNC far out weights for a few more

The task of this project was to integrate an RFID system into a sensor network to
be able gather data from RFID tags spread over a large area. Most of the work
has been done in designing and implementing a protocol for this network. This
paper has presented a complete protocol (with the exception of physical layer) for
a sensor network with small, battery powered nodes. Everything in the protocol,
from MAC-layer up to the data aggregating application layer has been designed with
power efficiency in mind.
The CSMAC protocol inherits many features from the S-MAC protocol such as
message passing, overhearing, periodic listen and sleep. It extends S-MAC with
a cluster based design which should improve scalability, and also optimizations for
reducing the sending effect without reducing throughput thats borrowed from PCM.
Headers and control message sizes has been optimized, and in that process the
addresses where removed to save additional space and energy. Since the use of
addresses is limited in anonymous sensor networks, the usability cost is very small.
Without addresses, a different kind of routing protocol was needed because many
of the traditional routing protocols assume that every node is uniquely identifiable.
Also, because of the inherent characteristics of data aggregating networks, much of
the communication will be to or from the sink. With these properties in mind, a
simple routing protocol based on the cluster structure of CSMAC was presented.
Because of its simplicity, the overhead of routing packages is virtually nonexistent.
Finally, a simple data aggregation protocol that resides close to the application
layer was proposed, that aggregates the data cluster by cluster and thus uses the
localization features of the network to its advantage.
The experience from using an RFID system is that it offers a very powerful tool
for tracking items. Since RFID doesnt requires line-of-sight it has an important
advantage compared to many existing tracking systems, like bar code and infra red
readers. These systems require that the reader is directed towards the object in order
to function. RFID is still very costly to implement in big scale and it will probably
take a very long time before it is possible to outperform bar code systems in a
economical point of view. Most RFID systems today can be found in applications
where the tracked objects have high value which make the use of RFID systems
feasible despite the high cost.


6.1 Future Work


6.1 Future Work

In this section, some ideas about possible future work is given.

6.1.1 Localization
Nodes that possess some kind of information and act without human interaction
introduces a new kind of problem, namely localization. In wired networks, a terminals address is associated with physical wires which makes the location known in
advance. With sensor networks, this assumption no longer holds. Work has gone
into developing methods for using localization with distributed wireless networks,
see for example [2] and [18]. By using more nodes, more information sources are
gathered. There are right now some ongoing work on implementing localization on
TinyOS and the MICA2 platforms, such as described in [4] and Calamari [28]. Calamari uses, apart from radio signal strength, acoustic time of flight and ultrasound
time of flight to make the positioning more exact.

6.1.2 Data safe aggregation

If the data contained in the network is very critical, a two level ACK for routing
messages could be implemented to further increase the probability of correctly received messages. When a master is trying to send data to the sink, the packet gets
encapsulated in a routing packet destined for the cluster with lower potential than
the current cluster. In the current design, when a master has sent its message and
its received by the routing node, it gets the ACK and thus drops the message. Instead, it could wait for a second ACK to arrive, which originated from the next-hop
node (the master in the cluster with lower potential). The routing node would thus
forward the ACK it gets from its master. This would make routing messages a bit
more stable to topology changes, for example if the routing node would cease to
exist when it was about to forward a message.

6.1.3 Controlling outer clusters SYNC-timing

A network that uses CSMAC will work well for two types of data aggregation (or a
combination thereof):
1. User requested data aggregation. All data aggregation requests originate
from the sink, which might be a PC. The request is initiated by the sink, and
all nodes that has some relevant information respond to the request.
2. Event based data forwarding. In contrast to item 1, let the leaves themselves instantiate the communication as a response to some sensor event, and


Chapter 6


forward the data to the sink.

If the system is not a combination of the two, but solely uses one of the systems
above, the overall latency can be greatly reduced by letting the inner clusters control
when the outer clusters should synchronize. For a user requested data aggregation
system, the outer clusters should synchronize a short time T after the inner cluster,
and thus the aggregation request can be forwarded without a long delay to the outer
clusters (Tf /2 + nT if n is the cluster number for the outermost cluster). If the
system is based on events, the outer systems should instead synchronize a short time
before the inner clusters, to be able to forward data after a shorter delay.

6.1.4 Updating data

Because of the localized structure of the data aggregation, the same nodes will
usually inform the same masters of their data. If the data itself is non-volatile, or
at least semi-static, much of the data thats sent will simply be a copy of the last
transmission, or maybe just with slight modifications. By using a remote update
algorithm such as rsync [26], the actual data transfered could be greatly reduced.

6.1.5 Further energy saving optimizations

Instead of transmitting at the maximum possible effect during data transmissions,
the accumulated output energy can be reduced by using the scheme proposed in
PCM. Every ACK, RTS and CTS uses the maximum available power, but the data
messages themselves are transmitted with a lower effect. The actual effect used
is calculated by the received signal strength, which is communicated back to the
sender in the CTS message. In this way, nodes that are in the vicinity of each other
use a lot less energy to transmit the same amount of data. To reduce the amount
of collisions, the transmitter periodically switches to maximum effect so that nodes
that could have missed the RTS-CTS communication still gets a chance to sense the
ongoing transmission.

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[3] Klaus Finkenzeller. RFID Handbook. Wiley, 2nd edition, Apr 2003.
[4] Aram Galstyan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Kristina Lerman, and Sundeep Pattern. Distributed online localization in sensor networks using a moving target. Technical report, Information Sciences Institute, Department of Electrical
Engineering-Systems, University of Southern California, 2004.
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May 2003.
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York, NY, USA. Wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical
layer (PHY) specification, ieee std 802.11-1997 edition, 1997.
[11] Jerry Landt and Barbara Catlin.
Shrouds of time - The history
of RFID.
shrouds of time.pdf, Oct 2001.



[12] Philip Levis, Nelson Lee, Matt Welsh, and David Culler. TOSSIM: Accurate
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Symposium on Networked Embedded Systems, Nov 2003.
[13] Maxim. 1a supply-current, true +3v to +5.5v rs-232 transceivers with autoshutdown. http://pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/en/ds/MAX3221-MAX3243.pdf,
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[14] PTS (Post och Telestyrelsen). Lag (2000:121) om radio- och teleterminalutrustning, 2000.
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[18] C. Savarese, J. Rabaey, and J. Beutel. Locationing in distributed ad-hoc wireless
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[19] C. Schurgers, V. Tsiatsis, S. Ganeriwal, and M. Srivastava. Optimizing sensor
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[20] Philips Semiconductors. SL1 ICS30 01 I-CODE Label IC Chip Specification
Revision 2.1, May 2000.
[21] Suresh Singh and C. S. Raghavendra. PAMAS-power aware multi-access protocol with signalling for ad hoc networks. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev.,
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[22] D. Stiensra and A. K. Khandani. Iterative multi-user turbo-code receiver for
DS-CDMA. In Iterative Multi-User Turbo-Code Receiver for DS-CDMA, volume 3, pages 842846, 2001.
[23] Tagsys. Medio S001/S002 Command Set Version 1.0, Oct 2002.
[24] Tagsys. Medio S001/S002 Product Guide Version 1.0, Oct 2002.
[25] Crossbow Technology. MPR - Mote Processor Radio Board, MIB - Mote Interface/Programming Board Users Manual, Rev A, Aug 2003.
[26] Andrew Tridgell. Efficient Algorithms for Sorting and Synchronization. PhD
thesis, The Australian National University, Feb 1999.
[27] Berkeley University. TinyOS. http://webs.cs.berkeley.edu/tos/, 2004.
[28] Kamin Whitehouse. The Design of Calamari: an Ad-hoc Localization System
for Sensor Networks. PhD thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 2002.



[29] Wei Ye, John Heidemann, and Deborah Estrin. Medium access control with
coordinated, adaptive sleeping for wireless sensor networks. Technical Report
ISI-TR-567, USC Information Sciences Institute, January 2003. Submitted for
review to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
[30] Jong-Hoon Youn and Bella Bose. An energy conserving medium access control
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Broadband Wireless Summit, Las Vegas, NV.



Appendix A
ICODE Label IC is a chip that is used in passive RFID tags in the 13.56 MHz
frequency band. It is designed to function as a smart label for logistics and asset
tracking. The chip has advantages like anti collision which means that multiple tags
can be read simultaneously. The word simultaneously is not quite right because
the tags are assigned a time slot within which it can communicate with the reader.
So in the reader-tag point of view it is not simultaneously but to us human it is
because the communication is so rapid. Depending on the antenna size, tag and the
reader the reading range can be up to 1.5 m in no line-of-sight.
The power needed to run the tag is taken from the inductive coupling with the reader.
The tag does not even need an own system clock because this is also obtained from
the inductive coupling. The ICODE IC has 512 bit of EEPROM which is divided
in 16 blocks of 32 bits each. The first two of these blocks (the first 64 bits) is an ID
which is unique for each tag manufactured. This makes it easy to uniquely identify
an object because there is no risk two tags have the same ID. The next 32 bits in
block three are Write Access Condition Data. This is used to write protect data in
the memory, and once it has been write protected it cannot be unlocked anymore.
The ID bits is write protected by default and can not be changed. By write protect
block three on the chip, which contains the Write Access Conditions, the Write
Access Conditions cannot be changed anymore. By doing so it is possible to lock
the chip so it is not possible to change the data it contains anymore. Block four on
the chip contains some configuration bits that is used to set up the tag and how it
responds to the reader.
The ICODE chip has the advantage that the reader can read multiple tags in the
field (anti collision) and it is also possible to write information to the tags. 368 bits
are available for the user to hold this information.
A more detailed explanation of how the ICODE chip is built can be found in [20].



Appendix A


Appendix B

Figure B.1. Schematics



Appendix B

M AX3223

Component List
MICA2 Platform, See [25] for more information
Maxim MAX3223CPP, See [13] for more information
Batteries, 2 alkaline AA batteries, 3V
Batteries, 2 alkaline AA batteries, 3V
Medio S002 RFID reader See [24] for more information
Medio A-VSA
RF Antenna, (Quarter Wavelength Antenna)
Capacitor 0.1F
Capacitor 0.1F
Capacitor 0.1F
Capacitor 0.1F
Capacitor 0.1F
Table B.1. Component List




Receiver Enable Control
See [13]
See [13]
See [13]
See [13]
See [13]
See [13]
RS-232 Transmitter Outputs
RS-232 Receiver Inputs
TTL/CMOS Receiver Outputs
See [13]. Not connected
TTL/CMOS Transmitter Input
TTL/CMOS Transmitter Input. Not connected
See [13]
TTL/CMOS Receiver Output. Not connected
RS-232 Receiver Inputs. Not connected
RS-232 Transmitter Output. Not connected
Supply Voltage, 3V
See [13]
Table B.2. MAX3223 Pin Assignment



N o Connect
T XRS232

Connector J1
Not Connected
See [24]. Not Connected
See [24]. Not Connected
Transmit RS232
Receive RS232
Transmit TTL. Not Connected
Receive TTL. Not Connected
Board Hardware Shutdown
Supply Voltage, 6V
Table B.3. Connector J1 Pin Assignment



Connector J2
Antenna Output Pin
Reference Voltage for Antenna
Table B.4. Connector J2 Pin Assignment



Connector CONN
UART0 Transmit, pin 28
UART0 Receive, pin 27
Supply Voltage, 3V
Output Pin Regulating RFID Reader Shutdown, pin 44

Table B.5. Connector CONN Pin Assignment


Appendix B


Appendix C
Packet structures

Packet ID SeqNr


Figure C.1. This is the general packet header. These two fields are always the
first two fields in all messages. The first three bits specify which of the following
packet types that are being transmitted. The CRC-field is included in the message
type, but is unused in the implementation because TinyOS implements its own
CRC-check in the data-link layer.

Potential Sync Offset Payload Flags

Figure C.2. This is the general SYNC-packet. Sync offset is used if a SYNC is
delayed. Unused in the current implementation because of the low resolution in
the timers (1ms). Payload can include a general byte, such as new potential in
case of a change. The flags inform the cluster if theres a potential change coming,
if the cluster is about to break or if theres data in the queue.
Pot Length
Figure C.3. The packet type used for RTS/CTS communications. Potential is
the destination potential, and length specifies the length of the coming communication. The potential actually contains one flag-bit which specifies if the message
is intended for the master. All communication is either originating in or targets
the master.


Figure C.4.

Length DATA

The general DATA-packet. Length specifies the length of the



Appendix C

Packet structures

DstPot SrcPot SeqNr Ctrl word
Figure C.5. Control packet type. This is used for changing potentials of other
clusters, killing masters, establishing routes, ACK and NACK. Because these messages generally are triggered by a message sent by another node, the sequence
number field is used to uniquely specify which message that this control message
is responding to.

NxtPot RSSI DATA packet

Figure C.6. The general routing packet type. The data message is encapsulated
in the routing message. NxtPot signifies the next-hop node or next-hop cluster.
The DATA packet is the same as in figure C.4. The RSSI field contains the signal
strength from the last hop, which is used in the demo application.

Appendix D
Application call-graph
StdControl func:init













































































































































































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