Ingilizce Mini Deneme 3

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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

Mini Deneme Sınavı-3


Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 4. Acting in a movie usually begins and ends on set,
düşen sözcük veya ifadeleri bulunuz. which can take a few months at most, -----
directing can take at least a laborious year from
pre- to post-production.
1. The European Union is likely to face a/an -----
A) therefore
economic crisis which is expected to be far worse
than the eurozone crisis or the banking crisis that B) so
hit the union in the last decade.
C) unlike
A) delicate
D) whereas
B) illogical
E) thus
C) unprecedented
D) diverse
E) inappropriate

2. It is predicted that paperwork except for specific

5. ----- the summer months, St. Petersburg is
contracts and commitments ----- altogether when
dynamic, friendly, picturesque and bustling with
the idea of virtual office ----- totally.
people ----- the night as well as the day.
A) will disappear / embraces
A) About / since
B) had disappeared / embraced
B) During / throughout
C) disappears / has been embraced
C) Around / beneath
D) disappeared / was being embraced
D) Between / within
E) will have disappeared / is embraced
E) Among / outside

3. After a flock of geese hit the plane, its both

engines stopped working; however, it ----- in the
Hudson River safely thanks to the crucial
decisions of pilots, without which all passengers
aboard -----their lives.

A) might land / must have lost

B) was able to land / could have lost
C) could be landing / may lose
D) had to land / should have lost
E) must land / might be losing

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
6. -8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. ve 10. Sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ifadeyi bulunuz.

Known as “Warhol of Japan”, Takashi Murakami is 9. It is a notable scientific fact that the population
famous for combining his art practice (6) ----- of Earth can’t survive on fossil fuel forever, -----.
popular culture, mostly giving reference to
colourful anime and manga cartoons to produce A ) provided that world universities offer
abstract portraits. (7) ----- Murakami, “Japanese opportunities to study on alternative energy
people accept that art and commerce will be sources rather than fossil fuel
blended” unlike the West which forces a strict B ) as a result, researchers are focusing on the
hierarchy on art. In spite of this, in the Western negative effects they may cause
art world, Takashi Murakami (8) ----- as an
important figure and thus, his work is highly C ) so alternative energy sources are at the front
demanded not only in the East but also in the line of energy science and research
D ) therefore, you should be excited about the
future of the world, not scared of it
6. A) with E ) because young generation is researching
B) on where the global career market may be headed

C) by
D) together
E) without

10. -----, it is still crucial in both social and economic

7. A) Regardless of A ) Because Turkey is the world’s 7th largest
agricultural producer
B) In addition to
B ) Even if Turkey is recently becoming an
C) Similar to agricultural exporter
D) Instead of C ) Although the share of agriculture in the
E) According to economy has declined considerably
D ) Though subsistence farming is an important
characteristic of Turkish agriculture
E ) Due to the abundance of water resources in
8. A) will be accepted Turkey

B) had accepted
C) accepts
D) will have been accepted
E) is accepted

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
11. – 13. Soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 12. We can understand from the passage that
cevaplayınız. those who want to become a stunt performer
--- .

Stunt performers work for movie industries and A) should keep in mind that they might get
producers to perform stunts, from car chases injured during a performance
and crashes, fight scenes to falling from B) need to be interested in technology as much
buildings instead of actors. They are as movie producers and directors
professionals in their own fields, so they
skillfully perform their stunts to avoid an injury. C) are supposed to have the ability to perform
A perfect stunt performer is supposed to be any scene that is assigned by directors
trained to figure in intense and brutal scenes D) have to possess some certain personal traits
such as racing or crashing cars, re-animating such as being bold and eager
fight scenes and racing cars, base jumping, bull
riding, using firearms. Therefore, they must be E) must know that it is one of the most
fearless and willing to travel to any extreme to dangerous jobs in the world that one can ever
make intense and realistic scene. Movie have
producers and directors seek to hire stunt
performers who can effectively act out a scene
without causing any injury or damage to
anyone. However, thanks to the technological
advancements in the movie industry, in order
to create a dangerous scene, some film
directors, if possible, prefer using special 13. It can be concluded from the passage that
effects to hiring a stunt performer, which technological developments in the movie
causes distress among the members of this industry -----.
A) enable directors to include any scene in their
movies regardless of whether it includes danger
or not
B) are mostly used for scenes which could be
really dangerous to both actors and stunt
11. It can be learned from the passage that stunt performers
performers -----.
C) are of great importance to movie producers
and directors when they want to make a scene
A) are categorized depending on the scene they more realistic
are the most skilled in D) are useful only when they are combined with
B) are professionals who act out in scenes which the talent of stunt performers
may be dangerous for the health of actors E) might make stunt performers redundant, so
C) perform a scene as they wish without getting they may not appreciate such developments
any directions from movie producers or directors
D) go through a theoretical training that takes
place in difficult environment
E) benefit from technology while acting out a
scene in order to make it more realistic

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
Aşağıdaki soruda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 15. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.

14. Robert: 15. Students are more likely to be less stressed both
before and during an exam when they have had
- -----
enough time to review and practice the subjects
Scarlett: they learnt at school.

- I have never heard of that. Is it preferred a lot

these days?
A) Only when students are able to go over the
Robert: subjects that are taught at school properly until
the exam date will they feel relaxed while they are
- Of course, most of the teenagers and also having the exam.
adults are trying to become one because of the
fame and satisfactory income it may provide. B) In order to feel calm before or during an
examination, students are required to study all
Scarlet: the subjects that they covered at school well and
- If it has such advantages, it’s normal for people sufficiently.
to choose it as a profession. C) On condition that students have had the
A) After social media has become an chance to revise and study the school subjects
indispensable part of our lives, a new profession adequately, they may feel more relaxed not only
called digital media producer has come out. prior to but also during the exam.

B) Nearly everyone has at least one social media D) If students don’t study the subjects that have
account on which they spend about two or three been taught at school well enough until the exam
hours a day. day, they will most likely feel nervous during the
C) There are a lot of people who became famous
and rich by producing funny videos on social E) Students are claimed to feel less tense before
media, which causes some teenagers to imitate and during an exam provided that they have
them. revised all the school subjects that were taught at
school adequately.
D) Despite the warnings of experts against misuse
of social networking sites, people are so into them
that their number is growing day by day.
E) Social media has caused some languages to
borrow some of the words that are used on social
networking sites.

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
16. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek 17. soruda boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
cümleyi bulunuz. bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
cümleyi bulunuz.

16. It’s exam week and everyone in the class is 17. Although no word is used in non-verbal
studying for the exams day and night. One of communication, it can effectively convey the
your friends, who never takes notes and feelings of the speaker to the listener. ----- .
listens to the teachers, comes and tells you That means that the majority of what you say
that Jane, the most hardworking student in is communicated not through words, but
the class, has refused to share her notes with through physical cues. Therefore, people
him. Thinking that he has no right to complain should use these physical cues like eye contact
about her, you say: or facial expressions at least as much as

A) Whether believe or not, I would let you

photocopy my notes if I had taken enough. A) Being able to communicate is perhaps the
B) Actually, she is a generous girl, but she may most important of all life skills because it is
have been disturbed by the way you asked for what enables us to pass information to other
it. people

C) What would happen if she had shared them B) A study conducted in the USA last year
with you? Don’t take it personally because she showed that it accounted for 55 percent of
is being self-centered these days. how an audience perceived a presenter

D) While she was following the lesson C) There are many things that you can do to
attentively, you were daydreaming at the back improve your communication skills and ensure
row, so you can’t be so mad at her. that you are able to transmit and receive
information in a right way
E) Everyone knows that she is a selfish girl, so
it’s ridiculous of you to ask for such a favor D) Having a good communication requires
from her. speaking with a variety of people appropriately
while using body language
E) In a study, nearly half of the participants
stated they could understand better when
body language was used effectively

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
18. soruda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en 19. soruda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en
yakın olan Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. yakın olan İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

18. A person can become bilingual either by being

exposed to two languages at the same time 19. Özellikle sonbahar mevsiminde etkileyici bir
during childhood or by learning a second güzelliği olan Göreme’de, kayalara oyulmuş
language sometime after acquiring the native otellerde konaklamak farklı bir deneyim
language. olabilir.

A ) Bir kişi ya çocukluk süresince aynı anda iki A) In Göreme, which has an impressive beauty
dile maruz kalarak ya da anadili edindikten bir especially in fall season, staying at the hotels
süre sonra ikinci bir dil öğrenerek iki dilli carved into the rocks can be a different
olabilir. experience.

B ) İki dilli olabilmek için çocukken ya aynı anda B) Göreme has so many beauties, especially in
iki dile maruz kalmak ya da anadilini fall season, that one may like the experience of
öğrendikten bir süre sonra ikinci bir dil staying at the hotels carved into the rocks.
öğrenmek gerekmektedir. C) Göreme, where you can find different hotels
C ) Çocuklar ya büyürken aynı anda iki dile carved into rocks to stay, is preferred to visit by
maruz kalarak ya da anadillerini edindikten bir tourists mostly in fall.
süre sonra ikinci bir dil edinerek iki dilli D) In Göreme, staying at hotels which are
olabilirler. carved into rocks can be a different experience,
D ) Bir insanın iki dilli olabilmesi için ya especially in fall season.
çocuklukta aynı anda iki dili edinmesi E) What makes Göremea different place to visit
gerekmektedir ya da anadilini öğrendikten is its impressive beauty in fall and the hotels
sonra başka bir dil öğrenmelidir. carved into rocks.
E ) Bir kişi iki dilli olabilmek için hem büyürken 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
iki dile birden maruz kalmalıdır hem de bir süre
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
sonra başka bir yabancı dil öğrenmelidir.

20. (I) The tsunami hit the town when most of the
local people were out because of the
earthquake that occurred a few days before.
(II) The town is always at the risk of being hit
by a tsunami as it is located near the Pacific
Ocean. (III) The waves were so big and
powerful that they damaged and demolished
many trees, houses and also big apartment
blocks. (IV) It was a very difficult time for the
survivors because there was little or no food,
no water or no mobile phone signals. (V)
Rescue and aid teams worked hard all day so
as to solve the problems they were facing.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

1 C 11 B
2 E 12 D
3 B 13 E
4 D 14 A
5 B 15 C
6 A 16 D
7 E 17 B
8 E 18 A
9 C 19 A
10 C 20 B

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

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