Els / Lys: İngilizce Peneme Sinavi
Els / Lys: İngilizce Peneme Sinavi
Els / Lys: İngilizce Peneme Sinavi
A) watch B) work A) by / at B) to / up
C) put up D) wear C) up / to D) at / by
E) wait E) for / for
44. Peter:
- Well, we provide intensive English
- Sally, I've been looking forward to our programmes for adult learners who are
aiming at entering an English medium
camp out for weeks. It's going to be a university.
wonderful day for hiking tomorrow.
- I'm calling for a friend who is
Sally: interested in attending a US university.
- Yeah, but I'm a little bit worried about
A) I was wondering if you have evening
the weather, though. The weather classes, as I work until 5 o’clock.
B) Yes, I have a question. Do you have
forecast said it was going to rain later
vocational English programmes?
tonight. C) Good afternoon, could you tell me if
you have IELTS preparation courses?
D) Hi, I'm calling to ask about what kind of
Peter: courses you are offering.
E) I was calling to find out about your
intensive English courses for young
- And it also said there was a chance of 46. Nathan:
- Phillip, have you ever been to a
high winds; are you sure you want to Japanese public bath? I hear it's quite
take the risk? an experience
A) Let’s do something else then, how - Well, it's nothing like visiting a
swimming pool.
about visiting your grandmother?
B) Really, well maybe we should Nathan:
postpone camping and go to the
cinema instead. Phillip:
- Yes, traditionally, the bath played an
C) I am not sure which weather forecast important role in the community. It
you listened to but I the one that I gave neighbours an opportunity to
socialize while bathing.
looked at was showing completely
different predictions. A) Do you actually share the bath with
other people?
D) If we cancel and then it doesn’t rain, I B) Well, what do you do when you go to a
will sue the broadcasting company for public bath?
C) And do you wear a bathing suit or
ruining our fun! something?
E) Nonsense, nothing can spoil our D) What is the historical background to
these public baths?
adventure. Those reports are never E) What are the roles of public baths in
right. today’s society?
A) Your old team has been successful this 54. It is your firm’s monthly after work
year despite some lost games. drinks night with co-workers but you
B) In spite of not winning all their games, don’t want to go. Rescheduling is out
your favourite team has accomplished of the question, however, as you don’t
what they had planned this year.
have a valid excuse. You want to be
C) Not winning all their games was not
polite but don’t want to lie. You say: ----
important to the team you used to play
for as this year has been fruitful for
them. A) You’ll have to go without me this time,
D) Despite not having won all of their because I have been feeling quite frail
games against your old team this year, all day.
they used to do well. B) It’s impossible for me to make it this
E) Your old team didn’t beat the other time; I have a doctor’s appointment I
teams they played against this year, have been waiting for. I am really sad
nevertheless they have done well. to miss our night out this month.
C) There’s no real reason why I couldn’t
52. Because they arrived at the station come except that I am not feeling up to
before noon, I did not see them there. it today. I promise I will make it up to
you next time.
A) Although I reached the location before D) I really can’t make it tonight; something
it was 12 pm, I still couldn’t make them urgent has come up. Why don’t we do
it tomorrow night instead?
B) I missed them at the station for they
E) I am really fed up with these monthly
arrived too early.
gatherings. We already see each other
C) As I reached the location before it was
noon, I was not able to distinguish 6 days a week, why would I want to
them there. see your faces on a Saturday evening?
D) I couldn’t see them at the station since
they had got there before 12 pm.
E) To meet them at the station I got there 55. A woman cuts you in line at the
before noon, but I still couldn’t see supermarket which is quite long.
them there. Getting angry and wanting to defend
your rights yet not wanting to cause a
53. Cultivate a positive attitude, because it commotion, you say: -—
enables you to enjoy life more.
A) First, you need to apologize for your
A) Having an enjoyable life results in a selfishness; and then you need to get
more optimistic way of thinking. to the back of the line.
B) You need to enjoy life more so that you B) Madam, you seem to be in a hurry,
can promote a positive outlook on it.
please take my place.
C) Nurturing an optimistic approach
C) Who do you think you are? Do you
towards life allows you to take more
think you are any better than all of us
delight in it.
D) If you want to live life to the fullest, you waiting In line?
need to develop a more positive point D) I really don’t understand how some
of view. people can be so inconsiderate!
E) Promoting a negative attitude leads to E) Excuse me, but there is a queue and
not enjoying life. you need to get In line.
A) The author of S ir G aw ain and the A) Andy Warhol, a famous man in the pop
G reen Knight is also thought to have art movement is thought to have said
written the religious poems, P e a rl,
the quote, “In the future, many more
P atience and Purity, but nothing else.
people will be noted for 15 minutes.”
B) The author of Sir G aw ain a n d the
B) A leading figure in the pop art
G reen Knight is not known very well
except for his writing three more movement, Andy Warhol once said: “In
poems called Pearl, P atience and the future, everybody will be famous
Purity. worldwide at least for 15 minutes.”
C) No one knows anything about the C) “In the future, everybody will be world-
author of S ir G aw ain a n d the G reen famous for 15 minutes” is thought to be
Knight except that he wrote such said by Andy Warhol, a leading figure
poems as Pearl, P atien ce and Purity. in the pop art movement.
D) Nothing is known about the author of D) “In the future, most people will be
S ir G aw ain a n d the G reen Knight, famous for 15 minutes” is considered
except that he wrote the three religious to be told by Andy Warhol, a prominent
poems, Pearl, P atien ce and Purity. person in the pop art movement.
E) Nobody can say anything about the E) Andy Warhol, a dominating figure in
author of S ir G aw ain a n d the G reen the pop art movement, is believed to
Knight, but he wrote the three religious
have said: “In the future, all people will
poems, Pearl, P atien ce and Purity.
be famous for 15 minutes”.
74. Tokyo’nun belki de en iyi bilenen
buluşma noktalarından biri Shibuya
istasyondaki Hachikö isimli köpek 76-80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
heykelinin olduğu yerdir. okunduğunda parçanın anlam
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Perhaps one of the best-known
meeting places in Tokyo is the point 76. (I) Some scientists think they can make
where there is the statue of the dog man immortal by creating a digital copy of
called Hachikö at Shibuya station. the "self and keeping that "alive" online
B) One of the most popular meeting long after the physical body has ceased to
places in Tokyo can be said to be in function. (II) In effect, the proposal is to
front of Shibuya station, which has the clone a person electronically. (Ill) This
statue of the dog, Hachikö. clone would be unlike familiar physical
C) Most people in Tokyo know the statue clones which are an offspring that have
of the dog called Hachikö at Shibuya identical features as their parents. (IV)
station where they like to meet their Scientists envisage the Nano-transmitters
friends. being able to connect a person to a world
D) Maybe most people in Tokyo meet
of virtual reality on the Internet. (V) While
their friends in front of the statue of the
they are completely separate organisms
dog Hachikö which is very close to
with a separate conscious life, an
Shibuya station.
E) The statue of the dog called Hachikö at electronic clone would believe itself to be
Shibuya station is one of the well- the person it was cloned from.
known meeting places in Tokyo.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. E 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A
11. E 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. E 20. C
21. E 22. A 23. E 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. E
31. E 32. D 33. C
34. A 35. E 36. D 37. C B 39. A 40. C
41. A 42. E 43. C 44. E 45. D 46. A 47. E 48. D 49. C 50. B
51. A 52. D 53. c 54. C 55. E 56. D 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. E
61. D 62. B 63. c 64. A 65. D 66. E 67. B 68. C 69. E 70. B
71. D 72. C 73. D 74. A 75. C 76. D 77. C 78. B 79. A 80. E