Els / Lys: İngilizce Peneme Sinavi

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Cevap kağıdınızda, sınav yabancı dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayınız.
Bu testte 80 soru vardır. Cevaplama süreniz 120 dakikadır.

1-8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 6. I ---- my e-mail as soon as I —- to the

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da office.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) had checked / had got
1. On 10 April 1912, the British passenger B) checked / have got
liner RMS Titanic set off on its first C) have checked / got
journey from Southampton for its — , D) am going to check / am getting
which was New York. E) will check / get

A) attention B) instruction 7. My parents — to save up some money

C) destination D) prediction because they — the kitchen cabinets.
E) exploration
A) will try / needed to replace
B) are trying / need replacing
2. A wise man once said no one is — . I
C) were trying / will need to replace
wish people of today would realize they
D) have been trying / need to replace
will be replaced if they don’t do their
E) tried / were needing replacing
jobs properly.
8. When I got back, he wanted to know
A) insignificant B) indispensable where I — and nicely asked me —- the
C) liable D) lofty office without his permission again.
E) negligible
A) had been / not to leave
3. The elderly teacher looked — at her B) have been / don’t leave
students as if to say: “Listen up, this is C) was / didn’t leave
going to be the most enlightening D) am / not to be left
lesson of your life.” E) would be / will not leave
A) ridiculously B) violently 9-15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan
C) stubbornly D) wisely yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
E) previously ifadeyi bulunuz.

4. To my surprise, the laziest person on 9. — most countries, children start the

the promotion team — to help with the primary school —- the age of six.
new advertising campaign.
A) By / for B) For / to
A) neglected B) postponed C) In / at D) To / in
C) obtained D) volunteered E) At / with
E) merged
10. The value of this company’s shares
5. I have been trying really hard to ---- out has increased — 0.5%, closing the day
how I can make ends meet this month. — an all-time high.

A) watch B) work A) by / at B) to / up
C) put up D) wear C) up / to D) at / by
E) wait E) for / for

English Language Studies 0

11. I got through middle school, life 16-20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
started to get easier. numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) In case B) If
C) Whether D) Unless
E) Once Senator John McCain passed documents to
the FBI director, last month (16) — secret
12. Vegans can be defined as people who contacts between the Trump campaign,
Moscow and the Russian intelligence. The
do not eat meat or any kind animal
material is a series of reports (17) — Trump’s
products; they eat vegetables,
relationship with Moscow. They (18) —- by a
fruits and grains.
former western counter-intelligence official
(19) — is now working as a private
A) instead B) for example consultant. Some of the reports dated from 20
C) consequently D) furthermore June to 20 October last year proved to be
E) because insightful, predicting events that happened
(20) -— they were sent.
13. While there are of us are feeling
bad about the inhumane conditions of
the refugees, — is asking themselves 16.
what they can do.
A) protesting B) contradicting
A) a few / many C) suing D) alleging
B) such many / everyone E) requesting
C) plenty / none
D) so many / no one 17.
E) much / some
A) by B) on
C) to D) at
14. A university degree — gives you a
E) for
qualification -— a broader perspective
on life.

A) so / that A) were drawn up B) drew up

B) not only / but also C) are drawn up D) draw up
C) less / than E) will be drawn up
D) neither / or
E) whether / or 19.

15. —- many educators and parents have A) why B) when

praised the Harry Potter series, some C) which D) where
conservative parents have called for E) who
the books to be banned in schools and
libraries. 20.

A) However B) In addition A) if B) before

C) Indeed C) after D) until
D) Although
E) when
E) Such as

o English Language Studies

21-28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 24. Many firms have already begun taking
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. steps to prevent and lessen human
rights abuses,----- .

21. After a three-hour deliberation over

Dylann Roofs sentence, the jury A) the attacks against fundamental
returned human rights, particularly of those
already vulnerable
A) showing no remorse for the massacre
B) deeply disturbing increase in divisive
B) was convicted last month of 33 federal
behaviour and policies, and outright
charges, including murder and hate
crimes hatred
C) he is the first person to face execution C) in line with the UN guiding principles
for a federal hate crime conviction on business and human rights
D) condemning the verdict which means D) the continued widespread failure to
that this case will not be over for a very
ensure fair access to resources,
long time
E) to announce their decision that he prosperity and economic security
should be executed E) repression of civil society groups and
independent media; and widespread
illogical arrests of activists, students,
22. If it was not for the money,
and protesters
A) he would have quitted long ago
B) I can find another job
C) my sister could borrow it from me 25. Major UN organizations have made a
D) I am going to take up photography joint appeal and called fo r---- .
E) I might even get to like your new
A) the world “must not stand silent” even
though the high-profile siege of the
23. Our goal here is to get the necessary Syrian city of Aleppo is over
results, B) immediate, unconditional and safe
access to all Syrian families and
A) otherwise, teamwork is totally
incomprehensible and unacceptable children in need
B) although it was necessary to overcome C) up to 700,000 people—nearly half of
all obstacles over the last few years them children—live in areas of Syria
C) nonetheless, high achievers are which are surrounded by soldiers
welcome to join our cause for their
D) Syrians who lack the most basic
contribution and motivation
elements to sustain their lives and face
D) whereas, doing one’s own best is not
an end result in this productive team continued risk of violence
E) and to do that we want to work E) keep international attention focused on
seriously for the amount of time that is the nearly six-year civil war in Syria

English Language Studies

26. Japan now has the biggest income 29-31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
inequality, — . cevaplayınız.
Moon Express, a Florida-based firm, has
A) as well as the highest rates of child attained funding to become the first private
poverty in the developed world company to travel to the moon. The $20
million funding will allow the company to send
B) yet, campaigners say the rise in a robotic spacecraft to the moon’s surface.
poverty is evidence that the plan for This voyage will be an international break­
growth has failed to deliver for many through in space exploration. The funding is a
major step in the company’s efforts to become
families the world’s first private enterprise to travel
C) whereas, of the 3.5 million children outside the Earth’s orbit. Last year, Moon
who are eligible for state support, only Express gained historic approvals from the
US government after submitting a request for
200,000 actually receive any its voyage. An outer space contract requires
D) however, the poverty rate that we see governments to authorize and supervize “non­
today demonstrates just how difficult governmental entities” seeking to travel in
outer space. The CEO of Moon Express
life has become for children in Japan announced their goal is to expand Earth’s
over the last 25 years social and economic sphere to the Moon and
E) similarly, those in full-time work were enable a new era of low-cost lunar exploration
and development for students, scientists,
forced to take irregular or part-time space agencies and commercial interests.
jobs with low pay Moon Express has said it aims to mine the
moon for minerals and hopes to lower the
costs of space travel and help pave the way
for the colonization of the moon, and
27. Everybody at the party saw the eventually of Mars.
29. According to the passage, ‘Moon
Express’ — .
A) however, no one asked who he was
B) but happened to be there by accident A) is a government-owned company
B) has the necessary resources for space
C) whereas he left the venue without travel
being noticed C) will make a profit from sending a
D) because nobody knew who had invited spacecraft to the Moon
D) will lower the costs of space travel
him E) will not get any supervision while
E) otherwise, they would have asked him planning their voyage into outer space
to leave 30. It is stated in the passage that space
travel — .
A) is about colonizing the moon
28. — , you can see a learning advisor in B) will benefit future generations
our Student Learning Centre. C) will be widespread among private
D) requires $20 million
A) Only the most successful students are E) has only been an activity of
admitted to this school, therefore governments until now
B) If you need help with any of your
31. It can be understood from the passage
course work that Moon Express -—.
C) Even if you are a student at our
language school A) received the funding for space travel
from the US government
D) The students in this school come from B) will make a $20 million profit from its
different countries and backgrounds first voyage
E) The coursework and assignments are C) is a robotic spacecraft company
D) is the only private company interested
prepared according to international in space travel
standards E) is a pioneer in space travel

English Language Studies

32-34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 35-37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.
The Family Hub is a revolutionary new The Idea of "teen courts" has been around in the
refrigerator with a Wi-Fi enabled touchscreen USA for many years. The Teen Court was first
that allows you to manage your groceries, suggested in the 1980s in Odessa, Texas. The
connect with your family and entertain like court in Odessa decided to let teenage offenders
never before. It has built-in cameras which opt to be tried by their peers as many were
take photos every time the fridge door closes. alienated by a justice system organized and
You can use your phone to access these controlled by people of a different generation.
photos from anywhere, so you always know Thousands of teens have since been tried by
what you have and what you are missing. You their peers in Odessa, and virtually all agree that
can sync everyone's calendar to the Family It was the right thing to do. Statistics support
Hub to never miss a practice or an appoint­ this, as rates of re-offense among teens tried in
ment. You can send notes and reminders to Teen Courts are under 5% while it may rise up
the touchscreen from anywhere. You can to 50% with normal courts. In 1990 Texas
even keep your favourite memories on display became the first American state to establish a
with the vibrant touchscreen. Whether you re state-wide organization to develop teen courts.
having people over or spending some serious Until the 1990s, the number of new courts
time in the kitchen, the Family Hub is there increased slowly; but since the new millennium,
with your favourite music ana TV shows. And hundreds more cities all across the USA have
let’s not forget to mention some refrigerator seen that the system works, and have
features; an adaptable door can switch introduced it to their own community. Teen
between fridge and freezer with the touch of a courts operate in just the same way as a real
button, allowing you to choose between court, the major difference being that the only
professional in the process is the judge. Run by
temperature settings. The triple cooling volunteers, the court sits every Tuesday evening
system uses evaporators for precise under the control of a local judge, also a
temperature and humidity control. So even volunteer; proceedings are conducted as in a
with a full fridge, your food stays fresh for a real court, with teenagers taking the roles of
longer period. prosecution and defense: a panel of teens sits
as jury, and it is they who propose the sentence
32. According to the passage, the Family they consider to be appropriate.
Hub will — .
35. It can be understood from the passage
replace smartphones that Teen Courts — .
do your grocery shopping for you
not operate unless you have a A) are run by teenagers
smartphone Bj are only used in the USA
have more than one function Cj have reduced the legal costs
keep food fresh half the time longer Dj rely on professional lawyers
than an average fridge E) work on a voluntary basis
33. It is understood from the passage that 36. The main reason why Odessa started
the Family Hub — . using Teen Courts is because
A) is designed for families with young A) other states across the country had
children found it more efficient
Bl is quite expensive B) teenagers lobbied to earn the right to be
C relies on the Internet to function tried by their peers
Di only works with specific apps C) teenagers tried in Teen Courts had a
E) can only be found at certain stores lesser tendency to commit a crime again
D) teenagers did not believe in the justice of
34. It is understood from the passage that traditional courts run by adults
E) the older generation’s rules were not
applicable to teenagers
A) the appliance is designed to provide
more freedom to busy lifestyles 37. The primary purpose of the author is to
B) the Innovative technology is unique
and only available in one model
C) the designers of the refrigerator A) justify the usage of Teen Courts and
thought entertainment was more their convictions
important than a refrigerator’s original B) illustrate how Teen Courts work and
function support teen offenders
D) the Family Hub depends on and C) provide general information on develop­
makes use of social media accounts ment and operation of Teen Courts
E) the new age refrigerator can be synced D) elaborate on the differences between
to all family members’ smartphones Teen courts and normal courts
E) prevent teens being tried in adult courts

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38-40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 41-43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.
Among the most popular national parks in The Amish are members of an ultra-protestant
America, the remarkable Florida "Everglades" religious movement that first came to America
are in serious danger. To save their rich natural over three hundred years ago, and have kept
ecosystems, with their birds, reptiles and many their traditions and lifestyles. They are very
other species, the US Congress has set up the
biggest environmental programme in American law-abiding citizens, and their community is
history. The area has suffered dramatically over one in which crime is almost, though not
the last sixty years on account of impinging entirely, Inexistent. Amish families live strict
agriculture and the vast expansion of Florida's lives, following the morals as their ancestors.
population. If the decline is not prevented, the Yet the most remarkable things to note about
whole ecosystem of southern Florida could be the Amish are not their old-fashioned lifestyles
irreparably damaged. Back in the year 2000, the and their home-made clothes, but the growth
Congress approved a 30-year 8.2 billion dollar of their community, its efficiency, its social
Everglades rescue plan to attempt to reverse the cohesion, and their recent adoption of "green"
course of events, and undo some of the damage. technology, including wind-power and solar
The rescue programme was prompted by the energy. Although they work the land using
publication in 1998 of a 4000-page report. In a traditional horse-drawn machines, and use no
review published on 2012, the US national
Research Council found that work to protect the chemical fertilizers, their agriculture is among
Everglades was moving at a very slow pace. the most productive in North America.
Unless more progress is made, the outlook for Contrary to popular belief, the Amish are not
the future is not good, and large parts of the cut off from the rest of America; like any
Everglades' vital and remarkable ecosystems farmers, they need markets for their products
may be damaged beyond repair. and suppliers for their goods. Some work for
non-Amish employers. Many have non-Amish
38. According to the passage, the Everglades neighbours. Though Amish life is hard in many
rescue programme — . ways, it is free of most of the pressures and
problems of the rest of American society. As
A) will not be able to succeed unless more long as this lifestyle is not forced into radical
money is put into it change, many of those who have been
B) is the most extensive of its kind in the US brought up in it will continue to see it as an
C) is not the only environmental protection
programme being carried out in the US attractive option.
D) was economically draining and was
reviewed in 2012 41. It is pointed out in the passage that the
E) is being threatened by the huge increase Amish — .
of Florida’s population
A) are a functional community
39. It is pointed out in the passage that the B) home-school their children
Everglades — . C) are law abiding due to their strict laws
D) were originally from North America
A) if destructed, will affect Florida’s E) are cut off from the rest of the country
B) are the most outstanding national park in 42. It can be inferred from the passage that
the US the Amish -—.
C) have come to a stage that the decline is
D) are the only habitat some species can A) only work In agricultural jobs
survive in B) are against technological developments
E) have been in a poor stage over half a and do not welcome change
century and the problem has been C) community is about to become extinct
ignored D) are intolerant to the rest of the
American way of life
40. One of the main reasons why the E) seem to be living in a different time
Everglades are in serious danger is due than the rest of the world
to — .
43. Which of the following could be the
A) pollution created by the extensive growth best title for the passage?
of the Florida population
B) vast numbers of visitors to the Floridian A) Crime in the Amish Community
National Park
C) farmers intruding and using the land for B) The Origins of the Amish
crops C) An Old Way of Life
D) many different species living there D) A Weird Society
E) natural causes E) Living with the Amish

m English Language Studies

44-48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın 45. Receptionist:
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek - Good afternoon; this is the English
Language School. Can I help you?
ifadeyi bulunuz.

44. Peter:
- Well, we provide intensive English
- Sally, I've been looking forward to our programmes for adult learners who are
aiming at entering an English medium
camp out for weeks. It's going to be a university.
wonderful day for hiking tomorrow.
- I'm calling for a friend who is
Sally: interested in attending a US university.
- Yeah, but I'm a little bit worried about
A) I was wondering if you have evening
the weather, though. The weather classes, as I work until 5 o’clock.
B) Yes, I have a question. Do you have
forecast said it was going to rain later
vocational English programmes?
tonight. C) Good afternoon, could you tell me if
you have IELTS preparation courses?
D) Hi, I'm calling to ask about what kind of
Peter: courses you are offering.
E) I was calling to find out about your
intensive English courses for young
- And it also said there was a chance of 46. Nathan:
- Phillip, have you ever been to a
high winds; are you sure you want to Japanese public bath? I hear it's quite
take the risk? an experience

A) Let’s do something else then, how - Well, it's nothing like visiting a
swimming pool.
about visiting your grandmother?
B) Really, well maybe we should Nathan:
postpone camping and go to the
cinema instead. Phillip:
- Yes, traditionally, the bath played an
C) I am not sure which weather forecast important role in the community. It
you listened to but I the one that I gave neighbours an opportunity to
socialize while bathing.
looked at was showing completely
different predictions. A) Do you actually share the bath with
other people?
D) If we cancel and then it doesn’t rain, I B) Well, what do you do when you go to a
will sue the broadcasting company for public bath?
C) And do you wear a bathing suit or
ruining our fun! something?
E) Nonsense, nothing can spoil our D) What is the historical background to
these public baths?
adventure. Those reports are never E) What are the roles of public baths in
right. today’s society?

English Language Studies

47. Jack: A) Well, one of your brake lights is out.
- Sally, I'm going to the supermarket to B) Yes, you were going 50 miles per hour
pick up some stuff for Saturday's in 20 miles per hour zone.
picnic. Do you have any suggestions? C) Your driver's license expired six
months ago.
D) Sir, did you realize you were speeding
in a school zone?
E) You're not wearing a seat belt.
- Okay, but how much shall I get from 49-53. sorularda, verilen cümleye
each? anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği
- Uh, I don't know. How about three
pounds of meat and a couple packages 49. Skyscrapers have become the symbol
of hot dogs? of modern urban civilization, and today
they are found worldwide.
A) Maybe we could ask your mum to
make a few cherry pies like she did A) An up-to-date urban nation of the world
today would be one which is
last time.
represented by multi-storey buildings
B) You had better buy plenty; do you
which are found worldwide.
remember the last picnic we went on? B) Tall buildings have become the
Your roommate, Jim, ate about ten signature of modern metropolitan cities
hamburgers by himself! of the realm we find ourselves in today
C) Yeah, you better pick up some and are present all over the world.
mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise, C) High-rise buildings which can be seen
too. all over the globe have become the
D) Sounds fine, but be sure to buy a mark of contemporary municipal
variety of drinks. societies.
E) Well, everyone has been talking about D) A worldwide symbolism of becoming a
having a barbeque down by the river, fashionable city culture is having many
skyscrapers which can be found today.
so why don't you pick up some
E) Nowadays trendy built-up civilizations
hamburgers and hot dogs?
are found all over the world and can be
represented by their towering
48. Police Officer: buildings.
- May I see your driver's license and
your car registration, please?
50. The book that I had found disappeared
Driver: after Julia returned it to me.
- It's here somewhere in the glove
compartment. Yes, here it is. A) Julia returned the book to me that I
had found after it had disappeared.
Police Officer: B) Julia gave me back the book I had
found but later it went missing.
C) Julia repaid me for the book that was
misplaced but I had found it.
D) The book that had vanished was found
- What? No, I didn't. But that's probably after Julia gave it back to me.
because my odometer is broken, I E) I lost the book Julia gave back to me
mean, malfunctioning. but then I found it again.

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51. The team that you used to play for has 54-58. sorularda, verilen durumda
done well this year although they didn’t söylenmiş olabilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
win all their games.

A) Your old team has been successful this 54. It is your firm’s monthly after work
year despite some lost games. drinks night with co-workers but you
B) In spite of not winning all their games, don’t want to go. Rescheduling is out
your favourite team has accomplished of the question, however, as you don’t
what they had planned this year.
have a valid excuse. You want to be
C) Not winning all their games was not
polite but don’t want to lie. You say: ----
important to the team you used to play
for as this year has been fruitful for
them. A) You’ll have to go without me this time,
D) Despite not having won all of their because I have been feeling quite frail
games against your old team this year, all day.
they used to do well. B) It’s impossible for me to make it this
E) Your old team didn’t beat the other time; I have a doctor’s appointment I
teams they played against this year, have been waiting for. I am really sad
nevertheless they have done well. to miss our night out this month.
C) There’s no real reason why I couldn’t
52. Because they arrived at the station come except that I am not feeling up to
before noon, I did not see them there. it today. I promise I will make it up to
you next time.
A) Although I reached the location before D) I really can’t make it tonight; something
it was 12 pm, I still couldn’t make them urgent has come up. Why don’t we do
it tomorrow night instead?
B) I missed them at the station for they
E) I am really fed up with these monthly
arrived too early.
gatherings. We already see each other
C) As I reached the location before it was
noon, I was not able to distinguish 6 days a week, why would I want to
them there. see your faces on a Saturday evening?
D) I couldn’t see them at the station since
they had got there before 12 pm.
E) To meet them at the station I got there 55. A woman cuts you in line at the
before noon, but I still couldn’t see supermarket which is quite long.
them there. Getting angry and wanting to defend
your rights yet not wanting to cause a
53. Cultivate a positive attitude, because it commotion, you say: -—
enables you to enjoy life more.
A) First, you need to apologize for your
A) Having an enjoyable life results in a selfishness; and then you need to get
more optimistic way of thinking. to the back of the line.
B) You need to enjoy life more so that you B) Madam, you seem to be in a hurry,
can promote a positive outlook on it.
please take my place.
C) Nurturing an optimistic approach
C) Who do you think you are? Do you
towards life allows you to take more
think you are any better than all of us
delight in it.
D) If you want to live life to the fullest, you waiting In line?
need to develop a more positive point D) I really don’t understand how some
of view. people can be so inconsiderate!
E) Promoting a negative attitude leads to E) Excuse me, but there is a queue and
not enjoying life. you need to get In line.

English Language Studies

56. You are working late trying to meet C) I overheard your phone conversation; I
your deadline but your phone keeps wish you had told me that the only
ringing. After three missed calls you money you have on you is for the taxi
realize the caller is not going to give
to get home.
up. As you are too busy to talk, you
politely say: ---- D) If you didn’t have the money, why did
you come? Now, I'll have to pay for
A) Can you please stop calling me? I am yours, too.
trying to concentrate! E) Oh look, unless you let me pay, we’ll
B) Call me back tomorrow, I am too busy end up in the kitchen doing the dishes.
to talk now.
C) You are so rude. If someone doesn’t
answer their phone, it means they
can’t talk right now. 59-63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
D) I am really sorry but now is not a good parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak
time for me to talk. Can I call you back için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
E) I’m terribly sorry for not picking up
earlier. What did you want to talk
59. On the night of April 4th 1968,
someone was waiting opposite the
57. You are at the local pub. Your friend windows of the Lorraine Motel, in
has had too much to drink and started downtown Memphis. In front of the
to dance on the table. Realizing that motel, a big white Cadillac was parked.
everyone is looking at her and thinking It was the car in which Martin Luther
that you should do something to avoid King was being driven round, as he
further embarrassment, you say: —
travelled through the southern states,
A) I am never coming out with you again; speaking to audiences in towns and
you end up drunk all the time. cities, promoting non-violence and civil
B) That’s my friend; show them how it’s rights. — The civil rights leader and
done! Nobel prize-winner, the man who
C) You know I don’t like dancing. Shall we preached non-violence, fell to the
go to a karaoke club instead?
ground, fatally wounded. Within
D) I think it’s time we go home. People
are looking, come on. minutes, he was dead.
E) I am going home; you can continue
dancing on your own. A) When he stepped out onto the balcony
to take a breath of fresh air, a gunshot
58. You sort of forced a reluctant friend to was heard.
lunch and later realize he really didn’t B) He had been assassinated; it seemed,
have the money to spare on lunch.
by a lone sniper, a white extremist.
While you feel bad and want to pay for
lunch, you also don’t want to C) It may have been a political
embarrass you friend. You say: —- assassination ordered by some
faceless figures in some secret
A) Let me take the bill today as I know organization.
you haven’t got the money to pay for D) King was staying in room 306 at the
yours. Next time you can pay.
Lorraine Motel in Memphis.
B) Let’s not bother the waiter with
separating the bills. Why don’t I pay for E) King's last words were to musician Ben
lunch today and you can take me out Branch, who was scheduled to perform
another time? that night at a planned event.

English Language Studies

60. Mardi Gras was first celebrated in C) Today's theatre owners use theatre
Louisiana by French colonists in the parking lots for flea markets and open
eighteenth century. In those days, it air sales during the daytime, rather
was a day of feasting before the start
than leaving them empty.
of Lent, the 40-day period leading up to
Easter. It was a day to make the most D) In the mid-fifties, when drive-in
of—a day of carnivals, eating, drinking theatres were at their most popular,
and revelry. — Mardi Gras, New there were over 5000 of them spread
Orleans style, owes as much to Afro-
all across the USA.
Caribbean customs and the Latin
American carnival tradition as it does E) It is still possible to visit a drive-in
to the French colonists who movie theatre in the USA, but how long
established it in their new city. will they last?

A) In the heat of the moment, it's hard not

to be caught up in the madness of this
ritual, in spite of the worthlessness of 62. Aaron Ralston, a 27-year-old, found
the prizes. himself trapped against a canyon wall
B) The Mardi Gras celebrations actually when a 500kg rock came crashing
last for several weeks. down smashing his right hand. —
C) In other parts of Louisiana, the first
Plans for a trip with his climbing
Mardi Gras parades actually take place
three to four weeks before the big partners had fallen through at the last
carnival in New Orleans. minute, and he decided to head out on
D) Some have a parade organized by the his own. No one had the slightest idea
city's black community, glorious with its where he was.
colourful ornate floats and costumes
based on African themes.
E) It has remained a day of carnival ever A) On the spur of the moment, he decided
since, but the original French to head out on his own to cycle up a
celebrations are just a small part of long mountain trail, leave his bike and
today's festivities. then walk down the Blue John canyon.
B) This terrible accident was made all the
61. Drive-in theatres were a cultural icon, a
classic product of twentieth-century more serious on this occasion,
lifestyle; movie theatres where you just because Aaron had failed to tell
drove up, paid a few dollars, parked anyone where he was going.
facing the screen, relaxed in your car,
C) The following day he found the
and waited for the movie to begin. —
Today, there are around 500 drive-in courage to try the shorter blade, and
theatres left in the USA; but new with that he managed to cut through
screens are now appearing, particularly the skin.
in states where suburban real estate D) With a final burst of energy, he broke
values have not escalated too much.
both bones in his arm and freed
A) Technology has come to the drive-in; it himself.
uses an FM radio frequency, and E) Fortunately, he had a small multi-tool
viewers listen to the soundtrack using knife with him and he had some straps
their own hi-fi system. he could use to stop the bleeding when
B) Drive-in theatres have always been
he cut the arteries.
more popular in the USA, compared to
other parts of the world.
English Language Studies
63. There are numerous physical effects of 65. Despite all the impossibilities, Mustafa
stress. Stress can affect the heart. — Kemal Atatürk led his nation to full
Stress can affect the respiratory independence and founded a new
system. It can cause a person to government representative of the
nation's will.
breathe too fast, resulting in a loss of
important carbon dioxide. Stress can A) Ulusunu tam bağımsızlığa yönlendiren
affect the stomach. It can cause Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, tüm
stomach aches and problems digesting imkansızlıklara rağmen halkın
food. iradesine dayalı yeni bir sistem
kurulmasını sağladı.
B) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tüm
A) It can lead to asthma and can cause imkansızlıkların karşısında durdu ve
high blood pressure. ulusunu tam bağımsızlığa yönlendirip
B) 'Stress' means pressure or tension. halkın iradesini temsil edecek yeni bir
C) It can increase the pulse rate, make hükümet kurdurdu.
the heart miss beats. C) Tüm imkansızlıkların karşısında
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk yine de yılmadı,
D) People suffering from stress often feel halkını tam bağımsızlığa götürdü ve
anxious. halkın iradesine dayalı yeni bir yönetim
E) When people are under stress, they kurdu.
often overreact to little problems. D) Tüm imkansızlıklara rağmen, Mustafa
Kemal Atatürk ulusunu tam bağımsız­
lığa götürdü ve halkın iradesini temsil
eden yeni bir hükümet kurdu.
64-69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce E) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, tüm
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe imkansızlıklarla rağmen, halkın
cümleyi bulunuz. iradesini temsil edecek yeni bir
hükümet kurdurmak için ulusunu tam
64. The English word ‘volcano’ comes bağımsızlığa yönlendirdi.
from the name of Vulcan, the ancient 66. The Anatolian Seljuk Sultans allowed
Roman god of fire, who was believed only the most venerable and honorable
to live in Mount Etna in Sicily. Turkish tribes to have land on the
borders so that they would keep peace
A) İngilizce ‘volkan’ kelimesi, Sicilya’daki and order there.
Etna Dağı’nda yaşadığına inanılan eski
A) Sadece en saygıdeğer ve şerefli Türk
Roma ateş tanrısı Vulcan’nın isminden boyları Anadolu Selçuklular döneminde
gelir. barış ve düzeni sağlamak için sınırda
B) İngilizcede ‘volkan’ kelimesi Sicilya’nın toprak sahip olmaya hak kazanırlardı.
volkanik tek dağı olan Etna'da yaşadığı B) Sadece en saygıdeğer ve şerefli Türk
düşünülen eski Roma tanrılarından boyları, barış ve düzeni sağlamak için
Anadolu Selçuklu Sultanlarının
Vulcan’ın adından gelir.
gözünde sınırda toprak sahip olmaya
C) Sicilya’da volkanik bir dağ olan Etna, hak kazandılar.
İngilizce’deki ‘volkan’ kelimesine adını C) En saygıdeğer ve şerefli Türk boylarına
veren eski Roma ateş tanrısı Vulcan’ın sınırda toprak verildi, çünkü Anadolu
yaşadığı yerdir. Selçuklu Sultanları sadece onların
D) Etna Sicilya’da volkanik bir dağdır ve orada barış ve düzeni sağlayabilecek­
lerine inanıyorlardı.
orada İngilizce’deki ‘volkan’ kelimesine D) Anadolu Selçuklu Sultanları, oradaki
adını veren eski Roma ateş tanrısının barış ve düzeni sağlamaları için,
yaşadığına inanılır. sadece en saygıdeğer ve şerefli Türk
E) ‘Volkan’ kelimesi İngilizce’de, Sicilya’da boylarının sınırlarında toprak sahibi
Etna Dağı’nın yakınlarında yaşadığına olmalarını istediler.
inanılan Roma ateş tanrısının adından E) Anadolu Selçuklu Sultanları, oradaki
barış ve düzeni sağlasınlar diye,
türemiştir. sadece en saygıdeğer ve şerefli Türk
boylarının sınırlarda toprak sahip
olmasına izin vermişlerdir.
English Language Studies
67. Major world capitals like Paris, Madrid, D) Şükran Gününü bir aile toplantısı
Athens and Mexico City are going to haline getirmek isteyenler Kasımın
ban diesel vehicles from their city dördüncü Cumasında izin alırlar; bu
centres within the next decade. nedenle bu milli bayram dört günlük bir
hafta sonu tatili olarak da özel bir
A) Dünyanın önemli başkentleri, örneğin
Paris, Madrid, Atina ve Meksiko, on yıl
içerisinde dizel arabaların şehir E) Aileleri ile görüşmek isteyen birçok kişi
merkezlerine girmesini yasaklamayı Kasımın dördüncü Perşembesi olan
planlıyor Şükran Gününde Cuma günü için de
B) Paris, Madrid, Atina ve Meksiko gibi izin alır ve dört günlük milli bayram
başlıca dünya başkentleri, gelecek on tatilinde büyük aile toplantıları yapar.
yıl içerisinde dizel arabaları şehir
merkezlerinde yasaklayacak.
C) Dünyadaki büyük başkentler olan 69. In Mexican-American poet Pat Mora’s
Paris, Madrid, Atina ve Meksiko, on yıl
poem called ‘Immigrant’, “wrap their
sonunda dizel arabaların şehir
babies in the American flag” means
merkezlerine girmesini yasaklıyor.
D) Paris, Madrid, Atina ve Meksiko immigrants grow their children
dünyanın başlıca başkentleri olarak on according to American culture.
yıl içinde dizel arabaların şehir
merkezlerine girmesini yasaklamaya A) Meksikalı-Amerikalı şair Pat Mora,
hazırlanıyor. ‘Göçmenler’ adlı şiirinde “bebeklerini
E) Dizel arabaların şehir merkezlerine Amerikan bayrağına sararlar” ifadesini
girmesinin yasaklaması, dünyanın kullanarak göçmenlerin çocuk
önemli başkentleri olan Paris, Madrid, yetiştirmede Amerikan kültürünün
Atina ve Meksiko’da on yıl içerisinde
baskısı altında olduğunu anlatır.
B) Meksikalı-Amerikalı şair Pat Mora’nın
‘Göçmenler’ adlı şiiri, “bebeklerini
68. Thanksgiving Day, on the fourth Amerikan bayrağına sararlar” ifadesi ile
Thursday in November, is a public ünlüdür ve burada çocuk yetiştirirken
holiday and a special time for family Amerikan kültürünün baskınlığı
reunions as many people take a day off vurgulanır.
on Friday to make a four-day weekend. C) “Bebeklerini Amerikan bayrağına
sararlar” ifadesi ile Meksikalı-Amerikalı
A) Kasımın dördüncü Perşembesi olan şair Pat Mora, göçmenlerin çocuklarını
Şükran Gününde, aileleri ile görüşmek
Amerikan kültürüne göre yetiştirdiğini
isteyen birçok kişi dört günlük hafta
sonu tatili yapmak için Cuma günü izin
alır ve bu milli bayramı ailesi ile kutlar. D) “Bebeklerini Amerikan bayrağına
B) Şükran Günü Kasım ayının dördüncü sararlar” ifadesi, Meksikalı-Amerikalı
Perşembesinde kutlanır ve birçok şair Pat Mora’nın ‘Göçmenler’ adlı
insan dört günlük tatil yapmak için şiirinde önemli bir konuya, çocuk
Cuma günü izin aldığından özel aile yetiştirmede Amerikan kültürünün
toplantıları için iyi bir zamandır. baskınlığına vurgu yapar.
C) Kasımın dördüncü Perşembesi olan E) Meksikalı-Amerikalı şair Pat Mora’nın
Şükran Günü bir milli bayramdır ve ‘Göçmenler’ adlı şiirinde, “bebeklerini
birçok kişi dört günlük hafta sonu tatili
Amerikan bayrağına sararlar” ifadesi
yapmak için Cuma günü izin
aldığından aile toplantıları için özel bir göçmenlerin çocuklarını Amerikan
zamandır. kültürüne göre yetiştirdiği anlamına

English Language Studies m

70-75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe C) Booking earlier bed and breakfast
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce accommodation with sea view in a
cümleyi bulunuz.
hotel is one option for a typical family
sea holiday.
70. Çocukların kemik ve kas gelişimine D) Booking bed and breakfast
yardımcı olmak için insan vücudu accommodation with sea view in a
tarafından üretilen doğal bir madde
four-star hotel beforehand is a good
olan Büyüme Hormonu, bir doping
aracı olarak atletler arasında giderek way for a typical family sea holiday.
popüler olmaktadır. E) Bed and breakfast accommodation is
generally preferred when booking
A) A natural substance, Growth Hormone,
beforehand if the hotel is four-star with
is produced by the human body to help
children’s bones and muscles to grow sea view.
and thus it is becoming popular among
athletes as a doping agent.
B) Growth Hormone, a natural substance
72. Einstein kendi biyografisini yazan bir
produced by the human body to help
children’s bones and muscles grow, is yazara şu notu gönderdi: “Ben özel bir
becoming increasingly popular among yeteneğe sahip değilim, sadece tutkulu
athletes as a doping agent. derecede meraklıyım.”
C) Growth Hormone, an increasingly
popular doping agent among athletes,
is produced naturally by the human A) Einstein is known to send a note to a
body to ensure children’s bones and writer who wanted to write his
muscles to grow. biography saying: “I’m neither skillful
D) Growth Hormone which is becoming
nor clever but passionately curious.”
popular as a doping agent, especially
among athletes, is a natural substance B) Einstein sent a letter to the writer of his
produced by the human body to enable own biography, including the sentence
children’s bones and muscles to grow. “I am not especially talented, but just a
E) A natural substance, Growth Hormone
passionately curious man.”
is a popular doping agent, but it is
essential to help children's bones and C) Einstein sent the following note to a
muscles grow naturally during writer who wrote his biography: “I have
adolescence. no special talents, but I am only
passionately curious.”
71. Deniz manzaralı dört yıldızlı bir otelde D) The well-known saying: “I have nothing
kahvaltılı konaklama için önceden yer special but I am merely passionately
ayırtmak tipik aile deniz tatili için iyi bir curious,” was sent by Einstein as a
note to the writer of his biography.
A) It’s generally preferred to book bed E) “I am not skillful, but passionately
and breakfast accommodation in curious,” was Einstein’s note which he
advance, especially if the hotel is four- sent to a writer of his biography.
star, for typical family sea holidays.
B) Bed and breakfast accommodation is a
good choice for a family sea holiday if
you are interested in four-star hotels
with sea view.

m English Language Studies

73. İnci, Sabır we Saflık adında üç dini şiiri 75. “Gelecekte, herkes on beş dakikalığına
yazması dışında, Sör Gawain ve Yeşil dünyaca ünlü olacak,” sözünün pop art
Şövalye’nin yazarı hakkında hiç bir şey akımının önde gelen ismi Andy Warhol
bilinmiyor. tarafından söylendiğine inanılır.

A) The author of S ir G aw ain and the A) Andy Warhol, a famous man in the pop
G reen Knight is also thought to have art movement is thought to have said
written the religious poems, P e a rl,
the quote, “In the future, many more
P atience and Purity, but nothing else.
people will be noted for 15 minutes.”
B) The author of Sir G aw ain a n d the
B) A leading figure in the pop art
G reen Knight is not known very well
except for his writing three more movement, Andy Warhol once said: “In
poems called Pearl, P atience and the future, everybody will be famous
Purity. worldwide at least for 15 minutes.”
C) No one knows anything about the C) “In the future, everybody will be world-
author of S ir G aw ain a n d the G reen famous for 15 minutes” is thought to be
Knight except that he wrote such said by Andy Warhol, a leading figure
poems as Pearl, P atien ce and Purity. in the pop art movement.
D) Nothing is known about the author of D) “In the future, most people will be
S ir G aw ain a n d the G reen Knight, famous for 15 minutes” is considered
except that he wrote the three religious to be told by Andy Warhol, a prominent
poems, Pearl, P atien ce and Purity. person in the pop art movement.
E) Nobody can say anything about the E) Andy Warhol, a dominating figure in
author of S ir G aw ain a n d the G reen the pop art movement, is believed to
Knight, but he wrote the three religious
have said: “In the future, all people will
poems, Pearl, P atien ce and Purity.
be famous for 15 minutes”.
74. Tokyo’nun belki de en iyi bilenen
buluşma noktalarından biri Shibuya
istasyondaki Hachikö isimli köpek 76-80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
heykelinin olduğu yerdir. okunduğunda parçanın anlam
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Perhaps one of the best-known
meeting places in Tokyo is the point 76. (I) Some scientists think they can make
where there is the statue of the dog man immortal by creating a digital copy of
called Hachikö at Shibuya station. the "self and keeping that "alive" online
B) One of the most popular meeting long after the physical body has ceased to
places in Tokyo can be said to be in function. (II) In effect, the proposal is to
front of Shibuya station, which has the clone a person electronically. (Ill) This
statue of the dog, Hachikö. clone would be unlike familiar physical
C) Most people in Tokyo know the statue clones which are an offspring that have
of the dog called Hachikö at Shibuya identical features as their parents. (IV)
station where they like to meet their Scientists envisage the Nano-transmitters
friends. being able to connect a person to a world
D) Maybe most people in Tokyo meet
of virtual reality on the Internet. (V) While
their friends in front of the statue of the
they are completely separate organisms
dog Hachikö which is very close to
with a separate conscious life, an
Shibuya station.
E) The statue of the dog called Hachikö at electronic clone would believe itself to be
Shibuya station is one of the well- the person it was cloned from.
known meeting places in Tokyo.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

English Language Studies m

77. (I) Swee Jing paid more money than most 79. (I) Advertising keeps us preoccupied with
Chinese people earn annually to have ourselves, our houses, our cars, our
both her legs broken and stretched. (II) holidays, but they have their benefits for
society. (II) Individual advertisers might
Despite the agony, the cost and the
think they are just trying to sell a particular
inconvenience, the 23-year-old says she product, but advertising as a whole sells
does not regret a thing. (Ill) In part, the us an entire lifestyle. (Ill) If it weren't for
popularity of such surgery can be advertising, the whole of society would be
explained by the surge of interest in quite different. (IV) The economy, for
instance, would be plunged into a crisis
fashion and beauty. (IV) It was a slow and
without the adverts and all the publicity
painful process that took 18 months to
that intrigue our desire for limitless
add 8 cm to Swee Jing's height. (V) Two consumption. (V) This could result in the
years after and 8 cm taller, Swee Jing bankruptcy of numerous companies and
says she would not hesitate to the loss of countless jobs.
recommend the procedure to her friends.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

80. (I) Fear may be effective in suppressing

tendencies to misbehave, but what are
children learning when their parents hit
78. (I) There are still a few people in northern
them? (II) Kids don't just learn that they
Europe who think that global warming have been naughty; they also learn that it
might not be such a bad thing. (II) Global is acceptable to use violence to impose
warming is caused by greenhouse gases, your idea of what is right. (Ill) Some
the most abundant of which is carbon children will be forever shocked by their
parents' brutality, but many others will
dioxide. (Ill) In Britain, for example, many
harden themselves and grow up ready to
would welcome the idea of it getting a bit
beat others. (IV) Moreover, if honest with
hotter. (IV) Unfortunately, things are not so themselves, parents who hit their children
simple. (V) Global warming doesn't just will admit that the violent outburst was
mean that the world will slowly get probably not part of a carefully thought out
warmer; it could also cause certain areas strategy to educate their offspring. (V) If
practiced carefully, slapping a child on the
to get a lot colder.
cheek may actually help with regulating
the blood circulation.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


English Language Studies

01 / IE%i Î0

1. B 2. E 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. c 7. E 8. E 9. D 10. B
11. A 12. A 13. D 14. E 15. E 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. E 20. A
21. C 22. B 23. E 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. D
31. E 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. E 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. C
41. D 42. B 43. E 44. C 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. E 50. A
■ ggglft -■ • • İ- B K
ELS 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 İNGİLİZCE : DENEM E S IN A V I

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. E 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A
11. E 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. E 20. C
21. E 22. A 23. E 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. E
31. E 32. D 33. C

34. A 35. E 36. D 37. C B 39. A 40. C
41. A 42. E 43. C 44. E 45. D 46. A 47. E 48. D 49. C 50. B
51. A 52. D 53. c 54. C 55. E 56. D 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. E
61. D 62. B 63. c 64. A 65. D 66. E 67. B 68. C 69. E 70. B
71. D 72. C 73. D 74. A 75. C 76. D 77. C 78. B 79. A 80. E

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