Paragraf Doldurma TEST5
Paragraf Doldurma TEST5
Paragraf Doldurma TEST5
1) Spartacus was a freeborn provincial from 4) Despite its modern facade, Bodrum is
Thrace. He served as an auxiliary in the actually an ancient town. It was once called
Roman army in Macedonia. ----. He was later Halicarnassus and it had one of the seven
captured and sold into slavery. He was wonders of the ancient world, the
trained as a gladiator and made his famous Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. ----. It was so
escape to challenge Rome. huge and grand that it became famous in
the ancient world but unfortunately, very
A) Spartacus has been a great inspiration to little of the mausoleum remains.
revolutionaries in modern times
B) The fall of the Roman Empire was due to A) The Seven Wonders of the World are
internal weakness monuments that were built in ancient times
C) The fights between gladiators in Rome around the Mediterranean Sea
were dangerous but rarely deadly B) The mausoleum was the monumental tomb
D) He deserted the army and was outlawed -of King Mausolus
E) Spartacus' body was never found C) Bodrum is made up of number of small
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3) The total amount of lefthanders living in the 5) On 31 August 1997 Diana was involved in a
world reaches over 600 million. According car accident in Paris, along with her friend
to experts, there will be a billion of left- Dodi AI-Fayed, and their driver Henri Paul.
handed people by 2020. ----. Furthermore, Fayed's bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones is
the people, who can boast of having the only person who survived the car crash.
extraordinary abilities, are left-handed, too. ---- They were reportedly hounding the
Princess, and were following the vehicle at a
A) Latest research works showed that every high speed. Since then, the word paparazzi
fifth outstanding person is left-handed as a has been associated with the death of the
rule Princess.
B) Left handed people were placed at a
constant disadvantage by society A) The death of the Princess has been widely
C) Nobody knows quite for sure if Stephen blamed on reporters
Hawking is right or left-handed B) In the mid 1980s her marriage fell apart, an
D) The left-handed phenomenon may event at first suppressed, but then
probably be explained with genetic sensationalised, by the world media
peculiarities C) An iconic presence on the world stage, she
E) Throughout history, being left-handed was was noted for her pioneering charity work
considered as negative D) For the French investigators, there is no
mystery about the August 31, 1997
E) From the time of her engagement until her
death in a car accident in 1997, Princess
Diane was arguably the most famous
woman in the world 1
6) ----. For girls, friends are people with whom 9) Ask Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper what has
they can share secrets, worries and discuss been the greatest technological advance in
fashion. However for boys, friends act her lifetime, and she'll tell you it's the
primarily as companions, people with whom automobile. A lot of other people might have
they can play football and hang out. One chosen television, the Internet or even the
consequence of this is that when things go cell phone. -----. Born in 1890, she is, at 114,
wrong in girls' friendships, they seem to the oldest person in the world, so she has
suffer more. seen her share of technological marvels.
A) Boys and girls seem to have largely similar A) Due to the advancements in technology
friendship features and the growth of the Internet, more people
B) Not liking all of your teenage friends isn't are interconnected today than in all of prior
the end of the world history
C) Friendships for boys and girls during B) The Internet has become an inherent, and
adolescence can be quite different increasingly important, part of all areas of
D) Adolescence is the developmental stage today
between childhood and adulthood C) Many old people have problems with using
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11) When the Quebec Bridge collapsed in 13) Only rich people enjoyed high fashion
September 1916, a horrific sense of deja vu during the period from 1900 to 1909 because
was felt throughout the city. -----. Eighty-five the tradition of hand craftsmanship was
workers perished in that tragedy prompting expensive. ----. Its concept was the natural
a Dominion Royal Commission to woman's figure. It expressed the new status
investigate the catastrophic failure. To this of women who started to enter a variety of
day, all graduating engineers from Canadian careers and new ways of living.
universities receive iron rings to remind
them of this event and the responsibility A) They took over men's jobs, and the
they have in the proper design and traditional clothes disappeared
execution of projects. B) Upper class people dominated fashion
during that period
A) The Quebec Bridge is an essential C) The goal of women's fashion was to make
transportation infrastructure for the Quebec women as attractive as possible
City region. D) Most people could not afford trendy clothes
B) The bridge, which, was conceived to be E) About 1908, a new style of fashion began
one of the most advanced in the world, had
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16) An ice cream headache is triggered by a 18) The environment surrounding food and
sudden change in temperature that occurs eating issues in a family play a role what
in your mouth when you eat something cold. food means to children in the course of their
----. This swelling of blood vessels is what lives. ----. As long as kids know that food is
causes an ice cream headache. what we need to keep us healthy and strong
they can learn, early on, to make healthy
A) Luckily the intense stabbing pain in your choices about what to put into their mouths.
head usually lasts only for about 30-60 But they need good models and parents are
seconds one of those models.
B) When you eat a snow cone, the cold
crushed ice that touches the top of your A) Children tend to eat while remaining
mouth initiates a nerve reaction that swells inactive as they watch television
blood vessels in your head B) A ban on advertising unhealthy food to
C) The best way to avoid getting an ice cream children would discourage eating habits
headache is keep the chilled foods you eat C) Eating disorders are rare in children under
on the side of your mouth, away from the the age of eight
roof of your mouth D) Fast food restaurants encourage children
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D) Many people know that headaches are to eat fast food by offering them toys with
caused by eyestrain or chronic sinus their meals
problems E) Therefore, it is important that kids learn to
E) No treatment is usually required, and eat healthfully and that food is an
sufferers rarely seek medical attention enjoyable means of energy for their bodies 4
21) Diego Maradona is regarded by many as one D) One of the most significant trends in youth
of the greatest football players of all time. In employment is the increase in part-time
marked contrast to the athleticism he employment
showed during his years as a football E) Francs is the world's sixth-largest
player, Maradona has had a series of health agricultural producer and the second-
problems since retirement. ----. In 2004, largest agricultural exporter
doctors reported that Maradona had
suffered a major heart attack following a
cocaine overdose; he was admitted to
intensive care in a Buenos Aires hospital.
C) Maradona had a very strong physique and investigative reporters. ----. It was a time
could withstand physical pressure better when reporters often simply made up facts
than almost all players in order to sensationalize their stories, and
D) Because Barcelona's management was not people believed them.
satisfied with Maradona, they transferred
him to SSC Napoli A) As many might believe, the mummy's curse
E) An incredible 70,000 fans bought season did not originate with the discovery of
tickets to see the brilliant Argentine wizard Tutankhamun's tomb
B) The media is an important tool for
22) While fibre has no nutritional value, it is very communicating with a range of audiences
healthy for us. ----. Carcinogens in our C) The treasures that Howard Carter
intestines bind to it and move through our discovered in Tutankhamun's tomb were
colon more quickly than they otherwise factually sensational
would, reducing our risk for colon cancer. D) In addition, newspapers appear to have
Fibre also helps transport cholesterol out of arbitrarily killed off many of the people
our body, reducing our risk for heart surrounding the tomb's discovery
disease. E) Rather, the world of media still belonged to
newspapers, and information travelled
A) When the term fibre first began to be used, much more slowly, and less reliably
there was considerable controversy among
food scientists about the exact definition of
dietary fibre
B) Due to its greater fibre content, a single
serving of whole grain bread can be more
filling than two servings of white bread
C) Negative effects of dietary fibre include a
reduced absorption of vitamins, minerals 25) Albinism is a lack of pigmentation in the
and proteins eyes, skin and hair. Albinism is an inherited
D) It helps to keep our intestine movements condition resulting from the combination of
regular and ward off certain diseases recessive genes passed from both parents
E) When some people hear of the importance of an individual. ----. However, small things
of fibre in their diet, they overdo the fibre can be done to improve the quality of life for
intake those affected, such as using sunscreen.
23) In March the French government announced A) It is a condition that cannot be cured or
a new work reform. ----. As a result, at least treated
250 000 people protested across France B) The most accurate way to determine
against new youth employment contracts, albinism and the specific type is genetic
disrupting airports and public services. testing
C) In some cultures, people with albinism are
A) According to it, employers are allowed to thought to have magical powers
fire workers under the age of 26 without D) The gene that causes albinism was
cause during their first two years of discovered in 1990
employment E) Most children with albinism are born to
B) France has been a subject to so many parents, who have normal hair and eye
revolutions colour
C) Approximately one hundred bicyclists
barricaded streets around the Louvre in
protests unrelated to the labour contract 5
26) Foods manufactured primarily as snack B) Although the most severe poverty is in the
foods are often classified as junk food. They developing world, there is evidence of
have little or no nutritional value, and are poverty in every region
not seen as contributing towards general C) Absolute poverty refers to a set standard
health and nutrition. ----. They often contain which is consistent over time and between
substantial amounts of sweeteners, countries
preservatives, and appealing ingredients D) A significant number of persons in every
such as chocolate, peanuts, and specially country suffer from chronic malnutrition due
designed flavours. to poverty
E) Relative poverty views poverty as socially
A) Artificial sweeteners are many times defined and dependent on social context
sweeter than table sugar
B) With growing concerns for general health, 29) ----Wolfdog, also called a wolf hybrid, is a
some people are making a conscious effort fertile crossing of a wolf and a dog. That's
to eat healthier why the term "wolfdog" is accepted as the
C) Snack foods are designed to be less more accurate description.
perishable, more durable, and more
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appealing than natural foods A) Wolves and wolf dogs are naturally shy,
D) Unlike snack food, fruit and vegetable cautious creatures
consumption has grown over the last few B) The term wolf hybrid is now considered to
years be incorrect, as the term hybrid refers to
E) For many people chocolate is a snack animals whose parents are of two different
which makes them feel good species
C) Wolfdogs have far less fatal attacks than
other large breeds of dogs
D) Wolves, like dogs, are very social animals
E) In former times, wolfdogs sometimes were
bred accidentally when a domestic dog
27) Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Austrian- escaped and mated with a wolf
American actor, and Republican politician.
However, he first gained fame as a
bodybuilder. One of the first competitions
he won was Junior Mr. Europe. -----. This
record remained until Lee Haney won his
eighth straight Mr. Olympia title in 1991. 6
31) Mahatma Gandhi became one of the crucial 34) As it is well known throughout the world,
figures, if not the main figure, in India's rice is a critical part of much of Chinese
history in the twentieth century. ----. This cuisine. However, in many parts of China,
helped to revitalise local economies in India particularly North China, wheat-based
and it also hit home at the British by products including noodles and steamed
undermining their economy in the country. rice predominate, In contrast to South China
where rice is dominant. ----In such a case,
A) Gandhi encouraged Indians to boycott rice would only be provided when no other
British goods and buy Indian goods instead dishes remained, or as a dish at the end of
B) While in prison, he went on hunger strike the meal.
C) Throughout his life, Gandhi remained
committed to non-violence even in the A) Rice has been cultivated for millennia,
most extreme situations starting in China 4000 years ago
D) Gandhi is recognized as the Father of the B) Despite the importance of rice in Chinese
Nation in India cuisine, at extremely formal occasions, it is
E) Many Indian workers buy their clothing sometimes the case that no rice at all will
from industrial manufacturers owned by be served
Başarmak için YESDĐL!
A) There are various customs surrounding 35) Villages in developing countries often lack
handshakes, both generically and specific many things, such as clean water and
to certain cultures electricity. These shortages are easy to see.
B) There are many ways of greeting each But a different kind of shortage is not easy
other in various societies to see. -----. Many villages have no doctors,
C) When dealing with non-Japanese people, engineers or scientists. They have no one
many Japanese will shake hands who knows how to treat unusual medical
D) Different cultures have placed varying problems or design a new energy system.
importance on bowing, and have used
bowing in a variety of ways A) That is the shortage of experts
E) Greeting is a way to show friendship and to B) Waste water in developing countries is
start a conversation discharged without treatment into rivers
and streams
C) Unplanned urban growth has resulted in
33) The Industrial Revolution was the major crowded living conditions
technological, socioeconomic and cultural D) Many developing countries also lack
change in late 18th and early 19th century sufficient electricity supplies, especially in
Britain. ----It began with the mechanisation rural and remote areas
of the textile industries and the development E) The lack of energy access is a critical
of iron-making techniques, and trade obstacle to development
expansion was enabled by the introduction
of canals, improved roads and then 36) Inflation can have a number of causes. It
railways. can be caused by rises in the prices of raw
materials. ----Large wage rises can lead to
A) There were other minor inventions, such as inflation, too. If workers are paid more,
the sewing machine, the steel plow, which prices go up and the cost of living rises.
made our lives today much richer A) Very few countries experienced high
B) Growth of cities were one of the major inflation
consequences of the Industrial Revolution B) It was a general rise in prices across the
C) During that time, an economy based on economy
manual labour was replaced by one C) Factories have to pay more for their raw
dominated by industry and the materials, and as a result they have to put
manufacture of machinery? up the prices of their products
D) By the age of six, many children were D) In some factories workers in factories were
already working 14 hours a day in factories often underpaid
E) During the 1780s, Robert Fulton became E) Central Banks can reduce inflation through
the first American to build a steam- other operations
powered engine 7
37) Before television became popular with the 40) ----. Therefore, war photographers are likely
average American family, the typical to be killed while trying to get their pictures
American dinner would involve almost all out of the war arena. Although journalists
the family members. Family members, old and photographers are protected by
and young, talked about their daily activities international conventions of armed warfare,
as they ate. After the arrival of television, history shows that they are often
the eating habits began to change. ----As a considered targets by warring groups.
result, they stopped talking to each other.
A) Photography became both an established
A) Television also affected the reading habits art form and a commercial enterprise
of children B) Early war photography was impeded by
B) When television was first developed only a heavy equipment and long exposures
few people could afford it C) Unlike paintings or drawings of war, factual
C) As America's families have changed, the images are not easily altered in
image of the family portrayed on television photographs
has not changed that much D) War photography captures images of
D) For many people television is an important armed conflict and life in war-torn areas
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1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. E 8. A 9. D 10. C
11. B 12. E 13. E 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. E 19. C 20. A
21. B 22. D 23. A 24. E 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. E 29. B 30. A
31. A 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. E 38. A 39. D 40. D
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