Chapter 4 Group6

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Chapter 4


This chapter contains the data gathered by the researchers. It also includes

table of the results which obtained from the online survey questionnaires.

Statistical Treatments Likert Scale

1. Frequency and Percentage Weighted Mean Verbal


2. Weighted Mean 4.51 - 5.00 Severe

3. Ranking 3.51 - 4.50 Major

2.51 - 3.50 Moderate

1.51 - 2.50 Minor

1.00 - 1.50 Insignificant

1. Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Gender, Age, Strand, Grade Level,

Time Usage, and Frequency of Playing Video Games

Table 1

Frequency and Percent Distribution of the Respondents

According to Gender

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 34 68
Female 15 30%
Other 1 2%
TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1 represents the number of males, females, and others, of the 50 respondents,

The gender with the largest population of 34 or 68% are males, Next is 15 or 30% are

females, and 1 or 2% is other.

Table 2
Frequency and Percent Distribution of the Respondents

According to Age

Age Frequency Percent

16 years old 3 6%

17 years old 20 40%

18 years old 19 38%

19 years old 6 12%

20 years old 2 4%

TOTAL: 50 100%

Table 2 shows that 20 out of 50 respondents belong to the age of 17 years old

represent the highest percentage having 20 (40%) of the respondents. The second-

highest-ranking ages were those respondents whose ages were 18 years old or 19

(38%) of the respondent population. The third highest-ranking percentage was those

respondents who are within the age of 19 or 6 (12%). The ages of 16 turned out to be 3
(6%) of the total respondents and fourth in rank. The fifth and last in highest-ranking

percentage were those respondents who are within the age of 20 years old or 2 (4%) of

the total respondents.

Table 3

Frequency and Percent Distribution of the Respondents

According to Strand

Strand Frequency Percent

ITMAWD 23 46%
STEM 9 18%
ABM 7 14%
HUMMS 5 10%
GAS 6 12%
TOTAL: 50 100%

It can be gleaned from Table 3 that 46% or 23 of the respondents were in ITMAWD

(Information Technology in Mobile Application and Web Development) strand which

constituted the highest population, 18% or 9 were in STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics) strand followed by ABM (Accountancy, Bussiness and

Management) strand which obtained 14% or 7.12% or 6 were in GAS (General

Academics Strand) and 10% or 5 were in HUMMS (Humanities and Social Sciences)

strand which constituted the lowest population.

Table 4
Frequency and Percent Distribution of the Respondents

According to Grade Level

Grade Level Frequency Percent

Grade 11 8 16%
Grade 12 42 84%
TOTAL: 50 100%

As shown in Table 4, of the 50 respondents, the grade levels with the highest

population of 42 or 84% were in Grade 12, followed by Grade 11 with 8 or 16%.

Table 5

Frequency and Percent Distribution of the Respondents

According to Time Usage of Playing Video Games

Time Usage Frequency Percent

1 hour or less than an hour 8 16%
1 - 2 hours 11 22%
3 – 4 hours 14 28%
More than 5 hours 17 34%
TOTAL: 50 100%
Table 5 shows, out of the total survey respondents, 8 or 16% plays only 1 hour or less

than an hour, 11 or 22% of the respondents plays only 1 up to 2 hours followed by 14 or

28% plays in the ranges of 3 to 4 hours and 17 or 34% of the respondents can go more

than 5 hours of gameplay.

2. The Impact of the Video Games on the Senior High Student’s Behavior

Table 6

Impact of the Video Games on the Student’s

Behavior in terms of School Performance

School Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal

Performance Interpretation

You are having

some failing
grades therefore
your parents want 2.03 2 Minor
to stop you from
playing video
games because
they think it's the
only reason.

You're improving
your problem-
solving skills,
logic, and quick 3.68 1 Major
thinking and it
helps you to
identify your
academic ability
by playing video

GRAND MEAN: 2.86 Moderate

Table 6, shows that the impact of student’s behavior in terms of school performance

that there are 3.68% responses that the student’s performance was improving through

logically thinking and it helps them to identify their ability. While 2.03% of students are

having failing grades. The Grand mean is 2.86% verbally interpreted as Moderate.

Table 7

Impact of the Video Games on the Student’s

Behavior in terms of Social Relationships

Social Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal

Relationships Interpretation

Your friends don't

want to play with 1.82 2 Minor
you because they
think you're bad at
video games.

By playing video
games, you are
making more
friends online than 3.68 1 Major
from the outside.

GRAND MEAN: 2.75 Moderate

In Table 7, it shows the result of the impact of student’s behavior in terms of social

relationship that 3.68% responds that by playing video games or using online platforms

makes them better at social interaction than interacting outside of the platform.

Therefore 1.82% respond that their friends don’t want to play with them because they’re

bad at video games. Overall of the weighted mean is 2.75% and the verbal

interpretation is Moderate.

Table 8

Impact of the Video Games on the Student’s

Behavior in terms of Self Esteem

Self Esteem Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal


You are feeling

strong enough 3 1 Moderate
now to think that
you can take
down everyone
else because you
win multiple times.

You are feeling

down now and
weak to think that
you can never 2.42 2 Minor
gonna take a
crown or win
because you lose
on every game
you had.
GRAND MEAN: 2.71 Moderate

In Table 8, the result shows that 3% responds that they are feeling strong emotionally

and mentally in terms of the impact of self-esteem by playing video games. While 2.42%

are feeling down when they lose their game. Self-esteem Grand mean is 2.71%

equivalent to Moderate interpretation.

Table 9

Impact of the Video Games on the Student’s

Behavior in terms of Psychological Effect

Psychological Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal

Effect Interpretation

You want to play

video games 3.32 1 Moderate
because you want
to escape reality
and block out.

You're having
trouble thinking
straight in school
because you've 1.78 2 Minor
been playing video
games too much.

GRAND MEAN: 2.55 Moderate

In Table 9, it results that they’re 3.32% responds that they want to play video games to

escape reality in terms of the impact student’s behavior through psychological effect.

And 1.78% are having trouble in school because of playing video games too much. The

total weighted mean is 2.55 also verbal interpreted as Moderate.

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