Personality Predictor: A Project/Dissertation Review-1 Report On

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A Project/Dissertation Review-1

Report On


Submitted By:
Utkarsh Saxena 19SCSE1010430
Tushar Singh 19SCSE1010505


Mr. Shobhit Kumar


No. Chapter Page No.





Personality is useful for recognizing how people lead, influence,

communicate, collaborate, negotiate business and manage stress.
Personality is one of the important main features that determines how
people interact with outside world. This project is helpful where we
have data related to personal behaviour. This personal behaviour data
can be useful for identifying person based on his/her personality traits.
The personality characteristics will be already stored in database. Later
when user enters his personality characteristics his personality is
examined in database and system will detect the personality of user, It
is based on Big Five Personality Traits Personality is one feature that
determines how people interact with the outside world. This data can be
helpful to classify persons using Automated personality classification
(APC). This learning can now be used to classify/predict user
personality based on past classifications. This system is useful to social
networks as well as various ad selling online networks to classify user
personality and sell more relevant ads. This system will be helpful for
organizations as well as other agencies who would be recruiting
applicants based on their personality rather than their technical
knowledge. In this project, we propose a system which analyses the
personality of an applicant.


The project is based on identifying the personality of an individual

using machine learning algorithms and big 5 models. The personality of
a human plays a major role in his personal and professional life.
Nowadays, many organizations have also started shortlisting the
candidates based on their personality as this increase the efficiency of
the work because the person is working in what he is good at than what
he is forced to do.
The aim of this experiment is to explore different options of the
algorithm on modifying the personality prediction source code by using
logistic regression algorithm, and to find whether the accuracy of the
classification can be improved
There are five characteristics of different people that are known as the
Big Five characteristic, which is openness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion that have been
stored in the dataset used for training. Then, an overview and
comparison will be provided on the different measures taken to reduce
the issues faced by researchers in this field.
Classifying these personality traits is useful in many ways, one of the
reasons to classify personality is to check the suitability of an
employee. Employee’s personality is often tested in real time to
determine which position of the job he or she is particularly fitting in
Classification methods implemented are Support Vector Machine,
Ridge Algorithm, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression and Voting

Literature Survey

1. Novel approaches to automated personality classification:

This project proposes several new research directions regarding the

problem of Automated Personality Classification (APC). Firstly, we
investigate possible improvements of the existing solutions to the
problem of APC, for which we use different combinations of the APC
corpora, psychological trait measurements, and learning algorithms.
Afterwards, we consider extensions of the APC problem and the related
tasks, such as dynamical APC and detecting personality inconsistency
in a text. This entire research was performed in the context of social
networks and the related data mining mechanisms. Personality
classification is one of the problems considered by personality
psychology, a branch of psychology. The focus of this field is the study
of personality and individual differences. According to that study,
personality can be defined as a dynamic and organized set of
characteristics of a person, which have a unique influence on cognition,
motivation and behaviour of that person. In this paper the problem of
automated personality classification is considered based on information
from the following content: textual content that the person wrote and
meta information about a person received on request, through social
networks or other means. There are studies that also include speech,
analysis of facial characteristics, gestures and other aspects of
behaviour, but they are not the subjects of our study. The standard
approach to solving the APC problem based on the aforementioned
content is described in the following steps: A) Gathering the corpus
data. B) Determination of the personality characteristics of the
participants, and C) Building the model.

2. A System for Personality and Happiness Detection:

This work proposes a platform for estimating personality and

happiness. Starting from Eysenck's theory about human's personality,
authors seek to provide a platform for collecting text messages from
social media (WhatsApp), and classifying them into different
personality categories. Although there is not a clear link between
personality features and happiness, some correlations between them
could be found in the future. In this work, we describe the platform
developed, and as a proof of concept, we have used different sources of
messages to see if common machine learning algorithms can be used
for classifying different personality features and happiness. Researchers
have tried to obtain information about the personality of human beings
through direct means such as the EPQ-R questionnaire, but they have
also used indirect methods. Because personality is considered to be
stable over time and throughout different situations, specialized
psychologists are able to infer the personality profile of a subject by
observing the subject’s behaviour. One of the sources of knowledge
about the behaviour of individuals is written text According to research
in this field, it is reasonable to expect that different individuals will
have different ways of expressing themselves through the written word,
and these differences will correspond to their individual.

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