Personality Classification System Using Data Mining: Abstract - Personality Is One Feature That Determines How
Personality Classification System Using Data Mining: Abstract - Personality Is One Feature That Determines How
Personality Classification System Using Data Mining: Abstract - Personality Is One Feature That Determines How
Abstract – Personality is one feature that determines how future. Using these techniques, the personality of an applicant
people interact with the outside world. Personality can be is analyzed who is applying for a job in an organization which
defined as a necessary element of a person’s behavior. The way gives priority to one’s behavior and personality rather than
people interact with other people determines their personality. technical knowledge. Also, the applicant gets to know what
This paper covers the topic of Automated Personality all personality traits are in him/her and what all traits are
Classification – a system that analyses the personality of a user missing. Thus, he/she can then be guided to develop those
based on certain features using Data Mining Algorithms. In this traits or to strengthen the other traits accordingly. The major
paper, a system is proposed which analyses the personality of an purpose of this paper is to overview the data mining
applicant. This system will be helpful for organizations as well
algorithms which are used to predict the personality of the
as other agencies who would be recruiting applicants based on
their personality rather than their technical knowledge. The
user. In this paper, focus is on an online test which would be
personality prediction results are based on Big Five Personality given by the applicant and then his/her personality would be
traits and the classification is done using Naïve Bayes Algorithm predicted accordingly based on the Big Five Personality traits.
and Support Vector Machine. In this way, candidates can be filtered out who are applying
for a specific position in the organization. Thus, it would save
Keywords – Naïve Bayes Algorithm, Support Vector Machine, the resources of the organization and they would then
Automated Personality Classification, Data Mining. interview only those candidates which would be most suitable
for the job.
Personality classification has been one of the most
researched topics in the recent past. Personality is a Aleksandar Kartelj et. al. [2] said that reliable approaches
combination of an individual’s behavior and characteristics can be used to classify the personality in various new
features that determines how he/she reacts under different researches by applying the concept of Automated Personality
circumstances. Individual Behavior can influence by all Classification. Firstly, we examined all the possible solutions
choices like a person observes regarding various things like and what all improvements can be made to the existing
books, clothes, music and films [1]. problems of Automated Personality Classification. Then we
considered the extension of the Automated Personality
Personality can also affect his/her interaction with the Classification [APC] problem such as the Dynamic APC and
outside world and his/her environment. Personality can also how to remove inconsistency in textual data. This entire
be used as an additional feature during recruitment process, research was carried out in the context of social networks and
career counselling, health counselling, etc. Predicting related data mining mechanisms.
personality by analyzing the behavior of the person is an old
technique. This manual method of personality prediction R. Wald et. al.[3] have used social media like twitter
required a lot of time and resources. Analyzing personality contents to identify human psychology. They said Twitter, a
based on one’s nature was a tedious task and a lot of human micro blogging site, is used by a number of users to share
effort would be required to do such analysis. This traditional their experiences and thoughts about their day-to-day life.
method of predicting personality would require a lot of time Although researchers have often discarded the method of
and was very limited in scale. Also, this manual analysis did predicting personality by analyzing the tweets because they
not give accurate results while analyzing the personality of a are of the view that it contains very little content to predict
user from their nature and behavior. Since analysis was done significant information, but these tweets can be combined to
manually, it affects the accuracy of the results as humans make a larger picture of the user who is posting them. Select
prone to be prejudice and generally see the things RUSBoost, a new form of ensemble learning has been used to
accordingly. predict psychopathy using Twitter, which uses four
classification learners and four feature selection techniques.
Data mining techniques are therefore used to study and
analyses data and then identify any hidden patterns or Fazel Keshtkar et. al. [4] said that aims of developing
information from a large data set. These techniques are used methods for modelling student behavior based on data such as
to mine user characteristics and then train the model online conversations, discussions in class, etc. However
accordingly to predict the personality of other users in the methods like Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) and
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Educational Data Mining (EDM) used individual’s behavior An Automatic Personality Classification system is
and personality for analysis purpose. Thus, a system is designed in which every applicant is given a separate user
developed which can be adjusted by the user and analyze name and password. Each applicant logins the test using
student’s behavior during their interaction as well. his/her user name and password and then takes the survey.
The survey consists of 30 questions, where each question
Yago Saez et. al. [5] developed a system for analyzing the determines one of the Big Five Personality traits.
behavioral traits and cheerfulness of a user. Eysenck's theory
defines too the human personality, the authors built a system Once the applicant takes the survey of 30 questions,
wherein they would collect the text messages from different he/she can see the result of his/her personality. The survey
media resources such as twitter and face book and then analyses the personality of the applicant based on the Big Five
classify them into various personality types. Although a clear Personality traits.
link between behavioral traits and cheerfulness cannot be
established, however some correlations do exist between them A graph has also been displayed based on various
which could be found out in the coming future. qualifications specified by the applicants in the registration
page. The graph then predicts which all candidates are
J. Golbeck et. al. [6] said that Social network is a platform suitable for a particular job opening in an organization.
where the users tend to reveal themselves to the outside
world, sharing their behavioral information and giving The algorithms like Naïve Bayes and Support Vector
imminent to other people into their lives. Personality plays an Machine groups the qualities of the applicants of different
important part in many types of interactions among people; it streams and a graph is shown which depicts which set of
can be used to predict the job satisfaction, professional as well candidates would be most suitable for a particular post in the
as romantic relationship success. Until now, in order to organization.
accurately predict user’s personality, they surveyed among This type of graph will be helpful in screening the
different individuals with help of a survey test. However, this candidates and would save the resources of the organization.
was highly unfeasible while collecting data from social media The organization, on seeing the graph, can call only those
platforms and hence correct analysis of personality was a applicants belonging to a particular stream whose scores are
problem. greater than the score of applicants of other streams. Thus,
Nurbiha A Shukora et. al. [7] have given the concept of this type of system would be cost effective for an organization
Online learning which became highly popular because of as well as provide accurate results for choosing applicants for
technological advancement that made it possible to have a particular job.
discussions even from a distance. Most studies that have been A. Big Five Personality Trait
conducted report how effective online learning has helped The Big Five Personality traits are the five dimensions or
students to improve their learning power while assessing the the domains of personality that can be used to analyse or
learning process simultaneously. This kind of discussion can predict the personality of a user [9]. The Big Five Factors are:
be possible only by applying data mining technique wherein
we can assess the different experiences of students which they 1. Openness to Experience or Imagination Capability
filled online on the basis of their log files. However, it is
2. Agreeableness
suggested by the results that students should put more hard
work to became an excellent online learner 3. Extraversion
III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY 4. Neuroticism or Emotional Stability
To counter the problems of the existing system, an 5. Conscientiousness
Automatic Personality Classification system is proposed
which uses some techniques of Data Mining to classify the The Big Five Personality Model is the most widely
human behavior of the individuals. The system uses three accepted and researched model for predicting the personality
different algorithms to predict user behaviors and form a base of a user. The Big Five Personality traits are found in a variety
from received pattern. These three algorithms are the first is of people of different ages, locations and cultures. The Big
Big Five Model along with advanced data mining, second is Five Personality results are very accurate and predict the true
Support Vector Machine and third is Naïve Bayes theorem. personality of a user to a large extent.
By giving proposed model user personality can now be B. Support Vector Machine
identified based on past user history and obtained traits This is a type of machine which is basically used for
pattern. analysis the data which receive from supervised learning and
This system analyses rarely used user attributes and identify the patterns for classification [8]. Training data set is
qualities and observes users past behavioral patterns and then taken and checked that whether the test data belongs to
forms its own patterns which help to predict the users existing class or not for personality classification and
personality and classify in different category among all classification. Data is represented by Support Vector Machine
users[10]. The proposed work is beneficial for predicting model in the form of a point commonly in space which further
personality of applicants applying for various roles in an classified in a line or in a hyper plane. The main idea behind
organization. the support vector machine algorithm is that if a classifier
performs well at the most challenging comparisons, then it
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will definitely perform even better at the most easy A limitation of Naïve Bayes method is it supposes that all
comparisons. Support Vector Machine which is a nonlinear the linguistic features are conditionally independent.
classifier often produces superior classification results than
other classifier methods. Support Vector Machine is based on However, even if the Naïve Bayes Algorithm produces an
non-linearly mapping the input data to some high dimensional oversimplified model, the classification results which it
space where the data is separated linearly, thus giving produces are surprisingly accurate.
accurate classification results. In our system datasets, the results are either stored in the
The steps involved in Support Vector Machine are: form of accurate or inaccurate. Hence the entire working of
the system depends on the corresponding probabilities of
1. Create vectors for given question answers. either accurate or inaccurate. The steps involved in the Naïve
Bayes Algorithm are:
2. Then calculate the weights of the vectors.
Step 1: Convert dataset into a frequency table.
3. Get the vectors with highest value and find value of
personality Step 2: Create likelihood table based on probabilities of
similar types of personality traits.
4. Finally predict personality type.
Step 3: Use Naïve Bayesian equations to calculate the
C. Naïve Bayes Algorithm: posterior probability of each class.
Naïve Bayes Algorithm, which is a type of an inductive
learning algorithm, is considered to be one of the most Step 4: Highest probability class is the outcome of the
efficient and effective algorithms that is widely used in data prediction.
mining. The performance of Naïve Bayes Algorithm in IV. RESULT ANALYSIS
classifying data is quite accurate because the conditional
independence assumption on which the entire algorithm is set Based on the survey taken by the applicants, a graph is
up is rarely true for the real world applications. The plotted for the applicants having different qualifications. The
application of Bayes theorem forms the basis of Naïve Bayes graph helps the organization to filter out applicants for a
Algorithm [8]. A variation of Naïve Bayes Algorithm is particular job opening in the organization. This helps the
Multinomial Naïve Bayes Algorithm which is also designed organization to screen the applicants based on their
for classification purposes. The Multinomial Naïve Bayes personality and a lot of resources are saved because the
Algorithm uses multinomial distribution in which it considers applicants which are not suitable for the job are filtered out in
either how many times a particular word occurs or calculated the first phase only. This helps the organization to conduct
weight of that particular word for classification. The Naïve interviews for only those applicants which have passed the
Bayes algorithm combines both efficiency i.e. optimal time personality test. The organization need not interview the rest
performances with reasonable accuracy. of the applicants which will save their time and money.
Fig. 2. Graph - 1
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survey. This paper focuses on providing a state-of-art review
of an emerging filed i.e. personality detection from survey.
This paper also discusses the state-of-art methods for
personality detection and prediction.
Apart from the work done towards this system, future
work mainly comprises of the following objectives:
For future work, more personality traits should be
included so that a more detailed personality analysis can be
shown to the user as well as to predict personality using
textual data and sentiment analysis.
There can be module where user will be provided with
career guidance and counseling sessions which match his
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