Geography Teachers Questionnaire (GTQ)
Geography Teachers Questionnaire (GTQ)
Geography Teachers Questionnaire (GTQ)
Dear Teacher,
I am a student of University of Jos conducting a study on “influence of school resources on students’
learning of geography in secondary schools in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State”.
Please, endeavour to respond to each item as best as you can. Information obtained will be treated
confidentially. Your name is not required, thank you.
SECTION A: Biodata
Name of school________________________________________________________________________
For each of the questions below, tick the response that best characterize how you feel about the statement,
where: 5=Strongly Agree (SA), 4=Agree (A), 3=Undecided (U), 2=Disagree (D), and 1=Strongly
Disagree (SD).
Items on School resources availability for teaching and learning of geography.
Item Statements SA A U D SD